mirror of
synced 2025-01-28 22:42:05 +01:00
* pin schema and other fixes * schema filters and registries
993 lines
36 KiB
993 lines
36 KiB
import re
import json
import urllib
from typing import MutableMapping
from sphinx.util import logging
from docutils import nodes
SCHEMA_PATH = "schema.json"
CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES = "Configuration variables:"
PIN_CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES = "Pin configuration variables:"
COMPONENT_HUB = "Component/Hub"
props_missing = 0
props_verified = 0
props_documented = 0
def setup(app):
"""Setup connects events to the sitemap builder"""
import os
if not os.path.isfile(SCHEMA_PATH):
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
logger.info(f"{SCHEMA_PATH} not found. Not documenting schema.")
app.connect("doctree-resolved", doctree_resolved)
app.connect("build-finished", build_finished)
f = open(SCHEMA_PATH, "r", encoding="utf-8-sig")
str = f.read()
app.jschema = json.loads(str)
return {"version": "1.0.0", "parallel_read_safe": True, "parallel_write_safe": True}
def find_component(jschema, component):
return jschema["properties"].get(component)
def find_platform_component(jschema, platform, component):
platform_items = jschema["properties"][platform].get("items")
if not platform_items:
return None
ar = platform_items["allOf"]
for p in ar:
if "if" in p:
if p["if"]["properties"]["platform"]["const"] == component:
return p
def doctree_resolved(app, doctree, docname):
if docname == "components/index":
# nothing useful here
handle_component(app, doctree, docname)
except Exception as e:
err_str = f"In {docname}: {str(e)}"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"Sensor": "sensor",
"Binary Sensor": "binary_sensor",
"Text Sensor": "text_sensor",
"Output": "output",
"Cover": "cover",
"Climate": "climate",
"CAN Bus": "canbus",
"Stepper": "stepper",
"guides/automations": {
"Global Variables": "properties/globals",
"guides/configuration-types": {
"Color": "properties/color",
"Pin Schema": [
"components/binary_sensor/index": {
"Binary Sensor Filters": "binary_sensor.FILTER_REGISTRY",
"components/climate/ir_climate": {
"IR Remote Climate": [
"components/display/index": {
"Images": "properties/image",
"Drawing Static Text": "properties/font",
"Color": "properties/color",
"Animation": "properties/animation",
"components/light/index": {
"Base Light Configuration": [
"Light Effects": "light.EFFECTS_REGISTRY",
"components/light/fastled": {
"Clockless": "properties/light/fastled_clockless",
"SPI": "properties/light/fastled_spi",
"components/mcp230xx": {
"components/mqtt": {
"MQTT Component Base Configuration": "definitions/CONFIG.MQTT_COMMAND_COMPONENT_SCHEMA",
"components/output/index": {
"Base Output Configuration": "definitions/output.FLOAT_OUTPUT_SCHEMA",
"components/remote_transmitter": {
"Remote Transmitter Actions": "definitions/REMOTE_BASE.BASE_REMOTE_TRANSMITTER_SCHEMA",
"components/sensor/index": {
"Sensor Filters": "sensor.FILTER_REGISTRY",
"components/time": {
"Home Assistant Time Source": "properties/time/homeassistant",
"SNTP Time Source": "properties/time/sntp",
"GPS Time Source": "properties/time/gps",
"DS1307 Time Source": "properties/time/ds1307",
"components/wifi": {
"Connecting to Multiple Networks": "definitions/wifi-networks",
"Enterprise Authentication": "definitions/wifi-networks/eap",
"custom/custom_component": {
"Generic Custom Component": "properties/custom_component"
def get_node_title(node):
return list(node.traverse(nodes.title))[0].astext()
class SchemaGeneratorVisitor(nodes.NodeVisitor):
def __init__(self, app, doctree, docname):
nodes.NodeVisitor.__init__(self, doctree)
self.app = app
self.doctree = doctree
self.docname = docname
self.path = docname.split("/")
self.json_component = None
self.props = None
self.platform = None
self.json_platform_component = None
self.json_base_config = None
self.title_id = None
self.props_section_title = None
self.find_registry = None
self.section_level = 0
if self.path[0] == "components":
if len(self.path) == 2: # root component, e.g. dfplayer, logger
component = docname[11:]
self.json_component = app.jschema["properties"].get(component)
