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#pragma once
#include "esphome/components/i2c/i2c.h"
#include "esphome/components/sensor/sensor.h"
#include "esphome/core/component.h"
namespace esphome {
namespace tmp1075 {
struct TMP1075Config {
union {
struct {
uint8_t oneshot : 1; // One-shot conversion mode. Writing 1, starts a single temperature
// conversion. Read returns 0.
uint8_t rate : 2; // Conversion rate setting when device is in continuous conversion mode.
// 00: 27.5 ms conversion rate
// 01: 55 ms conversion rate
// 10: 110 ms conversion rate
// 11: 220 ms conversion rate (35 ms TMP1075N)
uint8_t faults : 2; // Consecutive fault measurements to trigger the alert function.
// 00: 1 fault
// 01: 2 faults
// 10: 3 faults (4 faults TMP1075N)
// 11: 4 faults (6 faults TMP1075N)
uint8_t polarity : 1; // Polarity of the output pin.
// 0: Active low ALERT pin
// 1: Active high ALERT pin
uint8_t alert_mode : 1; // Selects the function of the ALERT pin.
// 0: ALERT pin functions in comparator mode
// 1: ALERT pin functions in interrupt mode
uint8_t shutdown : 1; // Sets the device in shutdown mode to conserve power.
// 0: Device is in continuous conversion
// 1: Device is in shutdown mode
uint8_t unused : 8;
} fields;
uint16_t regvalue;
enum EConversionRate {
enum EAlertFunction {
class TMP1075Sensor : public PollingComponent, public sensor::Sensor, public i2c::I2CDevice {
void setup() override;
void update() override;
float get_setup_priority() const override { return setup_priority::DATA; }
void dump_config() override;
// Call write_config() after calling any of these to send the new config to
// the IC. The setup() function also does this.
void set_alert_limit_low(const float temp) { this->alert_limit_low_ = temp; }
void set_alert_limit_high(const float temp) { this->alert_limit_high_ = temp; }
void set_oneshot(const bool oneshot) { config_.fields.oneshot = oneshot; }
void set_conversion_rate(const enum EConversionRate rate) { config_.fields.rate = rate; }
void set_alert_polarity(const bool polarity) { config_.fields.polarity = polarity; }
void set_alert_function(const enum EAlertFunction function) { config_.fields.alert_mode = function; }
void set_fault_count(int faults);
void write_config();
TMP1075Config config_ = {};
// Disable the alert pin by default.
float alert_limit_low_ = -128.0f;
float alert_limit_high_ = 127.9375f;
void send_alert_limit_low_();
void send_alert_limit_high_();
void send_config_();
void log_config_();
} // namespace tmp1075
} // namespace esphome