MCP3008 I/O Expander ==================== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up MCP3008 10 Bit Analog to Digital Converter in ESPHome. :keywords: MCP3008 :image: images/mcp3008.jpg The Microchip Technology Inc. MCP3008 devices are successive approximation 10-bit Analogto-Digital (A/D) converters with on-board sample and hold circuitry. .. figure:: images/mcp3008.jpg :align: center :width: 50.0% MCP3008 ------- The MCP3008 component allows you to use MCP3008 8-Channel 10-Bit A/D Converter (`datasheet `__, `Adafruit `__) in ESPHome. It uses the :ref:`SPI Bus ` for communication. Once configured, you can use any of the 8 pins as sensors for your projects. Each pin will respond with a voltage calculated off of the reference_voltage (default is 3.3v). It calculates the voltage by multplying the reference_voltage * value on the pin (basically the percentage of VREF) Most configurations will set the reference_voltage = VREF (pin 13 on the chip) If you want just the scaled value you can use the read_data function ``float MCP3008::read_data(uint8_t pin)`` .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry mcp3008: cs_pin: D8 # Example config of sensors. # This is a NTCB3950 10K thermocoupler attached to pin 0 # of the MCP3008 with a 10K resistor as a voltage divider. # See `resistance` and `ntc` platorms for other options sensor: - platform: mcp3008 # Attached to pin 0 of the MCP3008. reference_voltage: 3.19 update_interval: 1s id: freezer_temp_source number: 0 # MCP3008 pin number - platform: resistance id: freezer_resistance_sensor sensor: freezer_temp_source configuration: DOWNSTREAM resistor: 10kOhm - platform: ntc id: freezer_temp sensor: freezer_resistance_sensor calibration: b_constant: 3950 reference_temperature: 25°C reference_resistance: 10kOhm name: Freezer Temperature Configuration variables: ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MCP3008 Component ***************** - **id** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The id to use for this MCP3008 component. - **cs_pin** (**Required**, int): The SPI cable select pin to use MCP3008 Sensor Component ************************ - **id** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The id of the parent MCP3008 component. - **number** (**Required**, int): The pin number of the MCP3008 - **reference_voltage** (*Optional*, float): The reference voltage. Defaults to ``3.3V``. - **update_interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The interval to check the sensor. Defaults to ``1s``. See Also -------- - :ref:`spi` - :apiref:`mcp3008/mcp3008.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`