import binascii import codecs from datetime import datetime, timedelta import json import logging import os import threading from esphomeyaml import const from esphomeyaml.core import CORE from esphomeyaml.helpers import mkdir_p # pylint: disable=unused-import, wrong-import-order from esphomeyaml.core import CoreType # noqa from typing import Any, Dict, Optional # noqa _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) def storage_path(): # type: () -> str return CORE.relative_path('.esphomeyaml', '{}.json'.format(CORE.config_filename)) def ext_storage_path(base_path, config_filename): # type: (str, str) -> str return os.path.join(base_path, '.esphomeyaml', '{}.json'.format(config_filename)) def esphomeyaml_storage_path(base_path): # type: (str) -> str return os.path.join(base_path, '.esphomeyaml', 'esphomeyaml.json') # pylint: disable=too-many-instance-attributes class StorageJSON(object): def __init__(self, storage_version, name, esphomelib_version, esphomeyaml_version, src_version, arduino_version, address, esp_platform, board, build_path, firmware_bin_path, use_legacy_ota): # Version of the storage JSON schema assert storage_version is None or isinstance(storage_version, int) self.storage_version = storage_version # type: int # The name of the node = name # type: str # The esphomelib version in use assert esphomelib_version is None or isinstance(esphomelib_version, dict) self.esphomelib_version = esphomelib_version # type: Dict[str, str] # The esphomeyaml version this was compiled with self.esphomeyaml_version = esphomeyaml_version # type: str # The version of the file in src/main.cpp - Used to migrate the file assert src_version is None or isinstance(src_version, int) self.src_version = src_version # type: int # The version of the Arduino framework, the build files need to be cleared each time # this changes self.arduino_version = arduino_version # type: str # Address of the ESP, for example livingroom.local or a static IP self.address = address # type: str # The type of ESP in use, either ESP32 or ESP8266 self.esp_platform = esp_platform # type: str # The ESP board used, for example nodemcuv2 self.board = board # type: str # The absolute path to the platformio project self.build_path = build_path # type: str # The absolute path to the firmware binary self.firmware_bin_path = firmware_bin_path # type: str # Whether to use legacy OTA, will be off after the first successful flash self.use_legacy_ota = use_legacy_ota def as_dict(self): return { 'storage_version': self.storage_version, 'name':, 'esphomelib_version': self.esphomelib_version, 'esphomeyaml_version': self.esphomeyaml_version, 'src_version': self.src_version, 'arduino_version': self.arduino_version, 'address': self.address, 'esp_platform': self.esp_platform, 'board': self.board, 'build_path': self.build_path, 'firmware_bin_path': self.firmware_bin_path, 'use_legacy_ota': self.use_legacy_ota, } def to_json(self): return json.dumps(self.as_dict(), indent=2) + u'\n' def save(self, path): mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(path)) with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f_handle: f_handle.write(self.to_json()) @staticmethod def from_esphomeyaml_core(esph, old): # type: (CoreType, Optional[StorageJSON]) -> StorageJSON return StorageJSON( storage_version=1,, esphomelib_version=esph.esphomelib_version, esphomeyaml_version=const.__version__, src_version=1, arduino_version=esph.arduino_version, address=esph.address, esp_platform=esph.esp_platform, board=esph.board, build_path=esph.build_path, firmware_bin_path=esph.firmware_bin, use_legacy_ota=True if old is None else old.use_legacy_ota, ) @staticmethod def from_wizard(name, address, esp_platform, board): # type: (str, str, str, str) -> StorageJSON return StorageJSON( storage_version=1, name=name, esphomelib_version=None, esphomeyaml_version=const.__version__, src_version=1, arduino_version=None, address=address, esp_platform=esp_platform, board=board, build_path=None, firmware_bin_path=None, use_legacy_ota=False, ) @staticmethod def _load_impl(path): # type: (str) -> Optional[StorageJSON] with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f_handle: text = storage = json.loads(text, encoding='utf-8') storage_version = storage['storage_version'] name = storage.get('name') esphomelib_version = storage.get('esphomelib_version') esphomeyaml_version = storage.get('esphomeyaml_version') src_version = storage.get('src_version') arduino_version = storage.get('arduino_version') address = storage.get('address') esp_platform = storage.get('esp_platform') board = storage.get('board') build_path = storage.get('build_path') firmware_bin_path = storage.get('firmware_bin_path') use_legacy_ota = storage.get('use_legacy_ota') return StorageJSON(storage_version, name, esphomelib_version, esphomeyaml_version, src_version, arduino_version, address, esp_platform, board, build_path, firmware_bin_path, use_legacy_ota) @staticmethod