Template Select =============== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up Template Select(s) with ESPHome. :image: description.svg The ``template`` Select platform allows you to create a Select with templated values using :ref:`lambdas `. .. code-block:: yaml # Example configuration entry select: - platform: template name: "Template select" optimistic: true options: - one - two - three initial_option: two Configuration variables: ------------------------ - **name** (**Required**, string): The name of the Select. - **options** (**Required**, list): The list of options this Select has. - **lambda** (*Optional*, :ref:`lambda `): Lambda to be evaluated every update interval to get the current option of the select. - **set_action** (*Optional*, :ref:`Action `): The action that should be performed when the remote (like Home Assistant's frontend) requests to set the Select option. The new option is available to lambdas in the ``x`` variable. - **update_interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The interval on which to update the select by executing the ``lambda``. Defaults to ``60s``. - **optimistic** (*Optional*, boolean): Whether to operate in optimistic mode - when in this mode, any command sent to the Template Select will immediately update the reported state. Cannot be used with ``lambda``. Defaults to ``false``. - **restore_value** (*Optional*, boolean): Saves and loads the state to RTC/Flash. Cannot be used with ``lambda``. Defaults to ``false``. - **initial_option** (*Optional*, string): The option to set the option to on setup if not restored with ``restore_value``. Cannot be used with ``lambda``. Defaults to the first option in the ``options`` list. - **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID used for code generation. - All other options from :ref:`Select `. ``select.set`` Action --------------------- You can also set an option for the template select from elsewhere in your YAML file with the :ref:`select-set_action`. See Also -------- - :ref:`automation` - :apiref:`template/select/template_select.h` - :ghedit:`Edit`