name: Publish Release on: release: types: [published] jobs: # THE LINT/TEST JOBS ARE COPIED FROM ci.yaml lint-clang-format: runs-on: ubuntu-latest # cpp lint job runs with esphome-lint docker image so that clang-format-* # doesn't have to be installed container: esphome/esphome-lint:latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # Cache platformio intermediary files (like libraries etc) # Note: platformio platform versions should be cached via the esphome-lint image - name: Cache Platformio uses: actions/cache@v1 with: path: .pio key: lint-cpp-pio-${{ hashFiles('platformio.ini') }} restore-keys: | lint-cpp-pio- # Set up the pio project so that the cpp checks know how files are compiled # (build flags, libraries etc) - name: Set up platformio environment run: pio init --ide atom - name: Run clang-format run: script/clang-format -i - name: Suggest changes run: script/ci-suggest-changes lint-clang-tidy: runs-on: ubuntu-latest # cpp lint job runs with esphome-lint docker image so that clang-format-* # doesn't have to be installed container: esphome/esphome-lint:latest # Split clang-tidy check into 4 jobs. Each one will check 1/4th of the .cpp files strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: split: [1, 2, 3, 4] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 # Cache platformio intermediary files (like libraries etc) # Note: platformio platform versions should be cached via the esphome-lint image - name: Cache Platformio uses: actions/cache@v1 with: path: .pio key: lint-cpp-pio-${{ hashFiles('platformio.ini') }} restore-keys: | lint-cpp-pio- # Set up the pio project so that the cpp checks know how files are compiled # (build flags, libraries etc) - name: Set up platformio environment run: pio init --ide atom - name: Register problem matchers run: | echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/clang-tidy.json" echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/gcc.json" - name: Run clang-tidy run: script/clang-tidy --all-headers --fix --split-num 4 --split-at ${{ matrix.split }} - name: Suggest changes run: script/ci-suggest-changes lint-python: # Don't use the esphome-lint docker image because it may contain outdated requirements. # This way, all dependencies are cached via the cache action. runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: '3.7' - name: Cache pip modules uses: actions/cache@v1 with: path: ~/.cache/pip key: esphome-pip-3.7-${{ hashFiles('') }} restore-keys: | esphome-pip-3.7- - name: Set up python environment run: script/setup - name: Register problem matchers run: | echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/ci-custom.json" echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/lint-python.json" echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/python.json" - name: Lint Custom run: script/ - name: Lint Python run: script/lint-python - name: Lint CODEOWNERS run: script/ --check test: runs-on: ubuntu-latest strategy: fail-fast: false matrix: test: - test1 - test2 - test3 - test4 steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: '3.7' - name: Cache pip modules uses: actions/cache@v1 with: path: ~/.cache/pip key: esphome-pip-3.7-${{ hashFiles('') }} restore-keys: | esphome-pip-3.7- # Use per test platformio cache because tests have different platform versions - name: Cache ~/.platformio uses: actions/cache@v1 with: path: ~/.platformio key: test-home-platformio-${{ matrix.test }}-${{ hashFiles('esphome/') }} restore-keys: | test-home-platformio-${{ matrix.test }}- - name: Set up environment run: script/setup - name: Register problem matchers run: | echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/gcc.json" echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/python.json" - run: esphome tests/${{ matrix.test }}.yaml compile pytest: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v2 with: python-version: '3.7' - name: Cache pip modules uses: actions/cache@v1 with: path: ~/.cache/pip key: esphome-pip-3.7-${{ hashFiles('') }} restore-keys: | esphome-pip-3.7- - name: Set up environment run: script/setup - name: Install Github Actions annotator run: pip install pytest-github-actions-annotate-failures - name: Register problem matchers run: | echo "::add-matcher::.github/workflows/matchers/python.json" - name: Run pytest run: | pytest \ -qq \ --durations=10 \ -o console_output_style=count \ tests deploy-pypi: name: Build and publish to PyPi if: github.repository == 'esphome/esphome' needs: [lint-clang-format, lint-clang-tidy, lint-python, test, pytest] runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set up Python uses: actions/setup-python@v1 with: python-version: '3.x' - name: Set up python environment run: | script/setup pip install setuptools wheel twine - name: Build run: python sdist bdist_wheel - name: Upload env: TWINE_USERNAME: __token__ TWINE_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.PYPI_TOKEN }} run: twine upload dist/* deploy-docker: name: Build and publish docker containers if: github.repository == 'esphome/esphome' runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: [lint-clang-format, lint-clang-tidy, lint-python, test, pytest] strategy: matrix: arch: [amd64, armv7, aarch64] build_type: ["hassio", "docker"] steps: - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Set TAG run: | TAG="${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/v}" echo "TAG=${TAG}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Set up env variables run: | base_version="2.6.0" if [[ "${{ matrix.build_type }}" == "hassio" ]]; then build_from="esphome/esphome-hassio-base-${{ matrix.arch }}:${base_version}" build_to="esphome/esphome-hassio-${{ matrix.arch }}" dockerfile="docker/Dockerfile.hassio" else build_from="esphome/esphome-base-${{ matrix.arch }}:${base_version}" build_to="esphome/esphome-${{ matrix.arch }}" dockerfile="docker/Dockerfile" fi if [[ "${{ github.event.release.prerelease }}" == "true" ]]; then cache_tag="beta" else cache_tag="latest" fi # Set env variables so these values don't need to be calculated again echo "BUILD_FROM=${build_from}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "BUILD_TO=${build_to}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "DOCKERFILE=${dockerfile}" >> $GITHUB_ENV echo "CACHE_TAG=${cache_tag}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Pull for cache run: | docker pull "${BUILD_TO}:${CACHE_TAG}" || true - name: Register QEMU binfmt run: docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static:5.0.0-2 --reset -p yes - run: | docker build \ --build-arg "BUILD_FROM=${BUILD_FROM}" \ --build-arg "BUILD_VERSION=${TAG}" \ --tag "${BUILD_TO}:${TAG}" \ --cache-from "${BUILD_TO}:${CACHE_TAG}" \ --file "${DOCKERFILE}" \ . - name: Log in to docker hub env: DOCKER_USER: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USER }} DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} run: docker login -u "${DOCKER_USER}" -p "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" - run: docker push "${BUILD_TO}:${TAG}" # Always publish to beta tag (also full releases) - name: Publish docker beta tag run: | docker tag "${BUILD_TO}:${TAG}" "${BUILD_TO}:beta" docker push "${BUILD_TO}:beta" - if: ${{ !github.event.release.prerelease }} name: Publish docker latest tag run: | docker tag "${BUILD_TO}:${TAG}" "${BUILD_TO}:latest" docker push "${BUILD_TO}:latest" deploy-docker-manifest: if: github.repository == 'esphome/esphome' runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: [deploy-docker] steps: - name: Enable experimental manifest support run: | mkdir -p ~/.docker echo "{\"experimental\": \"enabled\"}" > ~/.docker/config.json - name: Set TAG run: | TAG="${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/v}" echo "TAG=${TAG}" >> $GITHUB_ENV - name: Log in to docker hub env: DOCKER_USER: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_USER }} DOCKER_PASSWORD: ${{ secrets.DOCKER_PASSWORD }} run: docker login -u "${DOCKER_USER}" -p "${DOCKER_PASSWORD}" - name: "Create the manifest" run: | docker manifest create esphome/esphome:${TAG} \ esphome/esphome-aarch64:${TAG} \ esphome/esphome-amd64:${TAG} \ esphome/esphome-armv7:${TAG} docker manifest push esphome/esphome:${TAG} - name: Publish docker beta tag run: | docker manifest create esphome/esphome:beta \ esphome/esphome-aarch64:${TAG} \ esphome/esphome-amd64:${TAG} \ esphome/esphome-armv7:${TAG} docker manifest push esphome/esphome:beta - name: Publish docker latest tag if: ${{ !github.event.release.prerelease }} run: | docker manifest create esphome/esphome:latest \ esphome/esphome-aarch64:${TAG} \ esphome/esphome-amd64:${TAG} \ esphome/esphome-armv7:${TAG} docker manifest push esphome/esphome:latest deploy-hassio-repo: if: github.repository == 'esphome/esphome' runs-on: ubuntu-latest needs: [deploy-docker] steps: - env: TOKEN: ${{ secrets.DEPLOY_HASSIO_TOKEN }} run: | TAG="${GITHUB_REF#refs/tags/v}" curl \ -u ":$TOKEN" \ -X POST \ -H "Accept: application/vnd.github.v3+json" \ \ -d "{\"ref\":\"master\",\"inputs\":{\"version\":\"$TAG\"}}"