# Custom zeroconf implementation based on python-zeroconf # (https://github.com/jstasiak/python-zeroconf) that supports Python 2 import errno import logging import select import socket import struct import sys import threading import time import ifaddr from esphome.py_compat import indexbytes, text_type log = logging.getLogger(__name__) # Some timing constants _LISTENER_TIME = 200 # Some DNS constants _MDNS_ADDR = '' _MDNS_PORT = 5353 _MAX_MSG_ABSOLUTE = 8966 _FLAGS_QR_MASK = 0x8000 # query response mask _FLAGS_QR_QUERY = 0x0000 # query _FLAGS_QR_RESPONSE = 0x8000 # response _FLAGS_AA = 0x0400 # Authoritative answer _FLAGS_TC = 0x0200 # Truncated _FLAGS_RD = 0x0100 # Recursion desired _FLAGS_RA = 0x8000 # Recursion available _FLAGS_Z = 0x0040 # Zero _FLAGS_AD = 0x0020 # Authentic data _FLAGS_CD = 0x0010 # Checking disabled _CLASS_IN = 1 _CLASS_CS = 2 _CLASS_CH = 3 _CLASS_HS = 4 _CLASS_NONE = 254 _CLASS_ANY = 255 _CLASS_MASK = 0x7FFF _CLASS_UNIQUE = 0x8000 _TYPE_A = 1 _TYPE_NS = 2 _TYPE_MD = 3 _TYPE_MF = 4 _TYPE_CNAME = 5 _TYPE_SOA = 6 _TYPE_MB = 7 _TYPE_MG = 8 _TYPE_MR = 9 _TYPE_NULL = 10 _TYPE_WKS = 11 _TYPE_PTR = 12 _TYPE_HINFO = 13 _TYPE_MINFO = 14 _TYPE_MX = 15 _TYPE_TXT = 16 _TYPE_AAAA = 28 _TYPE_SRV = 33 _TYPE_ANY = 255 # Mapping constants to names int2byte = struct.Struct(">B").pack # Exceptions class Error(Exception): pass class IncomingDecodeError(Error): pass # pylint: disable=no-init class QuietLogger(object): _seen_logs = {} @classmethod def log_exception_warning(cls, logger_data=None): exc_info = sys.exc_info() exc_str = str(exc_info[1]) if exc_str not in cls._seen_logs: # log at warning level the first time this is seen cls._seen_logs[exc_str] = exc_info logger = log.warning else: logger = log.debug if logger_data is not None: logger(*logger_data) logger('Exception occurred:', exc_info=True) @classmethod def log_warning_once(cls, *args): msg_str = args[0] if msg_str not in cls._seen_logs: cls._seen_logs[msg_str] = 0 logger = log.warning else: logger = log.debug cls._seen_logs[msg_str] += 1 logger(*args) class DNSEntry(object): """A DNS entry""" def __init__(self, name, type_, class_): self.key = name.lower() self.name = name self.type = type_ self.class_ = class_ & _CLASS_MASK self.unique = (class_ & _CLASS_UNIQUE) != 0 class DNSQuestion(DNSEntry): """A DNS question entry""" def __init__(self, name, type_, class_): DNSEntry.__init__(self, name, type_, class_) def answered_by(self, rec): """Returns true if the question is answered by the record""" return (self.class_ == rec.class_ and (self.type == rec.type or self.type == _TYPE_ANY) and self.name == rec.name) class DNSRecord(DNSEntry): """A DNS record - like a DNS entry, but has a TTL""" def __init__(self, name, type_, class_, ttl): DNSEntry.__init__(self, name, type_, class_) self.ttl = 15 self.created = time.time() def write(self, out): """Abstract method""" raise NotImplementedError def is_expired(self, now): return self.created + self.ttl <= now def is_removable(self, now): return self.created + self.ttl * 2 <= now class DNSAddress(DNSRecord): """A DNS address record""" def __init__(self, name, type_, class_, ttl, address): DNSRecord.__init__(self, name, type_, class_, ttl) self.address = address def write(self, out): """Used in constructing an outgoing packet""" out.write_string(self.address) class DNSText(DNSRecord): """A DNS text record""" def __init__(self, name, type_, class_, ttl, text): assert isinstance(text, (bytes, type(None))) DNSRecord.__init__(self, name, type_, class_, ttl) self.text = text def write(self, out): """Used in constructing an outgoing packet""" out.write_string(self.text) class DNSIncoming(QuietLogger): """Object representation of an incoming DNS packet""" def __init__(self, data): """Constructor from string holding bytes of packet""" self.offset = 0 self.data = data self.questions = [] self.answers = [] self.id = 0 self.flags = 0 # type: int self.num_questions = 0 self.num_answers = 0 self.num_authorities = 0 self.num_additionals = 0 self.valid = False try: self.read_header() self.read_questions() self.read_others() self.valid = True except (IndexError, struct.error, IncomingDecodeError): self.log_exception_warning(( 'Choked at offset %d while unpacking %r', self.offset, data)) def unpack(self, format_): length = struct.calcsize(format_) info = struct.unpack( format_, self.data[self.offset:self.offset + length]) self.offset += length return info def read_header(self): """Reads header portion of packet""" (self.id, self.flags, self.num_questions, self.num_answers, self.num_authorities, self.num_additionals) = self.unpack(b'!6H') def