import voluptuous as vol from esphome.components import binary_sensor from esphome.components.pn532 import PN532Component import esphome.config_validation as cv from esphome.const import CONF_NAME, CONF_UID from esphome.core import HexInt from esphome.cpp_generator import get_variable DEPENDENCIES = ['pn532'] CONF_PN532_ID = 'pn532_id' def validate_uid(value): value = cv.string_strict(value) for x in value.split('-'): if len(x) != 2: raise vol.Invalid("Each part (separated by '-') of the UID must be two characters " "long.") try: x = int(x, 16) except ValueError: raise vol.Invalid("Valid characters for parts of a UID are 0123456789ABCDEF.") if x < 0 or x > 255: raise vol.Invalid("Valid values for UID parts (separated by '-') are 00 to FF") return value PN532BinarySensor = binary_sensor.binary_sensor_ns.class_('PN532BinarySensor', binary_sensor.BinarySensor) PLATFORM_SCHEMA = cv.nameable(binary_sensor.BINARY_SENSOR_PLATFORM_SCHEMA.extend({ cv.GenerateID(): cv.declare_variable_id(PN532BinarySensor), vol.Required(CONF_UID): validate_uid, cv.GenerateID(CONF_PN532_ID): cv.use_variable_id(PN532Component) })) def to_code(config): for hub in get_variable(config[CONF_PN532_ID]): yield addr = [HexInt(int(x, 16)) for x in config[CONF_UID].split('-')] rhs = hub.make_tag(config[CONF_NAME], addr) binary_sensor.register_binary_sensor(rhs, config) def to_hass_config(data, config): return binary_sensor.core_to_hass_config(data, config)