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synced 2025-03-12 13:39:50 +01:00
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Changelog - Version 1.17.0 - 4th May 2021
.. seo::
:description: Changelog for ESPHome version 1.17.0.
:image: /_static/changelog-1.17.0.png
:author: ESPHome
:author_twitter: @esphome_
.. imgtable::
:columns: 4
Inkbird IBS-TH1 Mini, components/sensor/inkbird_ibsth1_mini, inkbird_isbth1_mini.jpg
MCP4725, components/output/mcp4725, mcp4725.jpg
Xiaomi Miscale, components/sensor/xiaomi_miscale, xiaomi_miscale.jpg
Xiaomi Miscale2, components/sensor/xiaomi_miscale2, xiaomi_miscale2.jpg
Midea Air Conditioner, components/climate/midea_ac, midea.svg
Addressable Light Display, components/display/addressable_light, addressable_light.jpg
Pulse Meter, components/sensor/pulse_meter, pulse.svg
So, ESPHome was acquired by Nabu Casa. That was big and unexpected, but awesome news for the project as now I have been hired
by Nabu Casa full-time to work on ESPHome. I know I said this in the last release, but hopefully now that it is literally
my job, the releases will move to a (yet to be defined) schedule.
A lot of fixes and updates to existing components in this release, and a couple of new integrations and features too. Check them out
if you have the hardware but could not use it before.
Hopefully I can get some help and pointers from the Nabu Casa team to tidy up these release notes and make them all fancy and
actually something to look forward to reading.
New Features
- esphome: Vl53l0x change address :esphomepr:`1126` by :ghuser:`kkellner` (new-feature)
- esphome: Background calibration & ABC commands for SenseAir S8 :esphomepr:`1623` by :ghuser:`nmaggioni` (new-feature)
- esphome: Add trigger for http actions to receive the status code :esphomepr:`1599` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-feature)
New Integrations
- esphome: Adding support for the Inkbird IBS-TH1 Mini sensor :esphomepr:`1099` by :ghuser:`fkirill` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add MCP4725 DAC Component :esphomepr:`1418` by :ghuser:`JJK801` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add Xiaomi Miscale v1 and v2 :esphomepr:`1368` by :ghuser:`dckiller51` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add support for the SM300D2 7-in-1 sensor module :esphomepr:`1524` by :ghuser:`moritzgloeckl` (new-integration)
- esphome: Midea climate support :esphomepr:`1328` by :ghuser:`dudanov` (new-integration)
- esphome: Add addressable_light display platform :esphomepr:`1272` by :ghuser:`justfalter` (new-integration) (notable-change)
- esphome: Implement pulse_meter as an improvement on pulse_counter and pulse_width for meters :esphomepr:`1434` by :ghuser:`stevebaxter` (new-integration)
Breaking Changes
- esphome: MCP23XXX Refactor :esphomepr:`1560` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (breaking-change)
Notable Changes
- esphome: Device class attribute for sensor component :esphomepr:`1525` by :ghuser:`marecabo` (notable-change)
- esphome: Add default device classes to sensor components :esphomepr:`1533` by :ghuser:`marecabo` (notable-change)
- esphome: Add addressable_light display platform :esphomepr:`1272` by :ghuser:`justfalter` (new-integration) (notable-change)
Release 1.17.1 - May 5
- esphome: Fix BLE UUID matching :esphomepr:`1637` by :ghuser:`buxtronix`
- esphome: Add optional bindkey support for CGG1. :esphomepr:`1407` by :ghuser:`Flameeyes`
- docs: Update CGG1 documentation around bindkey :docspr:`876` by :ghuser:`Flameeyes`
- esphome: buffer allocation and TRUEFALSE templates :esphomepr:`1644` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- esphome: fix servo not reattaching with same target :esphomepr:`1649` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Fix colorlog removing colors and refactor color code :esphomepr:`1671`
- esphome: Fix servo detach chopped PWM :esphomepr:`1650` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Fix sensor.sensor_schema interface changed :esphomepr:`1659`
- esphome: Sensor Average Filter Fix Floating Pointer Error Accumulating :esphomepr:`1624`
- esphome: Added / to default glyphs :esphomepr:`1691` by :ghuser:`richardklingler`