read_questions(self): """Reads questions section of packet""" for _ in range(self.num_questions): name = self.read_name() type_, class_ = self.unpack(b'!HH') question = DNSQuestion(name, type_, class_) self.questions.append(question) def read_character_string(self): """Reads a character string from the packet""" length = self.data[self.offset] self.offset += 1 return self.read_string(length) def read_string(self, length): """Reads a string of a given length from the packet""" info = self.data[self.offset:self.offset + length] self.offset += length return info def read_unsigned_short(self): """Reads an unsigned short from the packet""" return self.unpack(b'!H')[0] def read_others(self): """Reads the answers, authorities and additionals section of the packet""" n = self.num_answers + self.num_authorities + self.num_additionals for _ in range(n): domain = self.read_name() type_, class_, ttl, length = self.unpack(b'!HHiH') rec = None if type_ == _TYPE_A: rec = DNSAddress( domain, type_, class_, ttl, self.read_string(4)) elif type_ == _TYPE_TXT: rec = DNSText( domain, type_, class_, ttl, self.read_string(length)) elif type_ == _TYPE_AAAA: rec = DNSAddress( domain, type_, class_, ttl, self.read_string(16)) else: # Try to ignore types we don't know about # Skip the payload for the resource record so the next # records can be parsed correctly self.offset += length if rec is not None: self.answers.append(rec) def is_query(self): """Returns true if this is a query""" return (self.flags & _FLAGS_QR_MASK) == _FLAGS_QR_QUERY def is_response(self): """Returns true if this is a response""" return (self.flags & _FLAGS_QR_MASK) == _FLAGS_QR_RESPONSE def read_utf(self, offset, length): """Reads a UTF-8 string of a given length from the packet""" return text_type(self.data[offset:offset + length], 'utf-8', 'replace') def read_name(self): """Reads a domain name from the packet""" result = '' off = self.offset next_ = -1 first = off while True: length = indexbytes(self.data, off) off += 1 if length == 0: break t = length & 0xC0 if t == 0x00: result = ''.join((result, self.read_utf(off, length) + '.')) off += length elif t == 0xC0: if next_ < 0: next_ = off + 1 off = ((length & 0x3F) << 8) | indexbytes(self.data, off) if off >= first: raise IncomingDecodeError( "Bad domain name (circular) at %s" % (off,)) first = off else: raise IncomingDecodeError("Bad domain name at %s" % (off,)) if next_ >= 0: self.offset = next_ else: self.offset = off return result class DNSOutgoing(object): """Object representation of an outgoing packet""" def __init__(self, flags): self.finished = False self.id = 0 self.flags = flags self.names = {} self.data = [] self.size = 12 self.state = False self.questions = [] self.answers = [] def add_question(self, record): """Adds a question""" self.questions.append(record) def pack(self, format_, value): self.data.append(struct.pack(format_, value)) self.size += struct.calcsize(format_) def write_byte(self, value): """Writes a single byte to the packet""" self.pack(b'!c', int2byte(value)) def insert_short(self, index, value): """Inserts an unsigned short in a certain position in the packet""" self.data.insert(index, struct.pack(b'!H', value)) self.size += 2 def write_short(self, value): """Writes an unsigned short to the packet""" self.pack(b'!H', value) def write_int(self, value): """Writes an unsigned integer to the packet""" self.pack(b'!I', int(value)) def write_string(self, value): """Writes a string to the packet""" assert isinstance(value, bytes) self.data.append(value) self.size += len(value) def write_utf(self, s): """Writes a UTF-8 string of a given length to the packet""" utfstr = s.encode('utf-8') length = len(utfstr) self.write_byte(length) self.write_string(utfstr) def write_character_string(self, value): assert isinstance(value, bytes) length = len(value) self.write_byte(length) self.write_string(value) def write_name(self, name): # split name into each label parts = name.split('.') if not parts[-1]: parts.pop() # construct each suffix name_suffices = ['.'