2019-02-20 13:12:55 +01:00

214 lines
12 KiB

Changelog - Version 1.11.0
.. seo::
:description: Changelog for esphomelib version 1.11.0.
:image: /_static/changelog-1.11.0.png
:author: Otto Winter
:author_twitter: @OttoWinter_
.. imgtable::
Completed Rename, index, logo.svg
Home Assistant Binary Sensor, components/binary_sensor/homeassistant, home-assistant.svg
Light Partition, components/light/partition, color_lens.svg
TODO, intro; camera support deferred :(, but hopefully ready soon; faster release schedule
ESPHome Rename Completed
Back in 1.10.0, I decided to rename the project from esphomelib to ESPHome. This release
has seen **massive** refactors to allow this rename. Literally thousands of files had
to be changed, often with lots of manual action required. Now a rename might not seem
too exciting for the user, but consider this: Lots of ancient code got revised and cleaned up,
the ESPHome source got moved to a `dedicated Github Organization <>`__
and many other organizational changes were made which will enable faster feature development.
As an example, ESPHome's documentation now gets built and served by `Netlify <>`__,
so all documentation contributions will now get a preview of the changes on a deploy website.
Installation Methods Changed
Because of this rename, ESPHome's installation methods have also changed (breaking change!).
- ****: The addon repository has moved to ` <>`__,
please remove the old addon repository and add the new repository. During beta period, install beta version of addon.
- **pip-based installs**: The new installation command is ``pip2 install esphome`` and
the ``esphomeyaml`` command now is called ``esphome``. Or ``pip2 install --pre esphome`` during beta period.
- **docker-based installs**: The docker image has moved to ``esphome/esphome``. So now you need
to use ``docker run --rm -it esphome/esphome livingroom.yaml run``. Or ``docker run --rm -it esphome/esphome:beta ...`` during beta period
All old installation methods will no longer receive updates (and potentially be removed
in the future).
Breaking Changes
TODO: Copy breaking changes from PR descriptions
Other notable changes:
Beta Fixes
- esphome: Fix custom components not registered :esphomepr:`441`
- core: Add empty nameable constructors :corepr:`509`
- core: Fix Nextion "Received unknown filler end bytes" :corepr:`510`
- core: Fix functional attachInterrupt placed in flash :corepr:`511`
- esphome: Remove duplicate scrollbar & move scrollbar :esphomepr:`443` by :ghuser:`TheZoker`
- esphome: Remove unnecessary wrapper :esphomepr:`444` by :ghuser:`TheZoker`
- core: Refactor addressable light and fix partition issue :corepr:`512`
- esphome: Fix MQTT log topic level :esphomepr:`445`
All changes
- core: Attemp to fix the addressable flicker effect :corepr:`392` by :ghuser:`RomRider`
- esphome: typing is only required for python < 3.5 :esphomepr:`341` by :ghuser:`dotlambda`
- esphome: Fix install pillow in docker image :esphomepr:`338`
- esphome: Allow IPv4 addresses for SNTP servers :esphomepr:`340`
- docs: Fix esp8266_pwm example, IDs cannot have hyphens :docspr:`123` by :ghuser:`rabbadab`
- esphome: Add pyserial to install_requires :esphomepr:`348` by :ghuser:`dotlambda`
- docs: Added explanation how to change the password :docspr:`124` by :ghuser:`WoLpH`
- docs: Update light lambda effect example :docspr:`125` by :ghuser:`jdads1`
- core: Improve handling of MQTT birth message :corepr:`410`
- core: Fix WiFi apply hostname too early :corepr:`399`
- core: Fix pulse counter filtering for ESP8266 :corepr:`397`
- esphome: Warn if expire_after used without MQTT :esphomepr:`354`
- esphome: Use strict string mode for WiFi password :esphomepr:`351`
- docs: Add ESP8266 advanced info :docspr:`128`
- docs: Cookbook Entry for Sonoff Basic Fish Pond Pump :docspr:`122` by :ghuser:`meijerwynand`
- docs: Add Arilux LC02 pinout :docspr:`130` by :ghuser:`pixiandreas`
- docs: Dallas: Update for default update_interval :docspr:`131` by :ghuser:`balk77`
