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Changelog - Version 1.15.0 - September 13, 2020
.. seo::
:description: Changelog for ESPHome version 1.15.0.
:image: /_static/changelog-1.15.0.png
:author: Otto Winter
:author_twitter: @OttoWinter_
.. imgtable::
:columns: 5
AHT10, components/sensor/aht10, aht10.jpg
QMC5883L, components/sensor/qmc5883l, qmc5883l.jpg
INA226, components/sensor/ina226, ina226.jpg
HM3301, components/sensor/hm3301, hm3301.jpg
MAX31856, components/sensor/max31856, max31856.jpg
MAX31865, components/sensor/max31865, max31865.jpg
RuuviTag, components/sensor/ruuvitag, ruuvitag.jpg
SPS30, components/sensor/sps30, sps30.jpg
TMP117, components/sensor/tmp117, tmp117.jpg
Xiaomi BLE, components/sensor/xiaomi_ble, xiaomi_mijia_logo.jpg
Slow PWM, components/output/slow_pwm, pwm.png
ESP32 DAC, components/output/esp32_dac, dac.svg
AC Dimmer, components/output/ac_dimmer, ac_dimmer.svg
Tuya Fan, components/fan/tuya, tuya.png
Tuya Binary Sensor, components/binary_sensor/tuya, tuya.png
Tuya Dimmer, components/light/tuya, tuya.png
Tuya Sensor, components/sensor/tuya, tuya.png
Tuya Switch, components/switch/tuya, tuya.png
Tuya Climate, components/climate/tuya, tuya.png
MAX7219 Dot Matrix, components/display/max7219digit, max7219digit.png
TM1637, components/display/tm1637, tm1637.jpg
SSD1351, components/display/ssd1351, ssd1351.jpg
ST7789V, components/display/st7789v, st7789v.jpg
ILI9341, components/display/ili9341, ili9341.jpg
PCD8544 (Nokia 5110/ 3310), components/display/pcd8544, pcd8544.jpg
BLE Scanner, components/text_sensor/ble_scanner, bluetooth.svg
Custom UART Text Sensor, components/text_sensor/uart, language-cpp.svg
Thermostat Controller, components/climate/thermostat, air-conditioner.svg
PID Controller, components/climate/pid, function.svg
IR Remote Climate, components/climate/ir_climate, air-conditioner-ir.svg
HTTP Request, components/http_request, connection.svg
MCP3008 8-Channel 10-Bit A/D Converter, components/mcp3008, mcp3008.jpg
SN74HC595 I/O Expander, components/sn74hc595, sn74hc595.jpg
TM1651 Battery Display, components/tm1651, tm1651_battery_display.jpg
RF Bridge, components/rf_bridge, rf_bridge.jpg
Exposure Notifications, components/exposure_notifications, exposure_notifications.png
RTTTL Buzzer, components/rtttl, buzzer.jpg
Prometheus, components/prometheus, prometheus.svg
Stop! this is not Otto Winter, but Guillermo Ruffino (:ghuser:`glmnet`). So Hi there!
Latest feature release was 10 months ago already, however development and support did not stop. We have
lots of contributions here, the list above with integrations images is the longest to date and the changelog
is bigger too!
Notable Changes & New Features
ESPHome add on is now also available at the Home Assistant community add ons! (:ghuser:`OttoWinter` and
:ghuser:`frenck` of course)
The dashboard got a visual revamp! Now more nodes are visible at the same time. :ghuser:`jonathanadams` also
took a few bugs with it too.
Lots new sensors, port expanders, displays... and :ghuser:`kbx81` came up with color displays too!
There are new climates like the Thermostat, PID and more IR based devices too. And can't wait to see DIY
projects with the RTTTL buzzer.
Scripts are more stable, and also were updated to follow new Home Assistant script options, like ``single``,
``queued``, etc.
Also if you don't like repeating stuff in yaml, the new packages options :ghuser:`corvis` added are very handy.
I did a terrible job tagging contributions and now I'm paying for that, hope nobody gets angry.
I've updated the contributors list in an attepmpt of giving people credit, many really deserve to be listed
here not only for their code contributions but also for their support on the community, bug fixing etc., thanks!
This release is possible not only because all the contributions this project receives, but also for the
latest contributions from Otto itself, he did a great job automating GitHub with actions and also building
scripts which takes cares of 90% of the release process, so hopefully new versions will come along at a better pace.
If you don't see somebody credited by somthing, thats because Otto did it.
From myself special thanks to :ghuser:`ssieb`, :ghuser:`rradar`, :ghuser:`jesserockz`, :ghuser:`kbx81`, and many others
specially :ghuser:`OttoWinter` for all this.
Still many new features and fixes are pending to be included in this release, but we had to left them aside
for a while so we can focus better. So let's ship this and keep going on new stuff!!
Last but not least, thanks to all contributors, bug reporters and patrons! Without you this would not
be possible!
