# ESPHome-Flasher ESPHome-Flasher is a utility app for the [ESPHome](https://esphome.io/) framework and is designed to make flashing ESPs with ESPHome as simple as possible by: * Having pre-built binaries for most operating systems. * Hiding all non-essential options for flashing. All necessary options for flashing (bootloader, flash mode) are automatically extracted from the binary. This project was originally intended to be a simple command-line tool, but then I decided that a GUI would be nice. As I don't like writing graphical front end code, the GUI largely is based on the [NodeMCU PyFlasher](https://github.com/marcelstoer/nodemcu-pyflasher) project. The flashing process is done using the [esptool](https://github.com/espressif/esptool) library by espressif. ## Installation Es doesn't have to be installed, just double-click it and it'll start. Check the [releases section](https://github.com/esphome/esphome-flasher/releases) for downloads for your platform. ## Installation Using `pip` If you want to install this application from `pip`: - Install Python 3.x - Install [wxPython 4.x](https://wxpython.org/) manually or run `pip3 install wxpython` (see also linux notes below) - Install this project using `pip3 install esphomeflasher` - Start the GUI using `esphomeflasher`. Alternatively, you can use the command line interface ( type `esphomeflasher -h` for info) ## Build it yourself If you want to build this application yourself you need to: - Install Python 3.x - Install [wxPython 4.x](https://wxpython.org/) manually or run `pip3 install wxpython` - Download this project and run `pip3 install -e .` in the project's root. - Start the GUI using `esphomeflasher`. Alternatively, you can use the command line interface ( type `esphomeflasher -h` for info) ## Linux Notes Installing wxpython for linux can be a bit challenging (especially when you don't want to install from source). You can use the following command to install a wxpython suitable with your OS: ```bash # Go to https://extras.wxpython.org/wxPython4/extras/linux/gtk3/ and select the correct OS type # here, we assume ubuntu 18.03 bionic pip3 install -U \ -f https://extras.wxpython.org/wxPython4/extras/linux/gtk3/ubuntu-18.04 \ wxPython ``` ## License [MIT](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) © Marcel Stör, Otto Winter