TSL2561 Ambient Light Sensor ============================ .. warning:: This sensor is experimental has not been tested yet. If you can verify it works (or if it doesn't), notify me on `discord `__. The TSL2561 sensor allows you to use your TSL2561 i2c-enabled ambient light sensor with esphomelib (`datasheet `__, `Adafruit `__). It requires i2c to be setup to work. Example Usage ------------- .. code-block:: cpp // Basic auto tsl2561 = App.make_tsl2561_sensor("TSL2561 Illuminance Sensor"); // Advanced settings // set the time the sensor will take for value accumulation, default: 402 ms tsl2561.tsl2561->set_integration_time(sensor::TSL2561_INTEGRATION_14MS); // set a higher gain for low light conditions, default: 1x tsl2561.tsl2561->set_gain(sensor::TSL2561_GAIN_16X); .. cpp:namespace:: nullptr See :cpp:func:`Application::make_tsl2561_sensor`. API Reference ------------- .. cpp:namespace:: nullptr .. doxygenclass:: sensor::TSL2561Sensor :members: :protected-members: :undoc-members: .. doxygenenum:: sensor::TSL2561IntegrationTime .. doxygenenum:: sensor::TSL2561Gain