- esphome: RC522 fixes :esphomepr:`1479` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Fixed typo in 1.17.0 changelogs :docspr:`1132` by :ghuser:`spacegaier`
- esphome: Do not call component update on failed components :esphomepr:`1392` by :ghuser:`alexyao2015`
Release 1.17.2 - May 9
- esphome: fixes #858 - esphome crashes with neolightbus and RMT :esphomepr:`1667` by :ghuser:`angelnu`
- docs: Fix abundant apostrophes :docspr:`1137` by :ghuser:`jmartens`
- docs: Add output part to binary light example :docspr:`1061` by :ghuser:`klaasnicolaas`
All changes
- esphome: Bump voluptuous from 0.12.0 to 0.12.1 :esphomepr:`1411` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: add http request tests :esphomepr:`1448` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: codegen: Lambda improvements :esphomepr:`1476` by :ghuser:`balrog-kun`
- docs: Add options to control pulse duration on Climate_IR_LG Component :docspr:`963` by :ghuser:`mhentschke`
- esphome: Add options to control pulse duration on Climate_IR_LG Component :esphomepr:`1470` by :ghuser:`mhentschke`
- esphome: Adding support for the Inkbird IBS-TH1 Mini sensor :esphomepr:`1099` by :ghuser:`fkirill` (new-integration)
- docs: Adding documentation for Inkbird IBS-TH1 Mini sensor :docspr:`657` by :ghuser:`fkirill`
- esphome: Add config validator location :esphomepr:`1490` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Add MCP4725 DAC Component :esphomepr:`1418` by :ghuser:`JJK801` (new-integration)
- docs: Add MCP4725 docs :docspr:`889` by :ghuser:`JJK801`
- docs: Fix format consistency :docspr:`989` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Added codeowners to max7219digit :esphomepr:`1487` by :ghuser:`rspaargaren`
- esphome: Correct Native API Wire Format Documentation :esphomepr:`1528` by :ghuser:`justin-gerhardt`
- esphome: st7735_conf_fixes :esphomepr:`1530` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- docs: ST7735 Changed configuration items to snake_case :docspr:`1000` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- esphome: Device class attribute for sensor component :esphomepr:`1525` by :ghuser:`marecabo` (notable-change)
- docs: Add doc for device_class attribute of sensor :docspr:`996` by :ghuser:`marecabo`
- docs: Add sleep duration to enter deep sleep action :docspr:`995` by :ghuser:`nuttytree`
- esphome: Add duration option to action start deep sleep :esphomepr:`1526` by :ghuser:`nuttytree`
- esphome: fix substitution losing track of document range :esphomepr:`1547` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Update esp32_camera.rst :docspr:`1020` by :ghuser:`lukaszrud`
- docs: Fix format next :docspr:`1023` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Add another project to diy.rst :docspr:`1019` by :ghuser:`shish`
- docs: Update esphome-configs URL :docspr:`1018` by :ghuser:`shish`
- docs: Icon is ignored by HA when device class is set :docspr:`1011` by :ghuser:`marecabo`
- docs: Update pid.rst :docspr:`1006` by :ghuser:`boradwell`
- docs: Mention that Hyperion.NG works with E1.31 :docspr:`975` by :ghuser:`rradar`
- esphome: Add Xiaomi Miscale v1 and v2 :esphomepr:`1368` by :ghuser:`dckiller51` (new-integration)
- docs: Add docs for Xiaomi Miscale v1 and v2 :docspr:`1021` by :ghuser:`dckiller51`
- docs: Add missing closing parenthesis in example :docspr:`1029` by :ghuser:`lepinkainen`
- docs: Update Inkplate.rst :docspr:`1026` by :ghuser:`jakommo`
- docs: typo in st7735 model number :docspr:`1025` by :ghuser:`wjcarpenter`
- docs: Fix mcp23sXX id config :docspr:`1017` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: Update bme680.rst :docspr:`1007` by :ghuser:`wifwucite`
- docs: Sim800l dial :docspr:`1027` by :ghuser:`spilin`
- esphome: Add dial support for sim800l component :esphomepr:`1558` by :ghuser:`spilin`
- esphome: Climate IR LG -keep previous temp and fan if swing :esphomepr:`1556` by :ghuser:`Otamay`
- esphome: Vl53l0x change address :esphomepr:`1126` by :ghuser:`kkellner` (new-feature)
- docs: Update vl53l0x docs :docspr:`679` by :ghuser:`kkellner`
- esphome: tuya: Use queue for sending command messages :esphomepr:`1404` by :ghuser:`stubs12`
- esphome: Replace substitutions in substitutions first :esphomepr:`1567` by :ghuser:`edenhaus`
