
445 lines
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Raw Normal View History

#include "ms8607.h"
#include "esphome/core/hal.h"
#include "esphome/core/helpers.h"
#include "esphome/core/log.h"
namespace esphome {
namespace ms8607 {
/// TAG used for logging calls
static const char *const TAG = "ms8607";
/// Reset the Pressure/Temperature sensor
static const uint8_t MS8607_PT_CMD_RESET = 0x1E;
/// Beginning of PROM register addresses. Same for both i2c addresses. Each address has 16 bits of data, and
/// PROM addresses step by two, so the LSB is always 0
static const uint8_t MS8607_PROM_START = 0xA0;
/// Last PROM register address.
static const uint8_t MS8607_PROM_END = 0xAE;
/// Number of PROM registers.
static const uint8_t MS8607_PROM_COUNT = (MS8607_PROM_END - MS8607_PROM_START) >> 1;
/// Reset the Humidity sensor
static const uint8_t MS8607_CMD_H_RESET = 0xFE;
/// Read relative humidity, without holding i2c master
static const uint8_t MS8607_CMD_H_MEASURE_NO_HOLD = 0xF5;
/// Temperature correction coefficient for Relative Humidity from datasheet
static const float MS8607_H_TEMP_COEFFICIENT = -0.18;
/// Read the converted analog value, either D1 (pressure) or D2 (temperature)
static const uint8_t MS8607_CMD_ADC_READ = 0x00;
// TODO: allow OSR to be turned down for speed and/or lower power consumption via configuration.
// ms8607 supports 6 different settings
/// Request conversion of analog D1 (pressure) with OSR=8192 (highest oversampling ratio). Takes maximum of 17.2ms
static const uint8_t MS8607_CMD_CONV_D1_OSR_8K = 0x4A;
/// Request conversion of analog D2 (temperature) with OSR=8192 (highest oversampling ratio). Takes maximum of 17.2ms
static const uint8_t MS8607_CMD_CONV_D2_OSR_8K = 0x5A;
enum class MS8607Component::ErrorCode {
/// Component hasn't failed (yet?)
NONE = 0,
/// Both the Pressure/Temperature address and the Humidity address failed to reset
/// Asking the Pressure/Temperature sensor to reset failed
/// Asking the Humidity sensor to reset failed
/// Reading the PROM calibration values failed
/// The PROM calibration values failed the CRC check
enum class MS8607Component::SetupStatus {
/// This component has not successfully reset the PT & H devices
/// Reset commands succeeded, need to wait >= 15ms to read PROM
/// Successfully read PROM and ready to update sensors
static uint8_t crc4(uint16_t *buffer, size_t length);
static uint8_t hsensor_crc_check(uint16_t value);
void MS8607Component::setup() {
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting up MS8607...");
this->error_code_ = ErrorCode::NONE;
this->setup_status_ = SetupStatus::NEEDS_RESET;
// I do not know why the device sometimes NACKs the reset command, but
// try 3 times in case it's a transitory issue on this boot
"reset", 5, 3,
[this](const uint8_t remaining_setup_attempts) {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Resetting both I2C addresses: 0x%02X, 0x%02X", this->address_,
// I believe sending the reset command to both addresses is preferable to
// skipping humidity if PT fails for some reason.
// However, only consider the reset successful if they both ACK
bool const pt_successful = this->write_bytes(MS8607_PT_CMD_RESET, nullptr, 0);
bool const h_successful = this->humidity_device_->write_bytes(MS8607_CMD_H_RESET, nullptr, 0);
if (!(pt_successful && h_successful)) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Resetting I2C devices failed");
if (!pt_successful && !h_successful) {
this->error_code_ = ErrorCode::PTH_RESET_FAILED;
} else if (!pt_successful) {
this->error_code_ = ErrorCode::PT_RESET_FAILED;
} else {
this->error_code_ = ErrorCode::H_RESET_FAILED;
if (remaining_setup_attempts > 0) {
} else {
return RetryResult::RETRY;
this->setup_status_ = SetupStatus::NEEDS_PROM_READ;
this->error_code_ = ErrorCode::NONE;
// 15ms delay matches datasheet, Adafruit_MS8607 & SparkFun_PHT_MS8607_Arduino_Library
this->set_timeout("prom-read", 15, [this]() {
if (this->read_calibration_values_from_prom_()) {
this->setup_status_ = SetupStatus::SUCCESSFUL;
} else {
return RetryResult::DONE;
5.0f); // executes at now, +5ms, +25ms
void MS8607Component::update() {
if (this->setup_status_ != SetupStatus::SUCCESSFUL) {
// setup is still occurring, either because reset had to retry or due to the 15ms
// delay needed between reset & reading the PROM values
// Updating happens async and sequentially.
