Rodrigo Martín b1b855edd7
[esp32_ble_server] Create custom BLE services, characteristics and descriptors (#4002)
Co-authored-by: Clyde Stubbs <>
2025-01-28 22:00:07 +11:00

283 lines
12 KiB

BLE Server
.. seo::
:description: Instructions for setting up Bluetooth LE GATT Server in ESPHome.
:image: bluetooth.svg
The ``esp32_ble_server`` component in ESPHome sets up a BLE GATT server that exposes the device name,
manufacturer and board. BLE GATT services and characteristics can be added to the server to expose data and control.
.. warning::
The BLE software stack on the ESP32 consumes a significant amount of RAM on the device.
**Crashes are likely to occur** if you include too many additional components in your device's
configuration. Memory-intensive components such as :doc:`/components/voice_assistant` and other
audio components are most likely to cause issues.
.. code-block:: yaml
# Example configuration
manufacturer: "Orange"
manufacturer_data: [0x4C, 0, 0x23, 77, 0xF0 ]
- lambda: |-
ESP_LOGD("BLE", "Connection from %d", id);
- lambda: |-
ESP_LOGD("BLE", "Disconnection from %d", id);
Configuration variables:
- **manufacturer** (*Optional*, :ref:`esp32_ble_server-value`): The name of the manufacturer/firmware creator. Defaults to ``ESPHome``.
- **model** (*Optional*, :ref:`esp32_ble_server-value`): The model name of the device. Defaults to the project's name defined in the :ref:`core configuration <esphome-creators_project>` if present, otherwise to the friendly name of the ``board`` chosen in the :ref:`core configuration <esphome-configuration_variables>`.
- **firmware_version** (*Optional*, :ref:`esp32_ble_server-value`): The firmware version of the device. Defaults to the project's version defined in the :ref:`core configuration <esphome-creators_project>` if present, otherwise to the ESPHome version.
- **manufacturer_data** (*Optional*, list of bytes): The manufacturer-specific data to include in the advertising
packet. Should be a list of bytes, where the first two are the little-endian representation of the 16-bit
manufacturer ID as assigned by the Bluetooth SIG.
- **on_connect** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An action to be performed when a client connects to the BLE server. It provides the ``id`` variable which contains the ID of the client that connected.
- **on_disconnect** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An action to be performed when a client disconnects from the BLE server. It provides the ``id`` variable which contains the ID of the client that disconnected.
- **services** (*Optional*, list of :ref:`esp32_ble_server-service`): A list of services to expose on the BLE GATT server.
.. _esp32_ble_server-service:
Service Configuration
Services are the main way to expose data and control over BLE. Services communicate with the client through characteristics. Each service can have multiple characteristics.
.. code-block:: yaml
- uuid: 2a24b789-7aab-4535-af3e-ee76a35cc42d
advertise: false
- uuid: cad48e28-7fbe-41cf-bae9-d77a6c233423
read: true
value: "Hello, World!"
Configuration variables:
- **uuid** (*Required*, string, int): The UUID of the service.
- **advertise** (*Optional*, boolean): If the service should be advertised. Defaults to ``false``.
- **characteristics** (*Optional*, list of :ref:`esp32_ble_server-characteristic`): A list of characteristics to expose in this service.
.. _esp32_ble_server-characteristic:
Characteristic Configuration
Characteristics expose data and control for a BLE service. Each characteristic has a value that may be readable and or writable, and may permit a client to subscribe to notifications.
Characteristics can also have multiple descriptors to provide additional information about the characteristic.
.. code-block:: yaml
# ...
- id: test_characteristic
uuid: cad48e28-7fbe-41cf-bae9-d77a6c233423
advertise: true
description: "Sample description"
read: true
data: "123.1"
type: float
endianness: BIG
- uuid: cad48e28-7fbe-41cf-bae9-d77a6c211423
value: "Hello, World Descriptor!"
Configuration variables:
- **id** (*Optional*, string): An ID to refer to this characteristic in automations.
- **uuid** (*Required*, string, int): The UUID of the characteristic.
- **description** (*Optional*, :ref:`esp32_ble_server-value`): The description of the characteristic - not templatable. It will add a ``CUD`` descriptor (0x2901) to the characteristic with the value of the description.
- **read** (*Optional*, boolean): If the characteristic should be readable. Defaults to ``false``.
- **write** (*Optional*, boolean): If the characteristic should be writable. Defaults to ``false``.
- **broadcast** (*Optional*, boolean): If the characteristic should be broadcast. Defaults to ``false``.
- **notify** (*Optional*, boolean): If the characteristic supports notifications. If ``true``, a ``CCCD`` descriptor will be automatically added to the characteristic. Defaults to ``false``.
- **indicate** (*Optional*, boolean): If the characteristic supports indications. If ``true``, a ``CCCD`` descriptor will be automatically added to the characteristic. Defaults to ``false``.
- **write_no_response** (*Optional*, boolean): If the characteristic should be writable without a response. Defaults to ``false``.
- **value** (*Optional*, :ref:`esp32_ble_server-value`): The value of the characteristic.
