2023-08-10 17:32:44 +12:00

1238 lines
74 KiB

ESPHome is an open-source project, and everybody can contribute to it to make this
project awesome. This list contains a list of people who have submitted patches
that have made it into the `ESPHome organization's <>`__ repositories.
ESPHome is lead by `Jesse Hills (@jesserockz) <>`__,
who is funded to work on ESPHome full-time by `Nabu Casa <>`__.
To help fund development of ESPHome, subscribe to `Home Assistant Cloud by Nabu Casa <>`__.
ESPHome was originally founded by `Otto Winter (@OttoWinter) <>`__.
(in alphabetical order)
- `007hacky007 (@007hacky007) <>`__
- `0hax (@0hax) <>`__
- `0x0a11c0de (@0x0a11c0de) <>`__
- `Denis Bodor (aka Lefinnois) (@0xDRRB) <>`__
- `2016for (@2016for) <>`__
- `2mikrobi (@2mikrobi) <>`__
- `Pavel Golovin (@31337Ghost) <>`__
- `David Martin (@3ative) <>`__
- `3VAbdAVE (@3VAbdAVE) <>`__
- `Alessandro Campolo (@a13ssandr0) <>`__
- `Aalian Khan (@AalianKhan) <>`__
- `Adam Liddell (@aaliddell) <>`__
- `Aapeli Vuorinen (@aapeliv) <>`__
- `Aaron Gamble (@aarongamble) <>`__
- `Aaron S. Jackson (@AaronJackson) <>`__
- `Abel Matser (@abelmatser) <>`__
- `Abílio Costa (@abmantis) <>`__
- `Antonio (@acarvajalperez) <>`__
- `Avula Chandra Kiran Reddy (@ackr-8) <>`__
- `Zhenyu Wu (@Adam5Wu) <>`__
- `Chris Byrne (@adapt0) <>`__
- `Attila Darazs (@adarazs) <>`__
- `ADeadPixel (@ADeadPixel) <>`__
- `Andrea Donno (@adonno) <>`__
- `Adrian Fretwell (@AdrianFretwell) <>`__
- `Adrien Brault (@adrienbrault) <>`__
- `Ian Blais (@aeonsablaze) <>`__
- `Stefan Agner (@agners) <>`__
- `Anders (@ahd71) <>`__
- `Alexander Pohl (@ahpohl) <>`__
- `aidbish (@aidbish) <>`__
- `Airy André (@airy10) <>`__
- `Airyzz (@Airyzz) <>`__
- `Adam Jacques (@ajacques) <>`__
- `Andrej Friesen (@ajfriesen) <>`__
- `akennerly (@akennerly) <>`__
- `akoivist (@akoivist) <>`__
- `Andrej Komelj (@akomelj) <>`__
- `Alex Konradi (@akonradi) <>`__
- `Alone (@al-one) <>`__
- `Albin Kauffmann (@albinou) <>`__
- `Andre Lengwenus (@alengwenus) <>`__
- `Alex (@alex-richards) <>`__
- `Alex Dekker (@Alex1602) <>`__
- `Alexander Leisentritt (@Alex9779) <>`__
- `Alex Barcelo (@alexbarcelo) <>`__
- `AlexCPU (@AlexCPU) <>`__
- `Alexandre Danault (@AlexDanault) <>`__
- `Alex Iribarren (@alexiri) <>`__
- `Alex Mekkering (@AlexMekkering) <>`__
- `Alex (@alexyao2015) <>`__
- `Alfredo (@alfredopironti) <>`__
- `Alessandro Ranellucci (@alranel) <>`__
- `Andreas Mandel (@amandel) <>`__
- `Amish Vishwakarma (@amishv) <>`__
- `Amit Keret (@amitkeret) <>`__
- `Jason Nader (@ammgws) <>`__
- `Branden Cash (@ammmze) <>`__
- `Alexander Momchilov (@amomchilov) <>`__
- `Oliver King (@AnachronisticPenguin) <>`__
- `anatoly-savchenkov (@anatoly-savchenkov) <>`__
- `andig (@andig) <>`__
- `Andi Egli (@andilge) <>`__
- `Kieren (@ando023) <>`__
- `András Bíró (@andrasbiro) <>`__
- `Andreas Hergert (@andreashergert1984) <>`__
- `Andrew J.Swan (@andrewjswan) <>`__
- `andrewpc (@andrewpc) <>`__
- `Andrey Yantsen (@andrey-yantsen) <>`__
- `Andrzej (@andriej) <>`__
- `Andreas (@anduchs) <>`__
- `Andy2No (@Andy2No) <>`__
- `AndyRPH (@AndyRPH) <>`__
- `Vegetto (@angelnu) <>`__
- `Sergey Anisimov (@anisimovsergey) <>`__
- `Nikolay Vasilchuk (@Anonym-tsk) <>`__
- `Anthony Keane (@anthonykeane) <>`__
- `Rémi K. (@antibill51) <>`__
- `Antonio Fiol (@antonio-fiol) <>`__
- `Adriaan Peeters (@apeeters) <>`__
- `apendley (@apendley) <>`__
- `Darius Ratkevičius (@aphex008) <>`__
- `aquaticus (@aquaticus) <>`__
- `Andy Allsopp (@arallsopp) <>`__
- `arantius (@arantius) <>`__
- `Ariff Saad (@arffsaad) <>`__
- `arturo182 (@arturo182) <>`__
- `arunderwood (@arunderwood) <>`__
- `Arya (@Arya11111) <>`__
- `Borys Pierov (@ashald) <>`__
- `Ash McKenzie (@ashmckenzie) <>`__
- `ashp8i (@ashp8i) <>`__
- `Ashton Kemerling (@AshtonKem) <>`__
- `杨成锴 (@asjdf) <>`__
- `Andreas Soehlke (@asoehlke) <>`__
- `Mike Dunston (@atanisoft) <>`__
- `Glenn Morrison (@atomicpapa) <>`__
- `Alexander Turlov (@aturlov) <>`__
- `aus (@aus) <>`__
- `AustinMorris (@AustinMorris) <>`__
- `Avirsaam (@Avirsaam) <>`__
- `Arsène von Wyss (@avonwyss) <>`__
- `Andrew Weddle (@aweddle2) <>`__
- `Achilleas Pipinellis (@axilleas) <>`__
- `Kamil Trzciński (@ayufan) <>`__
- `Nicholas Peters (@Azimath) <>`__
- `Daniel (@azrael783) <>`__
- `B48D81EFCC (@B48D81EFCC) <>`__
- `Florian Mösch (@badbadc0ffee) <>`__
- `Baden (@baden03) <>`__
- `Marco Tombesi (@baggior) <>`__
- `balk77 (@balk77) <>`__
- `Paulus Schoutsen (@balloob) <>`__
- `Andrew Zaborowski (@balrog-kun) <>`__
- `BarryMar (@BarryMar) <>`__
- `bartoszpierzchlewicz (@bartoszpierzchlewicz) <>`__
- `BartoszPierzchlewiczMacrix (@BartoszPierzchlewiczMacrix) <>`__
- `Bascht74 (@Bascht74) <>`__
- `Viktr (@BbIKTOP) <>`__
- `J. Nick Koston (@bdraco) <>`__
- `Maxim Ocheretianko (@bearpawmaxim) <>`__
- `beaudeanadams (@beaudeanadams) <>`__
- `Benjamin Freeman (@Beetix) <>`__
- `beikeland (@beikeland) <>`__
- `Gavin Hurlbut (@Beirdo) <>`__
- `Bella Coola (@BellaCoola) <>`__
- `Pierre (@bemble) <>`__
- `Ben-Schwabe (@Ben-Schwabe) <>`__
- `Ben Hoff (@benhoff) <>`__
- `Benjamin Aigner (@benjaminaigner) <>`__
- `Benno Pütz (@bennop) <>`__
- `Benny H (@benny-aus) <>`__
- `Benoit3 (@Benoit3) <>`__
- `Ben Shaner (@bens545) <>`__
- `Ben Suffolk (@bensuffolk) <>`__
- `Berend Haan (@berendhaan) <>`__
