
245 lines
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#include "graphical_display_menu.h"
#include "esphome/core/hal.h"
#include "esphome/core/helpers.h"
#include "esphome/core/log.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include "esphome/components/display/display.h"
namespace esphome {
namespace graphical_display_menu {
static const char *const TAG = "graphical_display_menu";
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::setup() {
if (this->display_ != nullptr) {
display::display_writer_t writer = [this](display::Display &it) { this->draw_menu(); };
this->display_page_ = make_unique<display::DisplayPage>(writer);
if (!this->menu_item_value_.has_value()) {
this->menu_item_value_ = [](const MenuItemValueArguments *it) {
std::string label = " ";
if (it->is_item_selected && it->is_menu_editing) {
} else {
return label;
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::dump_config() {
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Graphical Display Menu");
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Has Display: %s", YESNO(this->display_ != nullptr));
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Popup Mode: %s", YESNO(this->display_ != nullptr));
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Advanced Drawing Mode: %s", YESNO(this->display_ == nullptr));
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Has Font: %s", YESNO(this->font_ != nullptr));
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Mode: %s", this->mode_ == display_menu_base::MENU_MODE_ROTARY ? "Rotary" : "Joystick");
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Active: %s", YESNO(this->active_));
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Menu items:");
for (size_t i = 0; i < this->displayed_item_->items_size(); i++) {
auto *item = this->displayed_item_->get_item(i);
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " %i: %s (Type: %s, Immediate Edit: %s)", i, item->get_text().c_str(),
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::set_display(display::Display *display) { this->display_ = display; }
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::set_font(display::BaseFont *font) { this->font_ = font; }
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::set_foreground_color(Color foreground_color) { this->foreground_color_ = foreground_color; }
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::set_background_color(Color background_color) { this->background_color_ = background_color; }
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::on_before_show() {
if (this->display_ != nullptr) {
this->previous_display_page_ = this->display_->get_active_page();
} else {
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::on_before_hide() {
if (this->previous_display_page_ != nullptr) {
this->display_->show_page((display::DisplayPage *) this->previous_display_page_);
this->previous_display_page_ = nullptr;
} else {
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::draw_and_update() {
// If we're in advanced drawing mode we won't have a display and will instead require the update callback to do
// our drawing
if (this->display_ != nullptr) {
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::draw_menu() {
if (this->display_ == nullptr) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "draw_menu() called without a display_. This is only available when using the menu in pop up mode");
display::Rect bounds(0, 0, this->display_->get_width(), this->display_->get_height());
this->draw_menu_internal_(this->display_, &bounds);
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::draw(display::Display *display, const display::Rect *bounds) {
this->draw_menu_internal_(display, bounds);
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::draw_menu_internal_(display::Display *display, const display::Rect *bounds) {
int total_height = 0;
int y_padding = 2;
bool scroll_menu_items = false;
std::vector<display::Rect> menu_dimensions;
int number_items_fit_to_screen = 0;
const int max_item_index = this->displayed_item_->items_size() - 1;
for (size_t i = 0; i <= max_item_index; i++) {
const auto *item = this->displayed_item_->get_item(i);
const bool selected = i == this->cursor_index_;
const display::Rect item_dimensions = this->measure_item(display, item, bounds, selected);
total_height += item_dimensions.h + (i == 0 ? 0 : y_padding);
if (total_height <= bounds->h) {
} else {
// Scroll the display if the selected item or the item immediately after it overflows
if ((selected) || (i == this->cursor_index_ + 1)) {
scroll_menu_items = true;
// Determine what items to draw
int first_item_index = 0;
int last_item_index = max_item_index;
if (number_items_fit_to_screen <= 1) {
// If only one item can fit to the bounds draw the current cursor item
last_item_index = std::min(last_item_index, this->cursor_index_ + 1);
first_item_index = this->cursor_index_;
} else {
if (scroll_menu_items) {
// Attempt to draw the item after the current item (+1 for equality check in the draw loop)
last_item_index = std::min(last_item_index, this->cursor_index_ + 1);
// Go back through the measurements to determine how many prior items we can fit
int height_left_to_use = bounds->h;
for (int i = last_item_index; i >= 0; i--) {
const display::Rect item_dimensions = menu_dimensions[i];
height_left_to_use -= (item_dimensions.h + y_padding);
if (height_left_to_use <= 0) {
// Ran out of space - this is our first item to draw
first_item_index = i;
const int items_to_draw = last_item_index - first_item_index;
// Dont't draw last item partially if it is the selected item
if ((this->cursor_index_ == last_item_index) && (number_items_fit_to_screen <= items_to_draw) &&
(first_item_index < max_item_index)) {
// Render the items into the view port
int y_offset = bounds->y;
for (size_t i = first_item_index; i <= last_item_index; i++) {
const auto *item = this->displayed_item_->get_item(i);
const bool selected = i == this->cursor_index_;
display::Rect dimensions = menu_dimensions[i];
dimensions.y = y_offset;
dimensions.x = bounds->x;
this->draw_item(display, item, &dimensions, selected);
y_offset = dimensions.y + dimensions.h + y_padding;
display::Rect GraphicalDisplayMenu::measure_item(display::Display *display, const display_menu_base::MenuItem *item,
const display::Rect *bounds, const bool selected) {
display::Rect dimensions(0, 0, 0, 0);
if (selected) {
// TODO: Support selection glyph
dimensions.w += 0;
dimensions.h += 0;
std::string label = item->get_text();
if (item->has_value()) {
// Append to label
MenuItemValueArguments args(item, selected, this->editing_);
int x1;
int y1;
int width;
int height;
display->get_text_bounds(0, 0, label.c_str(), this->font_, display::TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, &x1, &y1, &width, &height);
dimensions.w = std::min((int16_t) width, bounds->w);
dimensions.h = std::min((int16_t) height, bounds->h);
return dimensions;
inline void GraphicalDisplayMenu::draw_item(display::Display *display, const display_menu_base::MenuItem *item,
const display::Rect *bounds, const bool selected) {
const auto background_color = selected ? this->foreground_color_ : this->background_color_;
const auto foreground_color = selected ? this->background_color_ : this->foreground_color_;
// int background_width = std::max(bounds->width, available_width);
int background_width = bounds->w;
if (selected) {
display->filled_rectangle(bounds->x, bounds->y, background_width, bounds->h, background_color);
std::string label = item->get_text();
if (item->has_value()) {
MenuItemValueArguments args(item, selected, this->editing_);
display->print(bounds->x, bounds->y, this->font_, foreground_color, display::TextAlign::TOP_LEFT, label.c_str(),
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::draw_item(const display_menu_base::MenuItem *item, const uint8_t row, const bool selected) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "draw_item(MenuItem *item, uint8_t row, bool selected) called. The graphical_display_menu specific "
"draw_item should be called.");
void GraphicalDisplayMenu::update() { this->; }
} // namespace graphical_display_menu
} // namespace esphome