.join(parts[i:]) for i in range(len(parts))] # look for an existing name or suffix for count, sub_name in enumerate(name_suffices): if sub_name in self.names: break else: count = len(name_suffices) # note the new names we are saving into the packet name_length = len(name.encode('utf-8')) for suffix in name_suffices[:count]: self.names[suffix] = self.size + name_length - len(suffix.encode('utf-8')) - 1 # write the new names out. for part in parts[:count]: self.write_utf(part) # if we wrote part of the name, create a pointer to the rest if count != len(name_suffices): # Found substring in packet, create pointer index = self.names[name_suffices[count]] self.write_byte((index >> 8) | 0xC0) self.write_byte(index & 0xFF) else: # this is the end of a name self.write_byte(0) def write_question(self, question): self.write_name(question.name) self.write_short(question.type) self.write_short(question.class_) def packet(self): if not self.state: for question in self.questions: self.write_question(question) self.state = True self.insert_short(0, 0) # num additionals self.insert_short(0, 0) # num authorities self.insert_short(0, 0) # num answers self.insert_short(0, len(self.questions)) self.insert_short(0, self.flags) # _FLAGS_QR_QUERY self.insert_short(0, 0) return b''.join(self.data) class Engine(threading.Thread): def __init__(self, zc): threading.Thread.__init__(self, name='zeroconf-Engine') self.daemon = True self.zc = zc self.readers = {} self.timeout = 5 self.condition = threading.Condition() self.start() def run(self): while not self.zc.done: # pylint: disable=len-as-condition with self.condition: rs = self.readers.keys() if len(rs) == 0: # No sockets to manage, but we wait for the timeout # or addition of a socket self.condition.wait(self.timeout) if len(rs) != 0: try: rr, _, _ = select.select(rs, [], [], self.timeout) if not self.zc.done: for socket_ in rr: reader = self.readers.get(socket_) if reader: reader.handle_read(socket_) except (select.error, socket.error) as e: # If the socket was closed by another thread, during # shutdown, ignore it and exit if e.args[0] != socket.EBADF or not self.zc.done: raise def add_reader(self, reader, socket_): with self.condition: self.readers[socket_] = reader self.condition.notify() def del_reader(self, socket_): with self.condition: del self.readers[socket_] self.condition.notify() class Listener(QuietLogger): def __init__(self, zc): self.zc = zc self.data = None def handle_read(self, socket_): try: data, (addr, port) = socket_.recvfrom(_MAX_MSG_ABSOLUTE) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except self.log_exception_warning() return log.debug('Received from %r:%r: %r ', addr, port, data) self.data = data msg = DNSIncoming(data) if not msg.valid or msg.is_query(): pass else: self.zc.handle_response(msg) class RecordUpdateListener(object): def update_record(self, zc, now, record): raise NotImplementedError() class HostResolver(RecordUpdateListener): def __init__(self, name): self.name = name self.address = None def update_record(self, zc, now, record): if record is None: return if record.type == _TYPE_A: assert isinstance(record, DNSAddress) if record.name == self.name: self.address = record.address def request(self, zc, timeout): now = time.time() delay = 0.2 next_ = now + delay last = now + timeout try: zc.add_listener(self) while self.address is None: if last <= now: # Timeout return False if next_ <= now: out = DNSOutgoing(_FLAGS_QR_QUERY) out.add_question( DNSQuestion(self.name, _TYPE_A, _CLASS_IN)) zc.send(out) next_ = now + delay delay *= 2 zc.wait(min(next_, last) - now) now = time.time() finally: zc.remove_listener(self) return True class DashboardStatus(RecordUpdateListener, threading.Thread): def __init__(self, zc, on_update): threading.Thread.__init__(self) self.zc = zc self.query_hosts = set() self.key_to_host = {} self.cache = {} self.stop_event = threading.Event() self.query_event = threading.Event() self.on_update = on_update def update_record(self, zc, now, record): if record is None: return if record.type in (_TYPE_A, _TYPE_AAAA, _TYPE_TXT): assert isinstance(record, DNSEntry) if record.name in self.query_hosts: self.cache.setdefault(record.name, []).insert(0, record) self.purge_cache() def purge_cache(self): new_cache = {} for host, records in self.cache.items(): if host not in self.query_hosts: continue new_records = [rec for rec in records if not rec.is_removable(time.time())] if new_records: new_cache[host] = new_records self.cache = new_cache self.on_update({key: self.host_status(key) for key in self.key_to_host}) def request_query(self, hosts): self.query_hosts = set(host for host in hosts.values()) self.key_to_host = hosts self.query_event.set() def stop(self): self.stop_event.set() self.query_event.set() def host_status(self, key): return self.key_to_host.get(key) in self.cache def run(self): self.zc.add_listener(self) while not self.stop_event.is_set(): self.purge_cache() for host in self.query_hosts: if all(record.is_expired(time.time()) for record in self.cache.get(host, [])): out = DNSOutgoing(_FLAGS_QR_QUERY) out.add_question( DNSQuestion(host, _TYPE_A, _CLASS_IN)) self.zc.send(out) self.query_event.wait() self.query_event.clear() self.zc.remove_listener(self) def