- core: Fix Light Color Temperature for native API :corepr:`398`
- core: Throttle filter doesn't work for quick firing sensors :corepr:`408` by :ghuser:`AlexDanault`
- core: Improve Preferences Log Output :corepr:`414`
- core: Fix GPIO switch restoring inverted :corepr:`415`
- core: Default expire after to 0 with deep sleep :corepr:`417`
- core: Improve DHT error message :corepr:`424`
- esphome: Fix Non-ASCII characters being escaped if in wrong locale :esphomepr:`369`
- esphome: Upgrade HassIO Ubuntu Base to 2.2.1 :esphomepr:`368`
- esphome: Fix ESP32 BLE tracker scan interval in seconds :esphomepr:`367`
- esphome: ESP8266 Better Exception Code Names :esphomepr:`358`
- esphome: Remove DNS1,DNS2 inclusive :esphomepr:`357`
- esphome: Remove deep sleep run_cycles :esphomepr:`353`
- esphome: Fix custom output requiring type :esphomepr:`344`
- core: Don't duplicate binary sensor events :corepr:`411`
- esphome: Add ability to run commands using subprocess, instead of in-process :esphomepr:`359` by :ghuser:`dotlambda`
- core: Fix on_press / on_release being triggered on initial state :corepr:`425`
- core: Remove hard dependencies in library.json :corepr:`409`
- esphome: Upgrade espressif32 package to 1.6.0 :esphomepr:`355`
- esphome: Fix dashboard password with python 3 :esphomepr:`339`
- esphome: Fix nginx closing WebSocket connection after 60 seconds :esphomepr:`370`
- esphome: Disable platformio LDF :esphomepr:`352`
- core: Store log strings in flash for ESP8266 :corepr:`432`
- core: Adding DHT model SI7021 to DHT sensor :corepr:`433` by :ghuser:`grea09`
- esphome: Adding SI7021 sensor to config validation :esphomepr:`375` by :ghuser:`grea09`
- core: Add logging to NeoPixelBus :corepr:`438` by :ghuser:`badbadc0ffee`
- esphome: Includes should be relative to the src directory, not main.cpp file :esphomepr:`390` by :ghuser:`yawor`
- esphome: Generate variable for each custom component id :esphomepr:`382` by :ghuser:`yawor`
- esphome: Fix Custom Components No Name :esphomepr:`395`
- core: Split off assumed state from optimistic mode :corepr:`455`
- esphome: Remove Heartbeat Binary Sensor Filter :esphomepr:`393`
- core: Disable MQTT if not used :corepr:`430`
- esphome: Disable MQTT if not used :esphomepr:`373`
- core: Store raw remote codes in flash :corepr:`456`
- core: Deduplicate values before sending :corepr:`454`
- core: Rewrite native API client for increased reliability :corepr:`426`
- docs: Fix Typo in BME280 Environment Cookbook :docspr:`145` by :ghuser:`hajdbo`
- docs: Updating Repo URLs in Contribution Guide :docspr:`143` by :ghuser:`badbadc0ffee`
- core: Update sony.cpp to fix incorrectly formed Sony IR code (extra bit) :corepr:`458` by :ghuser:`chris-jennings`
- docs: Extra example in cookbook / flashing DOIT ESP32 :docspr:`138` by :ghuser:`DavidDeSloovere`
- docs: Adding the SI7021 to docs :docspr:`147` by :ghuser:`grea09`
- esphome: Validate neopixelbus method :esphomepr:`398`
- core: Fix PMSx003 payload length calculation :corepr:`471` by :ghuser:`hajdbo`
- docs: Netlify :docspr:`153`
- docs: Remove duplicate "includes" line :docspr:`154` by :ghuser:`notgwj`
- core: Remove 'flash' property from MQTT Light discovery JSON. :corepr:`478` by :ghuser:`brandond`
- docs: Improve docker build instructions :docspr:`155` by :ghuser:`DavidDeSloovere`
- core: Add Homeassistant Binary Sensor :corepr:`480` (cherry-picked)
- core: GPIO Switch Interlocking :corepr:`482` (cherry-picked)
- esphome: Print error when mqtt.publish used without MQTT enabled :esphomepr:`408` (cherry-picked)
- esphome: Add Homeassistant Binary Sensor :esphomepr:`409` (cherry-picked)
- esphome: Allow pins 9&10 for PWM :esphomepr:`410` (cherry-picked)
- docs: Homeassistant binary sensor :docspr:`156`
- esphome: Store Raw Remote Codes in PROGMEM :esphomepr:`392` (cherry-picked)
- core: Better error messages for OTA :corepr:`486`
- esphome: Better error messages for OTA :esphomepr:`418`
- core: Synchronize homeassistant time periodically :corepr:`485`
