Using With Sonoff Basic ======================= .. seo:: :description: Instructions for putting Sonoff basic devices into flash mode and installing esphomelib on them. :image: sonoff_basic.jpg esphomeyaml can be used with Sonoff Basic. These devices are basically just an ESP8266 chip with a relay to control the connection, a small button on the front and a green LED light. .. figure:: images/sonoff_basic-full.jpg :align: center :width: 75.0% Sonoff Basic This guide will not guide you through setting up your Sonoff Basic step-by-step. It just provide a sample configuration. For detailed instructions, see :doc:`sonoff_s20`, as those devices are pretty similar. .. note:: If you've previously installed Sonoff-Tasmota or ESPurna on your Sonoff Basic, you're in luck 😀 esphomeyaml can generate a firmware binary which you can then upload via the web interface. Sample configuration -------------------- The Sonoff Basic is based on the ``ESP8266`` platform and is a subtype of the ``esp01_1m`` board. With this information, you can also step through the esphomeyaml wizard (``esphomeyaml sonoff_basic.yaml wizard``) if you don't want to use the sample configuration file from below. If you go through the wizard, please make sure you manually set ``board_flash_mode`` to ``dout`` as seen below. The version of the uploader used by esphomeyaml should automatically detect that the Sonoff Basic uses the ``dout`` SPI flash chip mode. But, as some users of other firmwares have said that other flash modes can brick the device, it's always good to specify it explicitly. Below you will find a table of all usable GPIO pins of the Sonoff Basic and a configuration file that exposes all of the basic functions. ================================================== ================================================== ``GPIO0`` Button (inverted) -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ``GPIO1`` ``RX`` pin (C1 Pin 2) -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ``GPIO3`` ``TX`` pin (C1 Pin 3) -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ``GPIO12`` Relay -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ``GPIO13`` Green LED (inverted) -------------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ``GPIO14`` Optional Sensor (C1 Pin 5) ================================================== ================================================== .. code-block:: yaml esphomeyaml: name: platform: ESP8266 board: esp01_1m board_flash_mode: dout wifi: ssid: password: mqtt: broker: username: password: logger: ota: binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: number: GPIO0 mode: INPUT_PULLUP inverted: True name: "Sonoff Basic Button" on_press: - switch.toggle: relay switch: - platform: gpio name: "Sonoff Basic Relay" pin: GPIO12 id: relay output: - platform: esp8266_pwm id: basic_green_led pin: number: GPIO13 inverted: True light: - platform: monochromatic name: "Sonoff Basic Green LED" output: basic_green_led Now run ``esphomeyaml sonoff_basic.yaml compile`` to validate the configuration and pre-compile the firmware. .. note:: After this step, you will be able to find the compiled binary under ``/.pioenvs//firmware.bin``. If you're having trouble with uploading, you can also try uploading this file directly with other tools. Or run the upload command if your device is connected to the serial interface: .. code-block:: bash esphomeyaml sonoff_basic.yaml run More detailed breakdown ----------------------- 1. Programming ************** Ensure you have soldered on the additional header pins to the PCB and connect your USB FTDI programmer. See for more details on the pinout and FTDI. 1.1. Put Sonoff into programming mode. ************************************** * Press and hold the toggle pin (long black pin next to LED and custom soldered pins). * Supply USB power to Sonoff via FTDI (e.g. plug in USB to the FTDI, or use a power switch as explained in link above). * Keep holding the toggle pin for approx 3-5 seconds now you should be ready to program. If you get a message unable to communicate when trying flash, check your TX/RX pin or retry entering boot mode again. Quick notes: * 3.3V setting on FTDI, 5V will cause damage. * Ensure the connections on the PCB starts at the closed to the toggle pin, it uses 4 pins, but 5 pins are soldered on. * TX and RX should be swapped - RX on Sonoff goes to TX on FTDI. 1.2. Upload the firmware ************************ Run this command from the same directory where your .yaml file is located .. code-block:: bash esphomeyaml .yaml run Or if you're using the dashboard, just click the "UPLOAD" button. You should get an output starting like this .. code-block:: text INFO Reading configuration... INFO Detected timezone 'SAST' with UTC offset 2 INFO Generating C++ source... INFO Compiling app... INFO Running: platformio run -d fishpond ******************************************************************************************************** Obsolete PIO Core v3.6.3 is used (previous was 3.6.4b1) Please