SenseAir CO_2 Sensor ==================== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up SenseAir S8 CO2 sensor :image: senseair_s8.jpg :keywords: senseair_s8 The ``senseair`` sensor platform allows you to use SenseAir CO_2 sensor (`website`_) with ESPHome. .. figure:: images/senseair_s8-full.jpg :align: center :width: 50.0% SenseAir S8 CO_2 Sensor. .. _website: As the communication with the SenseAir is done using UART, you need to have an :ref:`UART bus ` in your configuration with the ``rx_pin`` connected to the TX pin of the sensor and the ``tx_pin`` connected to the RX Pin (it's switched because the TX/RX labels are from the perspective of the SenseAir sensor). Additionally, you need to set the baud rate to 9600. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry uart: rx_pin: D0 tx_pin: D1 baud_rate: 9600 sensor: - platform: senseair co2: name: "SenseAir CO2 Value" update_interval: 60s Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **co2** (**Required**): The CO_2 data from the sensor in parts per million (ppm). - **name** (**Required**, string): The name for the CO_2 sensor. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Set the ID of this sensor for use in lambdas. - All other options from :ref:`Sensor `. - **update_interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The interval to check the sensor. Defaults to ``60s``. - **uart_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the :ref:`UART Component ` if you want to use multiple UART buses. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for actions. .. figure:: images/senseair_s8-pins.jpg :align: center :width: 80.0% Pins on the SenseAir S8. Only the ones marked with a red circle need to be connected. .. note:: ``G+`` should be connected to power supply (supported voltage is 4.5 V to 5.25 V), ``G0`` to ``GND`` pin See Also -------- - :ref:`sensor-filters` - :apiref:`senseair/senseair.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`