- core: ESP8266 Arduino 2.5.0 Compatability :corepr:`481` (cherry-picked)
- esphome: Add Switch Interlocking :esphomepr:`411` (cherry-picked)
- esphome: Add local mDNS responder for .local :esphomepr:`386` (cherry-picked)
- core: Auto-Redact private information from logs :corepr:`488`
- esphome: Auto-Redact private information from logs in dashboard :esphomepr:`421`
- esphome: Replace optimistic with Assumed State :esphomepr:`394` (cherry-picked)
- core: Add Template Publish Action :corepr:`453` (cherry-picked)
- esphome: Add template publish actions and switch triggers :esphomepr:`391` (cherry-picked)
- core: Rework hostname (replaced by use_address) :corepr:`484`
- esphome: Add use_address :esphomepr:`417`
- core: Fixes I2C SH1106 repeats the first 8 lines of the display. :corepr:`492` by :ghuser:`n0bel`
- docs: Link Home Assistant's include system in FAQ :docspr:`157` by :ghuser:`TheHackmeister`
- core: Rework UART component for fixes :corepr:`487`
- esphome: Rework UART component for fixes :esphomepr:`419`
- esphome: Make dout the default flash mode :esphomepr:`420`
- core: Revert espressif32 package upgrade :corepr:`490`
- esphome: Revert "Upgrade espressif32 package to 1.6.0 (#355)" :esphomepr:`422`
- core: Add support for JVC remote transmitting and receiving :corepr:`493` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Add support for JVC remote transmitting and receiving :esphomepr:`423` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: Add docs for JVC remote transmitting and receiving :docspr:`160` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: H801 LED controller (remade) :docspr:`158` by :ghuser:`erazor666`
- core: Enable use of alternate hardware UARTs for logging :corepr:`483` by :ghuser:`brandond`
- esphome: Enable use of alternate hardware UARTs for logging :esphomepr:`427` by :ghuser:`brandond`
- docs: Enable use of alternate hardware UARTs for logging :docspr:`161` by :ghuser:`brandond`
- core: Rename esphomelib to esphome-core :corepr:`494`
- esphome: Rename esphomeyaml to esphome :esphomepr:`426`
- esphome: Include common components for compiles :esphomepr:`431`
- core: Add light partition platform :corepr:`501`
- core: Add RC5 IR code support :corepr:`502`
- core: Template switch do not restore state by default :corepr:`503`
- core: Fix ethernet initialization order :corepr:`504`
- esphome: Add RC5 IR code support :esphomepr:`432`
- core: Tweak BLE tracker settings :corepr:`505`
- esphome: Add text_sensor.template.publish action :esphomepr:`433`
- esphome: Add light partition platform :esphomepr:`434`
- core: Add 'hidden' option to wifi networks :corepr:`506`
- esphome: Add hidden option to wifi networks :esphomepr:`436`
- core: Add display pages abstraction :corepr:`507`
- esphome: Add display page abstraction :esphomepr:`435`
- esphome: Fix dashboard style issues :esphomepr:`437` by :ghuser:`TheZoker`
- esphome: Include tapTarget html element only when needed :esphomepr:`439` by :ghuser:`TheZoker`
- core: Add wait_until action :corepr:`508`
- esphome: Add wait_until action :esphomepr:`440`
- docs: Document addressable_lambda light effect :docspr:`163`
- esphome: Fix custom components not registered :esphomepr:`441`
- docs: Custom Binary Sensor: Add missing ";" and fix indentation in YAML :docspr:`164` by :ghuser:`mjoshd`
- core: Add empty nameable constructors :corepr:`509`
- core: Fix Nextion "Received unknown filler end bytes" :corepr:`510`
- core: Fix functional attachInterrupt placed in flash :corepr:`511`
- docs: Add Sonoff T1 LED pin :docspr:`165` by :ghuser:`lwis`
- esphome: Remove duplicate scrollbar & move scrollbar :esphomepr:`443` by :ghuser:`TheZoker`
- esphome: Remove unnecessary wrapper :esphomepr:`444` by :ghuser:`TheZoker`
- core: Refactor addressable light and fix partition issue :corepr:`512`
- esphome: Fix MQTT log topic level :esphomepr:`445`
Past Changelogs
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1
.. disqus::