#include "voice_assistant.h" #ifdef USE_VOICE_ASSISTANT #include "esphome/core/log.h" #include namespace esphome { namespace voice_assistant { static const char *const TAG = "voice_assistant"; #ifdef SAMPLE_RATE_HZ #undef SAMPLE_RATE_HZ #endif static const size_t SAMPLE_RATE_HZ = 16000; static const size_t INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE = 32 * SAMPLE_RATE_HZ / 1000; // 32ms * 16kHz / 1000ms static const size_t BUFFER_SIZE = 1024 * SAMPLE_RATE_HZ / 1000; static const size_t SEND_BUFFER_SIZE = INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(int16_t); static const size_t RECEIVE_SIZE = 1024; static const size_t SPEAKER_BUFFER_SIZE = 16 * RECEIVE_SIZE; float VoiceAssistant::get_setup_priority() const { return setup_priority::AFTER_CONNECTION; } bool VoiceAssistant::start_udp_socket_() { this->socket_ = socket::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, IPPROTO_IP); if (this->socket_ == nullptr) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Could not create socket"); this->mark_failed(); return false; } int enable = 1; int err = this->socket_->setsockopt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, &enable, sizeof(int)); if (err != 0) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Socket unable to set reuseaddr: errno %d", err); // we can still continue } err = this->socket_->setblocking(false); if (err != 0) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Socket unable to set nonblocking mode: errno %d", err); this->mark_failed(); return false; } #ifdef USE_SPEAKER if (this->speaker_ != nullptr) { struct sockaddr_storage server; socklen_t sl = socket::set_sockaddr_any((struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server), 6055); if (sl == 0) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Socket unable to set sockaddr: errno %d", errno); this->mark_failed(); return false; } err = this->socket_->bind((struct sockaddr *) &server, sizeof(server)); if (err != 0) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Socket unable to bind: errno %d", errno); this->mark_failed(); return false; } } #endif this->udp_socket_running_ = true; return true; } void VoiceAssistant::setup() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting up Voice Assistant..."); global_voice_assistant = this; #ifdef USE_SPEAKER if (this->speaker_ != nullptr) { ExternalRAMAllocator speaker_allocator(ExternalRAMAllocator::ALLOW_FAILURE); this->speaker_buffer_ = speaker_allocator.allocate(SPEAKER_BUFFER_SIZE); if (this->speaker_buffer_ == nullptr) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Could not allocate speaker buffer"); this->mark_failed(); return; } } #endif ExternalRAMAllocator allocator(ExternalRAMAllocator::ALLOW_FAILURE); this->input_buffer_ = allocator.allocate(INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (this->input_buffer_ == nullptr) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Could not allocate input buffer"); this->mark_failed(); return; } #ifdef USE_ESP_ADF this->vad_instance_ = vad_create(VAD_MODE_4); #endif this->ring_buffer_ = RingBuffer::create(BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(int16_t)); if (this->ring_buffer_ == nullptr) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Could not allocate ring buffer"); this->mark_failed(); return; } ExternalRAMAllocator send_allocator(ExternalRAMAllocator::ALLOW_FAILURE); this->send_buffer_ = send_allocator.allocate(SEND_BUFFER_SIZE); if (send_buffer_ == nullptr) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Could not allocate send buffer"); this->mark_failed(); return; } } int VoiceAssistant::read_microphone_() { size_t bytes_read = 0; if (this->mic_->is_running()) { // Read audio into input buffer bytes_read = this->mic_->read(this->input_buffer_, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(int16_t)); if (bytes_read == 0) { memset(this->input_buffer_, 0, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(int16_t)); return 0; } // Write audio into ring buffer this->ring_buffer_->write((void *) this->input_buffer_, bytes_read); } else { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "microphone not running"); } return bytes_read; } void VoiceAssistant::loop() { if (this->api_client_ == nullptr && this->state_ != State::IDLE && this->state_ != State::STOP_MICROPHONE && this->state_ != State::STOPPING_MICROPHONE) { if (this->mic_->is_running() || this->state_ == State::STARTING_MICROPHONE) { this->set_state_(State::STOP_MICROPHONE, State::IDLE); } else { this->set_state_(State::IDLE, State::IDLE); } this->continuous_ = false; this->signal_stop_(); return; } switch (this->state_) { case State::IDLE: { if (this->continuous_ && this->desired_state_ == State::IDLE) { this->idle_trigger_->trigger(); this->ring_buffer_->reset(); #ifdef USE_ESP_ADF if (this->use_wake_word_) { this->set_state_(State::START_MICROPHONE, State::WAIT_FOR_VAD); } else #endif { this->set_state_(State::START_PIPELINE, State::START_MICROPHONE); } } else { this->high_freq_.stop(); } break; } case State::START_MICROPHONE: { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Starting Microphone"); memset(this->send_buffer_, 0, SEND_BUFFER_SIZE); memset(this->input_buffer_, 0, INPUT_BUFFER_SIZE * sizeof(int16_t)); this->mic_->start(); this->high_freq_.start(); this->set_state_(State::STARTING_MICROPHONE); break; } case State::STARTING_MICROPHONE: { if (this->mic_->is_running()) { this->set_state_(this->desired_state_); } break; } #ifdef USE_ESP_ADF case State::WAIT_FOR_VAD: { this->read_microphone_(); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Waiting for speech..."); this->set_state_(State::WAITING_FOR_VAD); break; } case State::WAITING_FOR_VAD: { size_t bytes_read = this->read_microphone_(); if (bytes_read > 0) { vad_state_t vad_state = vad_process(this->vad_instance_, this->input_buffer_, SAMPLE_RATE_HZ, VAD_FRAME_LENGTH_MS); if (vad_state == VAD_SPEECH) { if (this->vad_counter_ < this->vad_threshold_) { this->vad_counter_++; } else { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "VAD detected speech"); this->set_state_(State::START_PIPELINE, State::STREAMING_MICROPHONE); // Reset for next time this->vad_counter_ = 0; } } else { if (this->vad_counter_ > 0) { this->vad_counter_--; } } } break; } #endif case State::START_PIPELINE: { this->read_microphone_(); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Requesting start..."); uint32_t flags = 0; if (this->use_wake_word_) flags |= api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_REQUEST_USE_WAKE_WORD; if (this->silence_detection_) flags |= api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_REQUEST_USE_VAD; api::VoiceAssistantAudioSettings audio_settings; audio_settings.noise_suppression_level = this->noise_suppression_level_; audio_settings.auto_gain = this->auto_gain_; audio_settings.volume_multiplier = this->volume_multiplier_; api::VoiceAssistantRequest msg; msg.start = true; msg.conversation_id = this->conversation_id_; msg.flags = flags; msg.audio_settings = audio_settings; msg.wake_word_phrase = this->wake_word_; this->wake_word_ = ""; if (this->api_client_ == nullptr || !this->api_client_->send_voice_assistant_request(msg)) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Could not request start"); this->error_trigger_->trigger("not-connected", "Could not request start"); this->continuous_ = false; this->set_state_(State::IDLE, State::IDLE); break; } this->set_state_(State::STARTING_PIPELINE); this->set_timeout("reset-conversation_id", 5 * 60 * 1000, [this]() { this->conversation_id_ = ""; }); break; } case State::STARTING_PIPELINE: { this->read_microphone_(); break; // State changed when udp server port received } case State::STREAMING_MICROPHONE: { this->read_microphone_(); size_t available = this->ring_buffer_->available(); while (available >= SEND_BUFFER_SIZE) { size_t read_bytes = this->ring_buffer_->read((void *) this->send_buffer_, SEND_BUFFER_SIZE, 0); if (this->audio_mode_ == AUDIO_MODE_API) { api::VoiceAssistantAudio msg; msg.data.assign((char *) this->send_buffer_, read_bytes); this->api_client_->send_voice_assistant_audio(msg); } else { if (!this->udp_socket_running_) { if (!this->start_udp_socket_()) { this->set_state_(State::STOP_MICROPHONE, State::IDLE); break; } } this->socket_->sendto(this->send_buffer_, read_bytes, 0, (struct sockaddr *) &this->dest_addr_, sizeof(this->dest_addr_)); } available = this->ring_buffer_->available(); } break; } case State::STOP_MICROPHONE: { if (this->mic_->is_running()) { this->mic_->stop(); this->set_state_(State::STOPPING_MICROPHONE); } else { this->set_state_(this->desired_state_); } break; } case State::STOPPING_MICROPHONE: { if (this->mic_->is_stopped()) { this->set_state_(this->desired_state_); } break; } case State::AWAITING_RESPONSE: { break; // State changed by events } case State::STREAMING_RESPONSE: { bool playing = false; #ifdef USE_SPEAKER if (this->speaker_ != nullptr) { ssize_t received_len = 0; if (this->audio_mode_ == AUDIO_MODE_UDP) { if (this->speaker_buffer_index_ + RECEIVE_SIZE < SPEAKER_BUFFER_SIZE) { received_len = this->socket_->read(this->speaker_buffer_ + this->speaker_buffer_index_, RECEIVE_SIZE); if (received_len > 0) { this->speaker_buffer_index_ += received_len; this->speaker_buffer_size_ += received_len; this->speaker_bytes_received_ += received_len; } } else { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Receive buffer full"); } } // Build a small buffer of audio before sending to the speaker bool end_of_stream = this->stream_ended_ && (this->audio_mode_ == AUDIO_MODE_API || received_len < 0); if (this->speaker_bytes_received_ > RECEIVE_SIZE * 4 || end_of_stream) this->write_speaker_(); if (this->wait_for_stream_end_) { this->cancel_timeout("playing"); if (end_of_stream) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "End of audio stream received"); this->cancel_timeout("speaker-timeout"); this->set_state_(State::RESPONSE_FINISHED, State::RESPONSE_FINISHED); } break; // We dont want to timeout here as the STREAM_END event will take care of that. } playing = this->speaker_->is_running(); } #endif #ifdef USE_MEDIA_PLAYER if (this->media_player_ != nullptr) { playing = (this->media_player_->state == media_player::MediaPlayerState::MEDIA_PLAYER_STATE_PLAYING); } #endif if (playing) { this->set_timeout("playing", 2000, [this]() { this->cancel_timeout("speaker-timeout"); this->set_state_(State::IDLE, State::IDLE); }); } break; } case State::RESPONSE_FINISHED: { #ifdef USE_SPEAKER if (this->speaker_ != nullptr) { if (this->speaker_buffer_size_ > 0) { this->write_speaker_(); break; } if (this->speaker_->has_buffered_data() || this->speaker_->is_running()) { break; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Speaker has finished outputting all audio"); this->speaker_->stop(); this->cancel_timeout("speaker-timeout"); this->cancel_timeout("playing"); this->speaker_buffer_size_ = 0; this->speaker_buffer_index_ = 0; this->speaker_bytes_received_ = 0; memset(this->speaker_buffer_, 0, SPEAKER_BUFFER_SIZE); this->wait_for_stream_end_ = false; this->stream_ended_ = false; this->tts_stream_end_trigger_->trigger(); } #endif this->set_state_(State::IDLE, State::IDLE); break; } default: break; } } #ifdef USE_SPEAKER void VoiceAssistant::write_speaker_() { if (this->speaker_buffer_size_ > 0) { size_t written = this->speaker_->play(this->speaker_buffer_, this->speaker_buffer_size_); if (written > 0) { memmove(this->speaker_buffer_, this->speaker_buffer_ + written, this->speaker_buffer_size_ - written); this->speaker_buffer_size_ -= written; this->speaker_buffer_index_ -= written; this->set_timeout("speaker-timeout", 5000, [this]() { this->speaker_->stop(); }); } else { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Speaker buffer full, trying again next loop"); } } } #endif void VoiceAssistant::client_subscription(api::APIConnection *client, bool subscribe) { if (!subscribe) { if (this->api_client_ == nullptr || client != this->api_client_) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Client attempting to unsubscribe that is not the current API