// Temperature, then pressure, then humidity
void MS8607Component::dump_config() {
// LOG_I2C_DEVICE doesn't work for humidity, the `address_` is protected. Log using get_address()
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Address: 0x%02X", this->humidity_device_->get_address());
if (this->is_failed()) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Communication with MS8607 failed.");
switch (this->error_code_) {
case ErrorCode::PT_RESET_FAILED:
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Temperature/Pressure RESET failed");
case ErrorCode::H_RESET_FAILED:
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Humidity RESET failed");
case ErrorCode::PTH_RESET_FAILED:
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Temperature/Pressure && Humidity RESET failed");
case ErrorCode::PROM_READ_FAILED:
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Reading PROM failed");
case ErrorCode::PROM_CRC_FAILED:
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "PROM values failed CRC");
case ErrorCode::NONE:
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Error reason unknown %u", static_cast<uint8_t>(this->error_code_));
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Temperature", this->temperature_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Pressure", this->pressure_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Humidity", this->humidity_sensor_);
bool MS8607Component::read_calibration_values_from_prom_() {
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Reading calibration values from PROM");
uint16_t buffer[MS8607_PROM_COUNT];
bool successful = true;
for (uint8_t idx = 0; idx < MS8607_PROM_COUNT; ++idx) {
uint8_t const address_to_read = MS8607_PROM_START + (idx * 2);
successful &= this->read_byte_16(address_to_read, &buffer[idx]);
if (!successful) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Reading calibration values from PROM failed");
this->error_code_ = ErrorCode::PROM_READ_FAILED;
return false;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Checking CRC of calibration values from PROM");
uint8_t const expected_crc = (buffer[0] & 0xF000) >> 12; // first 4 bits
buffer[0] &= 0x0FFF; // strip CRC from buffer, in order to run CRC
uint8_t const actual_crc = crc4(buffer, MS8607_PROM_COUNT);
if (expected_crc != actual_crc) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Incorrect CRC value. Provided value 0x%01X != calculated value 0x%01X", expected_crc, actual_crc);
this->error_code_ = ErrorCode::PROM_CRC_FAILED;
return false;
this->calibration_values_.pressure_sensitivity = buffer[1];
this->calibration_values_.pressure_offset = buffer[2];
this->calibration_values_.pressure_sensitivity_temperature_coefficient = buffer[3];
this->calibration_values_.pressure_offset_temperature_coefficient = buffer[4];
this->calibration_values_.reference_temperature = buffer[5];
this->calibration_values_.temperature_coefficient_of_temperature = buffer[6];
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Finished reading calibration values");
// Skipping reading Humidity PROM, since it doesn't have anything interesting for us
return true;
CRC-4 algorithm from datasheet. It operates on a buffer of 16-bit values, one byte at a time, using a 16-bit
value to collect the CRC result into.
The provided/expected CRC value must already be zeroed out from the buffer.
static uint8_t crc4(uint16_t *buffer, size_t length) {
uint16_t crc_remainder = 0;
// algorithm to add a byte into the crc
auto apply_crc = [&crc_remainder](uint8_t next) {
crc_remainder ^= next;
for (uint8_t bit = 8; bit > 0; --bit) {
if (crc_remainder & 0x8000) {
crc_remainder = (crc_remainder << 1) ^ 0x3000;
} else {
crc_remainder = (crc_remainder << 1);
// add all the bytes
for (size_t idx = 0; idx < length; ++idx) {
for (auto byte : decode_value(buffer[idx])) {
// For the MS8607 CRC, add a pair of zeros to shift the last byte from `buffer` through
return (crc_remainder >> 12) & 0xF; // only the most significant 4 bits
* @brief Calculates CRC value for the provided humidity (+ status bits) value
* CRC-8 check comes from other MS8607 libraries on github. I did not find it in the datasheet,
* and it differs from the crc8 implementation that's already part of esphome.