get_all_addresses(): return list(set( addr.ip for iface in ifaddr.get_adapters() for addr in iface.ips if addr.is_IPv4 and addr.network_prefix != 32 # Host only netmask )) def new_socket(): s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_DGRAM) s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, socket.SO_REUSEADDR, 1) # SO_REUSEADDR should be equivalent to SO_REUSEPORT for # multicast UDP sockets (p 731, "TCP/IP Illustrated, # Volume 2"), but some BSD-derived systems require # SO_REUSEPORT to be specified explicitly. Also, not all # versions of Python have SO_REUSEPORT available. # Catch OSError and socket.error for kernel versions <3.9 because lacking # SO_REUSEPORT support. try: reuseport = socket.SO_REUSEPORT except AttributeError: pass else: try: s.setsockopt(socket.SOL_SOCKET, reuseport, 1) except (OSError, socket.error) as err: # OSError on python 3, socket.error on python 2 if err.errno != errno.ENOPROTOOPT: raise # OpenBSD needs the ttl and loop values for the IP_MULTICAST_TTL and # IP_MULTICAST_LOOP socket options as an unsigned char. ttl = struct.pack(b'B', 255) s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_TTL, ttl) loop = struct.pack(b'B', 1) s.setsockopt(socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_LOOP, loop) s.bind(('', _MDNS_PORT)) return s class Zeroconf(QuietLogger): def __init__(self): # hook for threads self._GLOBAL_DONE = False self._listen_socket = new_socket() interfaces = get_all_addresses() self._respond_sockets = [] for i in interfaces: try: _value = socket.inet_aton(_MDNS_ADDR) + socket.inet_aton(i) self._listen_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_ADD_MEMBERSHIP, _value) except socket.error as e: _errno = e.args[0] if _errno == errno.EADDRINUSE: log.info( 'Address in use when adding %s to multicast group, ' 'it is expected to happen on some systems', i, ) elif _errno == errno.EADDRNOTAVAIL: log.info( 'Address not available when adding %s to multicast ' 'group, it is expected to happen on some systems', i, ) continue elif _errno == errno.EINVAL: log.info( 'Interface of %s does not support multicast, ' 'it is expected in WSL', i ) continue else: raise respond_socket = new_socket() respond_socket.setsockopt( socket.IPPROTO_IP, socket.IP_MULTICAST_IF, socket.inet_aton(i)) self._respond_sockets.append(respond_socket) self.listeners = [] self.condition = threading.Condition() self.engine = Engine(self) self.listener = Listener(self) self.engine.add_reader(self.listener, self._listen_socket) @property def done(self): return self._GLOBAL_DONE def wait(self, timeout): """Calling thread waits for a given number of milliseconds or until notified.""" with self.condition: self.condition.wait(timeout) def notify_all(self): """Notifies all waiting threads""" with self.condition: self.condition.notify_all() def resolve_host(self, host, timeout=3.0): info = HostResolver(host) if info.request(self, timeout): return socket.inet_ntoa(info.address) return None def add_listener(self, listener): self.listeners.append(listener) self.notify_all() def remove_listener(self, listener): """Removes a listener.""" try: self.listeners.remove(listener) self.notify_all() except Exception as e: # pylint: disable=broad-except log.exception('Unknown error, possibly benign: %r', e) def update_record(self, now, rec): """Used to notify listeners of new information that has updated a record.""" for listener in self.listeners: listener.update_record(self, now, rec) self.notify_all() def handle_response(self, msg): """Deal with incoming response packets. All answers are held in the cache, and listeners are notified.""" now = time.time() for record in msg.answers: self.update_record(now, record) def send(self, out): """Sends an outgoing packet.""" packet = out.packet() log.debug('Sending %r (%d bytes) as %r...', out, len(packet), packet) for s in self._respond_sockets: if self._GLOBAL_DONE: return try: bytes_sent = s.sendto(packet, 0, (_MDNS_ADDR, _MDNS_PORT)) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except # on send errors, log the exception and keep going self.log_exception_warning() else: if bytes_sent != len(packet): self.log_warning_once( '!!! sent %d out of %d bytes to %r' % ( bytes_sent, len(packet), s)) def close(self): """Ends the background threads, and prevent this instance from servicing further queries.""" if not self._GLOBAL_DONE: self._GLOBAL_DONE = True # shutdown recv socket and thread self.engine.del_reader(self._listen_socket) self._listen_socket.close() self.engine.join() # shutdown the rest self.notify_all() for s in self._respond_sockets: s.close()