def load(path): # type: (str) -> Optional[StorageJSON] try: return StorageJSON._load_impl(path) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return None def __eq__(self, o): # type: (Any) -> bool return isinstance(o, StorageJSON) and self.as_dict() == o.as_dict() class EsphomeyamlStorageJSON(object): def __init__(self, storage_version, cookie_secret, last_update_check, remote_version): # Version of the storage JSON schema assert storage_version is None or isinstance(storage_version, int) self.storage_version = storage_version # type: int # The cookie secret for the dashboard self.cookie_secret = cookie_secret # type: str # The last time esphomeyaml checked for an update as an isoformat encoded str self.last_update_check_str = last_update_check # type: str # Cache of the version gotten in the last version check self.remote_version = remote_version # type: Optional[str] def as_dict(self): # type: () -> dict return { 'storage_version': self.storage_version, 'cookie_secret': self.cookie_secret, 'last_update_check': self.last_update_check_str, 'remote_version': self.remote_version, } @property def last_update_check(self): # type: () -> Optional[datetime] try: return datetime.strptime(self.last_update_check_str, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return None @last_update_check.setter def last_update_check(self, new): # type: (datetime) -> None self.last_update_check_str = new.strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") def to_json(self): # type: () -> dict return json.dumps(self.as_dict(), indent=2) + u'\n' def save(self, path): # type: (str) -> None mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(path)) with, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f_handle: f_handle.write(self.to_json()) @staticmethod def _load_impl(path): # type: (str) -> Optional[EsphomeyamlStorageJSON] with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f_handle: text = storage = json.loads(text, encoding='utf-8') storage_version = storage['storage_version'] cookie_secret = storage.get('cookie_secret') last_update_check = storage.get('last_update_check') remote_version = storage.get('remote_version') return EsphomeyamlStorageJSON(storage_version, cookie_secret, last_update_check, remote_version) @staticmethod def load(path): # type: (str) -> Optional[EsphomeyamlStorageJSON] try: return EsphomeyamlStorageJSON._load_impl(path) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except return None @staticmethod def get_default(): # type: () -> EsphomeyamlStorageJSON return EsphomeyamlStorageJSON( storage_version=1, cookie_secret=binascii.hexlify(os.urandom(64)), last_update_check=None, remote_version=None, ) def __eq__(self, o): # type: (Any) -> bool return isinstance(o, EsphomeyamlStorageJSON) and self.as_dict() == o.as_dict() @property def should_do_esphomeyaml_update_check(self): # type: () -> bool if self.last_update_check is None: return True return self.last_update_check + timedelta(days=3) < datetime.utcnow() class CheckForUpdateThread(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, path): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self._path = path @property def docs_base(self): return '' if 'b' in const.__version__ else \ '' def fetch_remote_version(self): import requests storage = EsphomeyamlStorageJSON.load(self._path) or \ EsphomeyamlStorageJSON.get_default() if not storage.should_do_esphomeyaml_update_check: return storage req = requests.get('{}/_static/version'.format(self.docs_base)) req.raise_for_status() storage.remote_version = req.text.strip() storage.last_update_check = datetime.utcnow() return storage @staticmethod def format_version(ver): vstr = '.'.join(map(str, ver.version)) if ver.prerelease: vstr += ver.prerelease[0] + str(ver.prerelease[1]) return vstr def cmp_versions(self, storage): # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module, import-error from distutils.version import StrictVersion remote_version = StrictVersion(storage.remote_version) self_version = StrictVersion(const.__version__) if remote_version > self_version: _LOGGER.warn("*" * 80) _LOGGER.warn("A new version of esphomeyaml is available: %s (this is %s)", self.format_version(remote_version), self.format_version(self_version)) _LOGGER.warn("Changelog: %s/esphomeyaml/changelog/index.html", self.docs_base) _LOGGER.warn("Update Instructions: %s/esphomeyaml/guides/faq.html" "#how-do-i-update-to-the-latest-version", self.docs_base) _LOGGER.warn("*" * 80) def run(self): try: storage = self.fetch_remote_version() self.cmp_versions(storage) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except pass def start_update_check_thread(path): # dummy call to strptime as python 2.7 has a bug with strptime when importing from threads datetime.strptime('20180101', '%Y%m%d') thread = CheckForUpdateThread(path) thread.start() return thread