* @param value two byte humidity sensor value read from i2c
* @return uint8_t computed crc value
static uint8_t hsensor_crc_check(uint16_t value) {
uint32_t polynom = 0x988000; // x^8 + x^5 + x^4 + 1
uint32_t msb = 0x800000;
uint32_t mask = 0xFF8000;
uint32_t result = (uint32_t) value << 8; // Pad with zeros as specified in spec
while (msb != 0x80) {
// Check if msb of current value is 1 and apply XOR mask
if (result & msb) {
result = ((result ^ polynom) & mask) | (result & ~mask);
// Shift by one
msb >>= 1;
mask >>= 1;
polynom >>= 1;
return result & 0xFF;
void MS8607Component::request_read_temperature_() {
// Tell MS8607 to start ADC conversion of temperature sensor
if (!this->write_bytes(MS8607_CMD_CONV_D2_OSR_8K, nullptr, 0)) {
auto f = std::bind(&MS8607Component::read_temperature_, this);
// datasheet says 17.2ms max conversion time at OSR 8192
this->set_timeout("temperature", 20, f);
void MS8607Component::read_temperature_() {
uint8_t bytes[3]; // 24 bits
if (!this->read_bytes(MS8607_CMD_ADC_READ, bytes, 3)) {
const uint32_t d2_raw_temperature = encode_uint32(0, bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2]);
void MS8607Component::request_read_pressure_(uint32_t d2_raw_temperature) {
if (!this->write_bytes(MS8607_CMD_CONV_D1_OSR_8K, nullptr, 0)) {
auto f = std::bind(&MS8607Component::read_pressure_, this, d2_raw_temperature);
// datasheet says 17.2ms max conversion time at OSR 8192
this->set_timeout("pressure", 20, f);
void MS8607Component::read_pressure_(uint32_t d2_raw_temperature) {
uint8_t bytes[3]; // 24 bits
if (!this->read_bytes(MS8607_CMD_ADC_READ, bytes, 3)) {
const uint32_t d1_raw_pressure = encode_uint32(0, bytes[0], bytes[1], bytes[2]);
this->calculate_values_(d2_raw_temperature, d1_raw_pressure);
void MS8607Component::request_read_humidity_(float temperature_float) {
if (!this->humidity_device_->write_bytes(MS8607_CMD_H_MEASURE_NO_HOLD, nullptr, 0)) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Request to measure humidity failed");
auto f = std::bind(&MS8607Component::read_humidity_, this, temperature_float);
// datasheet says 15.89ms max conversion time at OSR 8192
this->set_timeout("humidity", 20, f);
void MS8607Component::read_humidity_(float temperature_float) {
uint8_t bytes[3];
if (!this->humidity_device_->read_bytes_raw(bytes, 3)) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Failed to read the measured humidity value");
// "the measurement is stored into 14 bits. The two remaining LSBs are used for transmitting status information.