New Features
- esphome: Dashboard Updates :esphomepr:`1025` by :ghuser:`jonathanadams` (new-feature) (notable-change)
- esphome: Ble scanner :esphomepr:`976` by :ghuser:`TheKuko` (new-feature)
- esphome: Add Prometheus /metrics-Endpoint :esphomepr:`1032` by :ghuser:`margau` (new-feature)
- esphome: Add support for command-line substitutions :esphomepr:`1014` by :ghuser:`AlexMekkering` (new-feature)
- esphome: Packages feature :esphomepr:`1052` by :ghuser:`corvis` (new-feature) (notable-change)
- esphome: WPA2 Enterprise Attempt 2 :esphomepr:`1158` (new-feature)
- esphome: New script modes POC :esphomepr:`1168` (breaking-change) (new-feature)
New Integrations
- esphome: implemented ruuvi_ble and ruuvitag with RAWv1 and RAWv2 protocol :esphomepr:`810` by :ghuser:`Alex9779` (new-integration)
- esphome: http_request component :esphomepr:`719` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add support for Sensirion SPS30 Particulate Matter sensors :esphomepr:`891` by :ghuser:`valordk` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add TM1561 support :esphomepr:`893` by :ghuser:`freekode` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add slow_pwm output component :esphomepr:`894` by :ghuser:`nickw444` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add RFBridge component :esphomepr:`896` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-integration)
- esphome: Climate Mitsubishi :esphomepr:`725` by :ghuser:`glmnet` (new-integration)
- esphome: PID Climate :esphomepr:`885` (new-integration)
- esphome: Display tm1637 :esphomepr:`946` by :ghuser:`glmnet` (new-integration)
- esphome: Daikin climate ir component :esphomepr:`964` by :ghuser:`hectorgimenez` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add TMP117 component :esphomepr:`992` by :ghuser:`Azimath` (new-integration)
- esphome: Support for AHT10 temperature and humidity sensor :esphomepr:`949` by :ghuser:`gmasse` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add HM3301 laser dust detection sensor :esphomepr:`963` by :ghuser:`freekode` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add AC Dimmer support :esphomepr:`880` (new-integration)
- esphome: feat: Add support for MCP23016 IO Expander :esphomepr:`1012` by :ghuser:`reidprojects` (new-integration)
- esphome: Climate whirlpool :esphomepr:`1029` by :ghuser:`glmnet` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add support for ESP32 DAC :esphomepr:`1071` by :ghuser:`napieraj` (new-integration)
- esphome: Adding support for MAX31856 Thermocouple Temperature Sensor (feature #700) :esphomepr:`1039` by :ghuser:`declanshanaghy` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add support for additional Xiaomi BLE sensors :esphomepr:`1027` by :ghuser:`ahpohl` (new-integration) (notable-change)
- esphome: Add E1.31 support :esphomepr:`950` by :ghuser:`ayufan` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add `adalight` light effect :esphomepr:`956` by :ghuser:`ayufan` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add WLED support :esphomepr:`1092` by :ghuser:`ayufan` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add LG Climate IR :esphomepr:`1097` by :ghuser:`square99` (new-integration)
- esphome: add support for SN74HC595 shift register :esphomepr:`1083` by :ghuser:`phjr` (new-integration)
- esphome: Thermostat component :esphomepr:`1105` by :ghuser:`kbx81` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add SSD1351 OLED display support :esphomepr:`1100` by :ghuser:`kbx81` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add support for Tuya Switches :esphomepr:`1074` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add support for Tuya Climate devices :esphomepr:`1076` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add support for Tuya Sensors :esphomepr:`1088` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add support for Tuya Binary Sensors :esphomepr:`1089` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add support for Toshiba heat pumps :esphomepr:`1121` by :ghuser:`JoppyFurr` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add exposure notifications :esphomepr:`1135` (new-integration)
- esphome: rtttl player :esphomepr:`1171` by :ghuser:`glmnet` (new-integration)
Breaking Changes
- esphome: Drop Python 2 Support :esphomepr:`793` (breaking-change)
- esphome: Fix SGP30 incorrect baseline reading/writing :esphomepr:`936` by :ghuser:`panuruj` (breaking-change)
- esphome: fix servo bug restoring state and starting servo detached :esphomepr:`1008` by :ghuser:`glmnet` (breaking-change)
- esphome: fix shunt voltage / current / power reading in INA3221 :esphomepr:`1101` by :ghuser:`Vxider` (breaking-change)
- esphome: Fix: Component script not stopped in certain situations :esphomepr:`1004` by :ghuser:`balrog-kun` (breaking-change)
- esphome: New script modes POC :esphomepr:`1168` (breaking-change) (new-feature)
Notable Changes
- esphome: Dashboard Updates :esphomepr:`1025` by :ghuser:`jonathanadams` (new-feature) (notable-change)
- esphome: Uart improvments :esphomepr:`1024` by :ghuser:`0hax` (notable-change)
- esphome: Add support for additional Xiaomi BLE sensors :esphomepr:`1027` by :ghuser:`ahpohl` (new-integration) (notable-change)
- esphome: Packages feature :esphomepr:`1052` by :ghuser:`corvis` (new-feature) (notable-change)
Beta Fixes
- esphome: Mitigate CVE-2020-12638 WiFi WPA Downgrade :esphomepr:`1207`
- esphome: ESP8266 change recommended framework version to 2.7.2 :esphomepr:`1208`
- esphome: Fix base config should override packages config :esphomepr:`1209`
- docs: ESP8266 change recommended framework version to 2.7.2 :docspr:`714`
- esphome: Fix AS3935 sensor configuration issues :esphomepr:`1210` by :ghuser:`trylika`
- esphome: Fix prometheus has wrong setup priority :esphomepr:`1211`
- esphome: Downgrade FastLED to 3.3.2 :esphomepr:`1212`
- docs: Fix old screenshots :docspr:`716` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Add tuya platforms to changelog table :docspr:`715` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Fix sdist missing requirements.txt :esphomepr:`1214`
- docs: Include new v1.15 components from diff :docspr:`718` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: renamed icon molecule co2 :esphomepr:`1217` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Add job to update HassIO addon repo :esphomepr:`1218`
- esphome: Stop infinite loop in light on_turn_on :esphomepr:`1219` by :ghuser:`WizKid`
