import functools from esphome import core from esphome.components import display import esphome.config_validation as cv import esphome.codegen as cg from esphome.const import CONF_FILE, CONF_GLYPHS, CONF_ID, CONF_SIZE from esphome.core import CORE, HexInt DEPENDENCIES = ['display'] MULTI_CONF = True Font = display.display_ns.class_('Font') Glyph = display.display_ns.class_('Glyph') def validate_glyphs(value): if isinstance(value, list): value = cv.Schema([cv.string])(value) value = cv.Schema([cv.string])(list(value)) def comparator(x, y): x_ = x.encode('utf-8') y_ = y.encode('utf-8') for c in range(min(len(x_), len(y_))): if x_[c] < y_[c]: return -1 if x_[c] > y_[c]: return 1 if len(x_) < len(y_): return -1 if len(x_) > len(y_): return 1 raise cv.Invalid(f"Found duplicate glyph {x}") value.sort(key=functools.cmp_to_key(comparator)) return value def validate_pillow_installed(value): try: import PIL except ImportError: raise cv.Invalid("Please install the pillow python package to use this feature. " "(pip install pillow)") if PIL.__version__[0] < '4': raise cv.Invalid("Please update your pillow installation to at least 4.0.x. " "(pip install -U pillow)") return value def validate_truetype_file(value): if value.endswith('.zip'): # for Google Fonts downloads raise cv.Invalid("Please unzip the font archive '{}' first and then use the .ttf files " "inside.".format(value)) if not value.endswith('.ttf'): raise cv.Invalid("Only truetype (.ttf) files are supported. Please make sure you're " "using the correct format or rename the extension to .ttf") return cv.file_(value) DEFAULT_GLYPHS = ' !"%()+,-.:0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ_abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz°' CONF_RAW_DATA_ID = 'raw_data_id' FONT_SCHEMA = cv.Schema({ cv.Required(CONF_ID): cv.declare_id(Font), cv.Required(CONF_FILE): validate_truetype_file, cv.Optional(CONF_GLYPHS, default=DEFAULT_GLYPHS): validate_glyphs, cv.Optional(CONF_SIZE, default=20): cv.int_range(min=1), cv.GenerateID(CONF_RAW_DATA_ID): cv.declare_id(cg.uint8), }) CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.All(validate_pillow_installed, FONT_SCHEMA) def to_code(config): from PIL import ImageFont path = CORE.relative_config_path(config[CONF_FILE]) try: font = ImageFont.truetype(path, config[CONF_SIZE]) except Exception as e: raise core.EsphomeError(f"Could not load truetype file {path}: {e}") ascent, descent = font.getmetrics() glyph_args = {} data = [] for glyph in config[CONF_GLYPHS]: mask = font.getmask(glyph, mode='1') _, (offset_x, offset_y) = font.font.getsize(glyph) width, height = mask.size width8 = ((width + 7) // 8) * 8 glyph_data = [0 for _ in range(height * width8 // 8)] # noqa: F812 for y in range(height): for x in range(width): if not mask.getpixel((x, y)): continue pos = x + y * width8 glyph_data[pos // 8] |= 0x80 >> (pos % 8) glyph_args[glyph] = (len(data), offset_x, offset_y, width, height) data += glyph_data rhs = [HexInt(x) for x in data] prog_arr = cg.progmem_array(config[CONF_RAW_DATA_ID], rhs) glyphs = [] for glyph in config[CONF_GLYPHS]: glyphs.append(Glyph(glyph, prog_arr, *glyph_args[glyph])) cg.new_Pvariable(config[CONF_ID], glyphs, ascent, ascent + descent)