- esphome: Added heater to climate_ir_lg :esphomepr:`1555` by :ghuser:`Otamay`
- esphome: More yaml validation :esphomepr:`1568` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Add default device classes to sensor components :esphomepr:`1533` by :ghuser:`marecabo` (notable-change)
- docs: Document recurring data in uart switch :docspr:`986` by :ghuser:`gabe565`
- esphome: Add support for recurring data in uart switch :esphomepr:`1514` by :ghuser:`gabe565`
- esphome: Added samsung36 ir protocol :esphomepr:`1438` by :ghuser:`tuxBurner`
- docs: Added remote samsung36 protocol docs :docspr:`904` by :ghuser:`tuxBurner`
- docs: Add IWOOLE Table Lamp cookbook entry :docspr:`947` by :ghuser:`Deinara`
- docs: Update uart.rst example to read all available characters :docspr:`1031` by :ghuser:`RoganDawes`
- esphome: ADC fix: GPIO0 not usable as output if ADC_VCC is used :esphomepr:`1557` by :ghuser:`ferbar`
- esphome: Add constants for device classes of binary_sensor :esphomepr:`1549` by :ghuser:`marecabo`
- esphome: fix path on windows escape :esphomepr:`1573` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Migrate ESPColor to Color :esphomepr:`1551` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- docs: Migrate ESPColor to Color :docspr:`1036` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- esphome: Add support for the SM300D2 7-in-1 sensor module :esphomepr:`1524` by :ghuser:`moritzgloeckl` (new-integration)
- docs: Added documentation for the SM300D2 sensor :docspr:`993` by :ghuser:`moritzgloeckl`
- esphome: changed color temp from float to int :esphomepr:`1522` by :ghuser:`codyjamestechnical`
- esphome: Bump pytest-cov from 2.10.1 to 2.11.1 :esphomepr:`1483` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump colorlog from 4.6.2 to 4.7.2 :esphomepr:`1473` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: pins: Add three new boards :esphomepr:`1576` by :ghuser:`balrog-kun`
- esphome: Bump pytest from 6.2.1 to 6.2.2 :esphomepr:`1574` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump pytz from 2020.5 to 2021.1 :esphomepr:`1575` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Fix for waveshare 2.13in-ttgo-b73 :esphomepr:`1543` by :ghuser:`nikito7`
- docs: Added new blogpost :docspr:`1038` by :ghuser:`pieterbrink123`
- esphome: Add min/max filters :esphomepr:`1569` by :ghuser:`gabe565`
- docs: Document new min/max filters :docspr:`1032` by :ghuser:`gabe565`
- esphome: Bump pylint from 2.6.0 to 2.7.2 :esphomepr:`1582` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Extend 'uart:' with 'invert:' for esp32 :esphomepr:`1586` by :ghuser:`needspeed`
- docs: Uart invert option for ESP32 :docspr:`1039` by :ghuser:`Mynasru`
- esphome: Bump platformio from 5.0.4 to 5.1.0 :esphomepr:`1581` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: fix servo warning :esphomepr:`1591` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: add-black :docspr:`1044` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: add-black :esphomepr:`1593` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: MCP23XXX Refactor :esphomepr:`1560` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (breaking-change)
- docs: Update MCP23XXX docs with interrupts and pin schemas :docspr:`1028` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Improve error checking: too many component id candidates :esphomepr:`1570` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Schema dump :esphomepr:`1564` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Dump schema :docspr:`1030` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Update i2c.rst :docspr:`1043` by :ghuser:`webeling67`
- docs: Update rf_bridge.rst :docspr:`1042` by :ghuser:`samnewman86`
- esphome: Inkplate 6 Optimizations :esphomepr:`1592` by :ghuser:`Sizurka`
- docs: Fix RF Bridge link to Portisch Repo :docspr:`1045` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: pin schema and other fixes :docspr:`1047` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: schema-dump-pins :esphomepr:`1596` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- docs: Adding that mpr121_id is a valid option for binary_sensor :docspr:`966` by :ghuser:`minideezel`
- esphome: change lcd clear() to clear the buffer :esphomepr:`1600` by :ghuser:`ssieb`
