; This PlatformIO project is for development purposes *only*: clang-tidy derives its compilation ; database from here, and IDEs like CLion and VSCode also use it. This does not actually create a ; usable binary. ; It's *not* used during runtime. [platformio] default_envs = esp8266, esp32 src_dir = . include_dir = [runtime] ; This are the flags as set by the runtime. build_flags = -Wno-unused-variable -Wno-unused-but-set-variable -Wno-sign-compare [clangtidy] ; This are the flags for clang-tidy. build_flags = -Wall -Wunreachable-code -Wfor-loop-analysis -Wshadow-field -Wshadow-field-in-constructor [common] lib_deps = ottowinter/AsyncMqttClient-esphome@0.8.4 ; mqtt ottowinter/ArduinoJson-esphomelib@5.13.3 ; json esphome/ESPAsyncWebServer-esphome@1.3.0 ; web_server_base fastled/FastLED@3.3.2 ; fastled_base makuna/NeoPixelBus@2.6.7 ; neopixelbus mikalhart/TinyGPSPlus@1.0.2 ; gps freekode/TM1651@1.0.1 ; tm1651 seeed-studio/Grove - Laser PM2.5 Sensor HM3301@1.0.3 ; hm3301 glmnet/Dsmr@0.5 ; dsmr rweather/Crypto@0.2.0 ; dsmr esphome/noise-c@0.1.1 ; api dudanov/MideaUART@1.1.0 ; midea build_flags = -DESPHOME_LOG_LEVEL=ESPHOME_LOG_LEVEL_VERY_VERBOSE src_filter = + + +<.temp/all-include.cpp> [common:esp8266] extends = common platform = platformio/espressif8266@3.1.0 framework = arduino board = nodemcuv2 lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps} ESP8266WiFi ; wifi (Arduino built-in) Update ; ota (Arduino built-in) ottowinter/ESPAsyncTCP-esphome@1.2.3 ; async_tcp [common:esp32] extends = common platform = platformio/espressif32@3.2.0 framework = arduino board = nodemcu-32s lib_deps = ${common.lib_deps} Hash ; ota (Arduino built-in) esphome/AsyncTCP-esphome@1.2.2 ; async_tcp [env:esp8266] extends = common:esp8266 build_flags = ${common:esp8266.build_flags} ${runtime.build_flags} [env:esp8266-tidy] extends = common:esp8266 build_flags = ${common:esp8266.build_flags} ${clangtidy.build_flags} [env:esp32] extends = common:esp32 build_flags = ${common:esp32.build_flags} ${runtime.build_flags} [env:esp32-tidy] extends = common:esp32 build_flags = ${common:esp32.build_flags} ${clangtidy.build_flags}