import copy import esphome.config_validation as cv from esphome.const import CONF_ABOVE, CONF_ACTION_ID, CONF_AND, CONF_AUTOMATION_ID, CONF_BELOW, \ CONF_CONDITION, CONF_CONDITION_ID, CONF_DELAY, CONF_ELSE, CONF_ID, CONF_IF, CONF_LAMBDA, \ CONF_OR, CONF_RANGE, CONF_THEN, CONF_TRIGGER_ID, CONF_WAIT_UNTIL, CONF_WHILE from esphome.core import coroutine from esphome.cpp_generator import Pvariable, TemplateArguments, add, get_variable, \ process_lambda, templatable from esphome.cpp_types import Action, App, Component, PollingComponent, Trigger, bool_, \ esphome_ns, float_, uint32, void from esphome.util import ServiceRegistry def maybe_simple_id(*validators): validator = cv.All(*validators) def validate(value): if isinstance(value, dict): return validator(value) return validator({CONF_ID: value}) return validate def validate_recursive_condition(value): is_list = isinstance(value, list) value = cv.ensure_list()(value)[:] for i, item in enumerate(value): path = [i] if is_list else [] item = copy.deepcopy(item) if not isinstance(item, dict): raise cv.Invalid(u"Condition must consist of key-value mapping! Got {}".format(item), path) key = next((x for x in item if x != CONF_CONDITION_ID), None) if key is None: raise cv.Invalid(u"Key missing from action! Got {}".format(item), path) if key not in CONDITION_REGISTRY: raise cv.Invalid(u"Unable to find condition with the name '{}', is the " u"component loaded?".format(key), path + [key]) item.setdefault(CONF_CONDITION_ID, None) key2 = next((x for x in item if x not in (CONF_CONDITION_ID, key)), None) if key2 is not None: raise cv.Invalid(u"Cannot have two conditions in one item. Key '{}' overrides '{}'! " u"Did you forget to indent the block inside the condition?" u"".format(key, key2), path) validator = CONDITION_REGISTRY[key][0] try: condition = validator(item[key] or {}) except cv.Invalid as err: err.prepend(path) raise err value[i] = { CONF_CONDITION_ID: cv.declare_variable_id(Condition)(item[CONF_CONDITION_ID]), key: condition, } return value def validate_recursive_action(value): is_list = isinstance(value, list) if not is_list: value = [value] for i, item in enumerate(value): path = [i] if is_list else [] item = copy.deepcopy(item) if not isinstance(item, dict): raise cv.Invalid(u"Action must consist of key-value mapping! Got {}".format(item), path) key = next((x for x in item if x != CONF_ACTION_ID), None) if key is None: raise cv.Invalid(u"Key missing from action! Got {}".format(item), path) if key not in ACTION_REGISTRY: raise cv.Invalid(u"Unable to find action with the name '{}', is the component loaded?" u"".format(key), path + [key]) item.setdefault(CONF_ACTION_ID, None) key2 = next((x for x in item if x not in (CONF_ACTION_ID, key)), None) if key2 is not None: raise cv.Invalid(u"Cannot have two actions in one item. Key '{}' overrides '{}'! " u"Did you forget to indent the block inside the action?" u"".format(key, key2), path) validator = ACTION_REGISTRY[key][0] try: action = validator(item[key] or {}) except cv.Invalid as err: err.prepend(path) raise err value[i] = { CONF_ACTION_ID: cv.declare_variable_id(Action)(item[CONF_ACTION_ID]), key: action, } return value ACTION_REGISTRY = ServiceRegistry() CONDITION_REGISTRY = ServiceRegistry() # pylint: disable=invalid-name DelayAction = esphome_ns.class_('DelayAction', Action, Component) LambdaAction = esphome_ns.class_('LambdaAction', Action) IfAction = esphome_ns.class_('IfAction', Action) WhileAction = esphome_ns.class_('WhileAction', Action) WaitUntilAction = esphome_ns.class_('WaitUntilAction', Action, Component) UpdateComponentAction = esphome_ns.class_('UpdateComponentAction', Action) Automation = esphome_ns.class_('Automation') Condition = esphome_ns.class_('Condition') AndCondition = esphome_ns.class_('AndCondition', Condition) OrCondition = esphome_ns.class_('OrCondition', Condition) RangeCondition = esphome_ns.class_('RangeCondition', Condition) LambdaCondition = esphome_ns.class_('LambdaCondition', Condition) def validate_automation(extra_schema=None, extra_validators=None, single=False): if extra_schema is None: extra_schema = {} if isinstance(extra_schema, cv.Schema): extra_schema = extra_schema.schema schema = AUTOMATION_SCHEMA.extend(extra_schema) def validator_(value): if isinstance(value, list): try: # First try as a sequence of actions return [schema({CONF_THEN: value})] except cv.Invalid as err: if err.path and err.path[0] == CONF_THEN: err.path.pop(0) # Next try as a sequence of automations try: return cv.Schema([schema])(value) except cv.Invalid as err2: if 'Unable to find action' in str(err): raise err2 raise cv.MultipleInvalid([err, err2]) elif isinstance(value, dict): if CONF_THEN in value: return [schema(value)] return [schema({CONF_THEN: value})] # This should only happen with invalid configs, but let's have a nice error message. return [schema(value)] def validator(value): value = validator_(value) if extra_validators is not None: value = cv.Schema([extra_validators])(value) if single: if len(value) != 1: raise cv.Invalid("Cannot have more than 1 automation for templates") return value[0] return value return validator AUTOMATION_SCHEMA = cv.Schema({ cv.GenerateID(CONF_TRIGGER_ID): cv.declare_variable_id(Trigger), cv.GenerateID(CONF_AUTOMATION_ID): cv.declare_variable_id(Automation), cv.Required(CONF_THEN): validate_recursive_action, }) AND_CONDITION_SCHEMA = validate_recursive_condition @CONDITION_REGISTRY.register(CONF_AND, AND_CONDITION_SCHEMA) def and_condition_to_code(config, condition_id, template_arg, args): conditions = yield build_conditions(config, template_arg, args) rhs =, conditions) type = AndCondition.template(template_arg) yield Pvariable(condition_id, rhs, type=type) OR_CONDITION_SCHEMA = validate_recursive_condition @CONDITION_REGISTRY.register(CONF_OR, OR_CONDITION_SCHEMA) def or_condition_to_code(config, condition_id, template_arg, args): conditions = yield build_conditions(config, template_arg, args) rhs =, conditions) type = OrCondition.template(template_arg) yield Pvariable(condition_id, rhs, type=type) RANGE_CONDITION_SCHEMA = cv.All(cv.Schema({ cv.Optional(CONF_ABOVE): cv.templatable(cv.float_), cv.Optional(CONF_BELOW): cv.templatable(cv.float_), }), cv.has_at_least_one_key(CONF_ABOVE, CONF_BELOW)) @CONDITION_REGISTRY.register(CONF_RANGE, RANGE_CONDITION_SCHEMA) def range_condition_to_code(config, condition_id, template_arg, args): conditions = yield build_conditions(config, template_arg, args) rhs =, conditions) type = RangeCondition.template(template_arg) condition = Pvariable(condition_id, rhs, type=type) if CONF_ABOVE in config: template_ = yield templatable(config[CONF_ABOVE], args, float_) condition.set_min(template_) if CONF_BELOW in config: template_ = yield templatable(config[CONF_BELOW], args, float_) condition.set_max(template_) yield condition DELAY_ACTION_SCHEMA = cv.templatable(cv.positive_time_period_milliseconds) @ACTION_REGISTRY.register(CONF_DELAY, DELAY_ACTION_SCHEMA) def delay_action_to_code(config, action_id, template_arg, args): rhs = App.register_component( type = DelayAction.template(template_arg) action = Pvariable(action_id, rhs, type=type) template_ = yield templatable(config, args, uint32) add(action.set_delay(template_)) yield action IF_ACTION_SCHEMA = cv.All({ cv.Required(CONF_CONDITION): validate_recursive_condition, cv.Optional(CONF_THEN): validate_recursive_action, cv.Optional(CONF_ELSE): validate_recursive_action, }, cv.has_at_least_one_key(CONF_THEN, CONF_ELSE)) @ACTION_REGISTRY.register(CONF_IF, IF_ACTION_SCHEMA) def if_action_to_code(config, action_id, template_arg, args): conditions = yield build_conditions(config[CONF_CONDITION], template_arg, args) rhs =, conditions) type = IfAction.template(template_arg) action = Pvariable(action_id, rhs, type=type) if CONF_THEN