- esphome: PN532 - don't read extra page and fix size :esphomepr:`1565` by :ghuser:`ssieb`
- docs: schema-filters :docspr:`1052` by :ghuser:`glmnet`
- esphome: Fix component_tests config :esphomepr:`1608` by :ghuser:`madron`
- esphome: Added receive for Fujitsu ACs :esphomepr:`1577` by :ghuser:`alex-richards`
- esphome: Change COLOR_ON to be 255 values instead of 1 :esphomepr:`1594` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: a4988 wait 1ms when coming out of sleep :esphomepr:`1597` by :ghuser:`WeekendWarrior1`
- docs: Remove cs_pin from rc522 i2c example :docspr:`1059` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Support fan speed levels :esphomepr:`1541` by :ghuser:`blejdfist`
- docs: Documentation for fan speed levels :docspr:`1056` by :ghuser:`blejdfist`
- docs: Add CLI logs section :docspr:`1060` by :ghuser:`Tmin10`
- esphome: Add option to suffix name with mac address :esphomepr:`1615` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Midea climate support :esphomepr:`1328` by :ghuser:`dudanov` (new-integration)
- docs: Midea Climate support :docspr:`804` by :ghuser:`dudanov`
- docs: Add docs for `name_add_mac_suffix` config :docspr:`1058` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: SPI transfer fix. Use write when no miso pin is set :esphomepr:`1563` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- esphome: SPI Improvements :esphomepr:`1617` by :ghuser:`SenexCrenshaw`
- esphome: Add addressable_light display platform :esphomepr:`1272` by :ghuser:`justfalter` (new-integration) (notable-change)
- docs: Add docs for addressable_light display :docspr:`755` by :ghuser:`justfalter`
- esphome: Implement pulse_meter as an improvement on pulse_counter and pulse_width for meters :esphomepr:`1434` by :ghuser:`stevebaxter` (new-integration)
- esphome: e131: fix issue 1579: limitation of maximum light count :esphomepr:`1619` by :ghuser:`docteurzoidberg`
- docs: Add documentation for pulse_meter :docspr:`900` by :ghuser:`stevebaxter`
- esphome: Bump platformio from 5.1.0 to 5.1.1 :esphomepr:`1618` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Fix pulse-meter with device_class and black :esphomepr:`1621` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- esphome: Declare Color objects in main.cpp :esphomepr:`1395` by :ghuser:`kbx81`
- esphome: Add 2.13in-ttgo-b1 waveshare epaper module. :esphomepr:`1326` by :ghuser:`matikij`
- docs: Add docs for ttgo-b1 version (next branch) :docspr:`808` by :ghuser:`matikij`
- esphome: Bump flake8 from 3.8.4 to 3.9.0 :esphomepr:`1612` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bundle platformio lib_deps in docker images :esphomepr:`1625`
- esphome: Bump protobuf from 3.13.0 to 3.15.6 :esphomepr:`1607` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Bump pyyaml from 5.3.1 to 5.4.1 :esphomepr:`1482` by :ghuser:`dependabot[bot]`
- esphome: Switch docker images to debian :esphomepr:`1626`
- esphome: Background calibration & ABC commands for SenseAir S8 :esphomepr:`1623` by :ghuser:`nmaggioni` (new-feature)
- docs: SenseAir: background calibration & ABC commands :docspr:`1066` by :ghuser:`nmaggioni`
- esphome: Add trigger for http actions to receive the status code :esphomepr:`1599` by :ghuser:`jesserockz` (new-feature)
- docs: Add docs for http_request on_response trigger :docspr:`1049` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
- docs: Fix typo lambada -> lambda in multiple display compoments :docspr:`1071` by :ghuser:`rheinz`
- docs: Consistent spelling of "ID" :docspr:`1068` by :ghuser:`spacegaier`
- docs: Change GREYSCALE to GRAYSCALE :docspr:`1073` by :ghuser:`adrienbrault`
- docs: SPI: fix Example :docspr:`1076` by :ghuser:`ferbar`
- docs: Update diy.rst :docspr:`1106` by :ghuser:`electrofun-smart`
- docs: Make changelog banner dismissable :docspr:`1113` by :ghuser:`manutenfruits`
- docs: Correct typo: "between between" -> "between" :docspr:`1109` by :ghuser:`janosrusiczki`
- docs: Update canbus.rst :docspr:`1115` by :ghuser:`meijerwynand`
- docs: Update diy.rst :docspr:`1114` by :ghuser:`murilobaliego`
- docs: Update email addresses :docspr:`1122` by :ghuser:`jesserockz`
Past Changelogs
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 1