else: # sub component, e.g. output/esp8266_pwm
# components here might have a core / hub, eg. dallas, ads1115
# and then they can be a binary_sensor, sensor, etc.
component = self.path[2]
if component == "ssd1331":
component = "ssd1331_spi"
self.platform = self.path[1]
if component == "index":
# these are e.g. sensor, binary sensor etc.
p = self.platform.replace(" ", "_").lower()
self.json_component = find_component(
self.app.jschema, self.platform
self.json_base_config = self.app.jschema["definitions"].get(
p + "." + p.upper() + "_SCHEMA"
self.json_component = find_component(self.app.jschema, component)
self.json_platform_component = find_platform_component(
self.app.jschema, self.platform, component
self.custom_doc = CUSTOM_DOCS.get(docname)
self.previous_title_text = "No title"
self.is_component_hub = False
# used in custom_docs when titles are mapped to array of components, this
# allows for same configuration text be applied to different json schemas
self.multi_component = None
# a stack for props, used when there are nested props to save high level props.
self.prop_stack = []
# The prop just filled in, used when there are nested props and need to know which
# want to dig
self.current_prop = None
# self.filled_props used to know when any prop is added to props,
# we dont invalidate props on exiting bullet lists but just when entering a new title
self.filled_props = False
# Found a Configuration variables: heading, this is to increase docs consistency
self.accept_props = False
self.props_level = 0
def visit_document(self, node):
# ESPHome page docs follows strict formating guidelines which allows
# for docs to be parsed directly into yaml schema
if self.docname in ["components/sensor/binary_sensor_map"]:
# temporarly not supported
raise nodes.SkipChildren
if len(list(node.traverse(nodes.paragraph))) == 0:
# this is empty, not much to do
raise nodes.SkipChildren
self.props_section_title = get_node_title(node)
# Document first paragraph is description of this thing
description = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node)
if self.json_platform_component:
self.json_platform_component["markdownDescription"] = description
elif self.json_component:
self.json_component["markdownDescription"] = description
if self.json_base_config:
self.json_component = self.json_base_config
# for most components / platforms get the props, this allows for a less restrictive
# first title on the page
if self.json_component or self.json_platform_component:
self.props = self.find_props(
if self.json_platform_component
else self.json_component
if not self.props:
# get props for base components, Sensor, Binary Sensor, Light, etc.
if len(self.path) == 2:
# "#/definitions/schema_canbus.CONFIG_SCHEMA"
self.json_base_config = self.app.jschema["definitions"].get(
if self.json_base_config:
self.props = self.find_props(self.json_base_config)
def depart_document(self, node):
def visit_section(self, node):
self.section_level += 1
section_title = get_node_title(node)
if self.custom_doc and section_title in self.custom_doc:
r = self.custom_doc[section_title]
if (
isinstance(r, list)
or r.startswith("properties")
or r.startswith("definitions")
self.find_registry = r
def depart_section(self, node):
self.section_level -= 1
if self.section_level == 1:
self.find_registry = None
def unknown_visit(self, node):
def unknown_departure(self, node):
def visit_title(self, node):
title_text = node.astext()
if "interval" in title_text:
title_text = title_text
if self.custom_doc is not None and title_text in self.custom_doc:
if isinstance(self.custom_doc[title_text], list):
self.multi_component = self.custom_doc[title_text]
self.filled_props = False
self.props = None
# TODO: add same markdown description to each?
json_component = self.find_component(self.custom_doc[title_text])
if not json_component:
json_component["markdownDescription"] = self.getMarkdownParagraph(
self.props_section_title = title_text
self.props = self.find_props(json_component)
if title_text == COMPONENT_HUB:
# here comes docs for the component, make sure we have props of the component
# Needed for e.g. ads1115
self.props_section_title = f"{self.path[-1]} {title_text}"
json_component = find_component(self.app.jschema, self.path[-1])
if json_component:
self.props = self.find_props(json_component)
json_component["markdownDescription"] = self.getMarkdownParagraph(
# mark this to retrieve components instead of platforms
self.is_component_hub = True
if not self.props and self.multi_component is None:
raise ValueError(
f'Found a "{CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES}": title after {self.previous_title_text}. Unkown object.'
