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Physically Connecting to your Device
The most difficult part of setting up a new ESPHome device is the initial
installation, which requires connecting your ESP device to a computer using a
**You only need to do this once per device.** Once you've flashed ESPHome on a
device, you can use :doc:`the OTA updater </components/ota>` to upload new
versions or configuration changes wirelessly.
ESPHome runs on a wide variety of devices, so it's hard to list any specific
set of tools that you need or to give instructions on how to connect. This
guide tries to cover some of the more common flashing situations. If your
device doesn't fit any of these situations, try and find a guide for your
specific device in the :ref:`devices guides <devices>` or elsewhere on the
Connecting to the ESP
There's a wide variety of situations you might find yourself in, each of which
requires you do something different to connect your computer to the ESP in
order to flash it.
You only need to physically connect to it once. Once you've flashed your device
and connected it to your WiFi, you can use the `OTA (over-the-air) update
component </components/ota.html>`_ to install software remotely.
Programming a ESP-based device is done by connecting the serial port on the
ESP8266/ESP32 to your computer through a USB to serial adapter. Some devices
have adapter built into the circuit board, in which case things are a bit easier.
.. note::
If the serial port is not showing up, you might not have the required
drivers installed. The model number you need is engraved on the chip
connected to the USB port, or in the store listing. These drivers work for
most ESP devices:
* CP2102 (square chip): `driver
* CH341: `driver
With the exception of the situation where you have a USB port, you need to make
five electrical connections to program an ESP-based board:
- +3.3V, or occasionally +5.0V
- GND, or ground
- TX
- RX
- IO0, used to place the board into programming mode. This is often a button
that you need to hold down while connecting the power (+3.3V).
RX and TX are frequently swapped. If programming your board doesn't work the
first time, try flipping the wires connected to those pins before trying again.
.. warning::
.. image:: /images/high-voltage-warning.svg
:alt: High voltage warning symbol
:height: 50
**Do not connect your device to mains electricity while following this
guide.** If your device is open and plugged directly into the wall, you'll
be a single touch away from being electrocuted.
Note that this does not apply if your device uses a separate "wall wart" or
a power brick. Using an external power supply while flashing is an advanced
topic not covered here, but does not pose any safety risk.
**You are solely responsible for your own safety.** If you feel something
is wrong or are uncomfortable with continuing, stop immediately.
USB Port on Device
.. figure:: /images/nodemcu_esp8266.jpg
:align: center
:width: 75.0%
A device with a USB port and a serial adapter built-in
Development boards often come with a USB port built in. This USB port is
connected to a serial adapter, so you don't need a separate serial adapter. You
can use just a :ref:`USB cable <usb-cable>` to connect it to your computer to
program it.
This isn't likely to be very useful without connecting additional sensors to it
by either soldering or using a breadboard, but you do not need anything else to
*just* flash ESPHome on it.
Pre-soldered Programming Header
.. figure:: images/programming-header-populated.jpg
:align: center
:width: 75.0%
A device that comes with programming headers pre-installed
In this situation, you'll need just :ref:`jumper wires <jumper-wires>` and a
:ref:`USB to serial adapter <usb-serial-adapter>`. You don't need to solder
anything, that's already been done by the factory.
Unpopulated Programming Header
.. figure:: images/programming-header-unpopulated.jpg
:align: center
:width: 75.0%
A device that has a spot for programming headers on the circuit board
You can probably get away with :ref:`jumper wires <jumper-wires>` and a
:ref:`USB to serial adapter <usb-serial-adapter>`. You can place the male end
of the wires directly into the circuit board and hold them into place with your
hand until you're done flashing the board.
These headers sometimes have writing on the circuit board indicating what each
pin is. If your header does not, either look it up on the internet, or use a
multimeter in continuity mode to figure it out (advanced topic).
Solder-filled Programming Header
.. figure:: images/programming-header-filled.jpg
:align: center
:width: 75.0%
A set of programming headers that are filled with solder
You'll need a USB to serial adapter, :ref:`jumper wires <jumper-wires>`, a
:ref:`soldering iron <soldering-iron>`, and probably :ref:`solder <solder>` and
some :ref:`breakaway headers <pcb-headers>` if your board looks like this.
You can try placing the jumper wires in the right place, but you'll have
trouble holding them without having them slide around. You'll want to solder a
header onto the programming port in this situation.
These headers sometimes have writing on the circuit board indicating what each
pin is. If your header does not, either look it up on the internet, or use a
multimeter in continuity mode to figure it out (advanced topic).
Module Only
.. figure:: images/module-only-programming.jpg
:align: center
:width: 75.0%
:alt: From https://tasmota.github.io/docs/devices/SM-SO301/
An ESP8266 module with programming wires soldered on
If the device has a module but no programming headers, things get a bit tricky.
You'll need a :ref:`USB to serial adapter <usb-serial-adapter>`, :ref:`jumper
wires <jumper-wires>`, :ref:`wire strippers <wire-strippers>`, :ref:`wire snips
<wire-snips>`, a :ref:`soldering iron <soldering-iron>`, :ref:`solder
<solder>`, and a bit of :ref:`flux <soldering-flux>` would help.
Cut the jumper wires, strip a bit off the end, and then solder them onto the
module. You can find the correct places to solder the wires by looking up the
module model number on the internet. You can find `one list of commonly used
modules here <https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Pinouts/>`_.
