#!/usr/bin/with-contenv bashio # ============================================================================== # Community Hass.io Add-ons: ESPHome # This files check if all user configuration requirements are met # ============================================================================== # Check SSL requirements, if enabled if bashio::config.true 'ssl'; then if ! bashio::config.has_value 'certfile'; then bashio::fatal 'SSL is enabled, but no certfile was specified.' bashio::exit.nok fi if ! bashio::config.has_value 'keyfile'; then bashio::fatal 'SSL is enabled, but no keyfile was specified' bashio::exit.nok fi certfile="/ssl/$(bashio::config 'certfile')" keyfile="/ssl/$(bashio::config 'keyfile')" if ! bashio::fs.file_exists "${certfile}"; then if ! bashio::fs.file_exists "${keyfile}"; then # Both files are missing, let's print a friendlier error message bashio::log.fatal 'You enabled encrypted connections using the "ssl": true option.' bashio::log.fatal "However, the SSL files '${certfile}' and '${keyfile}'" bashio::log.fatal "were not found. If you're using Hass.io on your local network and don't want" bashio::log.fatal 'to encrypt connections to the ESPHome dashboard, you can manually disable' bashio::log.fatal 'SSL by setting "ssl" to false."' bashio::exit.nok fi bashio::log.fatal "The configured certfile '${certfile}' was not found." bashio::exit.nok fi if ! bashio::fs.file_exists "/ssl/$(bashio::config 'keyfile')"; then bashio::log.fatal "The configured keyfile '${keyfile}' was not found." bashio::exit.nok fi fi