remove multiple PIO Cores from a system: ... lots of compile stuff ... Memory Usage -> DATA: [====== ] 55.6% (used 45512 bytes from 81920 bytes) PROGRAM: [==== ] 38.1% (used 390576 bytes from 1023984 bytes) ===================================== [SUCCESS] Took 4.70 seconds ===================================== INFO Successfully compiled program. Found multiple options, please choose one: [1] /dev/ttyUSB0 (FT232R USB UART) [2] Over The Air (fishpond.device) (number): 1 INFO Running: --before default_reset --after hard_reset --chip esp8266 --port /dev/ttyUSB0 write_flash 0x0 fishpond/.pioenvs/fishpond/firmware.bin v2.6 Serial port /dev/ttyUSB0 Connecting.... Chip is ESP8266EX Features: WiFi MAC: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx Uploading stub... Running stub... Stub running... Configuring flash size... Auto-detected Flash size: 1MB Compressed 394720 bytes to 267991... Wrote 394720 bytes (267991 compressed) at 0x00000000 in 23.8 seconds (effective 132.7 kbit/s)... Hash of data verified. Leaving... Hard resetting via RTS pin... INFO Successfully uploaded program. INFO Starting log output from /dev/ttyUSB0 with baud rate 115200 1.3. And then nothing will happen ********************************* Once you have flashed the device, nothing will happen. You need to power cycle the device. You will notice the LED will start to flash and then becomes solid once connected to the WiFi network. You can follow the logs produced by the running module by running the command .. code-block:: bash esphomeyaml .yaml logs Your output will possibly look like this .. code-block:: text INFO Reading configuration... INFO Detected timezone 'SAST' with UTC offset 2 INFO Starting log output from fishpond.device using esphomelib API INFO Connecting to fishpond.device:6053 ( INFO Successfully connected to fishpond.device [11:13:27][D][time.homeassistant:029]: Synchronized time: Wed Jan 16 11:13:27 2019 [11:13:27][I][application:097]: You're running esphomelib v1.10.1 compiled on Jan 16 2019, 08:12:59 [11:13:27][C][status_led:023]: Status LED: [11:13:27][C][status_led:024]: Pin: GPIO13 (Mode: OUTPUT) [11:13:27][C][wifi:341]: WiFi: [11:13:27][C][wifi:240]: SSID: 'some-ssid' [11:13:27][C][wifi:241]: IP Address: [11:13:27][C][wifi:243]: BSSID: xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx [11:13:27][C][wifi:245]: Hostname: 'fishpond' [11:13:27][C][wifi:250]: Signal strength: -91 dB ▂▄▆█ [11:13:27][C][wifi:251]: Channel: 1 [11:13:27][C][wifi:252]: Subnet: [11:13:27][C][wifi:253]: Gateway: [11:13:27][C][wifi:254]: DNS1: [11:13:27][C][wifi:255]: DNS2: [11:13:27][C][binary_sensor.status:046]: Status Binary Sensor 'esp_fishpond_system_status' [11:13:27][C][binary_sensor.status:046]: Device Class: 'connectivity' [11:13:28][C][switch.gpio:049]: GPIO Switch 'esp_fishpond_gpio12' [11:13:28][C][switch.gpio:050]: Pin: GPIO12 (Mode: OUTPUT) [11:13:28][C][switch.gpio:066]: Restore Mode: Restore (Default to OFF) [11:13:28][C][binary_sensor.gpio:023]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'esp_fishpond_gpio0' [11:13:28][C][binary_sensor.gpio:024]: Pin: GPIO0 (Mode: INPUT, INVERTED) [11:13:28][C][binary_sensor.gpio:023]: GPIO Binary Sensor 'esp_fishpond_gpio14' [11:13:28][C][binary_sensor.gpio:024]: Pin: GPIO14 (Mode: INPUT_PULLUP) [11:13:28][C][output.esp8266_pwm:028]: ESP8266 PWM: [11:13:28][C][output.esp8266_pwm:029]: Pin: GPIO13 (Mode: OUTPUT) [11:13:28][C][output.esp8266_pwm:030]: Frequency: 1000.0 Hz [11:13:28][C][logger:099]: Logger: [11:13:28][C][logger:100]: Level: DEBUG [11:13:28][C][logger:101]: Log Baud Rate: 115200 [11:13:28][C][light.state:266]: Light 'esp_fishpond_gpio13' [11:13:28][C][light.state:268]: Default Transition Length: 1000 ms [11:13:28][C][light.state:269]: Gamma Correct: 2.80 [11:13:28][C][switch.restart:034]: Restart Switch 'esp_fishpond_system_restart' [11:13:28][C][switch.restart:034]: Icon: 'mdi:restart' [11:13:28][C][time.homeassistant:032]: Home Assistant Time: [11:13:28][C][time.homeassistant:033]: Timezone: 'SAST-2' [11:13:28][C][sensor.wifi_signal:042]: WiFi Signal 'esp_fishpond_system_wifi_signal' [11:13:28][C][sensor.wifi_signal:042]: Unit of Measurement: 'dB' [11:13:28](Message skipped because it was too big to fit in TCP buffer - This is only cosmetic) [11:13:28](Message skipped because it was too big to fit in TCP buffer - This is only cosmetic) [11:13:28][C][api:072]: API Server: [11:13:28][C][api:073]: Address: [11:13:28][C][ota:129]: Over-The-Air Updates: [11:13:28][C][ota:130]: Address: 1.4. Test now with OTA flashing ******************************* Before installing the Sonoff, do a final OTA test, and this time selecting the OTA option and NOT the USB option when reflashing. .. code-block:: bash esphomeyaml .yaml run Once these actions succeeded you are pretty much in the clear and can be sure your device is ready. See Also -------- - :doc:`sonoff` - :doc:`sonoff_4ch` - :doc:`sonoff_s20` - :doc:`Cookbook: Sonoff Fish Pond Pump ` - `GPIO locations `__ - :ghedit:`Edit` .. disqus::