Dallas Temperature Sensor ========================= The ``dallas`` sensor allows you to define sensors for you :doc:`dallas sensor hub `. To initialize a sensor, first supply either ``address`` **or** ``index`` to identify the sensor. .. figure:: images/ds18b20-full.jpg :align: center :target: `Adafruit`_ :width: 50.0% DS18b20 One-Wire Temperature Sensor. Image by `Adafruit`_. .. _Adafruit: https://www.adafruit.com/product/374 .. figure:: images/temperature.png :align: center :width: 80.0% .. code:: yaml # Example configuration entry dallas: - id: dallas_hub1 pin: 23 # Individual sensors sensor: - platform: dallas dallas_id: "dallas_hub1" address: 0x1C0000031EDD2A28 index: 0 name: "Living Room Temperature" Configuration variables: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ - **address** (**Required**, int): The address of the sensor. Use either this option or index. - **index** (**Required**, int): The index of the sensor starting with 0. So the first sensor will for example have index 0. :ref:`It’s recommended to use address instead `. - **resolution** (*Optional*, int): An optional resolution from 8 to 12. Higher means more accurate. Defaults to the maximum for most dallas temperature sensors: 12. - **dallas_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): The ID of the :doc:`dallas hub `. Use this if you have multiple dallas hubs. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. - All other options from :ref:`Sensor ` and :ref:`MQTT Component `. .. _dallas-getting-ids: Getting Sensor IDs ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is highly recommended to use the ``address`` attribute for creating dallas sensors, because if you have multiple sensors on a bus and the automatic sensor discovery fails, all sensors indices will be shifted by one. In order to get the address, simply start the firmware on your device with a configured dallas hub and observe the log output (the :ref:`log level ` must be set to at least ``debug``!). You will find something like this: .. figure:: images/dallas-log.png Next, individually warm up or cool down the sensors and observe the log output to determine which address points to which sensor. See Also ^^^^^^^^ - :ref:`sensor-filters` - :doc:`/esphomeyaml/components/dallas` - :doc:`max6675` - :doc:`API Reference `