from dataclasses import dataclass from typing import Union from pathlib import Path import logging from esphome.helpers import write_file_if_changed from esphome.const import ( CONF_BOARD, CONF_FRAMEWORK, CONF_TYPE, CONF_VARIANT, CONF_VERSION, KEY_CORE, KEY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION, KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK, KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM, ) from esphome.core import CORE, HexInt import esphome.config_validation as cv import esphome.codegen as cg from .const import ( KEY_BOARD, KEY_ESP32, KEY_SDKCONFIG_OPTIONS, KEY_VARIANT, VARIANT_ESP32C3, VARIANTS, ) # force import gpio to register pin schema from .gpio import esp32_pin_to_code # noqa _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CODEOWNERS = ["@esphome/core"] AUTO_LOAD = ["preferences"] def set_core_data(config):[KEY_ESP32] = {}[KEY_CORE][KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM] = "esp32" conf = config[CONF_FRAMEWORK] if conf[CONF_TYPE] == FRAMEWORK_ESP_IDF:[KEY_CORE][KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK] = "esp-idf"[KEY_ESP32][KEY_SDKCONFIG_OPTIONS] = {} elif conf[CONF_TYPE] == FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO:[KEY_CORE][KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK] = "arduino"[KEY_CORE][KEY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION] = cv.Version.parse( config[CONF_FRAMEWORK][CONF_VERSION_HINT] )[KEY_ESP32][KEY_BOARD] = config[CONF_BOARD][KEY_ESP32][KEY_VARIANT] = config[CONF_VARIANT] return config def get_esp32_variant(): return[KEY_ESP32][KEY_VARIANT] def is_esp32c3(): return get_esp32_variant() == VARIANT_ESP32C3 @dataclass class RawSdkconfigValue: """An sdkconfig value that won't be auto-formatted""" value: str SdkconfigValueType = Union[bool, int, HexInt, str, RawSdkconfigValue] def add_idf_sdkconfig_option(name: str, value: SdkconfigValueType): """Set an esp-idf sdkconfig value.""" if not CORE.using_esp_idf: raise ValueError("Not an esp-idf project")[KEY_ESP32][KEY_SDKCONFIG_OPTIONS][name] = value def _format_framework_arduino_version(ver: cv.Version) -> str: # format the given arduino ( version to # a PIO platformio/framework-arduinoespressif32 value # List of package versions: if ver <= cv.Version(1, 0, 3): return f"~2.{ver.major}{ver.minor:02d}{ver.patch:02d}.0" return f"~3.{ver.major}{ver.minor:02d}{ver.patch:02d}.0" # NOTE: Keep this in mind when updating the recommended version: # * New framework historically have had some regressions, especially for WiFi. # The new version needs to be thoroughly validated before changing the # recommended version as otherwise a bunch of devices could be bricked # * For all constants below, update platformio.ini (in this repo) # and platformio.ini/platformio-lint.ini in the esphome-docker-base repository # The default/recommended arduino framework version # - # - RECOMMENDED_ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_VERSION = cv.Version(1, 0, 6) # The platformio/espressif32 version to use for arduino frameworks # - # - ARDUINO_PLATFORM_VERSION = cv.Version(3, 3, 2) # The default/recommended esp-idf framework version # - # - RECOMMENDED_ESP_IDF_FRAMEWORK_VERSION = cv.Version(4, 3, 0) # The platformio/espressif32 version to use for esp-idf frameworks # - # - ESP_IDF_PLATFORM_VERSION = cv.Version(3, 3, 2) def _arduino_check_versions(value): value = value.copy() lookups = { "dev": ("", cv.Version(2, 0, 0)), "latest": ("", cv.Version(1, 0, 3)), "recommended": ( _format_framework_arduino_version(RECOMMENDED_ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_VERSION), RECOMMENDED_ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_VERSION, ), } ver_value = value[CONF_VERSION] default_ver_hint = None if ver_value.lower() in lookups: default_ver_hint = str(lookups[ver_value.lower()][1]) ver_value = lookups[ver_value.lower()][0] else: with cv.suppress_invalid(): ver = cv.Version.parse(cv.version_number(value)) if ver <= cv.Version(1, 0, 3): ver_value = f"~2.