- **descriptors** (*Optional*, list of :ref:`esp32_ble_server-descriptor`): A list of descriptors to expose in this characteristic.
- **on_write** (*Optional*, :ref:`Automation <automation>`): An action to be performed when the characteristic is written to. The characteristic must have the ``write`` property. See :ref:`esp32_ble_server-characteristic-on_write`.
.. _esp32_ble_server-descriptor:
Descriptor Configuration
Descriptors are optional and are used to provide additional information (metadata) about a characteristic.
.. code-block:: yaml
- uuid: # ...
- uuid: # ...
- uuid: 2901
value: "Hello, World Descriptor!"
Configuration variables:
- **id** (*Optional*, string): An ID to refer to this descriptor in automations.
- **uuid** (*Required*, string, int): The UUID of the descriptor.
- **value** (*Required*, :ref:`esp32_ble_server-value`): The value of the descriptor. :ref:`templatable <config-templatable>` values are not allowed. In order to set the value of a descriptor dynamically, use the :ref:`esp32_ble_server-descriptor-set_value` action.
.. _esp32_ble_server-value:
Value Configuration
Values can be of different types and are used to define the value of a characteristic or descriptor.
The value of a characteristic is templatable. If the value is templated, the template will be evaluated each time the characteristic is read, or a notification is triggered. The value of a descriptor is not templatable as it is expected to be static.
.. code-block:: yaml
- uuid: # ...
- uuid: # ...
# Simple value (auto-detect type)
value: "Hello, World!"
- uuid: # ...
# String value
data: "Hello, World!"
type: string
string_encoding: utf-8
- uuid: # ...
# Integer value
data: "123"
type: uint16_t
endianness: LITTLE
- uuid: # ...
# Array of bytes value
data: [9, 9, 9]
- uuid: # ...
# Lambda value
data: !lambda 'return std::vector<uint8_t>({9, 9, 9});'
- uuid: # ...
# Lambda value using ByteBuffer
data: !lambda 'return bytebuffer::ByteBuffer::wrap(0.182).get_data();'
Configuration variables:
- **data** (*Required*, string, int, float, boolean, list of bytes, :ref:`templatable <config-templatable>`): The value of the characteristic or descriptor. For :ref:`templatable <config-templatable>` values, the lambda function must return a ``std::vector<uint8_t>`` (you may use the ``bytebuffer::ByteBuffer`` helper class to transform different data types into a byte array). The value is computed each time the characteristic is read.
- **type** (*Optional*, string): The C++ type of the value. The available values are ``uint8_t``, ``uint16_t``, ``uint32_t``, ``uint64_t``, ``int8_t``, ``int16_t``, ``int32_t``, ``int64_t``, ``float``, ``double`` and ``string``. It must be defined if the value is not :ref:`templatable <config-templatable>`.
- **endianness** (*Optional*, string): The endianness of the value. Can be ``BIG`` or ``LITTLE``. Defaults to ``LITTLE``.
- **string_encoding** (*Optional*, string): The encoding of the string. Only applicable if the type is ``string``. The conversion is done in Python before compilation, so the encoding must be a valid [Python encoding]( Defaults to ``utf-8``.
.. _esp32_ble_server-characteristic-on_write:
``on_write`` Trigger
With this configuration option you can write complex automations that are triggered when a characteristic is written to. It provides the ``x`` variable which contains the new value of the characteristic as a ``std::vector<uint8_t>`` and the ``id`` variable which contains the ID of the client that wrote to the characteristic.
.. code-block:: yaml
- uuid: # ...
# ...
write: true
- lambda: |-
ESP_LOGD("BLE", "Descriptor received: %s from %d", std::string(x.begin(), x.end()).c_str(), id);
``ble_server.characteristic.set_value`` Action
This action sets the value of a characteristic. A characteristic may not have a set_value action if it also has a templated value in its configuration.
.. code-block:: yaml
- ble_server.characteristic_set_value:
id: test_write_characteristic
value: [0, 1, 2]
Configuration variables:
- **id** (*Required*, string): The ID of the characteristic to set the value of.
- **value** (*Required*, :ref:`esp32_ble_server-value`): The new value of the characteristic.
``ble_server.characteristic.notify`` Action
This action triggers a notification to the client. The value sent will be the current value of the characteristic, or the value from evaluation of the template, if present.
.. code-block:: yaml
- ble_server.characteristic_notify:
id: test_notify_characteristic
Configuration variables:
- **id** (*Required*, string): The ID of the characteristic to notify the client about (must have the ``notify`` property).
.. _esp32_ble_server-descriptor-set_value:
``ble_server.descriptor.set_value`` Action
This action sets the value of a descriptor.
.. code-block:: yaml
- ble_server.descriptor:
id: test_write_descriptor
value: [0, 1, 2]
Configuration variables:
- **id** (*Required*, string): The ID of the descriptor to set the value of.
- **value** (*Required*, :ref:`esp32_ble_server-value`): The new value of the descriptor.
See Also
- :doc:`esp32_ble`
- :doc:`esp32_improv`
- :apiref:`esp32_ble/ble.h`
- :ghedit:`Edit`