Network component ================= .. seo:: :description: :image: network-wifi.svg :keywords: Network, WiFi, WLAN, Ethernet, ESP32 The network component is a global configuration for all types of networks (WiFi, Ethernet). .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration network: enable_ipv6: true min_ipv6_addr_count: 2 Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **enable_ipv6** (*Optional*, boolean): Enables IPv6 support. Defaults to ``false``. - **min_ipv6_addr_count** (*Optional*, integer): ESPHome considers the network to be connected when it has one IPv4 address and this number of IPv6 addresses. Defaults to ``0`` so as to not hang on boot with networks where IPv6 is not enabled. ``2`` is typically a reasonable value for configurations requiring IPv6. See Also -------- - :doc:`/components/wifi` - :doc:`/components/ethernet` - :ghedit:`Edit`