--- esphome: name: $devicename platform: ESP32 board: nodemcu-32s build_path: build/test2 globals: - id: my_global_string type: std::string restore_value: yes max_restore_data_length: 70 initial_value: '"DefaultValue"' substitutions: devicename: test2 ethernet: type: LAN8720 mdc_pin: GPIO23 mdio_pin: GPIO25 clk_mode: GPIO0_IN phy_addr: 0 power_pin: GPIO25 manual_ip: static_ip: gateway: subnet: domain: .local network: enable_ipv6: true mdns: disabled: true api: i2c: sda: 21 scl: 22 scan: false spi: clk_pin: GPIO21 mosi_pin: GPIO22 miso_pin: GPIO23 uart: tx_pin: GPIO22 rx_pin: GPIO23 baud_rate: 115200 # Specifically added for testing debug with no after: definition. debug: dummy_receiver: false direction: rx sequence: - lambda: UARTDebug::log_hex(direction, bytes, ':'); ota: safe_mode: true port: 3286 num_attempts: 15 logger: level: DEBUG debug: deep_sleep: run_duration: default: 20s gpio_wakeup_reason: 10s touch_wakeup_reason: 15s sleep_duration: 50s wakeup_pin: GPIO2 wakeup_pin_mode: INVERT_WAKEUP as3935_i2c: irq_pin: GPIO12 mcp3008: - id: mcp3008_hub cs_pin: GPIO12 output: - platform: ac_dimmer id: dimmer1 gate_pin: GPIO5 zero_cross_pin: GPIO12 sensor: - platform: homeassistant entity_id: sensor.hello_world id: ha_hello_world - platform: homeassistant entity_id: climate.living_room attribute: temperature id: ha_hello_world_temperature - platform: ble_rssi mac_address: AC:37:43:77:5F:4C name: BLE Google Home Mini RSSI value - platform: ble_rssi service_uuid: 11aa name: BLE Test Service 16 - platform: ble_rssi service_uuid: "11223344" name: BLE Test Service 32 - platform: ble_rssi service_uuid: 11223344-5566-7788-99aa-bbccddeeff00 name: BLE Test Service 128 - platform: ble_rssi service_uuid: 11223344-5566-7788-99aa-bbccddeeff00 name: BLE Test iBeacon UUID - platform: b_parasite mac_address: F0:CA:F0:CA:01:01 humidity: name: b-parasite Air Humidity temperature: name: b-parasite Air Temperature moisture: name: b-parasite Soil Moisture battery_voltage: name: b-parasite Battery Voltage illuminance: name: b-parasite Illuminance - platform: senseair id: senseair0 co2: name: SenseAir CO2 Value on_value: then: - senseair.background_calibration: senseair0 - senseair.background_calibration_result: senseair0 - senseair.abc_get_period: senseair0 - senseair.abc_enable: senseair0 - senseair.abc_disable: senseair0 update_interval: 15s - platform: ruuvitag mac_address: FF:56:D3:2F:7D:E8 humidity: name: RuuviTag Humidity temperature: name: RuuviTag Temperature pressure: name: RuuviTag Pressure acceleration_x: name: RuuviTag Acceleration X acceleration_y: name: RuuviTag Acceleration Y acceleration_z: name: RuuviTag Acceleration Z battery_voltage: name: RuuviTag Battery Voltage tx_power: name: RuuviTag TX Power movement_counter: name: RuuviTag Movement Counter measurement_sequence_number: name: RuuviTag Measurement Sequence Number - platform: as3935 lightning_energy: name: Lightning Energy distance: name: Distance Storm - platform: xiaomi_hhccjcy01 mac_address: 94:2B:FF:5C:91:61 temperature: name: Xiaomi HHCCJCY01 Temperature moisture: name: Xiaomi HHCCJCY01 Moisture illuminance: name: Xiaomi HHCCJCY01 Illuminance conductivity: name: Xiaomi HHCCJCY01 Soil Conductivity battery_level: name: Xiaomi HHCCJCY01 Battery Level - platform: xiaomi_lywsdcgq mac_address: 7A:80:8E:19:36:BA temperature: name: Xiaomi LYWSDCGQ Temperature humidity: name: Xiaomi LYWSDCGQ Humidity battery_level: name: Xiaomi LYWSDCGQ Battery Level - platform: xiaomi_lywsd02 mac_address: 3F:5B:7D:82:58:4E temperature: name: Xiaomi LYWSD02 Temperature humidity: name: Xiaomi LYWSD02 Humidity battery_level: name: Xiaomi LYWSD02 Battery Level - platform: xiaomi_cgg1 mac_address: 7A:80:8E:19:36:BA temperature: name: Xiaomi CGG1 Temperature humidity: name: Xiaomi CGG1 Humidity battery_level: name: Xiaomi CGG1 Battery Level - platform: xiaomi_gcls002 mac_address: 94:2B:FF:5C:91:61 temperature: name: GCLS02 Temperature moisture: name: GCLS02 Moisture conductivity: name: GCLS02 Soil Conductivity illuminance: name: GCLS02 Illuminance - platform: xiaomi_hhccpot002 mac_address: 94:2B:FF:5C:91:61 moisture: name: HHCCPOT002 Moisture conductivity: name: HHCCPOT002 Soil Conductivity - platform: xiaomi_lywsd03mmc mac_address: A4:C1:38:4E:16:78 bindkey: e9efaa6873f9f9c87a5e75a5f814801c temperature: name: Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC Temperature humidity: name: Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC Humidity battery_level: name: Xiaomi