- esphome: Bump ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome to v1.2.7 :esphomepr:`1221`
- docs: Added hint that not the subsensor id is meant. :docspr:`720` by :ghuser:`ei-ke`
- esphome: wpa2 enterprise fixes: also copy eap parameters, don't require psk password to be set :esphomepr:`1215` by :ghuser:`dr-oblivium`
- esphome: Bump base image to 2.4.1 :esphomepr:`1224`
- esphome: Fix release.yml invalid bash syntax :esphomepr:`1226`
- esphome: Bump ESP8266 Arduino framework from 2.7.2 to 2.7.3 :esphomepr:`1229`
- docs: Update docs for community Hass.io add-ons :docspr:`721`
- esphome: Bump ESPAsyncTCP from 1.2.2 to 1.2.3 :esphomepr:`1227`
- esphome: Fix ESP8266 core has a broken settimeofday implementation :esphomepr:`1231`
- docs: Cookbook: BME280 Environment added dew point calculations :docspr:`629` by :ghuser:`rradar`
- esphome: Fix tuya.cpp compile warning :esphomepr:`1232`
- esphome: Script mode fix :esphomepr:`1238` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: make powered on assume public :esphomepr:`1240` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Bump docker base image to 2.6.0 :esphomepr:`1245`
- esphome: Image bit dephts :esphomepr:`1241` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: add image type :docspr:`730` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: fixes deg symbol not shown :esphomepr:`1248` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Update diy.rst :docspr:`736` by :ghuser:`emorydunn`
- docs: Add a note about setting dns in manual ip mode :docspr:`735` by :ghuser:`martgras`
- docs: Change example ota id :docspr:`737` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Fix SSD1306 post-setup brightness control :esphomepr:`1090` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- esphome: Fix esp8266_restore_from_flash :esphomepr:`638`
- esphome: Fix stack trace decode for latest platformio :esphomepr:`830`
- docs: Update diy.rst :docspr:`748` by :ghuser:`galagaking`
- docs: Add carrier_frequency for IR device example :docspr:`734` by :ghuser:`abmantis`
- docs: Added Arlec Grid Connect Smart Plug :docspr:`749` by :ghuser:`freerangeeggs`
All changes
- esphome: Add lint check for integer constants :esphomepr:`775`
- esphome: Wizard board name fixes :esphomepr:`787` by :ghuser:`scop`
- esphome: Logger on_message trigger :esphomepr:`729` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk`
- docs: Logger on_message trigger :docspr:`374` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk`
- docs: Add Fujitsu General Climate component docs :docspr:`307` by :ghuser:`31337Ghost`
- docs: fix logger.rst ref link :docspr:`379` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Added more power data to the atm90e32 component :esphomepr:`799` by :ghuser:`CircuitSetup`
- docs: added reactive power, power factor, chip temp... :docspr:`380` by :ghuser:`CircuitSetup`
- esphome: service uuid based ble tracking :esphomepr:`800` by :ghuser:`Lumpusz`
- docs: Ble rssi svc :docspr:`377` by :ghuser:`Lumpusz`
- docs: Typo fix pzemac :docspr:`388` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk`
- docs: Typo fix pzemdc :docspr:`389` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk`
- docs: Document UART stop_bits :docspr:`396`
- docs: Document missing servo restore option :docspr:`398`
- esphome: Fix stack trace decode for latest platformio :esphomepr:`830`
- esphome: Add MAX31865 sensor support, fix MAX31855 sensor :esphomepr:`832` by :ghuser:`DAVe3283`
- docs: Add MAX31865, update MAX31855 :docspr:`399` by :ghuser:`DAVe3283`
- esphome: Add support for INA226 Current/Power Monitor :esphomepr:`801` by :ghuser:`sergio303`
- docs: Add INA226 current/power monitor :docspr:`403` by :ghuser:`sergio303`
- esphome: implemented ruuvi_ble and ruuvitag with RAWv1 and RAWv2 protocol :esphomepr:`810` by :ghuser:`Alex9779` (new-integration)
- docs: added docs for ruuvitag :docspr:`383` by :ghuser:`Alex9779`
- esphome: http_request component :esphomepr:`719` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk` (new-integration)
- docs: http_request component :docspr:`392` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk`
- esphome: fix esphome better error out :esphomepr:`843` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Add climate dry fan :esphomepr:`845` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Decode DHT11 decimal part :esphomepr:`861` by :ghuser:`airy10`
- docs: add climate core docs fan, swing :docspr:`415` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: fix chip_temperature for atm90e32 component :esphomepr:`865` by :ghuser:`CircuitSetup`
- esphome: add position action and lambda - tested :esphomepr:`877` by :ghuser:`KristopherMackowiak`
- esphome: added idle action for climate :esphomepr:`859` by :ghuser:`danielkucera`
- esphome: Fix MAX31865 edge case. :esphomepr:`882` by :ghuser:`DAVe3283`
- docs: Added Documentation for QMC5883L + HMC5883L Doc improvements :docspr:`301` by :ghuser:`timpur`
- esphome: Add QMC5883L Sensor + Improvements to HMC5883L :esphomepr:`671` by :ghuser:`timpur`
- esphome: Add B/W support for Waveshare 2.90in (B) screen :esphomepr:`889` by :ghuser:`akomelj`
- docs: Add B/W support for Waveshare 2.90in (B) screen :docspr:`426` by :ghuser:`akomelj`
- esphome: Add support for Sensirion SPS30 Particulate Matter sensors :esphomepr:`891` by :ghuser:`valordk` (new-integration)
- docs: Add documentation for Sensirion SPS30 Particulate Matter sensors :docspr:`424` by :ghuser:`valordk`
- docs: Add TM1651 docs :docspr:`429` by :ghuser:`freekode`
- esphome: Add TM1561 support :esphomepr:`893` by :ghuser:`freekode` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add magic value REPLACEME :esphomepr:`881`
- esphome: Pulse counter validate not both disabled :esphomepr:`902`
- esphome: Optimize application loop speed :esphomepr:`860`
- esphome: Better/stricter pin validation :esphomepr:`903`
- esphome: Disable default wait_time for rc_switch :esphomepr:`900`
- esphome: Update python dependencies :esphomepr:`906`
- esphome: Handle yaml merge keys correcly. :esphomepr:`888` by :ghuser:`edge90`
- esphome: Allow loading esphome version from a fork :esphomepr:`907` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Clean up YAML Mapping construction :esphomepr:`910`
- docs: Add doc for slow_pwm output component :docspr:`427` by :ghuser:`nickw444`
- esphome: Add slow_pwm output component :esphomepr:`894` by :ghuser:`nickw444` (new-integration)