- `Arturo Casal (@berfenger) <>`__
- `Bryan Berg (@berg) <>`__
- `BerlinJoker (@BerlinJoker) <>`__
- `Bert Hertogen (@berthertogen) <>`__
- `Ivan Bessarabov (@bessarabov) <>`__
- `Brandon (@bgulla) <>`__
- `Benedikt Hübschen (@bhuebschen) <>`__
- `Bierchermuesli (@Bierchermuesli) <>`__
- `Bill Church (@billchurch) <>`__
- `Brian Kaufman (@bkaufx) <>`__
- `JDavid (@blackhack) <>`__
- `blacktirion (@blacktirion) <>`__
- `blakadder (@blakadder) <>`__
- `Branimir Lambov (@blambov) <>`__
- `bleeisme (@bleeisme) <>`__
- `Jim Ekman (@blejdfist) <>`__
- `Scott Smith (@blurfl) <>`__
- `Bob (@Bmooij) <>`__
- `Benjamin Klotz (@bnw) <>`__
- `Bob Kersten (@bobkersten) <>`__
- `Bodmer (@Bodmer) <>`__
- `Anthony Todd (@bohregard) <>`__
- `Bomaker (@Bomaker) <>`__
- `Casey Olson (@bookcasey) <>`__
- `Borja Burgos (@borjaburgos) <>`__
- `Brian Orpin (@borpin) <>`__
- `BoukeHaarsma23 (@BoukeHaarsma23) <>`__
- `brabl2 (@brabl2) <>`__
- `brambo123 (@brambo123) <>`__
- `Bram Kragten (@bramkragten) <>`__
- `Brandan Cotton (@Brando47) <>`__
- `Brad Davidson (@brandond) <>`__
- `Daniel H Brown (@brauhausdc) <>`__
- `Brent Rubell (@brentru) <>`__
- `Jens Bretschneider (@breti) <>`__
- `Brett Profitt (@brettp) <>`__
- `briangunderson (@briangunderson) <>`__
- `Brian Hanifin (@brianhanifin) <>`__
- `brianrjones69 (@brianrjones69) <>`__
- `Ben Brooks (@brooksben11) <>`__
- `brtchip-tuannguyen (@brtchip-tuannguyen) <>`__
- `buddydvd (@buddydvd) <>`__
- `Matt Burke (@burkemw3) <>`__
- `Jon Little (@burundiocibu) <>`__
- `buxtronix (@buxtronix) <>`__
- `bvansambeek (@bvansambeek) <>`__
- `c0ffeeca7 (@c0ffeeca7) <>`__
- `Captain Haddock (@ca-haddock) <>`__
- `Cal Howard (@calhoward) <>`__
- `callacomp (@callacomp) <>`__
- `Callum Gare (@callumgare) <>`__
- `Carlos Gustavo Sarmiento (@carlos-sarmiento) <>`__
- `Carlos Garcia Saura (@CarlosGS) <>`__
- `Carlos Ruiz (@CarlosRDomin) <>`__
- `carlywarly (@carlywarly) <>`__
- `Carson Full (@CarsonF) <>`__
- `carstenschroeder (@carstenschroeder) <>`__
- `Valentin Ochs (@Cat-Ion) <>`__
- `Stroe Andrei Catalin (@catalin2402) <>`__
- `Carter Nelson (@caternuson) <>`__
- `cathelest (@cathelest) <>`__
- `cbialobos (@cbialobos) <>`__
- `Cameron Bulock (@cbulock) <>`__
- `Ciprian Constantinescu (@cciprian5) <>`__
- `Carlos Cordero (@ccorderor) <>`__
- `cdmonk (@cdmonk) <>`__
- `ceaswaran (@ceaswaran) <>`__
- `Cellie (@CelliesProjects) <>`__
- `Chris Feenstra (@cfeenstra1024) <>`__
- `Filipe Mendonça (@cfilipem) <>`__
- `cg089 (@cg089) <>`__
- `Audric Schiltknecht (@chemicalstorm) <>`__
- `chris-jennings (@chris-jennings) <>`__
- `Chris (@chrismaki) <>`__
- `Christoph Wagner (@Christoph-Wagner) <>`__
- `Christian Taedcke (@chrta) <>`__
- `Pavel Skuratovich (@Chupaka) <>`__
- `Chris Johnson (@ciband) <>`__
- `CircuitGuy (@CircuitGuy) <>`__
- `John (@CircuitSetup) <>`__
- `Colby Rome (@cisasteelersfan) <>`__
- `Chris Debenham (@cjd) <>`__
- `Chester (@clowrey) <>`__
- `Clyde Stubbs (@clydebarrow) <>`__
- `Colin McCambridge (@cmccambridge) <>`__
- `Clifford Roche (@cmroche) <>`__
- `Casey Burnett (@codeangler) <>`__
- `CODeRUS (@CODeRUS) <>`__
- `Alex Miller (@Codex-) <>`__
- `Cody James (@codyjamestechnical) <>`__
- `Coenie Richards (@coenier) <>`__
- `Ashton Lafferty (@cogneato) <>`__
- `Colin Leroy-Mira (@colinleroy) <>`__
- `Max (@coltoncat) <>`__
- `Conclusio (@Conclusio) <>`__
- `Conor Burns (@Conor-Burns) <>`__
- `John Coggeshall (@coogle) <>`__
- `James Crook (@cooljimy84) <>`__
- `Cooper Dale (@Cooper-Dale) <>`__
- `copercini (@copercini) <>`__
- `Corban Mailloux (@corbanmailloux) <>`__
- `Dmitry Berezovsky (@corvis) <>`__
- `Cossid (@Cossid) <>`__
- `Cougar (@Cougar) <>`__
- `Connor Prussin (@cprussin) <>`__
- `cptquad (@cptquad) <>`__
- `Corey Rice (@crice009) <>`__
- `crp500 (@crp500) <>`__
- `cryptelli (@cryptelli) <>`__
- `Christian Schwarzgruber (@cslux) <>`__
- `cstaahl (@cstaahl) <>`__
- `Chris Talkington (@ctalkington) <>`__
- `Massimo Cetra (@ctrix) <>`__
- `cvwillegen (@cvwillegen) <>`__
- `Christoph Wempe (@CWempe) <>`__
- `Steven Webb (@cy1701) <>`__
- `Alex Solomaha (@CyanoFresh) <>`__
- `Luar Roji (@cyberplant) <>`__
- `Petr Diviš (@czechdude) <>`__
- `Aleš Komárek (@cznewt) <>`__
- `d-rez (@d-rez) <>`__
- `Dale Higgs (@dale3h) <>`__
- `damanti-me (@damanti-me) <>`__
- `Dan C Williams (@dancwilliams) <>`__
- `Daniel Bjørnbakk (@danibjor) <>`__
- `Daniel Kucera (@danielkucera) <>`__
- `Daniel O'Connor (@DanielO) <>`__
- `Daniel Rheinbay (@danielrheinbay) <>`__
- `Daniel Schramm (@danielschramm) <>`__
- `Danilo Campos (@daniloc) <>`__
- `Daniel Martin Gonzalez (@danimart1991) <>`__
- `danlimlu (@danlimlu) <>`__
- `Chris (@darthsebulba04) <>`__
- `Dan Gentry (@dashdrum) <>`__
- `Aliasghar Dashkhaneh (@dashkhaneh) <>`__
- `Sylwester (@DatanoiseTV) <>`__
- `Anthony Uk (@dataway) <>`__
- `Dav-id (@dav-id-org) <>`__
- `DAVe3283 (@DAVe3283) <>`__
- `DaveCorder (@DaveCorder) <>`__
- `David Marín (@davefx) <>`__
- `Dave Richer (@davericher) <>`__
- `Dave T (@davet2001) <>`__
- `Dave Wongillies (@davewongillies) <>`__
- `David De Sloovere (@DavidDeSloovere) <>`__
- `David Beitey (@davidjb) <>`__
- `David Newgas (@davidn) <>`__
- `David Noyes (@davidnoyes) <>`__
- `David Zovko (@davidzovko) <>`__
- `Davrosx (@Davrosx) <>`__
- `Davy Landman (@DavyLandman) <>`__