if title_text == "Over SPI" or title_text == "Over I²C":
suffix = "_spi" if "SPI" in title_text else "_i2c"
# these could be platform components, like the display's ssd1306
# but also there are components which are component/hub
# and there are non platform components with the SPI/I2C versions,
# like pn532, those need to be marked with the 'Component/Hub' title
component = self.path[-1] + suffix
self.props_section_title = self.path[-1] + " " + title_text
if self.platform is not None and not self.is_component_hub:
json_platform_component = find_platform_component(
self.app.jschema, self.platform, component
if not json_platform_component:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot find platform {self.platform} component '{component}' after found title: '{title_text}'."
self.props = self.find_props(json_platform_component)
# Document first paragraph is description of this thing
] = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent)
json_component = find_component(self.app.jschema, component)
if not json_component:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot find component '{component}' after found title: '{title_text}'."
self.props = self.find_props(json_component)
# Document first paragraph is description of this thing
json_component["markdownDescription"] = self.getMarkdownParagraph(
# Title is description of platform component, those ends with Sensor, Binary Sensor, Cover, etc.
if (
lambda x: title_text.endswith(x), list(PLATFORMS_TITLES.keys())
> 0
if title_text in PLATFORMS_TITLES:
# this omits the name of the component, but we know the platform
platform_name = PLATFORMS_TITLES[title_text]
component_name = self.path[-1]
self.props_section_title = self.path[-1] + " " + title_text
# title first word is the component name
component_name = title_text.split(" ")[0]
# and the rest is the platform
platform_name = PLATFORMS_TITLES.get(
title_text[len(component_name) + 1 :]
if not platform_name:
# Some general title which does not locate a component directly
self.props_section_title = title_text
c = find_platform_component(
self.app.jschema, platform_name, component_name.lower()
if c:
self.json_platform_component = c
c["markdownDescription"] = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent)
# Now fill props for the platform element
self.props = self.find_props(self.json_platform_component)
except KeyError:
raise ValueError("Cannot find platform props")
if title_text.endswith("Component") or title_text.endswith("Bus"):
# if len(path) == 3 and path[2] == 'index':
# # skip platforms index, e.g. sensors/index
# continue
split_text = title_text.split(" ")
self.props_section_title = title_text
if len(split_text) == 2:
