RC522 RFID ========== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up RC522 RFID tag readers and tags in ESPHome :image: rc522.jpg :keywords: RC522, RFID .. _rc522-component: Component/Hub ------------- The ``rc522`` component allows you to use RC522 RFID controllers (`datasheet `__, `Ali Express `__) with ESPHome. This component is a global hub that establishes the connection to the RC522 via either :ref:`SPI ` or :ref:`I²C ` and outputs its data. Using the :ref:`RC522 binary sensors ` you can then create individual binary sensors that track if an RFID tag is currently detected by the RC522. .. figure:: images/rc522-full.jpg :align: center :width: 60.0% See :ref:`rc522-setting_up_tags` for information on how to setup individual binary sensors for this component. The RC522 supports SPI, I²C and UART communication protocols, ESPHome can use either SPI or I²C. * If you have a module like the image above, it can only be used in SPI mode (`unless hacked `__) and you need to have an :ref:`SPI bus ` in your configuration with both the **miso_pin** and **mosi_pin** set. * If you have a RC522 which communicates via I²C like in the M5 Stack then you need to have an :ref:`I²C ` bus configured. SPI Option ********** .. code-block:: yaml spi: rc522_spi: cs_pin: GPIO15 binary_sensor: - platform: rc522 uid: 74-10-37-94 name: "RC522 RFID Tag" I²C Option ********** .. code-block:: yaml i2c: rc522_i2c: cs_pin: GPIO2 binary_sensor: - platform: rc522 uid: 74-10-37-94 name: "RC522 RFID Tag" Configuration variables: ************************ - **reset_pin** (*Optional*, :ref:`Pin Schema `): The pin connected to the RST line. Some tests shows the RC522 working okay without this. - **update_interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The duration of each scan on the RC522. This affects the duration that the individual binary sensors stay active when they're found. If a device is not found within this time window, it will be marked as not present. Defaults to ``1s``. - **on_tag** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation `): An automation to perform when a tag is read. See :ref:`rc522-on_tag`. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for this component. SPI Only: ^^^^^^^^^ - **cs_pin** (**Required**, :ref:`Pin Schema `): The pin on the ESP that the chip select line is connected to. - **spi_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the :ref:`SPI Component ` if you want to use multiple SPI buses. I²C Only: ^^^^^^^^^ - **address** (*Optional*, int): Manually specify the I²C address of the sensor. Defaults to ``0x28``. - **i2c_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the :ref:`I²C Component ` if you want to use multiple I²C buses. .. _rc522-on_tag: ``on_tag`` ---------- This automation will be triggered when the RC522 module responds with a tag. Please note that this can be called quite often (with an interval of ``update_interval``) as it's triggered repeatedly if the tag is re-read many times. The parameter ``x`` this trigger provides is of type ``std::string`` and is the tag UID in the format ``74-10-37-94``. The configuration below will for example publish the tag ID on the MQTT topic ``rc522/tag``. .. code-block:: yaml rc522_spi: # or rc522_i2c # ... on_tag: then: - mqtt.publish: topic: rc522/tag payload: !lambda 'return x;' A tag scanned event can also be sent to the Home Assistant tag component using :ref:`api-homeassistant_tag_scanned_action`. .. code-block:: yaml rc522_spi: # or rc522_i2c # ... on_tag: then: - homeassistant.tag_scanned: !lambda 'return x;' .. _rc522-tag: RFID Tag -------- The ``rc522`` binary sensor platform lets you track if an RFID tag with a given unique id (``uid``) is currently being detected by the RC522 or not. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry spi: clk_pin: D0 miso_pin: D1 mosi_pin: D2 rc522_spi: # or rc522_i2c cs_pin: D3 update_interval: 1s binary_sensor: - platform: rc522 uid: 74-10-37-94 name: "RC522 RFID Tag" Configuration variables: ************************ - **uid** (**Required**, string): The unique ID of the RFID tag. This is a hyphen-separated list of hexadecimal values. For example ``74-10-37-94``. - **name** (**Required**, string): The name of the binary sensor. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. - All other options from :ref:`Binary Sensor `. .. _rc522-setting_up_tags: Setting Up Tags --------------- To set up binary sensors for specific RFID tags you first have to know their unique IDs. To obtain this id, first set up a simple RC522 configuration without any binary sensors like above. When your code is running and you approach the RC522 with an RFID Tag, you should see a message like this: .. code:: Found new tag '74-10-37-94' Then copy this id and create a ``binary_sensor`` entry as in the configuration example. Repeat this process for each tag. See Also -------- - :doc:`index` - :doc:`rdm6300` - :doc:`pn532` - :apiref:`rc522/rc522.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`