Client"); return; } this->api_client_ = nullptr; this->client_disconnected_trigger_->trigger(); return; } if (this->api_client_ != nullptr) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Multiple API Clients attempting to connect to Voice Assistant"); ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Current client: %s", this->api_client_->get_client_combined_info().c_str()); ESP_LOGE(TAG, "New client: %s", client->get_client_combined_info().c_str()); return; } this->api_client_ = client; this->client_connected_trigger_->trigger(); } static const LogString *voice_assistant_state_to_string(State state) { switch (state) { case State::IDLE: return LOG_STR("IDLE"); case State::START_MICROPHONE: return LOG_STR("START_MICROPHONE"); case State::STARTING_MICROPHONE: return LOG_STR("STARTING_MICROPHONE"); case State::WAIT_FOR_VAD: return LOG_STR("WAIT_FOR_VAD"); case State::WAITING_FOR_VAD: return LOG_STR("WAITING_FOR_VAD"); case State::START_PIPELINE: return LOG_STR("START_PIPELINE"); case State::STARTING_PIPELINE: return LOG_STR("STARTING_PIPELINE"); case State::STREAMING_MICROPHONE: return LOG_STR("STREAMING_MICROPHONE"); case State::STOP_MICROPHONE: return LOG_STR("STOP_MICROPHONE"); case State::STOPPING_MICROPHONE: return LOG_STR("STOPPING_MICROPHONE"); case State::AWAITING_RESPONSE: return LOG_STR("AWAITING_RESPONSE"); case State::STREAMING_RESPONSE: return LOG_STR("STREAMING_RESPONSE"); case State::RESPONSE_FINISHED: return LOG_STR("RESPONSE_FINISHED"); default: return LOG_STR("UNKNOWN"); } }; void VoiceAssistant::set_state_(State state) { State old_state = this->state_; this->state_ = state; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "State changed from %s to %s", LOG_STR_ARG(voice_assistant_state_to_string(old_state)), LOG_STR_ARG(voice_assistant_state_to_string(state))); } void VoiceAssistant::set_state_(State state, State desired_state) { this->set_state_(state); this->desired_state_ = desired_state; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Desired state set to %s", LOG_STR_ARG(voice_assistant_state_to_string(desired_state))); } void VoiceAssistant::failed_to_start() { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Failed to start server. See Home Assistant logs for more details."); this->error_trigger_->trigger("failed-to-start", "Failed to start server. See Home Assistant logs for more details."); this->set_state_(State::STOP_MICROPHONE, State::IDLE); } void VoiceAssistant::start_streaming() { if (this->state_ != State::STARTING_PIPELINE) { this->signal_stop_(); return; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Client started, streaming microphone"); this->audio_mode_ = AUDIO_MODE_API; if (this->mic_->is_running()) { this->set_state_(State::STREAMING_MICROPHONE, State::STREAMING_MICROPHONE); } else { this->set_state_(State::START_MICROPHONE, State::STREAMING_MICROPHONE); } } void VoiceAssistant::start_streaming(struct sockaddr_storage *addr, uint16_t port) { if (this->state_ != State::STARTING_PIPELINE) { this->signal_stop_(); return; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Client started, streaming microphone"); this->audio_mode_ = AUDIO_MODE_UDP; memcpy(&this->dest_addr_, addr, sizeof(this->dest_addr_)); if (this->dest_addr_.ss_family == AF_INET) { ((struct sockaddr_in *) &this->dest_addr_)->sin_port = htons(port); } #if LWIP_IPV6 else if (this->dest_addr_.ss_family == AF_INET6) { ((struct sockaddr_in6 *) &this->dest_addr_)->sin6_port = htons(port); } #endif else { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Unknown address family: %d", this->dest_addr_.ss_family); return; } if (this->mic_->is_running()) { this->set_state_(State::STREAMING_MICROPHONE, State::STREAMING_MICROPHONE); } else { this->set_state_(State::START_MICROPHONE, State::STREAMING_MICROPHONE); } } void VoiceAssistant::request_start(bool continuous, bool silence_detection) { if (this->api_client_ == nullptr) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "No API client connected"); this->set_state_(State::IDLE, State::IDLE); this->continuous_ = false; return; } if (this->state_ == State::IDLE) { this->continuous_ = continuous; this->silence_detection_ = silence_detection; this->ring_buffer_->reset(); #ifdef USE_ESP_ADF if (this->use_wake_word_) { this->set_state_(State::START_MICROPHONE, State::WAIT_FOR_VAD); } else #endif { this->set_state_(State::START_PIPELINE, State::START_MICROPHONE); } } } void VoiceAssistant::request_stop() { this->continuous_ = false; switch (this->state_) { case State::IDLE: break; case State::START_MICROPHONE: case State::STARTING_MICROPHONE: case State::WAIT_FOR_VAD: case State::WAITING_FOR_VAD: case State::START_PIPELINE: this->set_state_(State::STOP_MICROPHONE, State::IDLE); break; case State::STARTING_PIPELINE: case State::STREAMING_MICROPHONE: this->signal_stop_(); this->set_state_(State::STOP_MICROPHONE, State::IDLE); break; case State::STOP_MICROPHONE: case State::STOPPING_MICROPHONE: this->desired_state_ = State::IDLE; break; case State::AWAITING_RESPONSE: case State::STREAMING_RESPONSE: case State::RESPONSE_FINISHED: break; // Let the incoming audio stream finish then it will go to idle. } } void VoiceAssistant::signal_stop_() { memset(&this->dest_addr_, 0, sizeof(this->dest_addr_)); if (this->api_client_ == nullptr) { return; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Signaling stop..."); api::VoiceAssistantRequest msg; msg.start = false; this->api_client_->send_voice_assistant_request(msg); } void VoiceAssistant::on_event(const api::VoiceAssistantEventResponse &msg) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Event Type: %d", msg.event_type); switch (msg.event_type) { case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_RUN_START: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Assist Pipeline running"); this->defer([this]() { this->start_trigger_->trigger(); }); break; case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_WAKE_WORD_START: break; case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_WAKE_WORD_END: { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Wake word detected"); this->defer([this]() { this->wake_word_detected_trigger_->trigger(); }); break; } case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_STT_START: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "STT started"); this->defer([this]() { this->listening_trigger_->trigger(); }); break; case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_STT_END: { std::string text; for (auto arg : msg.data) { if (arg.name == "text") { text = std::move(arg.value); } } if (text.empty()) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "No text in STT_END event"); return; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Speech recognised as: \"%s\"", text.c_str()); this->defer([this, text]() { this->stt_end_trigger_->trigger(text); }); break; } case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_INTENT_START: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Intent started"); this->defer([this]() { this->intent_start_trigger_->trigger(); }); break; case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_INTENT_END: { for (auto arg : msg.data) { if (arg.name == "conversation_id") { this->conversation_id_ = std::move(arg.value); } } this->defer([this]() { this->intent_end_trigger_->trigger(); }); break; } case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_TTS_START: { std::string text; for (auto arg : msg.data) { if (arg.name == "text") { text = std::move(arg.value); } } if (text.empty()) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "No text in TTS_START event"); return; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Response: \"%s\"", text.c_str()); this->defer([this, text]() { this->tts_start_trigger_->trigger(text); #ifdef USE_SPEAKER this->speaker_->start(); #endif }); break; } case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_TTS_END: { std::string url; for (auto arg : msg.data) { if (arg.name == "url") { url = std::move(arg.value); } } if (url.empty()) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "No url in TTS_END event"); return; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Response URL: \"%s\"", url.c_str()); this->defer([this, url]() { #ifdef USE_MEDIA_PLAYER if (this->media_player_ != nullptr) { this->media_player_->make_call().set_media_url(url).perform(); } #endif this->tts_end_trigger_->trigger(url); }); State new_state = this->local_output_ ? State::STREAMING_RESPONSE : State::IDLE; this->set_state_(new_state, new_state); break; } case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_RUN_END: { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Assist Pipeline ended"); if (this->state_ == State::STREAMING_MICROPHONE) { this->ring_buffer_->reset(); #ifdef USE_ESP_ADF if (this->use_wake_word_) { // No need to stop the microphone since we didn't use the speaker this->set_state_(State::WAIT_FOR_VAD, State::WAITING_FOR_VAD); } else #endif { this->set_state_(State::IDLE, State::IDLE); } } else if (this->state_ == State::AWAITING_RESPONSE) { // No TTS start event ("nevermind") this->set_state_(State::IDLE, State::IDLE); } this->defer([this]() { this->end_trigger_->trigger(); }); break; } case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_ERROR: { std::string code = ""; std::string message = ""; for (auto arg : msg.data) { if (arg.name == "code") { code = std::move(arg.value); } else if (arg.name == "message") { message = std::move(arg.value); } } if (code == "wake-word-timeout" || code == "wake_word_detection_aborted") { // Don't change state here since either the "tts-end" or "run-end" events will do it. return; } else if (code == "wake-provider-missing" || code == "wake-engine-missing") { // Wake word is not set up or not ready on Home Assistant so stop and do not retry until user starts again. this->defer([this, code, message]() { this->request_stop(); this->error_trigger_->trigger(code, message); }); return; } ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Error: %s - %s", code.c_str(), message.c_str()); if (this->state_ != State::IDLE) { this->signal_stop_(); this->set_state_(State::STOP_MICROPHONE, State::IDLE); } this->defer([this, code, message]() { this->error_trigger_->trigger(code, message); }); break; } case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_TTS_STREAM_START: { #ifdef USE_SPEAKER this->wait_for_stream_end_ = true; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "TTS stream start"); this->defer([this] { this->tts_stream_start_trigger_->trigger(); }); #endif break; } case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_TTS_STREAM_END: { #ifdef USE_SPEAKER this->stream_ended_ = true; ESP_LOGD(TAG, "TTS stream end"); #endif break; } case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_STT_VAD_START: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Starting STT by VAD"); this->defer([this]() { this->stt_vad_start_trigger_->trigger(); }); break; case api::enums::VOICE_ASSISTANT_STT_VAD_END: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "STT by VAD end"); this->set_state_(State::STOP_MICROPHONE, State::AWAITING_RESPONSE); this->defer([this]() { this->stt_vad_end_trigger_->trigger(); }); break; default: ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Unhandled event type: %d", msg.event_type); break; } } void VoiceAssistant::on_audio(const api::VoiceAssistantAudio &msg) { #ifdef USE_SPEAKER // We should never get to this function if there is no speaker anyway if (this->speaker_buffer_index_ + msg.data.length() < SPEAKER_BUFFER_SIZE) { memcpy(this->speaker_buffer_ + this->speaker_buffer_index_, msg.data.data(), msg.data.length()); this->speaker_buffer_index_ += msg.data.length(); this->speaker_buffer_size_ += msg.data.length(); this->speaker_bytes_received_ += msg.data.length(); } else { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Cannot receive audio, buffer is full"); } #endif } VoiceAssistant *global_voice_assistant = nullptr; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables) } // namespace voice_assistant } // namespace esphome #endif // USE_VOICE_ASSISTANT