# some components are several components in a single platform doc
# e.g. ttp229 binary_sensor has two different named components.
component_name = split_text[0].lower().replace(".", "")
if component_name.lower() == self.platform:
c = find_component(self.app.jschema, component_name)
if c:
self.json_component = c
self.props = self.find_props(self.json_component)
self.multi_component = None
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
"Cannot find props for component " + component_name
c = find_platform_component(
self.app.jschema, self.path[1], component_name
if c:
self.json_platform_component = c
self.props = self.find_props(self.json_platform_component)
except KeyError:
raise ValueError(
f"Cannot find props for platform {self.path[1]} component {self.component_name}"
if title_text.endswith("Trigger"):
# Document first paragraph is description of this thing
description = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent)
split_text = title_text.split(" ")
if len(split_text) != 2:
key = split_text[0]
# handles Time / on_time
c = self.json_base_config or self.json_component
if c:
trigger_schema = self.find_props(c).get(key)
self.props = self.find_props(trigger_schema)
self.props_section_title = title_text
self.multi_component = []
if self.app.jschema["definitions"].get(f"PIN.INPUT_{self.path[-1]}"):
if self.app.jschema["definitions"].get(f"PIN.OUTPUT_{self.path[-1]}"):
self.accept_props = True
self.filled_props = False
self.props = None
if len(self.multi_component) == 0:
raise ValueError(
f'Found a "{PIN_CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES}" entry but could not find pin schema'
if title_text.endswith("Action") or title_text.endswith("Condition"):
# Document first paragraph is description of this thing
description = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent)
split_text = title_text.split(" ")
if len(split_text) != 2:
key = split_text[0]
if self.props:
ref = self.props.get(key)
if ref:
ref = self.get_ref(ref)
if ref:
self.props = self.find_props(ref)
registry_name = f"automation.{split_text[1].upper()}_REGISTRY"
self.find_registry_prop(registry_name, key, description)
if self.section_level == 3 and self.find_registry:
name = title_text
if name.endswith(" Effect"):
name = title_text[: -len(" Effect")]
if name.endswith(" Light"):
name = name[: -len(" Light")]
key = name.replace(" ", "_").replace(".", "").lower()
description = self.getMarkdownParagraph(node.parent)
self.find_registry_prop(self.find_registry, key, description)
self.props_section_title = title_text
self.multi_component = []
if self.app.jschema["definitions"].get(f"PIN.INPUT_{self.path[-1]}"):
if self.app.jschema["definitions"].get(f"PIN.OUTPUT_{self.path[-1]}"):
self.accept_props = True
self.filled_props = False
self.props = None
if len(self.multi_component) == 0:
raise ValueError(
f'Found a "{PIN_CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES}" entry but could not find pin schema'
def find_registry_prop(self, registry_name, key, description):
registry = self.app.jschema["definitions"][registry_name]["anyOf"]
for item in registry:
if key in item["properties"]:
item["properties"][key]["markdownDescription"] = description
self.props = self.find_props(item["properties"][key])
raise ValueError(f"Cannot find {registry_name} {key}")
def depart_title(self, node):
if self.filled_props:
self.filled_props = False
self.props = None
self.current_prop = None
self.accept_props = False
self.multi_component = None
self.previous_title_text = node.astext()
self.title_id = node.parent["ids"][0]
def find_props_previous_title(self):
comp = self.json_component or self.json_platform_component
if comp:
props = self.find_props(comp)
if self.previous_title_text in props:
prop = props[self.previous_title_text]
if prop:
self.props = self.find_props(prop)
# return fake dict so better errors are printed
self.props = {"__": "none"}
def visit_Text(self, node):
if self.multi_component:
if node.astext() == CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES:
if not self.props:
if not self.props:
raise ValueError(
f'Found a "{CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES}" entry for unknown object after {self.previous_title_text}'
self.accept_props = True
raise nodes.SkipChildren
def depart_Text(self, node):
def visit_paragraph(self, node):
if node.astext() == CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES:
if not self.props and not self.multi_component:
if not self.props and not self.multi_component:
raise ValueError(
f'Found a "{CONFIGURATION_VARIABLES}" entry for unknown object after {self.previous_title_text}'
self.accept_props = True
raise nodes.SkipChildren
def depart_paragraph(self, node):
def visit_bullet_list(self, node):
self.props_level = self.props_level + 1
if self.current_prop and self.props and self.props_level > 1:
# if '$ref' in self.props[self.current_prop]:
# if self.props[self.current_prop]['$ref'].endswith('_SCHEMA'):
# nowhere put this props info...
# raise nodes.SkipChildren
# this can be list of values, list of subproperties
# deep configs
# e.g. wifi manual_ip, could also be a enum list
# if this prop has a reference
prop = self.props[self.current_prop]
if isinstance(prop, dict):
if "$ref" in prop:
ref = self.get_ref(prop)
self.props = self.find_props(ref)
self.accept_props = True
elif "properties" in prop:
self.props = prop["properties"]
elif (
"anyOf" in prop
and len(prop["anyOf"]) > 0
and isinstance(self.get_ref(prop["anyOf"][0]), dict)
and "$ref" in self.get_ref(prop["anyOf"][0])
ref = self.get_ref(prop["anyOf"][0])
self.props = self.find_props(ref)
