#include "nextion_component.h" namespace esphome { namespace nextion { void NextionComponent::set_background_color(Color bco) { if (this->variable_name_ == this->variable_name_to_send_) { return; // This is a variable. no need to set color } this->bco_ = bco; this->bco_needs_update_ = true; this->bco_is_set_ = true; this->update_component_settings(); } void NextionComponent::set_background_pressed_color(Color bco2) { if (this->variable_name_ == this->variable_name_to_send_) { return; // This is a variable. no need to set color } this->bco2_ = bco2; this->bco2_needs_update_ = true; this->bco2_is_set_ = true; this->update_component_settings(); } void NextionComponent::set_foreground_color(Color pco) { if (this->variable_name_ == this->variable_name_to_send_) { return; // This is a variable. no need to set color } this->pco_ = pco; this->pco_needs_update_ = true; this->pco_is_set_ = true; this->update_component_settings(); } void NextionComponent::set_foreground_pressed_color(Color pco2) { if (this->variable_name_ == this->variable_name_to_send_) { return; // This is a variable. no need to set color } this->pco2_ = pco2; this->pco2_needs_update_ = true; this->pco2_is_set_ = true; this->update_component_settings(); } void NextionComponent::set_font_id(uint8_t font_id) { if (this->variable_name_ == this->variable_name_to_send_) { return; // This is a variable. no need to set color } this->font_id_ = font_id; this->font_id_needs_update_ = true; this->font_id_is_set_ = true; this->update_component_settings(); } void NextionComponent::set_visible(bool visible) { if (this->variable_name_ == this->variable_name_to_send_) { return; // This is a variable. no need to set color } this->visible_ = visible; this->visible_needs_update_ = true; this->visible_is_set_ = true; this->update_component_settings(); } void NextionComponent::update_component_settings(bool force_update) { if (this->nextion_->is_sleeping() || !this->nextion_->is_setup() || !this->visible_is_set_ || (!this->visible_needs_update_ && !this->visible_)) { this->needs_to_send_update_ = true; return; } if (this->visible_needs_update_ || (force_update && this->visible_is_set_)) { std::string name_to_send = this->variable_name_; size_t pos = name_to_send.find_last_of('.'); if (pos != std::string::npos) { name_to_send = name_to_send.substr(pos + 1); } this->visible_needs_update_ = false; if (this->visible_) { this->nextion_->show_component(name_to_send.c_str()); this->send_state_to_nextion(); } else { this->nextion_->hide_component(name_to_send.c_str()); return; } } if (this->bco_needs_update_ || (force_update && this->bco2_is_set_)) { this->nextion_->set_component_background_color(this->variable_name_.c_str(), this->bco_); this->bco_needs_update_ = false; } if (this->bco2_needs_update_ || (force_update && this->bco2_is_set_)) { this->nextion_->set_component_pressed_background_color(this->variable_name_.c_str(), this->bco2_); this->bco2_needs_update_ = false; } if (this->pco_needs_update_ || (force_update && this->pco_is_set_)) { this->nextion_->set_component_font_color(this->variable_name_.c_str(), this->pco_); this->pco_needs_update_ = false; } if (this->pco2_needs_update_ || (force_update && this->pco2_is_set_)) { this->nextion_->set_component_pressed_font_color(this->variable_name_.c_str(), this->pco2_); this->pco2_needs_update_ = false; } if (this->font_id_needs_update_ || (force_update && this->font_id_is_set_)) { this->nextion_->set_component_font(this->variable_name_.c_str(), this->font_id_); this->font_id_needs_update_ = false; } } } // namespace nextion } // namespace esphome