ADS1118 4-Channel 16-Bit A/D Converter with Internal Temperature Sensor

.. seo::
    :description: Instructions for setting up ADS1118 multiplexed analog voltage sensors.
    :image: ads1118.jpg
    :keywords: ADS1118

.. _ads1118-component:


ADS1118 4-Channel 16-Bit A/D Converter (`datasheet <>`__)
The ``ads1118`` domain creates a global hub so that you can later create
individual sensors using the :ref:`ADS1118 Sensor Platform <ads1118-sensor>`.
It uses the :ref:`SPI Bus <spi>` for communication.

.. figure:: images/ads1118-full.jpg
    :align: center
    :width: 60.0%

    ADS1118 16-Bit ADC.

.. code-block:: yaml

      cs_pin: GPIOXX

Configuration variables:

- **cs_pin** (**Required**, int): The SPI cable select pin to use.
- **id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID for this ADS1118 Hub. Use this if you
  want to use multiple ADS1118 hubs at once.

.. _ads1118-sensor:


The ``ads1118`` sensor allows you to use your ADS1118 delta-sigma ADC
sensors (`datasheet <>`__) with ESPHome.
First, setup an :ref:`ADS1118 Hub <ads1118-component>` for your ADS1118 sensor and then use this
sensor platform to create individual sensors that will report the voltage.

.. code-block:: yaml

      - platform: ads1118
        type: adc
        id: batt_volt
        name: Battery Voltage
        multiplexer: A3_GND
        gain: 4.096
        update_interval: .01s

Configuration variables:

- **type** (*Optional*): ``adc``(default) or ``temperature``
- **ads1118_id** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-id`): Manually specify the ID of the
   :ref:`ADS1118 Hub <ads1118-component>` you want to use this sensor.
- **update_interval** (*Optional*, :ref:`config-time`): The interval to check the sensor. Defaults to ``60s``.
- All other options from :ref:`Sensor <config-sensor>`.

ADC Options:

-  **multiplexer** (**Required**): The multiplexer channel of this sensor. Effectively means between which pins you want to measure voltage.
-  **gain** (**Required**, float): The gain of this sensor.

Temperature Options:


Multiplexer and Gain

.. note::

    As per (`datasheet <>`__) Section 7.3 Note 2:
    "No more than VDD + 0.3V must be applied to the analog inputs of the device."
    This means if you power the device with 3.3V, take care not to supply the 4 AIN pins with more than 3.6V.

The ADS1118 has a multiplexer that can be configured to measure voltage between several pin configurations. These are:

 - ``A0_A1`` (between Pin 0 and Pin 1)
 - ``A0_A3`` (between Pin 0 and Pin 3)
 - ``A1_A3`` (between Pin 1 and Pin 3)
 - ``A2_A3`` (between Pin 2 and Pin 3)
 - ``A0_GND`` (between Pin 0 and GND)
 - ``A1_GND`` (between Pin 1 and GND)
 - ``A2_GND`` (between Pin 2 and GND)
 - ``A3_GND`` (between Pin 3 and GND)

Additionally, the ADS1118 has a Programmable Gain Amplifier (PGA) that can help you measure voltages in different ranges, these are:

 - ``6.144`` (measures up to 6.144V)
 - ``4.096`` (measures up to 4.096V)
 - ``2.048`` (measures up to 2.048V)
 - ``1.024`` (measures up to 1.024V)
 - ``0.512`` (measures up to 0.512V)
 - ``0.256`` (measures up to 0.256V)

See Also

- :ref:`sensor-filters`
- :doc:`adc`
- :doc:`ads1115`
- :apiref:`ads1118/ads1118.h`
- :ghedit:`Edit`