Web Server Component ==================== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up a web server in ESPHome. :image: http.png :keywords: web server, http, REST API The ``web_server`` component creates a simple web server on the node that can be accessed through any browser and a simple `REST API`_. Please note that enabling this component will take up *a lot* of memory and can lead to problems, especially on the ESP8266. To navigate to the web server in your browser, either use the IP address of the node or use ``.local/`` (note the trailing forward slash) via mDNS. To conserve flash size, the CSS and JS files used on the root page to show a simple user interface are hosted by esphome.io. If you want to use your own service, use the ``css_url`` and ``js_url`` options in your configuration. .. _REST API: /web-api/index.html .. figure:: /components/images/web_server.png :align: center Example web server frontend. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry web_server: port: 80 Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **port** (*Optional*, int): The port the web server should open its socket on. - **css_url** (*Optional*, url): The URL that should be used for the CSS stylesheet. Defaults to https://esphome.io/_static/webserver-v1.min.css (updates will go to ``v2``, ``v3``, etc). Can be set to empty string. - **css_include** (*Optional*, local file): Path to local file to be included in web server index page. Contents of this file will be served as ``/0.css`` and used as CSS stylesheet by internal webserver. Useful when building device without internet access, where you want to use built-in AP and webserver. - **js_url** (*Optional*, url): The URL that should be used for the JS script. Defaults to https://esphome.io/_static/webserver-v1.min.js. Can be set to empty string. - **js_include** (*Optional*, local file): Path to local file to be included in web server index page. Contents of this file will be served as ``/0.js`` and used as JS script by internal webserver. Useful when building device without internet access, where you want to use built-in AP and webserver. - **auth** (*Optional*): Enables basic authentication with username and password. - **username** (**Required**, string): The username to use for authentication. - **password** (**Required**, string): The password to check for authentication. - **prometheus** (*Optional*, boolean): Enable the prometheus-endpoint. See :ref:`prometheus-exporter`. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. .. note:: Example web_server configuration using HTTP authentication: .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry web_server: port: 80 auth: username: admin password: !secret web_server_password prometheus: true Example web_server configuration with CSS and JS included from esphome-docs. CSS and JS URL's are set to empty value, so no internet access is needed for this device to show it's web interface. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry web_server: port: 80 css_include: "../../../esphome-docs/_static/webserver-v1.min.css" css_url: "" js_include: "../../../esphome-docs/_static/webserver-v1.min.js" js_url: "" .. _prometheus-exporter: Prometheus Exporter: -------------------- The webserver can provide an `Prometheus `__-Exporter under ``/metrics``. This can be used to scrape data directly into your Prometheus-based monitoring and alerting-system, without the need of any other software. The prometheus-endpoint is activated by setting ``prometheus: true`` in the ``web_server``-area of the configuration. The list of available metrics can be found by directly browsing your node under ``/metrics``, and may be increased in the future. .. note:: Example integration into the configuration of your prometheus: .. code-block:: yaml scrape_configs: - job_name: esphome static_configs: - targets: [] See Also -------- - :apiref:`web_server/web_server.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`