- `Dawid Cieszyński (@dawidcieszynski) <>`__
- `Darren Tucker (@daztucker) <>`__
- `Donovan Baarda (@dbaarda) <>`__
- `David Buezas (@dbuezas) <>`__
- `dckiller51 (@dckiller51) <>`__
- `Daniel Correa Lobato (@dclobato) <>`__
- `Dion Hulse (@dd32) <>`__
- `ddt154 (@ddt154) <>`__
- `DeadEnd (@DeadEnded) <>`__
- `Debashish Sahu (@debsahu) <>`__
- `definitio (@definitio) <>`__
- `Christiaan Blom (@Deinara) <>`__
- `Mickaël Le Baillif (@demikl) <>`__
- `denes44 (@denes44) <>`__
- `Dennis (@dennisvbussel) <>`__
- `dentra (@dentra) <>`__
- `Davide Depau (@depau) <>`__
- `dependabot[bot] (@dependabot[bot]) <[bot]>`__
- `Joeri Colman (@depuits) <>`__
- `Mike La Spina (@descipher) <>`__
- `Stephan Martin (@designer2k2) <>`__
- `Destix (@Destix) <>`__
- `Deun Lee (@deunlee) <>`__
- `Develo (@devyte) <>`__
- `Dezorian (@Dezorian) <>`__
- `Damian Gołda (@dgolda) <>`__
- `Dan Halbert (@dhalbert) <>`__
- `Dustin L. Howett (@DHowett) <>`__
- `diesel437 (@diesel437) <>`__
- `Alain Turbide (@Dilbert66) <>`__
- `Mark (@Diramu) <>`__
- `Dirk Heinke (@DirkHeinke) <>`__
- `Dirk Jahnke (@dirkj) <>`__
- `Dennis (@dirrgang) <>`__
- `Johann V. (@divinitas) <>`__
- `Dominic Pearman (@djpearman) <>`__
- `Marcos Pérez Ferro (@djwmarcx) <>`__
- `Dan Mannock (@dmannock) <>`__
- `Dmitriy Lopatko (@dmitriy5181) <>`__
- `Farzad E. (@dnetguru) <>`__
- `Tristan Rowley (@doctea) <>`__
- `DrZoid (@docteurzoidberg) <>`__
- `DominikBitzer (@DominikBitzer) <>`__
- `Dominik (@DomiStyle) <>`__
- `Derek M. (@doolbneerg) <>`__
- `Dorian Zedler (@dorianim) <>`__
- `Mark Dietzer (@Doridian) <>`__
- `Sebastian Krzyszkowiak (@dos1) <>`__
- `Jiang Sheng (@doskoi) <>`__
- `Artem Sheremet (@dotdoom) <>`__
- `Robert Schütz (@dotlambda) <>`__
- `Daniel Hyles (@DotNetDann) <>`__
- `dr-oblivium (@dr-oblivium) <>`__
- `Drew Perttula (@drewp) <>`__
- `drmodding (@drmodding) <>`__
- `drmpf (@drmpf) <>`__
- `drogfild (@drogfild) <>`__
- `DrRob (@DrRob) <>`__
- `Drzony (@drzony) <>`__
- `Daniel Müller (@dtmuller) <>`__
- `Tom Soer (@dtx3k) <>`__
- `dubit0 (@dubit0) <>`__
- `Mikkel Jeppesen (@Duckle29) <>`__
- `Sergey V. DUDANOV (@dudanov) <>`__
- `David Girón (@duhow) <>`__
- `Duncan Findlay (@duncf) <>`__
- `Jannick (@DutchDeffy) <>`__
- `David van der Leij (@dvanderleij) <>`__
- `dxta1986 (@dxta1986) <>`__
- `dyarkovoy (@dyarkovoy) <>`__
- `Janez Troha (@dz0ny) <>`__
- `Dimitris Zervas (@dzervas) <>`__
- `Dan Jackson (@e28eta) <>`__
- `Earle F. Philhower, III (@earlephilhower) <>`__
- `Ermanno Baschiera (@ebaschiera) <>`__
- `Robert Resch (@edenhaus) <>`__
- `Niclas Larsson (@edge90) <>`__
- `EdJoPaTo (@EdJoPaTo) <>`__
- `Eduardo Pérez (@eduperez) <>`__
- `Eenoo (@Eenoo) <>`__
- `Eli Fidler (@efidler) <>`__
- `egandro (@egandro) <>`__
- `Erwin Kooi (@egeltje) <>`__
- `Eike (@ei-ke) <>`__
- `Elazar Leibovich (@elazarl) <>`__
- `Eli (@eli-xciv) <>`__
- `Eli Lipsitz (@elipsitz) <>`__
- `Eli Yu (@elizhyu) <>`__
- `Elkropac (@Elkropac) <>`__
- `Elliot Wood (@elliot-wood) <>`__
- `Joakim Plate (@elupus) <>`__
- `EmbeddedDevver (@EmbeddedDevver) <>`__
- `EmmanuelLM (@EmmanuelLM) <>`__
- `Emory Dunn (@emorydunn) <>`__
- `Eric van Blokland (@Emrvb) <>`__
- `Eric Muehlstein (@emuehlstein) <>`__
- `Anders Persson (@emwap) <>`__
- `Bert (@Engelbert) <>`__
- `Engineer_Will (@EngineerWill) <>`__
- `Evan Petousis (@epetousis) <>`__
- `Josh Gwosdz (@erdii) <>`__
- `Eric Coffman (@ericbrian) <>`__
- `Eric Hiller (@erichiller) <>`__
- `Matt Hamilton (@Eriner) <>`__
- `Ernst Klamer (@Ernst79) <>`__
- `Eduardo Roldan (@eroldan) <>`__
- `escoand (@escoand) <>`__
- `Eric Severance (@esev) <>`__
- `esphomebot (@esphomebot) <>`__
- `EtienneMD (@EtienneMD) <>`__
- `Evan Coleman (@evandcoleman) <>`__
- `Clemens Kirchgatterer (@everslick) <>`__
- `Evgeni Golov (@evgeni) <>`__
- `Expaso (@Expaso) <>`__
- `Malte Franken (@exxamalte) <>`__
- `f0rdprefect (@f0rdprefect) <>`__
- `Fabian Affolter (@fabaff) <>`__
- `Fabian (@Fabian-Schmidt) <>`__
- `Federico Ariel Castagnini (@facastagnini) <>`__
- `C W (@fake-name) <>`__
- `Florian idB (@fbeek) <>`__
- `Fabian Berthold (@fbrthld) <>`__
- `F.D.Castel (@fdcastel) <>`__
- `felixlungu (@felixlungu) <>`__
- `Felix Storm (@felixstorm) <>`__
- `Christian Ferbar (@ferbar) <>`__
- `FeuerSturm (@FeuerSturm) <>`__
- `Florian Golemo (@fgolemo) <>`__
- `Federico G. Schwindt (@fgsch) <>`__
- `Frank Riley (@fhriley) <>`__
- `finity69x2 (@finity69x2) <>`__
- `Fredrik Jansson (@fjansson) <>`__
- `Frédéric Jouault (@fjouault) <>`__
- `Sean Vig (@flacjacket) <>`__
- `Diego Elio Pettenò (@Flameeyes) <>`__
- `Flaviu Tamas (@flaviut) <>`__
- `fluffymadness (@fluffymadness) <>`__
- `fluffymonster (@fluffymonster) <>`__
- `flyize (@flyize) <>`__
- `风飘雨 (@flyrainning) <>`__
- `Fractal147 (@Fractal147) <>`__
- `Francis-labo (@Francis-labo) <>`__
- `Francisk0 (@Francisk0) <>`__
- `Frank Bakker (@FrankBakkerNl) <>`__
- `Frank (@FrankBoesing) <>`__
- `Frank Langtind (@frankiboy1) <>`__
- `Frankster-NL (@Frankster-NL) <>`__
- `Fredrik Erlandsson (@fredrike) <>`__
- `freeasabeer (@freeasabeer) <>`__
- `Evgeny (@freekode) <>`__
- `Brett McKenzie (@freerangeeggs) <>`__
- `Franck Nijhof (@frenck) <>`__
- `Kenneth Fribert (@fribse) <>`__
- `frippe75 (@frippe75) <>`__
- `Fritz Mueller (@fritzm) <>`__
- `Florian Trück (@ftrueck) <>`__
- `functionpointer (@functionpointer) <>`__