in config: actions = yield build_actions(config[CONF_THEN], template_arg, args) add(action.add_then(actions)) if CONF_ELSE in config: actions = yield build_actions(config[CONF_ELSE], template_arg, args) add(action.add_else(actions)) yield action WHILE_ACTION_SCHEMA = cv.Schema({ cv.Required(CONF_CONDITION): validate_recursive_condition, cv.Required(CONF_THEN): validate_recursive_action, }) @ACTION_REGISTRY.register(CONF_WHILE, WHILE_ACTION_SCHEMA) def while_action_to_code(config, action_id, template_arg, args): conditions = yield build_conditions(config[CONF_CONDITION], template_arg, args) rhs =, conditions) type = WhileAction.template(template_arg) action = Pvariable(action_id, rhs, type=type) actions = yield build_actions(config[CONF_THEN], template_arg, args) add(action.add_then(actions)) yield action def validate_wait_until(value): schema = cv.Schema({ cv.Required(CONF_CONDITION): validate_recursive_condition }) if isinstance(value, dict) and CONF_CONDITION in value: return schema(value) return validate_wait_until({CONF_CONDITION: value}) WAIT_UNTIL_ACTION_SCHEMA = validate_wait_until @ACTION_REGISTRY.register(CONF_WAIT_UNTIL, WAIT_UNTIL_ACTION_SCHEMA) def wait_until_action_to_code(config, action_id, template_arg, args): conditions = yield build_conditions(config[CONF_CONDITION], template_arg, args) rhs =, conditions) type = WaitUntilAction.template(template_arg) action = Pvariable(action_id, rhs, type=type) add(App.register_component(action)) yield action LAMBDA_ACTION_SCHEMA = cv.lambda_ @ACTION_REGISTRY.register(CONF_LAMBDA, LAMBDA_ACTION_SCHEMA) def lambda_action_to_code(config, action_id, template_arg, args): lambda_ = yield process_lambda(config, args, return_type=void) rhs =, lambda_) type = LambdaAction.template(template_arg) yield Pvariable(action_id, rhs, type=type) LAMBDA_CONDITION_SCHEMA = cv.lambda_ @CONDITION_REGISTRY.register(CONF_LAMBDA, LAMBDA_CONDITION_SCHEMA) def lambda_condition_to_code(config, condition_id, template_arg, args): lambda_ = yield process_lambda(config, args, return_type=bool_) rhs =, lambda_) type = LambdaCondition.template(template_arg) yield Pvariable(condition_id, rhs, type=type) CONF_COMPONENT_UPDATE = 'component.update' COMPONENT_UPDATE_ACTION_SCHEMA = maybe_simple_id({ cv.Required(CONF_ID): cv.use_variable_id(PollingComponent), }) @ACTION_REGISTRY.register(CONF_COMPONENT_UPDATE, COMPONENT_UPDATE_ACTION_SCHEMA) def component_update_action_to_code(config, action_id, template_arg, args): var = yield get_variable(config[CONF_ID]) rhs =, var) type = UpdateComponentAction.template(template_arg) yield Pvariable(action_id, rhs, type=type) @coroutine def build_action(full_config, template_arg, args): action_id = full_config[CONF_ACTION_ID] key, config = next((k, v) for k, v in full_config.items() if k in ACTION_REGISTRY) builder = coroutine(ACTION_REGISTRY[key][1]) yield builder(config, action_id, template_arg, args) @coroutine def build_actions(config, templ, arg_type): actions = [] for conf in config: action = yield build_action(conf, templ, arg_type) actions.append(action) yield actions @coroutine def build_condition(full_config, template_arg, args): action_id = full_config[CONF_CONDITION_ID] key, config = next((k, v) for k, v in full_config.items() if k in CONDITION_REGISTRY) builder = coroutine(CONDITION_REGISTRY[key][1]) yield builder(config, action_id, template_arg, args) @coroutine def build_conditions(config, templ, args): conditions = [] for conf in config: condition = yield build_condition(conf, templ, args) conditions.append(condition) yield conditions @coroutine def build_automation(trigger, args, config): arg_types = [arg[0] for arg in args] templ = TemplateArguments(*arg_types) type = Automation.template(templ) rhs = obj = Pvariable(config[CONF_AUTOMATION_ID], rhs, type=type) actions = yield build_actions(config[CONF_THEN], templ, args) add(obj.add_actions(actions)) yield obj