AirThings BLE Sensors ===================== .. seo:: :description: Instructions for setting up AirThings bluetooth-based sensors in ESPHome. :keywords: AirThings, BLE, Bluetooth, Wave Plus, Wave Mini The ``airthings_wave_plus`` and ``airthings_wave_mini`` sensor platforms lets you track the output of AirThings Bluetooth Low Energy devices. This component will track radon, airborne chemicals, CO2, temperature and humidity and others depending on the device sensors. Device Discovery ----------------- AirThings devices can be found using the ``airthings_ble`` ble scanner. To find out your device's MAC address, add the following to your ESPHome configuration: .. code-block:: yaml logger: level: DEBUG # Required for the tracker to show the device esp32_ble_tracker: airthings_ble: The device will then listen for nearby devices, and display a message like this one: .. code-block:: text [D][airthings_ble:019]: Found AirThings device Serial: 123456789 (MAC: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX) Once the device is found, remove the ``airthings_ble`` device tracker from your configuration and take note of the device MAC address, and use it when configuring a sensor below. Supported Devices ----------------- Airthings Wave Plus Sensor ************************** AirThings Wave Plus tracks radon (24h and long term), airborne chemicals, CO2, temperature, atmospheric pressure and humidity. .. figure:: images/airthings_wave_plus.jpg :align: center :width: 60.0% Configuration example: ********************** .. code-block:: yaml sensor: - platform: airthings_wave_plus name: wave_plus ble_client_id: airthings01 update_interval: 5min # default battery_update_interval: 24h # default temperature: name: "WavePlus Temperature" radon: name: "WavePlus Radon" radon_long_term: name: "WavePlus Radon Long Term" pressure: name: "WavePlus Pressure" humidity: name: "WavePlus Humidity" co2: name: "WavePlus CO2" tvoc: name: "WavePlus VOC" illuminance: name: "WavePlus ambient light" battery_voltage: name: "WavePlus Battery Voltage" ble_client: - mac_address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX id: airthings01 esp32_ble_tracker: Airthings Wave Mini Sensor ************************** AirThings Wave Mini tracks airborne chemicals, temperature, pressure and humidity. .. figure:: images/airthings_wave_mini.jpg :align: center :width: 60.0% Configuration example: .. code-block:: yaml sensor: - platform: airthings_wave_mini ble_client_id: airthingsmini update_interval: 5min # default battery_update_interval: 24h # default temperature: name: "WaveMini Temperature" pressure: name: "WaveMini Pressure" humidity: name: "WaveMini Humidity" tvoc: name: "WaveMini VOC" battery_voltage: name: "WaveMini Battery Voltage" ble_client: - mac_address: XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX id: airthingsmini esp32_ble_tracker: .. note:: The sensor uses active polling of devices every 5 minutes as per the device reported internal refresh timeout. .. note:: Battery-voltage reporting defaults to once every 24 hours in order to reduce BLE traffic (obtaining the battery voltage requires quite a few BLE commands/responses); if you wish to have it reported more frequently configure the ``battery_update_interval``. The main sensor ``update_interval`` controls the overall polling frequency so setting the interval for the battery voltage to a lower value will result in the battery voltage being reported once per polling interval. Battery Level Reporting *********************** If you wish to have the 'percentage of battery life remaining' reported as a sensor, you can make use of the :ref:`copy-sensor` component. The examples below are based on standard alkaline-chemistry batteries; if you use other types of batteries you may need to adjust the reference voltages to obtain a proper 0-100% scale. The voltage references were chosen to closely match the 0-100% range displayed by the AirThings mobile app. .. code-block:: yaml sensor: - platform: airthings_wave_mini ble_client_id: airthingsmini battery_voltage: id: bv name: "WaveMini Battery Voltage" - platform: copy source_id: bv name: "WaveMini Battery Level" unit_of_measurement: "%" device_class: battery accuracy_decimals: 0 filters: - calibrate_linear: - 2.7 -> 0 - 4.5 -> 100 .. code-block:: yaml sensor: - platform: airthings_wave_plus ble_client_id: airthings01 battery_voltage: id: bv name: "WavePlus Battery Voltage" - platform: copy source_id: bv name: "WavePlus Battery Level" unit_of_measurement: "%" device_class: battery accuracy_decimals: 0 filters: - calibrate_linear: - 2.2 -> 0 - 3.1 -> 100 See Also -------- - :doc:`/components/esp32_ble_tracker` - :ghedit:`Edit`