# nowhere put this props info...
# otherwise inner bullet list will be interpreted as property list
if self.props_level > 1:
raise nodes.SkipChildren
# nowhere put this props info...
# otherwise inner bullet list will be interpreted as property list
if self.props_level > 1:
raise nodes.SkipChildren
if not self.props and self.multi_component is None:
raise nodes.SkipChildren
def depart_bullet_list(self, node):
self.props_level = self.props_level - 1
if len(self.prop_stack) > 0:
self.props = self.prop_stack.pop()
self.filled_props = True
def visit_list_item(self, node):
if self.accept_props and self.props:
self.filled_props = True
self.current_prop = self.update_prop(node, self.props)
except Exception as e:
raise ValueError(f"In '{self.previous_title_text}' {str(e)}")
elif self.multi_component:
# update prop for each component
for c in self.multi_component:
props = self.find_props(self.find_component(c))
self.current_prop = self.update_prop(node, props)
self.filled_props = True
def depart_list_item(self, node):
def visit_literal(self, node):
raise nodes.SkipChildren
def depart_literal(self, node):
def getMarkdown(self, node):
from markdown import Translator
t = Translator(
urllib.parse.urljoin(self.app.config.html_baseurl, self.docname + ".html"),
return t.output
def getMarkdownParagraph(self, node):
paragraph = list(node.traverse(nodes.paragraph))[0]
markdown = self.getMarkdown(paragraph)
param_type = None
# Check if there is type information for this item
name_type = markdown[: markdown.index(": ") + 2]
ntr = re.search(
if ntr:
param_type = ntr.group(6)
if param_type:
markdown = (
f"**{param_type}**: {markdown[markdown.index(': ') + 2 :]}"
except ValueError:
# ': ' not found
title = list(node.traverse(nodes.title))[0]
if len(title) > 0:
url = urllib.parse.urljoin(
self.docname + ".html#" + title.parent["ids"][0],
markdown += f"\n\n*See also: [{self.props_section_title}]({url})*"
return markdown
def update_prop(self, node, props):
prop_name = None
raw = node.rawsource # this has the full raw rst code for this property
if not raw.startswith("**"):
# not bolded, most likely not a property definition,
# usually texts like 'All properties from...' etc
return None
markdown = self.getMarkdown(node)
markdown += f"\n\n*See also: [{self.props_section_title}]({urllib.parse.urljoin(self.app.config.html_baseurl, self.docname +'.html#'+self.title_id)})*"
name_type = markdown[: markdown.index(": ") + 2]
except ValueError:
raise ValueError(f'Property format error. Missing ": " in {raw}')
# Example properties formats are:
# **name** (**Required**, string): Long Description...
# **name** (*Optional*, string): Long Description... Defaults to ``value``.
# **name** (*Optional*): Long Description... Defaults to ``value``.
ntr = re.search(
r"\* \*\*(\w*)\*\*\s(\(((\*\*Required\*\*)|(\*Optional\*))(,\s(.*))*)\):\s",
if ntr:
prop_name = ntr.group(1)
param_type = ntr.group(7)
s2 = re.search(
r"\* \*\*(\w*)\*\*\s(\(((\*\*Required\*\*)|(\*Optional\*))(,\s(.*))*)\):\s",
if s2:
