Stepper Component ================= The ``stepper`` component allows you to use stepper motors with esphomelib. Currently only the A4988 stepper driver (`datasheet `__) is supported. .. code:: yaml # Example configuration entry stepper: - platform: a4988 id: my_stepper step_pin: D0 dir_pin: D1 max_speed: 250 steps/s # Optional: sleep_pin: D2 acceleration: inf deceleration: inf Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **id** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): Specify the ID of the stepper so that you can control it. - **step_pin** (**Required**, :ref:`Pin Schema `): The ``STEP`` pin of the A4988 stepper driver. - **dir_pin** (**Required**, :ref:`Pin Schema `): The ``DIRECTION`` pin of the A4988 stepper driver. - **max_speed** (**Required**, float): The maximum speed in ``steps/s`` (steps per seconds) to drive the stepper at. Note most steppers can't step properly with speeds higher than 250 steps/s. - **sleep_pin** (*Optional*, :ref:`Pin Schema `): Optionally also use the ``SLEEP`` pin of the A4988 stepper driver. If specified, the driver will be put into sleep mode as soon as the stepper reaches the target steps. - **acceleration** (*Optional*, float): The acceleration in ``steps/s^2`` (steps per seconds squared) to use when starting to move. The default is ``inf`` which means infinite acceleration, so the stepper will try to drive with the full speed immediately. - **deceleration** (*Optional*, float): The same as ``acceleration``, but for when the motor is decelerating shortly before reaching the set position. Defaults to ``inf`` (immediate deceleration). .. note:: Esphomelib's core loop only runs 60 times per second by default to conserve power. But this also means it's limited to 60 steps per second. To have higher step rater, you have to open up the ``/src/main.cpp`` file, scroll down to the ``void loop()`` section and remove the ``delay(16);`` line. .. note:: If the stepper is driving in the wrong direction, you can invert the ``dir_pin``: .. code:: yaml stepper: - platform: a4988 # ... dir_pin: number: D1 inverted: True .. _stepper-set_target_action: ``stepper.set_target`` Action ----------------------------- To use your stepper motor in :ref:`automations ` or templates, you can use this action to set the target position (in steps). The stepper will always run towards the target position and stop once it has reached the target. .. code:: yaml on_...: then: - stepper.set_target: id: my_stepper target: 250 # Templated - stepper.set_target: id: my_stepper target: !lambda |- if (id(my_binary_sensor).value) { return 1000; } else { return -1000; } Configuration options: - **id** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The ID of the stepper. - **target** (*Optional*, int, :ref:`templatable `): The target position in steps. .. note:: This action can also be expressed as a :ref:`lambda `: .. code:: cpp id(my_stepper).set_target(250); // Get the currently set target position: int target = id(my_stepper).target_position; .. _stepper-report_position_action: ``stepper.report_position`` Action ---------------------------------- All steppers start out with a target and current position of ``0`` on boot. However, if you for example want to home a stepper motor, it can be useful to **report** the stepper where it is currently at. With this action, you can set the stepper's internal position counter to a specific value (in steps). Please note that reporting the position can create unexpected moves of the stepper. For example, if the stepper's target and current position is at 1000 steps and you "report" a position of 0, the stepper will move 1000 steps forward to match the target again. .. code:: yaml on_...: then: - stepper.report_position: id: my_stepper position: 250 # It's best to call set_target directly after report_position, so that the stepper doesn't move - stepper.set_target: id: my_stepper target: 250 # Templated - stepper.report_position: id: my_stepper position: !lambda |- if (id(my_binary_sensor).value) { return 0; } else { return -1000; } Configuration options: - **id** (**Required**, :ref:`config-id`): The ID of the stepper. - **target** (*Optional*, int, :ref:`templatable `): The target position in steps. .. note:: This action can also be expressed as a :ref:`lambda `: .. code:: cpp id(my_stepper).report_position(250); // Get the current position: int pos = id(my_stepper).current_position; See Also -------- - :doc:`API Reference ` - `Edit this page on GitHub `__ .. disqus::