- `mr G1K (@G1K) <>`__
- `Aljaž Srebrnič (@g5pw) <>`__
- `Gabe Cook (@gabe565) <>`__
- `Gareth Cooper (@gaco79) <>`__
- `gazoodle (@gazoodle) <>`__
- `gcopeland (@gcopeland) <>`__
- `Greg Cormier (@gcormier) <>`__
- `GeekVisit (@GeekVisit) <>`__
- `Ian Reinhart Geiser (@geiseri) <>`__
- `R Huish (@genestealer) <>`__
- `Geoff Davis (@geoffdavis) <>`__
- `Geoffrey Van Landeghem (@geoffrey-vl) <>`__
- `Gérald Guiony (@gerald-guiony) <>`__
- `Gerard (@gerard33) <>`__
- `Giampiero Baggiani (@giampiero7) <>`__
- `Gideon Kanikevich (@gid204) <>`__
- `Giel Janssens (@gieljnssns) <>`__
- `Giovanni (@Gio-dot) <>`__
- `git2212 (@git2212) <>`__
- `GitforZhangXL (@GitforZhangXL) <>`__
- `github-actions[bot] (@github-actions[bot]) <[bot]>`__
- `gitolicious (@gitolicious) <>`__
- `The Gitter Badger (@gitter-badger) <>`__
- `Frederik Gladhorn (@gladhorn) <>`__
- `Guillermo Ruffino (@glmnet) <>`__
- `Giorgos Logiotatidis (@glogiotatidis) <>`__
- `Germán Martín (@gmag11) <>`__
- `Germain Masse (@gmasse) <>`__
- `Garret Buell (@gmbuell) <>`__
- `Jelle Raaijmakers (@gmta) <>`__
- `Go0oSer (@Go0oSer) <>`__
- `Dario Gogliandolo (@godario) <>`__
- `Gonzalo Paniagua Javier (@gonzalop) <>`__
- `gordon-zhao (@gordon-zhao) <>`__
- `Gustavo Ambrozio (@gpambrozio) <>`__
- `Graham Brown (@grahambrown11) <>`__
- `Granville Barker (@granvillebarker) <>`__
- `Antoine GRÉA (@grea09) <>`__
- `Greg Arnold (@GregJArnold) <>`__
- `Greg MacLellan (@gregmac) <>`__
- `Gil Peeters (@grillp) <>`__
- `George (@grob6000) <>`__
- `groovejumper (@groovejumper) <>`__
- `gsexton (@gsexton) <>`__
- `Gabriel Sieben (@gsieben) <>`__
- `Jadson Santos (@gtjadsonsantos) <>`__
- `guardmedia (@guardmedia) <>`__
- `Guillaume DELVIT (@guiguid) <>`__
- `guillempages (@guillempages) <>`__
- `Guyohms (@Guyohms) <>`__
- `Gilles van den Hoven (@gvdhoven) <>`__
- `h0jeZvgoxFepBQ2C (@h0jeZvgoxFepBQ2C) <>`__
- `h3ndrik (@h3ndrik) <>`__
- `Andi (@h4de5) <>`__
- `haade (@haade-administrator) <>`__
- `Peter van Dijk (@Habbie) <>`__
- `Hagai Shatz (@hagai-shatz) <>`__
- `Boris Hajduk (@hajdbo) <>`__
- `Gavin Mogan (@halkeye) <>`__
- `Charles (@hallard) <>`__
- `Aniket (@HandyHat) <>`__
- `Charles Thompson (@haryadoon) <>`__
- `Ha Thach (@hathach) <>`__
- `hcoohb (@hcoohb) <>`__
- `Héctor Giménez (@hectorgimenez) <>`__
- `hellotomtom (@hellotomtom) <>`__
- `Jimmy Hedman (@HeMan) <>`__
- `Hemi03 (@Hemi03) <>`__
- `HepoH3 (@HepoH3) <>`__
- `Hermann Kraus (@herm) <>`__
- `Herr Frei (@herrfrei) <>`__
- `highground88 (@highground88) <>`__
- `Hamish Moffatt (@hmoffatt) <>`__
- `Marcel Hoppe (@hobbypunk90) <>`__
- `Hopperpop (@Hopperpop) <>`__
- `Ilia Sotnikov (@hostcc) <>`__
- `Yang Hau (@howjmay) <>`__
- `hpineapples (@hpineapples) <>`__
- `Antonio Vanegas (@hpsaturn) <>`__
- `hreintke (@hreintke) <>`__
- `Jan Hubík (@hubikj) <>`__
- `Huub Eikens (@huubeikens) <>`__
- `Steve Rodgers (@hwstar) <>`__
- `hificat (@hzkincony) <>`__
- `Arjan Filius (@iafilius) <>`__
- `Iain Hay (@IainPHay) <>`__
- `Adrián Panella (@ianchi) <>`__
- `Ian Anderson (@ianderso) <>`__
- `Ian Leeder (@ianleeder) <>`__
- `Jan Pobořil (@iBobik) <>`__
- `igg (@igg) <>`__
- `Ignacio Hernandez-Ros (@IgnacioHR) <>`__
- `ikatkov (@ikatkov) <>`__
- `iKK001 (@iKK001) <>`__
- `ilium007 (@ilium007) <>`__
- `Iman Ahmadvand (@IMAN4K) <>`__
- `imgbot[bot] (@imgbot[bot]) <[bot]>`__
- `ImSorryButWho (@ImSorryButWho) <>`__
- `imwoo90 (@imwoo90) <>`__
- `Dom (@Ing-Dom) <>`__
- `Ingo Becker (@ingobecker) <>`__
- `Ingurum (@Ingurum) <>`__
- `IoT-devices LLC (@iotdevicesdev) <>`__
- `Ivo Roefs (@ironirc) <>`__
- `irtimaled (@irtimaled) <>`__
- `Ingo Theiss (@itn3rd77) <>`__
- `itpeters (@itpeters) <>`__
- `Ivan Shvedunov (@ivan4th) <>`__
- `Ivan Kravets (@ivankravets) <>`__
- `Ivan Lisenkov (@ivlis) <>`__
- `Ivo-tje (@Ivo-tje) <>`__
- `J0RD4N300 (@J0RD4N300) <>`__
- `Fredrik Gustafsson (@jagheterfredrik) <>`__
- `Jan Harkes (@jaharkes) <>`__
- `jakehdk (@jakehdk) <>`__
- `Jake Shirley (@JakeShirley) <>`__
- `Jakob Reiter (@jakommo) <>`__
- `James Braid (@jamesbraid) <>`__
- `James Duke (@jamesduke) <>`__
- `James Gao (@jamesgao) <>`__
- `James Hirka (@jameshirka) <>`__
- `James Lakin (@jamesorlakin) <>`__
- `James Swift (@JamesSwift) <>`__
- `Jason (@jamman9000) <>`__
- `Juraj Andrássy (@JAndrassy) <>`__
- `Delio Castillo (@jangeador) <>`__
- `Jan Grewe (@jangrewe) <>`__
- `Jan (@janlindblom) <>`__
- `Jan Pieper (@janpieper) <>`__
- `Jared Ring (@jaredring) <>`__
- `Jarek.P (@JaroslawPrzybyl) <>`__
- `Jason-nz (@Jason-nz) <>`__
- `Jason2866 (@Jason2866) <>`__
- `Jason Hines (@jasonehines) <>`__
- `JasperPlant (@JasperPlant) <>`__
- `Jas Strong (@jasstrong) <>`__
- `Jay Greco (@jaygreco) <>`__
- `Jay Newstrom (@JayNewstrom) <>`__
- `Jeff (@jazzmonger) <>`__
- `Jonas Bergler (@jbergler) <>`__
- `JbLb (@jblb) <>`__
- `Jonathan Burns (@jburns20) <>`__
- `James Callaghan (@jcallaghan) <>`__
- `Josh Willox (@jcwillox) <>`__
- `JeeCee1 (@JeeCee1) <>`__
- `Jeef (@jeeftor) <>`__
- `jeff-h (@jeff-h) <>`__
- `Jeffrey Borg (@jeffborg) <>`__
- `Jeff Eberl (@jeffeb3) <>`__
- `Jeff Rescignano (@JeffResc) <>`__
- `Jej (@jej) <>`__
- `Jens-Christian Skibakk (@jenscski) <>`__
- `Jeremy Willans (@jeremywillans) <>`__
- `Jeroen (@jeroen85) <>`__
- `jerome992 (@jerome992) <>`__
- `Jérôme Laban (@jeromelaban) <>`__