# this is e.g. when a property has a list inside, and the list inside are the options.
# just validate **prop_name**
s3 = re.search(r"\* \*\*(\w*)\*\*:\s", name_type)
prop_name = s3.group(1)
param_type = None
raise ValueError(f"Invalid property format: {node.rawsource}")
k = str(prop_name)
jprop = props.get(k)
if not jprop:
# Create docs for common properties when descriptions are overriden
# in the most specific component.
if k in [
# i2c
# polling component
# uart
# ligth
# display
# spi
# output (binary/float output)
# climate
jprop = props[k] = {}
raise ValueError(f"Cannot find property {k}")
desc = markdown[markdown.index(": ") + 2 :].strip()
if param_type:
desc = "**" + param_type + "**: " + desc
jprop["markdownDescription"] = desc
global props_documented
props_documented = props_documented + 1
return prop_name
def get_ref(self, node):
ref = node.get("$ref")
if ref and ref.startswith("#/definitions/"):
return self.app.jschema["definitions"][ref[14:]]
def find_component(self, component_path):
path = component_path.split("/")
if path[0] not in ("properties", "definitions"):
return None
json_component = self.app.jschema[path[0]][path[1]]
if len(path) > 2:
# a property path
props = self.find_props(json_component)
if props:
json_component = props.get(path[2])
# a platform sub element
json_component = find_platform_component(
self.app.jschema, path[1], path[2]
return json_component
class Props(MutableMapping):
"""Smarter props dict.
Props are mostly a dict, however some constructs have two issues:
- An update is intended on an element which does not own a property, but it is based
on an schema that does have the property, those cases can be handled
- An update is done in a typed schema
def __init__(self, visitor, component):
self.visitor = visitor
self.component = component
self.store = self._get_props(component)
self.parent = None
def _get_props(self, component):
# find properties
if "then" in component:
component = component["then"]
props = component.get("properties")
ref = None
if not props:
arr = component.get("anyOf", component.get("allOf"))
if not arr:
if "$ref" in component:
return self._get_props(self.visitor.get_ref(component))
return None
for x in arr:
props = x.get("properties")
if not ref:
ref = self.visitor.get_ref(x)
if props:
if not props and ref:
props = self._get_props(ref)
return props
def __getitem__(self, key):
if self.store and key in self.store:
return self.store[key]
if "then" in self.component:
# check if it's typed
schemas = self.component["then"].get("allOf")
if (
isinstance(schemas, list)
and "properties" in schemas[0]
and "type" in schemas[0]["properties"]
for s in schemas:
if "then" in s:
props = self._get_props(s.get("then"))
if key in props:
return SetObservable(
return # key not found
# check if it's a registry and need to reset store
# e.g. remote_receiver binary sensor
if "$ref" in self.component["then"]:
ref = self.visitor.get_ref(self.component["then"])
prop_set = ref.get("anyOf")
if isinstance(prop_set, list):
for k in prop_set:
if key in k["properties"]:
self.store = k["properties"]
return self.store[key]
def _update_typed(self, inner_key, key, value):
# Make sure we update all types
if "then" in self.component:
schemas = self.component["then"].get("allOf")
assert "type" in schemas[0].get("properties")
for s in schemas:
if "then" in s:
props = self._get_props(s.get("then"))
if inner_key in props:
props[inner_key][key] = value
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.store[key] = value
def __delitem__(self, key):
def __iter__(self):
return iter(self.store)
def __len__(self):
return len(self.store) if self.store else 0
def find_props(self, component):
props = self.Props(self, component)
if props:
self.filled_props = False
self.accept_props = False
self.current_prop = None
return props
def handle_component(app, doctree, docname):
path = docname.split("/")
if path[0] == "components":
elif docname not in CUSTOM_DOCS:
v = SchemaGeneratorVisitor(app, doctree, docname)
def build_finished(app, exception):
# TODO: create report of missing descriptions
f = open(SCHEMA_PATH, "w")
str = f"Documented: {props_documented}"
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class SetObservable(dict):
a MyDict is like a dict except that when you set an item, before
doing so it will call a callback function that was passed in when the
MyDict instance was created
def __init__(self, value, setitem_callback=None, inner_key=None, *args, **kwargs):
super(SetObservable, self).__init__(value, *args, **kwargs)
self._setitem_callback = setitem_callback
self.inner_key = inner_key
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
if self._setitem_callback:
self._setitem_callback(self.inner_key, key, value)
super(SetObservable, self).__setitem__(key, value)