# Tests for ESP32-S3 boards --- wifi: ssid: "ssid" network: enable_ipv6: true esp32: board: esp32s3box variant: ESP32S3 framework: type: arduino esphome: name: esp32-s3-test logger: debug: psram: light: - platform: neopixelbus type: GRB variant: WS2812 pin: GPIO38 num_leds: 1 id: neopixel method: esp32_rmt name: neopixel-enable internal: false restore_mode: ALWAYS_OFF - platform: spi_led_strip num_leds: 4 color_correct: [80%, 60%, 100%] id: rgb_led name: "RGB LED" data_rate: 8MHz spi: id: spi_id_1 clk_pin: GPIO7 mosi_pin: GPIO6 interface: any spi_device: id: spidev data_rate: 2MHz spi_id: spi_id_1 mode: 3 bit_order: lsb_first display: - platform: ili9xxx id: displ8 model: ili9342 cs_pin: GPIO5 dc_pin: GPIO4 reset_pin: number: GPIO48 allow_other_uses: true i2c: scl: GPIO18 sda: GPIO8 touchscreen: - platform: tt21100 display: displ8 interrupt_pin: number: GPIO3 ignore_strapping_warning: true allow_other_uses: false reset_pin: number: GPIO48 allow_other_uses: true binary_sensor: - platform: tt21100 name: Home Button index: 1 sensor: - platform: debug free: name: "Heap Free" block: name: "Max Block Free" loop_time: name: "Loop Time" psram: name: "PSRAM Free" # Purposely test that `animation:` does auto-load `image:` # Keep the `image:` undefined. # image: animation: - id: rgb565_animation file: pnglogo.png type: RGB565 use_transparency: no