- `Jesse Hills (@jesserockz) <>`__
- `Joel Goguen (@jgoguen) <>`__
- `Yuval Brik (@jhamhader) <>`__
- `Joe (@jhansche) <>`__
- `Jan Pieter Waagmeester (@jieter) <>`__
- `Jim Bauwens (@jimbauwens) <>`__
- `jimtng (@jimtng) <>`__
- `jivesinger (@jivesinger) <>`__
- `Jérémy JOURDIN (@JJK801) <>`__
- `Jonathan Jefferies (@jjok) <>`__
- `John K. Luebs (@jkl1337) <>`__
- `Jeppe Ladefoged (@jladefoged) <>`__
- `Jean-Luc Béchennec (@jlbirccyn) <>`__
- `Jonas De Kegel (@jlsjonas) <>`__
- `Jeff Anderson (@jman203) <>`__
- `Jonathan Martens (@jmartens) <>`__
- `jmichiel (@jmichiel) <>`__
- `JMoratelli (@JMoratelli) <>`__
- `Jonathas Barbosa (@jnthas) <>`__
- `Joe Gross (@joegross) <>`__
- `Johan van der Kuijl (@johanvanderkuijl) <>`__
- `Johboh (@Johboh) <>`__
- `John Britton (@johndbritton) <>`__
- `John Erik Halse (@johnerikhalse) <>`__
- `John Moxley (@johnmoxley) <>`__
- `Dave Johnston (@johnsto) <>`__
- `joiboi (@joiboi) <>`__
- `JonasEr (@JonasEr) <>`__
- `Jonathan Adams (@jonathanadams) <>`__
- `Jonathan Treffler (@JonathanTreffler) <>`__
- `JonnyaiR (@jonnyair) <>`__
- `Jonathan V (@jonofmac) <>`__
- `Joppy (@JoppyFurr) <>`__
- `Joris S (@Jorre05) <>`__
- `Jared Sanson (@jorticus) <>`__
- `Joshua Spence (@joshuaspence) <>`__
- `joskfg (@joskfg) <>`__
- `Joscha Wagner (@jowgn) <>`__
- `Javier Peletier (@jpeletier) <>`__
- `jsuanet (@jsuanet) <>`__
- `James Szalay (@jtszalay) <>`__
- `Jules-R (@Jules-R) <>`__
- `Julie Koubová (@juliekoubova) <>`__
- `Mike Ryan (@justfalter) <>`__
- `Justin Gerhardt (@justin-gerhardt) <>`__
- `Jasper van der Neut - Stulen (@jvanderneutstulen) <>`__
- `Jack Wozny (@jwozny) <>`__
- `Jozef Zuzelka (@jzlka) <>`__
- `Kris (@K-r-i-s-t-i-a-n) <>`__
- `k0rtina (@k0rtina) <>`__
- `Harald Nagel (@k7hpn) <>`__
- `kaegi (@kaegi) <>`__
- `kahrendt (@kahrendt) <>`__
- `Karl0ss (@karl0ss) <>`__
- `Kattni (@kattni) <>`__
- `Krzysztof Białek (@kbialek) <>`__
- `Keilin Bickar (@kbickar) <>`__
- `Keith Burzinski (@kbx81) <>`__
- `Ken Piper (@Kealper) <>`__
- `Kelvie Wong (@kelvie) <>`__
- `kernelpanic85 (@kernelpanic85) <>`__
- `kevlar10 (@kevlar10) <>`__
- `kfulko (@kfulko) <>`__
- `Kai Gerken (@KG3RK3N) <>`__
- `kghandi (@kghandi) <>`__
- `Khoi Hoang (@khoih-prog) <>`__
- `AngeloGioacchino Del Regno (@kholk) <>`__
- `Kilowatt (@Kilowatt-W) <>`__
- `Ed (@kixtarter) <>`__
- `Kurt Kellner (@kkellner) <>`__
- `Klaas Schoute (@klaasnicolaas) <>`__
- `Klarstein (@Klarstein) <>`__
- `Marcus Klein (@kleini) <>`__
- `KNXBroker (@KNXBroker) <>`__
- `KoenBreeman (@KoenBreeman) <>`__
- `kokangit (@kokangit) <>`__
- `konsulten (@konsulten) <>`__
- `Kevin Pelzel (@kpelzel) <>`__
- `Kevin P. Fleming (@kpfleming) <>`__
- `Karl Q. (@kquinsland) <>`__
- `Kodey Converse (@krconv) <>`__
- `KristopherMackowiak (@KristopherMackowiak) <>`__
- `kroimon (@kroimon) <>`__
- `krunkel (@krunkel) <>`__
- `kryptonitecb3 (@kryptonitecb3) <>`__
- `Kendell R (@KTibow) <>`__
- `Kuba Szczodrzyński (@kuba2k2) <>`__
- `Jakub Šimo (@kubik369) <>`__
- `Mark Kuchel (@kuchel77) <>`__
- `Kyle Hill (@kylhill) <>`__
- `Limor "Ladyada" Fried (@ladyada) <>`__
- `Luca Adrian L (@lal12) <>`__
- `Fredrik Lindqvist (@Landrash) <>`__
- `lanik (@lanik) <>`__
- `Lawrie George (@lawriege) <>`__
- `Laszlo Gazdag (@lazlyhu) <>`__
- `Ludovic BOUÉ (@lboue) <>`__
- `lcavalli (@lcavalli) <>`__
- `Craig Fletcher (@leakypixel) <>`__
- `Dominik Wagenknecht (@LeDominik) <>`__
- `Benny de Leeuw (@leeuwte) <>`__
- `Leonardo La Rocca (@leoli51) <>`__
- `Leo Winter (@LeoWinterDE) <>`__
- `Lewis Baker (@lewissbaker) <>`__
- `Leon Loopik (@Lewn) <>`__
- `Luca Gugelmann (@lgugelmann) <>`__
- `Lubos Horacek (@lhoracek) <>`__
- `Juraj Liso (@LiJu09) <>`__
- `lillborje71 (@lillborje71) <>`__
- `lingex (@lingex) <>`__
- `Markus (@Links2004) <>`__
- `LinusHeu (@LinusHeu) <>`__
- `lkomurcu (@lkomurcu) <>`__
- `Luis Andrade (@llluis) <>`__
- `loadrunner42 (@loadrunner42) <>`__
- `Lazar Obradovic (@lobradov) <>`__
- `Barry Loong (@loongyh) <>`__
- `LuBeDa (@lubeda) <>`__
- `Lucas Prim (@lucasprim) <>`__
- `Lucas Reiners (@lucasreiners) <>`__
- `Joakim Sørensen (@ludeeus) <>`__
- `ludrao (@ludrao) <>`__
- `Lukas Klass (@LukasK13) <>`__
- `Lukas Lindner (@lukasl96) <>`__
- `Łukasz Świtaj (@lukaszswitaj) <>`__
- `Luke (@Lukeskaiwalker) <>`__
- `Jayden (@lukyjay) <>`__
- `Lumpusz (@Lumpusz) <>`__
- `Ohad Lutzky (@lutzky) <>`__
- `Luke Fitzgerald (@lwfitzgerald) <>`__
- `Alex Peters (@Lx) <>`__
- `Linar Yusupov (@lyusupov) <>`__
- `M95D (@M95D) <>`__
- `maaadc (@maaadc) <>`__
- `Marc-Antoine Courteau (@macourteau) <>`__
- `Matthias Diro (@madias123) <>`__
- `Massimiliano Ravelli (@madron) <>`__
- `Alexandre-Jacques St-Jacques (@Maelstrom96) <>`__
- `Scott Cappellani (@maeneak) <>`__
- `Magnus Nordlander (@magnusnordlander) <>`__
- `majbthrd (@majbthrd) <>`__
- `Major Péter (@majorpeter) <>`__
- `Kasper Malfroid (@malfroid) <>`__
- `Malle355 (@Malle355) <>`__
- `raymonder jin (@mamil) <>`__
- `Manuel Díez (@manutenfruits) <>`__
- `marcelolcosta (@marcelolcosta) <>`__
- `Marcel van der Veldt (@marcelveldt) <>`__
- `Marc (@MarcHagen) <>`__
- `marcinkowalczyk (@marcinkowalczyk) <>`__
- `Marcio Granzotto Rodrigues (@marciogranzotto) <>`__
- `marecabo (@marecabo) <>`__
- `Ben Marengo (@marengaz) <>`__
- `Marvin Gaube (@margau) <>`__