{ver.major}{ver.minor:02d}{ver.patch:02d}.0" else: ver_value = f"~3.{ver.major}{ver.minor:02d}{ver.patch:02d}.0" default_ver_hint = str(ver) value[CONF_VERSION] = ver_value if CONF_VERSION_HINT not in value and default_ver_hint is None: raise cv.Invalid("Needs a version hint to understand the framework version") ver_hint_s = value.get(CONF_VERSION_HINT, default_ver_hint) value[CONF_VERSION_HINT] = ver_hint_s plat_ver = value.get(CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION, ARDUINO_PLATFORM_VERSION) value[CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION] = str(plat_ver) if cv.Version.parse(ver_hint_s) != RECOMMENDED_ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_VERSION: _LOGGER.warning( "The selected arduino framework version is not the recommended one" ) _LOGGER.warning( "If there are connectivity or build issues please remove the manual version" ) return value def _format_framework_espidf_version(ver: cv.Version) -> str: # format the given arduino ( version to # a PIO platformio/framework-espidf value # List of package versions: return f"~3.{ver.major}{ver.minor:02d}{ver.patch:02d}.0" def _esp_idf_check_versions(value): value = value.copy() lookups = { "dev": ("", cv.Version(4, 3, 1)), "latest": ("", cv.Version(4, 3, 0)), "recommended": ( _format_framework_espidf_version(RECOMMENDED_ESP_IDF_FRAMEWORK_VERSION), RECOMMENDED_ESP_IDF_FRAMEWORK_VERSION, ), } ver_value = value[CONF_VERSION] default_ver_hint = None if ver_value.lower() in lookups: default_ver_hint = str(lookups[ver_value.lower()][1]) ver_value = lookups[ver_value.lower()][0] else: with cv.suppress_invalid(): ver = cv.Version.parse(cv.version_number(value)) ver_value = f"~3.{ver.major}{ver.minor:02d}{ver.patch:02d}.0" default_ver_hint = str(ver) value[CONF_VERSION] = ver_value if CONF_VERSION_HINT not in value and default_ver_hint is None: raise cv.Invalid("Needs a version hint to understand the framework version") ver_hint_s = value.get(CONF_VERSION_HINT, default_ver_hint) value[CONF_VERSION_HINT] = ver_hint_s if cv.Version.parse(ver_hint_s) < cv.Version(4, 0, 0): raise cv.Invalid("Only ESP-IDF 4.0+ is supported") if cv.Version.parse(ver_hint_s) != RECOMMENDED_ESP_IDF_FRAMEWORK_VERSION: _LOGGER.warning( "The selected esp-idf framework version is not the recommended one" ) _LOGGER.warning( "If there are connectivity or build issues please remove the manual version" ) plat_ver = value.get(CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION, ESP_IDF_PLATFORM_VERSION) value[CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION] = str(plat_ver) return value CONF_VERSION_HINT = "version_hint" CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION = "platform_version" ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_SCHEMA = cv.All( cv.Schema( { cv.Optional(CONF_VERSION, default="recommended"): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_VERSION_HINT): cv.version_number, cv.Optional(CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION): cv.string_strict, } ), _arduino_check_versions, ) CONF_SDKCONFIG_OPTIONS = "sdkconfig_options" ESP_IDF_FRAMEWORK_SCHEMA = cv.All( cv.Schema( { cv.Optional(CONF_VERSION, default="recommended"): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_VERSION_HINT): cv.version_number, cv.Optional(CONF_SDKCONFIG_OPTIONS, default={}): { cv.string_strict: cv.string_strict }, cv.Optional(CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION): cv.string_strict, } ), _esp_idf_check_versions, ) FRAMEWORK_ESP_IDF = "esp-idf" FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO = "arduino" FRAMEWORK_SCHEMA = cv.typed_schema( { FRAMEWORK_ESP_IDF: ESP_IDF_FRAMEWORK_SCHEMA, FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO: ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_SCHEMA, }, lower=True, space="-", default_type=FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO, ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.All( cv.Schema( { cv.Required(CONF_BOARD): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_VARIANT, default="ESP32"): cv.one_of( *VARIANTS, upper=True ), cv.Optional(CONF_FRAMEWORK, default={}): FRAMEWORK_SCHEMA, } ), set_core_data, ) async def to_code(config): cg.add_platformio_option("board", config[CONF_BOARD]) cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_ESP32") cg.add_define("ESPHOME_BOARD", config[CONF_BOARD]) cg.add_build_flag(f"-DUSE_ESP32_VARIANT_{config[CONF_VARIANT]}") conf = config[CONF_FRAMEWORK] if conf[CONF_TYPE] == FRAMEWORK_ESP_IDF: cg.add_platformio_option( "platform", f"espressif32 @ {conf[CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION]}" ) cg.add_platformio_option("framework", "espidf") cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_ESP_IDF") cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_ESP32_FRAMEWORK_ESP_IDF") cg.add_build_flag("-Wno-nonnull-compare") cg.add_platformio_option( "platform_packages", [f"platformio/framework-espidf @ {conf[CONF_VERSION]}"], ) add_idf_sdkconfig_option("CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_SINGLE_APP", False) add_idf_sdkconfig_option("CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_CUSTOM", True) add_idf_sdkconfig_option( "CONFIG_PARTITION_TABLE_CUSTOM_FILENAME", "partitions.csv" ) add_idf_sdkconfig_option("CONFIG_COMPILER_OPTIMIZATION_DEFAULT", False) add_idf_sdkconfig_option("CONFIG_COMPILER_OPTIMIZATION_SIZE", True) cg.add_platformio_option("board_build.partitions", "partitions.csv") for name, value in conf[CONF_SDKCONFIG_OPTIONS].items(): add_idf_sdkconfig_option(name, RawSdkconfigValue(value)) elif conf[CONF_TYPE] == FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO: cg.add_platformio_option( "platform", f"espressif32 @ {conf[CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION]}" ) cg.add_platformio_option("framework", "arduino") cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_ARDUINO") cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_ESP32_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO") cg.add_platformio_option( "platform_packages", [f"platformio/framework-arduinoespressif32 @ {conf[CONF_VERSION]}"], ) cg.add_platformio_option("board_build.partitions", "partitions.csv") ARDUINO_PARTITIONS_CSV = """\ nvs, data, nvs, 0x009000, 0x005000, otadata, data, ota, 0x00e000, 0x002000, app0, app, ota_0, 0x010000, 0x1C0000, app1, app, ota_1, 0x1D0000, 0x1C0000, eeprom, data, 0x99, 0x390000, 0x001000, spiffs, data, spiffs, 0x391000, 0x00F000 """ IDF_PARTITIONS_CSV = """\ # Name, Type, SubType, Offset, Size, Flags nvs, data, nvs, , 0x4000, otadata, data, ota, , 0x2000, phy_init, data, phy, , 0x1000, app0, app, ota_0, , 0x1C0000, app1, app, ota_1, , 0x1C0000, """ def _format_sdkconfig_val(value: SdkconfigValueType) -> str: if isinstance(value, bool): return "y" if value else "n" if isinstance(value, int): return str(value) if isinstance(value, str): return f'"{value}"' if isinstance(value, RawSdkconfigValue): return value.value raise ValueError def _write_sdkconfig(): # sdkconfig.{name} stores the real sdkconfig (modified by esp-idf with default) # sdkconfig.{name}.esphomeinternal stores what esphome last wrote # we use the internal one to detect if there were any changes, and if so write them to the # real sdkconfig sdk_path = Path(CORE.relative_build_path(f"sdkconfig.{}")) internal_path = Path( CORE.relative_build_path(f"sdkconfig.{}.esphomeinternal") ) want_opts =[KEY_ESP32][KEY_SDKCONFIG_OPTIONS] contents = ( "\n".join( f"{name}={_format_sdkconfig_val(value)}" for name, value in sorted(want_opts.items()) ) + "\n" ) if write_file_if_changed(internal_path, contents): # internal changed, update real one write_file_if_changed(sdk_path, contents) # Called by def copy_files(): if CORE.using_arduino: write_file_if_changed( CORE.relative_build_path("partitions.csv"), ARDUINO_PARTITIONS_CSV, ) if CORE.using_esp_idf: _write_sdkconfig() write_file_if_changed( CORE.relative_build_path("partitions.csv"), IDF_PARTITIONS_CSV, )