// Bit1 of the two LSBS must be set to '1'. Bit0 is currently not assigned"
uint16_t humidity = encode_uint16(bytes[0], bytes[1]);
uint8_t const expected_crc = bytes[2];
uint8_t const actual_crc = hsensor_crc_check(humidity);
if (expected_crc != actual_crc) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Incorrect Humidity CRC value. Provided value 0x%01X != calculated value 0x%01X", expected_crc,
if (!(humidity & 0x2)) {
// data sheet says Bit1 should always set, but nothing about what happens if it isn't
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Humidity status bit was not set to 1?");
humidity &= ~(0b11); // strip status & unassigned bits from data
// map 16 bit humidity value into range [-6%, 118%]
float const humidity_partial = double(humidity) / (1 << 16);
float const humidity_percentage = lerp(humidity_partial, -6.0, 118.0);
float const compensated_humidity_percentage =
humidity_percentage + (20 - temperature_float) * MS8607_H_TEMP_COEFFICIENT;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Compensated for temperature, humidity=%.2f%%", compensated_humidity_percentage);
if (this->humidity_sensor_ != nullptr) {
void MS8607Component::calculate_values_(uint32_t d2_raw_temperature, uint32_t d1_raw_pressure) {
// Perform the first order pressure/temperature calculation
// d_t: "difference between actual and reference temperature" = D2 - [C5] * 2**8
const int32_t d_t = int32_t(d2_raw_temperature) - (int32_t(this->calibration_values_.reference_temperature) << 8);
// actual temperature as hundredths of degree celsius in range [-4000, 8500]
// 2000 + d_t * [C6] / (2**23)
int32_t temperature =
2000 + ((int64_t(d_t) * this->calibration_values_.temperature_coefficient_of_temperature) >> 23);
// offset at actual temperature. [C2] * (2**17) + (d_t * [C4] / (2**6))
int64_t pressure_offset = (int64_t(this->calibration_values_.pressure_offset) << 17) +
((int64_t(d_t) * this->calibration_values_.pressure_offset_temperature_coefficient) >> 6);
// sensitivity at actual temperature. [C1] * (2**16) + ([C3] * d_t) / (2**7)
int64_t pressure_sensitivity =
(int64_t(this->calibration_values_.pressure_sensitivity) << 16) +
((int64_t(d_t) * this->calibration_values_.pressure_sensitivity_temperature_coefficient) >> 7);
// Perform the second order compensation, for non-linearity over temperature range
const int64_t d_t_squared = int64_t(d_t) * d_t;
int64_t temperature_2 = 0;
int32_t pressure_offset_2 = 0;
int32_t pressure_sensitivity_2 = 0;
if (temperature < 2000) {
// (TEMP - 2000)**2 / 2**4
const int32_t low_temperature_adjustment = (temperature - 2000) * (temperature - 2000) >> 4;
// T2 = 3 * (d_t**2) / 2**33
temperature_2 = (3 * d_t_squared) >> 33;
// OFF2 = 61 * (TEMP-2000)**2 / 2**4
pressure_offset_2 = 61 * low_temperature_adjustment;
// SENS2 = 29 * (TEMP-2000)**2 / 2**4
pressure_sensitivity_2 = 29 * low_temperature_adjustment;
if (temperature < -1500) {
// (TEMP+1500)**2
const int32_t very_low_temperature_adjustment = (temperature + 1500) * (temperature + 1500);
// OFF2 = OFF2 + 17 * (TEMP+1500)**2
pressure_offset_2 += 17 * very_low_temperature_adjustment;
// SENS2 = SENS2 + 9 * (TEMP+1500)**2
pressure_sensitivity_2 += 9 * very_low_temperature_adjustment;
} else {
// T2 = 5 * (d_t**2) / 2**38
temperature_2 = (5 * d_t_squared) >> 38;
temperature -= temperature_2;
pressure_offset -= pressure_offset_2;
pressure_sensitivity -= pressure_sensitivity_2;
// Temperature compensated pressure. [1000, 120000] => [10.00 mbar, 1200.00 mbar]
const int32_t pressure = (((d1_raw_pressure * pressure_sensitivity) >> 21) - pressure_offset) >> 15;
const float temperature_float = temperature / 100.0f;
const float pressure_float = pressure / 100.0f;
ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Temperature=%0.2f°C, Pressure=%0.2fhPa", temperature_float, pressure_float);
if (this->temperature_sensor_ != nullptr) {
if (this->pressure_sensor_ != nullptr) {
this->pressure_sensor_->publish_state(pressure_float); // hPa aka mbar
if (this->humidity_sensor_ != nullptr) {
// now that we have temperature (to compensate the humidity with), kick off that read
} // namespace ms8607
} // namespace esphome