- `maringeph (@maringeph) <>`__
- `Mario (@mario-tux) <>`__
- `Mark Hildreth (@markhildreth) <>`__
- `Mark Schabacker (@markschabacker) <>`__
- `Marek Marczykowski-Górecki (@marmarek) <>`__
- `marshn (@marshn) <>`__
- `marsjan155 (@marsjan155) <>`__
- `Martin (@martgras) <>`__
- `Martin Hjelmare (@MartinHjelmare) <>`__
- `MartinWelsch (@MartinWelsch) <>`__
- `M-A (@maruel) <>`__
- `MasterTim17 (@MasterTim17) <>`__
- `Masterz69 (@Masterz69) <>`__
- `Christopher Masto (@masto) <>`__
- `Mat931 (@Mat931) <>`__
- `Maciej Sokołowski (@matemaciek) <>`__
- `Mateus Demboski (@mateusdemboski) <>`__
- `matikij (@matikij) <>`__
- `Michel Marti (@matoxp) <>`__
- `matt123p (@matt123p) <>`__
- `matthias882 (@matthias882) <>`__
- `Matus Ivanecky (@maty535) <>`__
- `Christian (@max246) <>`__
- `Maximilian Gerhardt (@maxgerhardt) <>`__
- `mbo18 (@mbo18) <>`__
- `mcmuller (@mcmuller) <>`__
- `Miguel Diaz Gonçalves (@mdiazgoncalves) <>`__
- `Matthew Donoughe (@mdonoughe) <>`__
- `Me No Dev (@me-no-dev) <>`__
- `Alexandr Zarubkin (@me21) <>`__
- `mechanarchy (@mechanarchy) <>`__
- `Bas (@Mechazawa) <>`__
- `mecparts (@mecparts) <>`__
- `Mohammed Chamma (@mef51) <>`__
- `megabitdragon (@megabitdragon) <>`__
- `meijerwynand (@meijerwynand) <>`__
- `Marco (@Melkor82) <>`__
- `Melopero (@melopero) <>`__
- `melyux (@melyux) <>`__
- `Merlin Schumacher (@merlinschumacher) <>`__
- `Martin Flasskamp (@MFlasskamp) <>`__
- `M Hightower (@mhightower83) <>`__
- `Jörg Thalheim (@Mic92) <>`__
- `Michael Muré (@MichaelMure) <>`__
- `Michal Fapso (@michalfapso) <>`__
- `Michel Munzert (@michelde) <>`__
- `Pauline Middelink (@middelink) <>`__
- `Joel Midstjärna (@midstar) <>`__
- `Mike_Went (@MikeWent) <>`__
- `André Klitzing (@misery) <>`__
- `Tomasz (@Misiu) <>`__
- `MisterSilvereagle (@MisterSilvereagle) <>`__
- `mjbogusz (@mjbogusz) <>`__
- `Morton Jonuschat (@mjonuschat) <>`__
- `mjoshd (@mjoshd) <>`__
- `Matt Kaatman (@mkaatman) <>`__
- `Marcel Karger (@mkar1984) <>`__
- `mknjc (@mknjc) <>`__
- `Matthew Kosmoski (@mkosmo) <>`__
- `Maurice Makaay (@mmakaay) <>`__
- `mmanza (@mmanza) <>`__
- `mnltake (@mnltake) <>`__
- `Matt N. (@mnoorenberghe) <>`__
- `moritzj29 (@moritzj29) <>`__
- `Chris Laplante (@mostthingsweb) <>`__
- `MrEditor97 (@mreditor97) <>`__
- `Mariusz Kryński (@mrk-its) <>`__
- `Michael Davidson (@MrMDavidson) <>`__
- `mrred2k (@mrred2k) <>`__
- `André Cirne (@MrSuicideParrot) <>`__
- `Murray Scott (@mscottco) <>`__
- `MSe-5-14 (@MSe-5-14) <>`__
- `mtl010957 (@mtl010957) <>`__
- `mulcmu (@mulcmu) <>`__
- `Martin Murray (@murrayma) <>`__
- `Michel van de Wetering (@mvdwetering) <>`__
- `Michiel van Turnhout (@mvturnho) <>`__
- `Martin Weinelt (@mweinelt) <>`__
- `myhomeiot (@myhomeiot) <>`__
- `Igor Scheller (@MyIgel) <>`__
- `Mykle (@myklemykle) <>`__
- `Mynasru (@Mynasru) <>`__
- `Kevin Uhlir (@n0bel) <>`__
- `N6RDV (@N6RDV) <>`__
- `Erik Näsström (@Naesstrom) <>`__
- `H. Árkosi Róbert (@nagyrobi) <>`__
- `Viktor Nagy (@nagyv) <>`__
- `nanoparticle (@nanoparticle) <>`__
- `NanoSector (@NanoSector) <>`__
- `Oskar Napieraj (@napieraj) <>`__
- `Patrick ZAJDA (@Nardol) <>`__
- `Nate Lust (@natelust) <>`__
- `ueno (@nayuta-ueno) <>`__
- `Nazar Mokrynskyi (@nazar-pc) <>`__
- `Bergont Nicolas (@nbergont) <>`__
- `neilger (@neilger) <>`__
- `Nejc Koncan (@nejc-cc) <>`__
- `Nicolas Graziano (@ngraziano) <>`__
- `nickrout (@nickrout) <>`__
- `Nick Whyte (@nickw444) <>`__
- `Nicky Ivy (@nickyivyca) <>`__
- `NP v/d Spek (@nielsnl68) <>`__
- `Niels Zeilemaker (@NielsZeilemaker) <>`__
- `Joakim Vindgard (@nigobo) <>`__
- `nikito7 (@nikito7) <>`__
- `niklasweber (@niklasweber) <>`__
- `Zvonimir Haramustek (@nitko12) <>`__
- `Nixspers (@Nixspers) <>`__
- `Dennis (@Nizzle) <>`__
- `nldroid (@nldroid) <>`__
- `Niccolò Maggioni (@nmaggioni) <>`__
- `nmeachen (@nmeachen) <>`__
- `Jan Sandbrink (@NobodysNightmare) <>`__
- `Álvaro Fernández Rojas (@Noltari) <>`__
- `Łukasz Śliwiński (@nonameplum) <>`__
- `Greg Johnson (@notgwj) <>`__
- `notsonominal (@notsonominal) <>`__
- `nouser2013 (@nouser2013) <>`__
- `Nick (@ntompson) <>`__
- `Stephen Edgar (@ntwb) <>`__
- `Matthias (@NuclearPhoenixx) <>`__
- `Stanislav Meduna (@numo68) <>`__
- `Nuno Sousa (@nunofgs) <>`__
- `Maksym Lunin (@nut-code-monkey) <>`__
- `Chris Nussbaum (@nuttytree) <>`__
- `Michał Sochoń (@nvtkaszpir) <>`__
- `Nathaniel Wesley Filardo (@nwf) <>`__
- `obrain17 (@obrain17) <>`__
- `Ockert Marais (@OckertM) <>`__
- `Dave Walker (@oddsockmachine) <>`__
- `Odd Stråbø (@oddstr13) <>`__
- `Andrey Ganzevich (@odya) <>`__
- `ogatatsu (@ogatatsu) <>`__
- `Oğuzhan Başer (@oguzhanbaser) <>`__
- `OkhammahkO (@OkhammahkO) <>`__
- `Omar Ghader (@omarghader) <>`__
- `Ömer Şiar Baysal (@omersiar) <>`__
- `Onne (@onnlucky) <>`__
- `optimusprimespace (@optimusprimespace) <>`__
- `Oscar Bolmsten (@oscar-b) <>`__
- `Otamay (@Otamay) <>`__
- `Otto Winter (@OttoWinter) <>`__
- `Maxime Dufour (@outscale-mdr) <>`__
- `Ben Owen (@owenb321) <>`__
- `Oxan van Leeuwen (@oxan) <>`__
- `Pablo Clemente Maseda (@paclema) <>`__
- `Paint Your Dragon (@PaintYourDragon) <>`__
- `Victor Tseng (@Palatis) <>`__
- `Derrick Lyndon Pallas (@pallas) <>`__
- `Panuruj Khambanonda (PK) (@panuruj) <>`__
- `Daniel Mahaney (@Papa-DMan) <>`__
- `Patrick Collins (@patrickcollins12) <>`__
- `Paul Deen (@PaulAntonDeen) <>`__