- esphome: ESP32 GPIOs 33 to 38 can be used for deep sleep wakeup :esphomepr:`911` by :ghuser:`adamgreg`
- esphome: Drop Python 2 Support :esphomepr:`793` (breaking-change)
- esphome: Add RFBridge component :esphomepr:`896` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-integration)
- docs: Add docs for RF Bridge :docspr:`433` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: ct_clamp: Check sample() return value is not NaN :esphomepr:`921` by :ghuser:`balrog-kun`
- docs: merge all ir climates in a single doc :docspr:`385` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Climate Mitsubishi :esphomepr:`725` by :ghuser:`glmnet` (new-integration)
- esphome: fix: only decode when not str already :esphomepr:`923` by :ghuser:`wilmardo`
- esphome: fix climate-ir bad merge :esphomepr:`935` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: http_request: fix memory allocation :esphomepr:`916` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk`
- esphome: http_request: version validation fix :esphomepr:`917` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk`
- esphome: PID Climate :esphomepr:`885` (new-integration)
- docs: not a display component :docspr:`462` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Fix for wizard via dashboard not decoding strings :esphomepr:`941` by :ghuser:`timsavage`
- esphome: Adding the espressif 2.6.3 :esphomepr:`944` by :ghuser:`Valcob`
- esphome: extract and use current version of python 3 :esphomepr:`938` by :ghuser:`gitolicious`
- esphome: Inverted output in neopixelbus :esphomepr:`895` by :ghuser:`voibit`
- docs: Added support for inverted output in neopixelbus :docspr:`441` by :ghuser:`voibit`
- esphome: Added degree symbol for MAX7219 7-segment display. :esphomepr:`764` by :ghuser:`cyberplant`
- esphome: Fix dump/tx of 64 bit codes :esphomepr:`940` by :ghuser:`andrasbiro`
- esphome: Update hdc1080.cpp :esphomepr:`887` by :ghuser:`dmkif`
- esphome: add tcl112 support for dry, fan and swing :esphomepr:`939` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Fix SGP30 incorrect baseline reading/writing :esphomepr:`936` by :ghuser:`panuruj` (breaking-change)
- docs: Update SGP30 for the correct eCO2 and TVOC baseline :docspr:`458` by :ghuser:`panuruj`
- docs: change docs to suggest logger config :docspr:`378` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Add register_*_effect to allow registering custom effects :esphomepr:`947` by :ghuser:`ayufan`
- esphome: Bugfix/normalize core comparisons (and Python 3 update fixes) :esphomepr:`952` by :ghuser:`timsavage`
- esphome: Add transmit pioneer :esphomepr:`922` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- docs: Add transmit pioneer :docspr:`446` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- docs: add tm1637 docs :docspr:`467` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Display tm1637 :esphomepr:`946` by :ghuser:`glmnet` (new-integration)
- esphome: Support a further variant of Xiaomi CGG1 :esphomepr:`930` by :ghuser:`mario-tux`
- docs: Add Daikin IR Climate documentation :docspr:`476` by :ghuser:`hectorgimenez`
- esphome: Daikin climate ir component :esphomepr:`964` by :ghuser:`hectorgimenez` (new-integration)
- esphome: fix tm1637 missing __init__.py :esphomepr:`975` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: sim800l: Add support of roaming-registered SIM cards :esphomepr:`977` by :ghuser:`andriej`
- esphome: BME280: fix typos, use forced mode constant :esphomepr:`974` by :ghuser:`GMTA`
- esphome: MQTT climate features :esphomepr:`913` by :ghuser:`puuu`
- esphome: Revert default ESP32 upload baud rate :esphomepr:`978`
- esphome: Add TM1651 simple level, turn on, turn off actions :esphomepr:`920` by :ghuser:`freekode`
- esphome: Webserver - include css, js in index :esphomepr:`932` by :ghuser:`Elkropac`
- docs: web_server - css_include and js_include: add new options and example :docspr:`459` by :ghuser:`Elkropac`
- docs: Add new action for TM1651 :docspr:`442` by :ghuser:`freekode`
- docs: Added equal symbol for MAX7219 7-segment display :docspr:`503` by :ghuser:`egeltje`
- esphome: Added equal symbol for MAX7219 7-segment display :esphomepr:`986` by :ghuser:`egeltje`
- esphome: Output from platformio idedata command does not need to be decoded :esphomepr:`953` by :ghuser:`brandond`
- esphome: Allow custom lights to be addressable :esphomepr:`954` by :ghuser:`brandond`
- esphome: Fix esphome/issues#947 - RGBW(W) white brightness :esphomepr:`925` by :ghuser:`pauln`
- esphome: Add support for TTGO epaper boards with B73 revision :esphomepr:`928` by :ghuser:`thomasklingbeil`
- esphome: Fix OTA updates getting killed by task_wdt :esphomepr:`959` by :ghuser:`Skaronator`
- esphome: Bugfix/1077 decode called on str fetching platformio stacktrace :esphomepr:`991` by :ghuser:`timsavage`
- esphome: Add support for Tuya ceiling fan controllers :esphomepr:`989` by :ghuser:`buxtronix`
- esphome: Fixed iBeacon struct and major and minor parsing :esphomepr:`987` by :ghuser:`sekkr1`
- esphome: http_request http fix :esphomepr:`980` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk`
- esphome: Rgbww color fix :esphomepr:`967` by :ghuser:`quinnhosler`
- esphome: add time cover assumed_state option :esphomepr:`979` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Add on_rc_switch trigger :esphomepr:`983` by :ghuser:`escoand`
- esphome: SCD30 fixes and improvements :esphomepr:`962` by :ghuser:`Sizurka`
- docs: cover time based add assumed state option :docspr:`490` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: pzemac total energy support :esphomepr:`933` by :ghuser:`yekm`
- docs: docs for Tuya fan, update tuya light :docspr:`502` by :ghuser:`buxtronix`
- docs: Next :docspr:`491` by :ghuser:`CircuitSetup`
- docs: add energy support to pzemac :docspr:`478` by :ghuser:`yekm`
- docs: Added examples for uart text sensor :docspr:`468` by :ghuser:`tomludd`
- docs: Add docs for TMP117 sensor :docspr:`505` by :ghuser:`Azimath`
- esphome: Add TMP117 component :esphomepr:`992` by :ghuser:`Azimath` (new-integration)
- esphome: Unittests for esphome python code :esphomepr:`931` by :ghuser:`timsavage`
- esphome: Corrections to default register values of ATM90E32 component :esphomepr:`982` by :ghuser:`CircuitSetup`
- esphome: Support for AHT10 temperature and humidity sensor :esphomepr:`949` by :ghuser:`gmasse` (new-integration)
- docs: Add documentation for AHT10 sensor :docspr:`466` by :ghuser:`gmasse`
