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Binary Sensor Map
.. seo::
:description: Instructions for setting up a Binary Sensor Map
:image: binary_sensor_map.jpg
The ``binary_sensor_map`` sensor platform allows you to map :doc:`binary sensor </components/binary_sensor/index>`
to values. When a given binary sensor is on, the value associated with it in this platform's configuration will be published.
This sensor is **mostly used for touch** devices but could be used for any ``binary_sensor`` that publishes its ``ON`` or ``OFF`` state.
Add your binary sensors as ``channels`` to the binary sensor map. The binary sensor map then publishes a value depending
on the type of the binary sensor map and the values specified with each channel. The maximum amount of possible channels is 64.
This platform currently supports two measurement types: ``GROUP`` and ``SUM``, and others might get added later.
You need to specify which type of mapping you want with the ``type:`` configuration value:
- ``GROUP`` Each channel has its own value. The sensor publishes the average value of all active
binary sensors.
.. code-block:: yaml
# Example configuration entry
- platform: binary_sensor_map
id: group_0
name: 'Group Map 0'
type: GROUP
- binary_sensor: touchkey0
value: 0
- binary_sensor: touchkey1
value: 10
- binary_sensor: touchkey2
value: 20
- binary_sensor: touchkey3
value: 30
# Example binary sensors using MPR121 component
id: mpr121_first
address: 0x5A
- platform: mpr121
channel: 0
id: touchkey0
# ...
- ``SUM`` Each channel has its own value. The sensor publishes the sum of all active
binary sensors values.
.. code-block:: yaml
# Example configuration entry
- platform: binary_sensor_map
id: group_0
name: 'Group Map 0'
type: sum
- binary_sensor: bit0
value: 1
- binary_sensor: bit1
value: 2
- binary_sensor: bit2
value: 4
- binary_sensor: bit3
value: 8
- platform: gpio
pin: 4
id: bit0
- platform: gpio
pin: 5
id: bit1
- platform: gpio
pin: 6
id: bit2
- platform: gpio
pin: 7
id: bit3
# ...
Configuration variables:
- **name** (**Required**, string): The name of the sensor.
- **type** (**Required**, string): The sensor type. Should be one of: ``GROUP``.
- **channels** (**Required**): A list of channels that are mapped to certain values.
- **binary_sensor** (**Required**): The id of the :doc:`binary sensor </components/binary_sensor/index>`
to add as a channel for this sensor.
- **value** (**Required**): The value this channel should report when its binary sensor is active.
- All other options from :ref:`Sensor <config-sensor>`.
See Also
- :doc:`/components/binary_sensor/mpr121`
- :ref:`sensor-filters`
- :apiref:`binary_sensor_map/binary_sensor_map.h`
- :ghedit:`Edit`