- `Paul Monigatti (@paulmonigatti) <>`__
- `Paul Nicholls (@pauln) <>`__
- `Pavlo Dudnytskyi (@paveldn) <>`__
- `Bartłomiej Biernacki (@pax0r) <>`__
- `pcr20 (@pcr20) <>`__
- `peddamat (@peddamat) <>`__
- `pedjas (@pedjas) <>`__
- `pedrobsm (@pedrobsm) <>`__
- `Axotron (@per-magnusson) <>`__
- `per1234 (@per1234) <>`__
- `David (@perldj) <>`__
- `Peter Galantha (@peterg79) <>`__
- `Philippe Delodder (@phdelodder) <>`__
- `philbowers (@philbowers) <>`__
- `Philippe FOUQUET (@Philippe12) <>`__
- `Philipp Molitor (@PhilippMolitor) <>`__
- `Philip Rosenberg-Watt (@PhilRW) <>`__
- `Philip Persson (@PhPersson) <>`__
- `pieterbrink123 (@pieterbrink123) <>`__
- `Piotr Kubiak (@piotr-kubiak) <>`__
- `Peter Kuehne (@pkuehne) <>`__
- `Plácido Revilla (@placidorevilla) <>`__
- `PlainTechEnthusiast (@PlainTechEnthusiast) <>`__
- `Marcus Kempe (@plopp) <>`__
- `Jan Pluskal (@pluskal) <>`__
- `DK (@poldim) <>`__
- `poloswiss (@poloswiss) <>`__
- `Pontus Oldberg (@PontusO) <>`__
- `poptix (@poptix) <>`__
- `Iván Povedano (@pove) <>`__
- `Peter Provost (@PProvost) <>`__
- `Q. Marchi (@preeefix) <>`__
- `Francesco Ciocchetti (@primeroz) <>`__
- `probonopd (@probonopd) <>`__
- `Mike Lynch (@Prow7) <>`__
- `Peter Tatrai (@ptatrai) <>`__
- `Leandro Puerari (@puerari) <>`__
- `puuu (@puuu) <>`__
- `Pascal Vizeli (@pvizeli) <>`__
- `Alex (@pxe-la) <>`__
- `[pʲɵs] (@pyos) <>`__
- `Qc (@qc24) <>`__
- `Quinn Casey (@qcasey) <>`__
- `Tommy Jonsson (@quazzie) <>`__
- `Quentin Smith (@quentinmit) <>`__
- `Johannes Rebling (@r0oland) <>`__
- `Richard Kuhnt (@r15ch13) <>`__
- `Richard Miles (@r89m) <>`__
- `Aaron Zhang (@rabbit-aaron) <>`__
- `RadekHvizdos (@RadekHvizdos) <>`__
- `Florian Ragwitz (@rafl) <>`__
- `Ben V. Brown (@Ralim) <>`__
- `randomllama (@randomllama) <>`__
- `Marc Seeger (@rb2k) <>`__
- `rbaron (@rbaron) <>`__
- `Robert Cambridge (@rcambrj) <>`__
- `Russell Cloran (@rcloran) <>`__
- `Rebbe Pod (@RebbePod) <>`__
- `reddn (@reddn) <>`__
- `Alex (@redwngsrul) <>`__
- `Refferic (@Refferic) <>`__
- `Regev Brody (@regevbr) <>`__
- `Rei Vilo (@rei-vilo) <>`__
- `Alex Reid (@reidprojects) <>`__
- `RenierM26 (@RenierM26) <>`__
- `Robin Pronk (@rfpronk) <>`__
- `Robert Gabrielson (@rgabrielson11) <>`__
- `Rafael Goes (@rgriffogoes) <>`__
- `rheinz (@rheinz) <>`__
- `richardhopton (@richardhopton) <>`__
- `Richard Klingler (@richardklingler) <>`__
- `Richard Lewis (@richrd) <>`__
- `Andre Borie (@Rjevski) <>`__
- `rjlexx (@rjlexx) <>`__
- `rlowens (@rlowens) <>`__
- `Ryan Mounce (@rmounce) <>`__
- `rnauber (@rnauber) <>`__
- `Rob Deutsch (@rob-deutsch) <>`__
- `Robert Alfaro (@robert-alfaro) <>`__
- `Robinson1999 (@Robinson1999) <>`__
- `RoboMagus (@RoboMagus) <>`__
- `Roeland Lutters (@Roeland54) <>`__
- `RoganDawes (@RoganDawes) <>`__
- `Roman Ondráček (@Roman3349) <>`__
- `Jérôme W. (@RomRider) <>`__
- `roscoegray (@roscoegray) <>`__
- `rotarykite (@rotarykite) <>`__
- `Rajan Patel (@rpatel3001) <>`__
- `Bob Perciaccante (@rperciaccante) <>`__
- `rradar (@rradar) <>`__
- `rspaargaren (@rspaargaren) <>`__
- `rsumner (@rsumner) <>`__
- `@RubenKelevra (@RubenKelevra) <>`__
- `RubyBailey (@RubyBailey) <>`__
- `Rus Ti (@Rusti-gotrage) <>`__
- `rweather (@rweather) <>`__
- `rwilson131 (@rwilson131) <>`__
- `Ryan Lang (@ryan-lang) <>`__
- `ryanalden (@ryanalden) <>`__
- `ryansmigley (@ryansmigley) <>`__
- `Lukas Bachschwell (@s00500) <>`__
- `Sabas (@sabas1080) <>`__
- `Sabesto (@Sabesto) <>`__
- `Jan Čermák (@sairon) <>`__
- `Sam Turner (@samturner3) <>`__
- `Sender (@sanderlv) <>`__
- `Sanjay Govind (@sanjay900) <>`__
- `sascha lammers (@sascha432) <>`__
- `Davide Perini (@sblantipodi) <>`__
- `sbur83 (@sbur83) <>`__
- `Søren Christian Aarup (@scaarup) <>`__
- `Nils Schulte (@Schnilz) <>`__
- `Wolle (@schreibfaul1) <>`__
- `Ville Skyttä (@scop) <>`__
- `Jeremy Pack (@scriptengine) <>`__
- `Sean True (@seantrue) <>`__
- `sebcaps (@sebcaps) <>`__
- `Stefan Seyfried (@seife) <>`__
- `SenexCrenshaw (@SenexCrenshaw) <>`__
- `Jason Sepinsky (@Sepinsky) <>`__
- `Sergey Popov (@Sergey-SRG) <>`__
- `Sergio Mayoral Martínez (@sermayoral) <>`__
- `Seth Girvan (@sethgirvan) <>`__
- `Emanuele Tessore (@setola) <>`__
- `Abdelkader Boudih (@seuros) <>`__
- `SharkSharp (@SharkSharp) <>`__
- `Sebastiaan (@SharkWipf) <>`__
- `Alexander Dimitrov (@sharkydog) <>`__
- `Fabio Todaro (@SharpEdgeMarshall) <>`__
- `ShellAddicted (@ShellAddicted) <>`__
- `sherbang (@sherbang) <>`__
- `Shish (@shish) <>`__
- `signix (@signix) <>`__
- `SiliconAvatar (@SiliconAvatar) <>`__
- `Mark Lopez (@Silvenga) <>`__
- `Francisco J. Solis (@sisco0) <>`__
- `Derek Hageman (@Sizurka) <>`__
- `Stephen Tierney (@sjtrny) <>`__
- `Dominik Skalník (@skaldo) <>`__
- `Niklas Wagner (@Skaronator) <>`__
- `Brian Slesinsky (@skybrian) <>`__
- `Jordan W. Cobb (@skykingjwc) <>`__
- `Sebastian Lövdahl (@slovdahl) <>`__
- `smischny (@smischny) <>`__
- `John Mueller (@softplus) <>`__
- `Sourabh Jaiswal (@sourabhjaiswal) <>`__
- `Philip Allgaier (@spacegaier) <>`__
- `spacemanspiff2007 (@spacemanspiff2007) <>`__
- `sparkydave1981 (@sparkydave1981) <>`__
- `spattinson (@spattinson) <>`__
- `Sean Brogan (@spbrogan) <>`__
- `Justin Gerace (@spectrumjade) <>`__
- `Spegs21 (@Spegs21) <>`__
- `Eric Lind (@sperly) <>`__
- `Spencer Owen (@spuder) <>`__