- esphome: Retry connecting if the connection is not valid :esphomepr:`994` by :ghuser:`abmantis`
- esphome: Support for pcd8544 (nokia 5110 and 3310) screen :esphomepr:`973` by :ghuser:`pax0r`
- esphome: fix servo bug restoring state and starting servo detached :esphomepr:`1008` by :ghuser:`glmnet` (breaking-change)
- docs: Documentation for PCD8544 :docspr:`485` by :ghuser:`pax0r`
- esphome: VSCode devcontainer support :esphomepr:`914` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk`
- esphome: removes comments from lambda :esphomepr:`998` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Add HM3301 laser dust detection sensor :esphomepr:`963` by :ghuser:`freekode` (new-integration)
- docs: Add docs HM3301 :docspr:`529` by :ghuser:`freekode`
- esphome: Constant brightness :esphomepr:`1007` by :ghuser:`kroimon`
- docs: Add webserver-v1.js click handlers for Cover buttons :docspr:`521` by :ghuser:`balrog-kun`
- esphome: web_server: Add cover calls to REST API :esphomepr:`999` by :ghuser:`balrog-kun`
- esphome: Add AC Dimmer support :esphomepr:`880` (new-feature) (new-integration)
- docs: add ac_dimmer :docspr:`536` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Add documentation for cwww and rgbww constant_brightness variables. (… :docspr:`540` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: feat: Add support for MCP23016 IO Expander :esphomepr:`1012` by :ghuser:`reidprojects` (new-integration)
- docs: feat: Added documentation to support for MCP23016 :docspr:`537` by :ghuser:`reidprojects`
- docs: Kristopher mackowiak next :docspr:`544` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: fix copy paste void :docspr:`545` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Daikin climate receiver support :esphomepr:`1001` by :ghuser:`puuu`
- docs: ir_climate: describe daikin receive support :docspr:`522` by :ghuser:`puuu`
- esphome: Tests for CPP Code generation and some Python3 improvements :esphomepr:`961` by :ghuser:`timsavage`
- esphome: Climate whirlpool :esphomepr:`1029` by :ghuser:`glmnet` (new-integration)
- docs: add whirlpool climate :docspr:`552` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: add mac address info :docspr:`554` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: add mac address to wifi info :esphomepr:`1030` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: SHTC3: Wake up the sensor during setup :esphomepr:`993` by :ghuser:`Sizurka`
- esphome: Change buffer sending process for waveshare_epaper (2.70in) :esphomepr:`1031` by :ghuser:`ukewea`
- docs: add light on off triggers docs :docspr:`559` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: add lights on off triggers :esphomepr:`1037` by :ghuser:`glmnet` (new-feature)
- docs: Bluetooth advertising automation :docspr:`512` by :ghuser:`puuu`
- esphome: Bluetooth advertising automation :esphomepr:`995` by :ghuser:`puuu`
- esphome: Fix missing yield in ESP32 UART timeout code causing watchdog resets when blocking for serial data. :esphomepr:`1016` by :ghuser:`fake-name`
- docs: Make initial run variable available to addressable_lambda :docspr:`558` by :ghuser:`Skaronator`
- esphome: Make initial run variable available to addressable_lambda :esphomepr:`1035` by :ghuser:`Skaronator`
- esphome: Dashboard Updates :esphomepr:`1025` by :ghuser:`jonathanadams` (new-feature) (notable-change)
- docs: remote_receiver: describe memory_block configuration :docspr:`523` by :ghuser:`puuu`
- esphome: esp32 remote: make RMT memory blocks configureable :esphomepr:`1002` by :ghuser:`puuu`
- esphome: test disable no delay :esphomepr:`1026` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: http_request ESP32 insecure requests fix :esphomepr:`1041` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk`
- esphome: Update FastLED Library 3.3.3 :esphomepr:`1020` by :ghuser:`teamsuperpanda`
- docs: Max7219 intensity change update :docspr:`546` by :ghuser:`buxtronix`
- esphome: Some max7219 updates. :esphomepr:`1021` by :ghuser:`buxtronix`
- docs: 5.83in Waveshare add :docspr:`572` by :ghuser:`sredfern`
- esphome: Extending Support to 5.83in Waveshare eink B/W displays :esphomepr:`1009` by :ghuser:`sredfern`
- esphome: Allow tm1637 to use pins from IO expanders :esphomepr:`1058` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Fix fan oscillation trait not being used :esphomepr:`1048` by :ghuser:`blejdfist`
- esphome: Update tm1637.cpp :esphomepr:`1044` by :ghuser:`nepozs`
- esphome: dht: Fix sensor reading from DHT22 :esphomepr:`926` by :ghuser:`robinsmidsrod`
- docs: dht: Add DHT22_TYPE2 model :docspr:`563` by :ghuser:`robinsmidsrod`
- esphome: Add lambda to devcontainer config :esphomepr:`1059` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: Ble scanner doc :docspr:`611` by :ghuser:`TheKuko`
- esphome: Ble scanner :esphomepr:`976` by :ghuser:`TheKuko` (new-feature)
- docs: Update arduino framework versions :docspr:`575` by :ghuser:`Skaronator`
- docs: Fix pcf8574 mode :docspr:`616` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Dallas autosetup :docspr:`551` by :ghuser:`krahabb`
- esphome: Expose mac address via discovery (mDNS) :esphomepr:`1038` by :ghuser:`ctalkington`
- docs: ESP32 DAC output documentation :docspr:`617` by :ghuser:`napieraj`
- esphome: Add support for ESP32 DAC :esphomepr:`1071` by :ghuser:`napieraj` (new-integration)
- esphome: Uart improvments :esphomepr:`1024` by :ghuser:`0hax` (notable-change)
- docs: Uart improvments :docspr:`571` by :ghuser:`0hax`
- esphome: Adding support for MAX31856 Thermocouple Temperature Sensor (feature #700) :esphomepr:`1039` by :ghuser:`declanshanaghy` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add support for additional Xiaomi BLE sensors :esphomepr:`1027` by :ghuser:`ahpohl` (new-integration) (notable-change)
- docs: Add support for additional Xiaomi BLE sensors :docspr:`576` by :ghuser:`ahpohl`
- esphome: Explicitly set language to English :esphomepr:`1073` by :ghuser:`gitolicious`
- docs: Added TTGO-Camera Plus PIN configuration :docspr:`510` by :ghuser:`rudgr`
- esphome: Added support for ssd1327 :esphomepr:`985` by :ghuser:`igg`
- docs: added energy in pzem004 documentation :docspr:`547` by :ghuser:`adriancuzman`
- esphome: added energy reading for pzem004 :esphomepr:`1022` by :ghuser:`adriancuzman`
- esphome: BH1750 Measurement time :esphomepr:`997` by :ghuser:`rradar`
- docs: BH1750 Measurement time doc updates :docspr:`515` by :ghuser:`rradar`
- esphome: Sort keys in dicts in output yaml for 'config' command :esphomepr:`1049` by :ghuser:`ivan4th`