Bare Chip
.. figure:: images/programming-bare-chip.jpg
:align: center
:width: 75.0%
:alt: From https://tasmota.github.io/docs/devices/Teckin-SP23/
A bare ESP8266 IC with no programming header
This is an advanced topic and won't be covered in detail, but you have three options:
- You can hope that your device is supported by an OTA conversation tool. Most
these tools have been broken by vendors, and the ESPHome community can't help
you with using these tools.
- If the programming wires connect to a larger component like a resistor, you
can solder or clip your :ref:`jumper wires <jumper-wires>` to that larger
- You can use your amazing microsoldering skills to connect directly to the IC.
Because we're working with hardware, we might need some additional tools,
depending on the situation. Already have all this stuff? You're good to go!
But if you don't, don't go out and buy everything just yet. Read through the
guide first and make a list of everything you need. Different situations will
require different parts and tools.
.. list-table::
:header-rows: 1
:widths: 1 3 1 3
* - Name
- Purpose
- Approx. cost
- Picture
.. _usb-cable:
* - :ref:`USB to micro-USB/mini-USB/USB-C <usb-cable>`
- If your target device has a USB port on it, you need the appropriate
cable to connect to it.
- $3 to $10
- .. image:: /guides/images/usb-cable.jpg
:alt: From https://www.stockvault.net/photo/271754/usb-cable
.. _usb-serial-adapter:
* - :ref:`USB to serial adapter <usb-serial-adapter>`
- Serial communication is a simple way of talking to other devices, like
the ESP32/ESP8266 you're flashing. But your computer probably doesn't
have this capability built-in. "Serial", "UART", "TTL", and "COM" are
all more-or-less synonyms.
There are many different types of these, so don't worry if yours doesn't
look exactly like the picture. However, you do need one with a voltage
The `Tasmota website provides a good set of suggestions on what to buy
- $3 to $10
- .. image:: /guides/images/usb-serial-adapter.jpg
:alt: From https://tasmota.github.io/docs/Getting-Started/
.. _jumper-wires:
* - :ref:`Jumper wires <jumper-wires>`
- Used to connect two things together electrically. The male end has metal
protuding and is plugged into the female end of a wire or board.
They come in varying lengths too, but for our purposes, any length will
- $3 to $8 for a pack
- .. image:: /guides/images/jumper-wires.jpg
:alt: From https://www.flickr.com/photos/snazzyguy/8096512976
.. _pcb-headers:
* - :ref:`Breakable headers <pcb-headers>`
- Soldered to a PCB to provide a way to connect jumper wires. The distance
between the metal pins is known as the pitch, and is usually 2.54mm for
what we're doing.
This sort of header can be cut to the correct length along the groves.
- $3 to $8 for a pack
- .. image:: /guides/images/breakable-header.jpg
:alt: From https://www.flickr.com/photos/snazzyguy/27120004896/
.. _wire-snips:
* - :ref:`Wire snips, wire cutters, flush cutters <wire-snips>`
- Used to cut wire. These can often be subsituted by a knife or scissors,
but be careful not to hurt yourself.
- $5 to $15
- .. image:: /guides/images/wire-cutters.jpg
:alt: From https://www.flickr.com/photos/snazzyguy/3932324106
.. _wire-strippers:
* - :ref:`Wire strippers <wire-strippers>`
- Used to remove the insulation from wires, leaving the conductive metal
interior exposed. These can often be subsituted by a knife, scissors, or
fingernails, but be careful not to hurt yourself.
There are many different styles, not just that in the picture. You'll
want something that works with fairly thin wire, about 20 AWG to 26 AWG.
- $5 to $15
- .. image:: /guides/images/strippers.jpg
:alt: From https://www.flickr.com/photos/snazzyguy/3931542659
.. _soldering-iron:
* - :ref:`Soldering iron <soldering-iron>`
- Used to melt metal, called solder, to connect things together in an
electrically conductive way.
You'll want something with temperature control. Other than that, there
are many varying opinions and options here.
`The /r/AskElectronics wiki has some good suggestions
<https://www.reddit.com/r/AskElectronics/wiki/soldering>`_. The
following would serve you well, although be careful to buy from a
reliable source:
- Hakko FX-888D
- TS100/TS80
- $60 to $120
- .. image:: /guides/images/soldering-iron.jpg
:alt: From https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Soldering_Station_Weller_2.jpeg
.. _solder:
* - :ref:`Electronics solder <solder>`
- Molten metal used to join things in an electrically conductive way.
There are two types, leaded and lead-free. Leaded melts at a lower
temperature and is a little easier to work with, but is hazardous to the
environment (but not to humans in this form).
Electronics solder also usually has a "rosin core", which helps clean
the surfaces to allow the solder to stick.
You absolutely do not want plumbing solder, also known as "acid core" or
"silver solder". It needs much higher temperatures than we can safely
use here.
- $8 to $12
- .. image:: /guides/images/solder.jpg
:alt: From https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Rosin_core_solder.JPG
.. _soldering-flux:
* - :ref:`Electronics flux <soldering-flux>`
- Used to clean the metal surfaces before soldering them together.
Sometimes the rosin core of the solder doesn't provide enough, so you'd
want add some extra.
This stuff is helpful, but probably not needed for this guide since we
won't be doing any advanced soldering.
If you do buy it, you absolutely do not want plumber's flux. It will
destroy your circuit boards.
- $8 to $12
- .. image:: /guides/images/flux.jpg
See Also
- :doc:`ESPHome index </index>`
- :doc:`getting_started_command_line`
- :doc:`getting_started_hassio`
- :ghedit:`Edit`