- `Samuel Sieb (@ssieb) <>`__
- `Stefan Staub (@sstaub) <>`__
- `Stanislav Habich (@standahabich) <>`__
- `stegm (@stegm) <>`__
- `Stewart (@stewiem2000) <>`__
- `sthorley (@sthorley) <>`__
- `sticilface (@sticilface) <>`__
- `Stijn Tintel (@stintel) <>`__
- `Mathias Stock (@Stock-M) <>`__
- `Strixx76 (@Strixx76) <>`__
- `stubs12 (@stubs12) <>`__
- `sud33p (@sud33p) <>`__
- `sumirati (@sumirati) <>`__
- `swhaat (@swhaat) <>`__
- `swifty99 (@swifty99) <>`__
- `Jan Gutowski (@Switch123456789) <>`__
- `Sybren A. Stüvel (@sybrenstuvel) <>`__
- `synco (@synco) <>`__
- `Marcel Feix (@Syndlex) <>`__
- `Suryandaru Triandana (@syndtr) <>`__
- `SyXavier (@SyXavier) <>`__
- `Szewcson (@Szewcson) <>`__
- `Peter (@szpeter80) <>`__
- `Taigar2015 (@Taigar2015) <>`__
- `Stefan Dragnev (@tailsu) <>`__
- `Levente Tamas (@tamisoft) <>`__
- `Aleksandr Oleinikov (@tannisroot) <>`__
- `tantive (@tantive) <>`__
- `Aiden (@tarontop) <>`__
- `Hawawa McTaru (@TaruDesigns) <>`__
- `Ryan Hoffman (@tekmaven) <>`__
- `testbughub (@testbughub) <>`__
- `Greg Lincoln (@tetious) <>`__
- `Terry Hardie (@thardie) <>`__
- `thatslolo (@thatslolo) <>`__
- `The-Paran0id-Andr0id (@The-Paran0id-Andr0id) <>`__
- `Thomas Eckerstorfer (@TheEggi) <>`__
- `Theexternaldisk (@Theexternaldisk) <>`__
- `Martijn van der Pol (@TheFes) <>`__
- `TheGroundZero (@TheGroundZero) <>`__
- `thejonesyboy (@thejonesyboy) <>`__
- `TheJulianJES (@TheJulianJES) <>`__
- `Bart (@TheNameIsBart) <>`__
- `Zixuan Wang (@TheNetAdmin) <>`__
- `Dominik Bruhn (@theomega) <>`__
- `Brian Levinsen (@therealeldaria) <>`__
- `Steve Scott (@thewishy) <>`__
- `Florian Gareis (@TheZoker) <>`__
- `Thibault Maekelbergh (@thibmaek) <>`__
- `Matt (@ThisIsTheOnlyUsernameAvailable) <>`__
- `Mücahid Kamber (@thlstfs) <>`__
- `Thomas Heiser (@thomasheiser85) <>`__
- `Andrew Thompson (@thompsa) <>`__
- `John (@thorrak) <>`__
- `Thomas Langewouters (@thouters) <>`__
- `Transylvania High Tech (@thtro) <>`__
- `Thunderbiscuits (@Thunderbiscuits) <>`__
- `tiagofreire-pt (@tiagofreire-pt) <>`__
- `Tijs-B (@Tijs-B) <>`__
- `Tim Boldt (@timboldt) <>`__
- `Tim Laurence (@timdaman) <>`__
- `Aidan Timson (@timmo001) <>`__
- `Tim Niemueller (@timn) <>`__
- `Tim Savage (@timsavage) <>`__
- `Tinkerfish (@tinkerfish) <>`__
- `TJ Horner (@tjhorner) <>`__
- `Christian (@Tntdruid) <>`__
- `Philipp Tölke (@toelke) <>`__
- `tomaszduda23 (@tomaszduda23) <>`__
- `Tom Brien (@TomBrien) <>`__
- `Thomas Combriat (@tomcombriat) <>`__
- `Tom Hartogs (@TomHartogs) <>`__
- `TomKong666 (@TomKong666) <>`__
- `tomlut (@tomlut) <>`__
- `tomle (@tomole444) <>`__
- `Tom Price (@tomtom5152) <>`__
- `David Kiliani (@torfbolt) <>`__
- `tracestep (@tracestep) <>`__
- `Trent Houliston (@TrentHouliston) <>`__
- `Felix Eckhofer (@tribut) <>`__
- `Trick van Staveren (@trickv) <>`__
- `TripitakaBC (@TripitakaBC) <>`__
- `Tobias (@tripplet) <>`__
- `Tyler Bules (@Troublebrewing) <>`__
- `Olli Salonen (@trsqr) <>`__
- `Trevor North (@trvrnrth) <>`__
- `Trygve Laugstøl (@trygvis) <>`__
- `Gediminas Šaltenis (@trylika) <>`__
- `Tuan (@tuanpmt) <>`__
- `tubalainen (@tubalainen) <>`__
- `tube0013 (@tube0013) <>`__
- `Alexey Vlasov (@turbulator) <>`__
- `tvan0076 (@tvan0076) <>`__
- `Thorsten von Eicken (@tve) <>`__
- `Ubi de Feo (@ubidefeo) <>`__
- `ulic75 (@ulic75) <>`__
- `unhold (@unhold) <>`__
- `Aaron Mildenstein (@untergeek) <>`__
- `uPesy Electronics (@uPesy) <>`__
- `UT2UH (@UT2UH) <>`__
- `Vc (@Valcob) <>`__
- `Nad (@valordk) <>`__
- `Veli Veromann (@velijv) <>`__
- `André Lademann (@vergissberlin) <>`__
- `Austin (@vidplace7) <>`__
- `Vincèn (@vincegre) <>`__
- `Virage Laboratories (@viragelabs) <>`__
- `Vishnu Mohanan (@vishnumaiea) <>`__
- `VitaliyKurokhtin (@VitaliyKurokhtin) <>`__
- `Xuming Feng (@voicevon) <>`__
- `vt-vaio (@vt-vaio) <>`__
- `vtechun (@vtechun) <>`__
- `vxider (@Vxider) <>`__
- `Wai Weng (@waiweng83) <>`__
- `WallyCZ (@WallyCZ) <>`__
- `warpzone (@warpzone) <>`__
- `John "Warthog9" Hawley (@warthog9) <>`__
- `Wauter (@Wauter) <>`__
- `WeekendWarrior1 (@WeekendWarrior1) <>`__
- `Ian Wells (@wellsi) <>`__
- `whimsee (@whimsee) <>`__
- `wifwucite (@wifwucite) <>`__
- `wilberforce (@wilberforce) <>`__
- `wildekek (@wildekek) <>`__
- `Wingman3434 (@Wingman3434) <>`__
- `Emil Hesslow (@WizKid) <>`__
- `WJCarpenter (@wjcarpenter) <>`__
- `Wouter van der Wal (@wjtje) <>`__
- `Artur 'Wodor' Wielogorski (@wodor) <>`__
- `Rick van Hattem (@wolph) <>`__
- `workingmanrob (@workingmanrob) <>`__
- `Sven Serlier (@wrt54g) <>`__
- `Wolfgang Tremmel (@wtremmel) <>`__
- `Wvirgil123 (@Wvirgil123) <>`__
- `wysiwyng (@wysiwyng) <>`__
- `Jakob (@XDjackieXD) <>`__
- `Mike Brown (@xenoxaos) <>`__
- `Xose Pérez (@xoseperez) <>`__
- `WitchKing (@xvil) <>`__
- `Andrew Kroll (@xxxajk) <>`__
- `Yaroslav (@Yarikx) <>`__
- `Marcin Jaworski (@yawor) <>`__
- `yousaf465 (@yousaf465) <>`__
- `Yuval Aboulafia (@yuvalabou) <>`__
- `Björn Stenberg (@zagor) <>`__
- `david reid (@zathras777) <>`__
- `Brynley McDonald (@ZephireNZ) <>`__
- `Geek_cat (@zhzhzhy) <>`__
- `I. Tomita (@ziceva) <>`__
- `Stefan Goethals (@zipkid) <>`__
- `zivillian (@zivillian) <>`__
- `Loïc (@zoic21) <>`__
- `Zack Barett (@zsarnett) <>`__
- `Zsolt Zsiros (@ZsZs73) <>`__
- `Christian Zufferey (@zuzu59) <>`__
*This page was last updated August 10, 2023.*