- esphome: Extend uart: with rx_buffer_size: :esphomepr:`1006` by :ghuser:`ayufan`
- docs: Document `uart.rx_buffer_size` :docspr:`528` by :ghuser:`ayufan`
- esphome: Add Prometheus /metrics-Endpoint :esphomepr:`1032` by :ghuser:`margau` (new-feature)
- docs: Add Prometheus-Documentation :docspr:`556` by :ghuser:`margau`
- esphome: Turn off PN532 RF field when not expecting a tag :esphomepr:`1046` by :ghuser:`apeeters`
- docs: Docs for CS Optional :docspr:`644` by :ghuser:`igg`
- esphome: making SPI CS optional :esphomepr:`988` by :ghuser:`igg`
- esphome: AQI calculator for HM3301 :esphomepr:`1011` by :ghuser:`freekode`
- docs: AQI calculator for HM3301 :docspr:`535` by :ghuser:`freekode`
- esphome: Fix gamma_correct when using constant_brightness option :esphomepr:`1043` by :ghuser:`Skaronator`
- esphome: Add E1.31 support :esphomepr:`950` by :ghuser:`ayufan` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add `adalight` light effect :esphomepr:`956` by :ghuser:`ayufan` (new-integration)
- docs: Add documentation about E1.31, Adalight and WLED :docspr:`646` by :ghuser:`ayufan`
- esphome: Add WLED support :esphomepr:`1092` by :ghuser:`ayufan` (new-integration)
- docs: PID Climate Controller :docspr:`432`
- docs: Added Etekcity Voltson cookbook :docspr:`628` by :ghuser:`gitolicious`
- esphome: Update docker base image :esphomepr:`1093` by :ghuser:`Skaronator`
- esphome: SenseAir: flush input buffer on read error :esphomepr:`1017` by :ghuser:`ferbar`
- docs: Add documentation for fan direction :docspr:`580` by :ghuser:`blejdfist`
- esphome: Add support for controlling fan direction :esphomepr:`1051` by :ghuser:`blejdfist`
- esphome: Add API component to logging error message :esphomepr:`1062` by :ghuser:`JeffResc`
- docs: Added MCP3008 :docspr:`591` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- esphome: Add MCP3008 I/O Expander :esphomepr:`1057` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- esphome: ADE7953: Fix dereferencing of a null pointer :esphomepr:`1086` by :ghuser:`rnauber`
- esphome: sgp30 baseline write bug fix (#1157) :esphomepr:`1078` by :ghuser:`korellas`
- esphome: fix for ESP32 'Association Leave' :esphomepr:`1081` by :ghuser:`MasterTim17`
- esphome: Climate bang bang enhancements :esphomepr:`1061` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- docs: Climate bang bang enhancements :docspr:`595` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- esphome: Fix decode and encode for RC5-protocol :esphomepr:`1047` by :ghuser:`LukasK13`
- esphome: Add esp8266 huzzah gpio pins :esphomepr:`1096` by :ghuser:`halkeye`
- esphome: fix percentage handling :esphomepr:`1094` by :ghuser:`ssieb`
- docs: Add support for command-line-substitutions :docspr:`538` by :ghuser:`AlexMekkering`
- esphome: Add support for command-line substitutions :esphomepr:`1014` by :ghuser:`AlexMekkering` (new-feature)
- esphome: Add LG Climate IR :esphomepr:`1097` by :ghuser:`square99` (new-integration)
- docs: Add LG Climate IR :docspr:`655` by :ghuser:`square99`
- esphome: ESP32: Conditionally log on services to avoid OOM crashes :esphomepr:`1098` by :ghuser:`buxtronix`
- esphome: Release BT controller unused memory in the right place :esphomepr:`1095` by :ghuser:`buxtronix`
- docs: add documentation for component sn74hc595 :docspr:`637` by :ghuser:`phjr`
- esphome: add support for SN74HC595 shift register :esphomepr:`1083` by :ghuser:`phjr` (new-integration)
- esphome: Max7219 in Dot Matrix configuration :esphomepr:`1053` by :ghuser:`rspaargaren`
- docs: Max7219 new documentation :docspr:`585` by :ghuser:`rspaargaren`
- esphome: Add support for ST7789V display module (as on TTGO T-Display) :esphomepr:`1050` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- docs: Add documentation for ST7789V display module (as on TTGO T-Display) :docspr:`594` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- esphome: Vl53 long range :esphomepr:`1055` by :ghuser:`rspaargaren`
- docs: Update vl53l0x.rst :docspr:`592` by :ghuser:`rspaargaren`
- esphome: fix shunt voltage / current / power reading in INA3221 :esphomepr:`1101` by :ghuser:`Vxider` (breaking-change)
- esphome: Fix current / power reading in INA219 :esphomepr:`1103` by :ghuser:`Vxider`
- esphome: Fix: Component script not stopped in certain situations :esphomepr:`1004` by :ghuser:`balrog-kun` (breaking-change)
- docs: add script.stop breaking change :docspr:`659` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Fixes esphome/issues#1192 - Save on upload bug :esphomepr:`1107` by :ghuser:`jonathanadams`
- esphome: Revert "Climate bang bang enhancements" :esphomepr:`1106` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Use default average mode in INA3221 :esphomepr:`1102` by :ghuser:`Vxider`
- esphome: Thermostat component :esphomepr:`1105` by :ghuser:`kbx81` (new-integration)
- docs: Added thermostat component doc :docspr:`665` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- esphome: unpin mbedtls version :esphomepr:`1114` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Fix ethernet logging too many warn messages :esphomepr:`1112` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: add click dependency :esphomepr:`1111` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Add documentation for climate.pid.reset_integral_term action :docspr:`660` by :ghuser:`carlos-sarmiento`
- esphome: Add Integral Reset Action to PIDClimate :esphomepr:`1104` by :ghuser:`carlos-sarmiento`
- docs: color interlock :docspr:`653` by :ghuser:`peq123`
- esphome: RGBWW - added channel interlock for RGB vs white :esphomepr:`1042` by :ghuser:`peq123`
- docs: Add documentation for new WPA2-EAP authentication. :docspr:`633` by :ghuser:`tomtom5152`
- docs: SSD1325 documentation update for grayscale support :docspr:`596` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- esphome: SSD1325 grayscale support :esphomepr:`1064` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- docs: Cleaned up ESP32 DAC docs :docspr:`618` by :ghuser:`napieraj`
- docs: Added SSD1351 doc :docspr:`663` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- esphome: Add SSD1351 OLED display support :esphomepr:`1100` by :ghuser:`kbx81` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add cryptography requirement to the setup.py file :esphomepr:`1116` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: Support ssd1327 docs :docspr:`664` by :ghuser:`igg`
- esphome: Revert "Add ESP32 support for WPA2-EAP Enterprise WiFi authentication" :esphomepr:`1117` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Revert "Add cryptography requirement to the setup.py file" :esphomepr:`1118` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Install updated git version in lint image :esphomepr:`1122` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: documentation for version sensor hide timestamp option :docspr:`640` by :ghuser:`Wauter`
- esphome: fixes script wait not waiting :esphomepr:`1123` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Split the Tuya component documentation :docspr:`631` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Add support for Tuya Switches :esphomepr:`1074` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-integration)
- docs: Add Tuya Switch docs :docspr:`625` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: fix script.wait action :esphomepr:`1120` by :ghuser:`ssieb`
- esphome: Add support for Tuya Climate devices :esphomepr:`1076` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-integration)
- docs: Add Tuya Climate docs :docspr:`632` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Add support for Tuya Sensors :esphomepr:`1088` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-integration)
- docs: Add Tuya Sensor docs :docspr:`661` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: Add Tuya Binary Sensor docs :docspr:`662` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Add support for Tuya Binary Sensors :esphomepr:`1089` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-integration)
- esphome: feature request 398 add 'hide timestamp' option for version text sensor :esphomepr:`1085` by :ghuser:`Wauter`
- esphome: Add 7.5inch v2 waveshare :esphomepr:`1077` by :ghuser:`PaulAntonDeen`
- docs: Added new version of 7.5inch waveshare epaper :docspr:`675` by :ghuser:`PaulAntonDeen`
- esphome: Move CI/CD to GitHub Actions :esphomepr:`1125` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Add PR labels based on files changed :esphomepr:`1127` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Brightness support for Nextion display :esphomepr:`1109` by :ghuser:`Vxider`
- docs: Brightness support for Nextion display :docspr:`668` by :ghuser:`Vxider`
- esphome: Revert "Add PR labels based on files changed" :esphomepr:`1128` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: Add Toshiba climate :docspr:`681` by :ghuser:`JoppyFurr`
- esphome: Add support for Toshiba heat pumps :esphomepr:`1121` by :ghuser:`JoppyFurr` (new-integration)
- esphome: Packages feature :esphomepr:`1052` by :ghuser:`corvis` (new-feature) (notable-change)
- docs: Added documentation for packages feature :docspr:`582` by :ghuser:`corvis`
- esphome: Allow updating pid control params :esphomepr:`1115` by :ghuser:`carlos-sarmiento`
- esphome: Github actions repo :esphomepr:`1130` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Feature/fix unit tests :esphomepr:`1129` by :ghuser:`pkuehne`
- esphome: GH Actions Update :esphomepr:`1134`
- esphome: Bug/fix internal flag in binary sensor :esphomepr:`1136` by :ghuser:`pkuehne`
- esphome: Use inclusive terminology :esphomepr:`1137`
- esphome: Add exposure notifications :esphomepr:`1135` (new-integration)
- esphome: Fix adding another mbedtls :esphomepr:`1131`
- esphome: Tuya Sensor remove commented out code (style guide) :esphomepr:`1132`
- docs: Add exposure notifications docs :docspr:`683`
- docs: Improve RGBW(W) docs :docspr:`682`
- esphome: add mqtt speed topics for fan :esphomepr:`1140` by :ghuser:`ssieb`
- esphome: Bump pytest from 5.4.1 to 5.4.3 :esphomepr:`1144` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump hypothesis from 5.10.4 to 5.19.3 :esphomepr:`1146` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump protobuf from 3.11.3 to 3.12.2 :esphomepr:`1147` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump ifaddr from 0.1.6 to 0.1.7 :esphomepr:`1148` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump pytest-cov from 2.8.1 to 2.10.0 :esphomepr:`1145` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Fix Waveshare 7.50inV2 :esphomepr:`1143`
- esphome: Load setup.py requirements from requirements.txt :esphomepr:`1149`
- esphome: Add pytest to CI :esphomepr:`1138`
- esphome: Feature/component test fixture :esphomepr:`1142` by :ghuser:`pkuehne`
- esphome: Use more layer caching for esphome/esphome Dockerfile :esphomepr:`1150`
- esphome: Don't remove location information for packages :esphomepr:`1133`
- esphome: Add tasmota magic bits to short circuit compat check :esphomepr:`1152`
- esphome: Fix executable bits on some hassio files :esphomepr:`1151`
- esphome: Don't run deploy job when repository is not esphome/esphome :esphomepr:`1157` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: Docs for Setting control parameters on PID :docspr:`674` by :ghuser:`carlos-sarmiento`
- esphome: Bump pytest-mock from 1.13.0 to 3.2.0 :esphomepr:`1159` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump pylint from 2.5.0 to 2.5.3 :esphomepr:`1160` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump tzlocal from 2.0.0 to 2.1 :esphomepr:`1162` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Fix unit test warning for hypothesis deprecation :esphomepr:`1163` by :ghuser:`pkuehne`
- esphome: Bump flake8 from 3.7.9 to 3.8.3 :esphomepr:`1161` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump FastLED from 3.2.9 to 3.3.3 :esphomepr:`1164`
- esphome: Arduino dev branch changed :esphomepr:`1139` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Add bump version script :esphomepr:`1153`
- esphome: fix(cover yaml validation): adds gate to coincide with Home Assistant :esphomepr:`1175` by :ghuser:`erasmuswill`
- esphome: http_request fix urls caching :esphomepr:`1174` by :ghuser:`Anonym-tsk`
- esphome: Fix rf_bridge send and receive :esphomepr:`1180` by :ghuser:`vicfergar`
- esphome: mdi:timer icon replaced with mdi:timer-outline :esphomepr:`1181` by :ghuser:`Troon`
- esphome: Bump hypothesis from 5.19.3 to 5.20.3 :esphomepr:`1176` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Fix Home Assistant API disconnects when using st7789v display. :esphomepr:`1179` by :ghuser:`dr-oblivium`
- esphome: Fixed type mismatch between result field and preference of integration sensor :esphomepr:`1178` by :ghuser:`FrankBakkerNl`
- esphome: Feature/wizard tests :esphomepr:`1167` by :ghuser:`pkuehne`
- esphome: Add HassIO by-id serial port paths to serial ports listing :esphomepr:`1155`
- esphome: Bump NeoPixelBus from 2.5.2 to 2.5.7 :esphomepr:`1165`
- esphome: Bump colorlog from 4.1.0 to 4.2.1 :esphomepr:`1183` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump hypothesis from 5.20.3 to 5.21.0 :esphomepr:`1184` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: ESP8266 Disable Pin Initialization on Boot to fix pin toggling :esphomepr:`1185`
- esphome: Fix dashboard logout button and py3.8 removed hmac.new digestmod :esphomepr:`1156`
- docs: WPA2 Enterprise Attempt 2 :docspr:`704`
- esphome: WPA2 Enterprise Attempt 2 :esphomepr:`1158` (new-feature)
- esphome: Remove symlink_ops.py :esphomepr:`1196`
- esphome: Fix senseair flush input buffer wrong log level :esphomepr:`1194`
- esphome: Fix WLED minor issues :esphomepr:`1193`
- esphome: Clean up UART Improvements code :esphomepr:`1190`
- esphome: Partially revert make SPI CS pin optional :esphomepr:`1187`
- esphome: New script modes POC :esphomepr:`1168` (breaking-change) (new-feature)
- docs: Add script modes and timers :docspr:`693` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Revert "Sort keys in dicts in output yaml for 'config' command (#1049)" :esphomepr:`1191`
- esphome: Fix SN74HC595 doesn't use ESPHome HAL and add lint checks for it :esphomepr:`1188`
- docs: Partially Revert make SPI CS pin optional :docspr:`706`
- esphome: Enlarge ESP32 app partitions :esphomepr:`1197`
- esphome: Add CODEOWNERS mechanism :esphomepr:`1199`
- esphome: rtttl player :esphomepr:`1171` by :ghuser:`glmnet` (new-integration)
- docs: add buzzer rtttl docs :docspr:`700` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Add @glmnet components :esphomepr:`1200` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: fix merge: climate devices moved to climate-ir :docspr:`710` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Add @jesserockz to codeowners :esphomepr:`1202` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Fix set point logging issue :esphomepr:`1201` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- docs: Revert "Dallas autosetup (#551)" :docspr:`709`
- esphome: Revert "Added auto discovery and setup to Dallas Platform (#1028)" :esphomepr:`1189`
Release 1.15.1 - September 14
- esphome: fix sntp timezone :esphomepr:`1266` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Fix for Ruuvi voltage parsing of RAWv2 format :esphomepr:`1267` by :ghuser:`akoivist`
- docs: Adds Tuya Climate temperature multiplier :docspr:`756` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Adds support for Tuya Climate temperature multiplier :esphomepr:`1276` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
Release 1.15.2 - September 20
- docs: Light triggers referenced in the "automation" guide. :docspr:`746` by :ghuser:`demikl`
- docs: specific MacOS Docker command to launch dashboard :docspr:`553` by :ghuser:`oncleben31`
- docs: Update index.rst :docspr:`757` by :ghuser:`3ative`
- esphome: Adds new homeassistant.tag_scanned action :esphomepr:`1281` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: add custom uart id usage :docspr:`765` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Readds the battery level for xiaomi_hhccjcy01 :esphomepr:`1288` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: fix(remote_receiver): Add missing pin setup for ESP32 :esphomepr:`1252` by :ghuser:`lwfitzgerald`
- docs: Add docs for homeassistant.tag_scanned action :docspr:`763` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
Release 1.15.3 - October 22
- docs: Mention CODEOWNERS magic symbol :docspr:`767` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: using docker image to build esphome-docs locally :docspr:`747` by :ghuser:`demikl`
- docs: Add missing doc for rc_switch event :docspr:`740` by :ghuser:`micw`
- docs: Remove unneeded parameters :docspr:`752` by :ghuser:`KTibow`
- docs: Enable color_interlock for the Teckin SB50 example :docspr:`743` by :ghuser:`CarlosGS`
- docs: clarify esp8266_restore_from_flash with restore_value :docspr:`754` by :ghuser:`pille`
- docs: Update mirabella-genio-bulb.rst :docspr:`732` by :ghuser:`DotNetDann`
- docs: Fix APDS9960 datasheet link :docspr:`772` by :ghuser:`JonathanTreffler`
- docs: Update uart.rst :docspr:`771` by :ghuser:`sublime93`
- docs: Update index.rst :docspr:`773` by :ghuser:`damanti-me`
- docs: HM3301 - Change type to calculation_type :docspr:`769` by :ghuser:`rdehuyss`
- docs: Update diy.rst :docspr:`781` by :ghuser:`Dilbert66`
- docs: Update docker architectures in getting started :docspr:`780` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: Remove bh7150 API reference :docspr:`784` by :ghuser:`JeffResc`
- docs: Add 2.13in-ttgo-b73 to list of waveshare models :docspr:`786` by :ghuser:`davewongillies`
- docs: Typo: connedted -> connected :docspr:`787` by :ghuser:`johanvanderkuijl`
- docs: Update edit URL on Sonoff Basic page :docspr:`785` by :ghuser:`JeffResc`
- docs: Update Sonoff Mini :docspr:`783` by :ghuser:`debsahu`
- docs: Set correct link to ESPColor struct :docspr:`788` by :ghuser:`cdrfun`
- docs: Add battery_level note for xiaomi_hhccjcy01 :docspr:`761` by :ghuser:`axilleas`
- docs: Corrected the example pin mapping to GPIO mapping. :docspr:`789` by :ghuser:`shaeed`
- esphome: fix chip_rotation: 180 :esphomepr:`1321` by :ghuser:`ssieb`
- docs: Fix links, moved to gists :docspr:`802` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Update wifi.rst :docspr:`795` by :ghuser:`Frankster-NL`
- docs: BME680 default address is 0x76 :docspr:`792` by :ghuser:`trvrnrth`
- docs: Individual BMXXXXX sensor configs are optional :docspr:`791` by :ghuser:`trvrnrth`
- esphome: Fix Light Trigger :esphomepr:`1308` by :ghuser:`MartinWelsch`
- esphome: Fix Xiaomi merged packet parsing :esphomepr:`1293` by :ghuser:`Alex9779`
- docs: Correct pull-up value :docspr:`811` by :ghuser:`tomlut`
- esphome: Fix color_interlock behavior :esphomepr:`1325` by :ghuser:`margau`
- esphome: Fix scheduler with too many cancelled timers :esphomepr:`1309` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: fix config check in OnlyWith configuration helper :esphomepr:`1304` by :ghuser:`akomelj`
- esphome: fix: Incorrect time delay conversion breaks remote_transmitter_esp8266.cpp :esphomepr:`1322` by :ghuser:`thejonesyboy`
- esphome: fix hm3301 AQICalculator is off by 1 :esphomepr:`1331` by :ghuser:`ikatkov`
Past Changelogs
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1