LYWSD03MMC Battery Level - platform: xiaomi_cgd1 mac_address: A4:C1:38:D1:61:7D bindkey: c99d2313182473b38001086febf781bd temperature: name: Xiaomi CGD1 Temperature humidity: name: Xiaomi CGD1 Humidity battery_level: name: Xiaomi CGD1 Battery Level - platform: xiaomi_jqjcy01ym mac_address: 7A:80:8E:19:36:BA temperature: name: JQJCY01YM Temperature humidity: name: JQJCY01YM Humidity formaldehyde: name: JQJCY01YM Formaldehyde battery_level: name: JQJCY01YM Battery Level - platform: xiaomi_mhoc303 mac_address: E7:50:59:32:A0:1C temperature: name: MHO-C303 Temperature humidity: name: MHO-C303 Humidity battery_level: name: MHO-C303 Battery Level - platform: atc_mithermometer mac_address: A4:C1:38:4E:16:78 temperature: name: ATC Temperature humidity: name: ATC Humidity battery_level: name: ATC Battery-Level battery_voltage: name: ATC Battery-Voltage - platform: pvvx_mithermometer mac_address: A4:C1:38:4E:16:78 temperature: name: PVVX Temperature humidity: name: PVVX Humidity battery_level: name: PVVX Battery-Level battery_voltage: name: PVVX Battery-Voltage - platform: inkbird_ibsth1_mini mac_address: 38:81:D7:0A:9C:11 temperature: name: Inkbird IBS-TH1 Temperature humidity: name: Inkbird IBS-TH1 Humidity battery_level: name: Inkbird IBS-TH1 Battery Level - platform: xiaomi_rtcgq02lm id: motion_rtcgq02lm battery_level: name: Mi Motion Sensor 2 Battery level - platform: ltr390 uv: name: LTR390 UV uv_index: name: LTR390 UVI light: name: LTR390 Light ambient_light: name: LTR390 ALS gain: X3 resolution: 18 window_correction_factor: 1.0 address: 0x53 update_interval: 60s - platform: sgp4x voc: name: VOC Index id: sgp40_voc_index algorithm_tuning: index_offset: 100 learning_time_offset_hours: 12 learning_time_gain_hours: 12 gating_max_duration_minutes: 180 std_initial: 50 gain_factor: 230 nox: name: NOx algorithm_tuning: index_offset: 100 learning_time_offset_hours: 12 learning_time_gain_hours: 12 gating_max_duration_minutes: 180 std_initial: 50 gain_factor: 230 update_interval: 5s - platform: mcp3008 update_interval: 5s mcp3008_id: mcp3008_hub id: freezer_temp_source reference_voltage: 3.19 number: 0 - id: airthingswp platform: airthings_wave_plus ble_client_id: airthings01 update_interval: 5min battery_update_interval: 12h temperature: name: Wave Plus Temperature radon: name: Wave Plus Radon radon_long_term: name: Wave Plus Radon Long Term pressure: name: Wave Plus Pressure humidity: name: Wave Plus Humidity co2: name: Wave Plus CO2 tvoc: name: Wave Plus VOC battery_voltage: name: Wave Plus Battery Voltage - id: airthingswm platform: airthings_wave_mini ble_client_id: airthingsmini01 update_interval: 5min battery_update_interval: 12h temperature: name: Wave Mini Temperature humidity: name: Wave Mini Humidity pressure: name: Wave Mini Pressure tvoc: name: Wave Mini VOC battery_voltage: name: Wave Mini Battery Voltage - platform: ina260 address: 0x40 current: name: INA260 Current power: name: INA260 Power bus_voltage: name: INA260 Voltage update_interval: 60s - platform: radon_eye_rd200 ble_client_id: radon_eye_ble_id update_interval: 10min radon: name: RD200 Radon radon_long_term: name: RD200 Radon Long Term - platform: mopeka_pro_check mac_address: D3:75:F2:DC:16:91 tank_type: CUSTOM custom_distance_full: 40cm custom_distance_empty: 10mm temperature: name: Propane test temp level: name: Propane test level distance: name: Propane test distance battery_level: name: Propane test battery level - platform: ufire_ec id: ufire_ec_board ec: name: Ufire EC temperature_sensor: ha_hello_world_temperature temperature_compensation: 20.0 temperature_coefficient: 0.019 - platform: ufire_ise id: ufire_ise_board temperature_sensor: ha_hello_world_temperature ph: name: Ufire pH - platform: mics_4514 update_interval: 60s nitrogen_dioxide: name: MICS-4514 NO2 carbon_monoxide: name: MICS-4514 CO methane: name: MICS-4514 CH4 hydrogen: name: MICS-4514 H2 ethanol: name: MICS-4514 C2H5OH ammonia: name: MICS-4514 NH3 - platform: mopeka_std_check mac_address: D3:75:F2:DC:16:91 tank_type: CUSTOM custom_distance_full: 40cm custom_distance_empty: 10mm temperature: name: Propane test temp level: name: Propane test level distance: name: Propane test distance battery_level: name: Propane test battery level - platform: duty_time id: duty_time1 name: Test Duty Time restore: true last_time: name: Test Last Duty Time Sensor sensor: ha_hello_world_binary - platform: duty_time id: duty_time2 name: Test Duty Time 2 restore: false lambda: "return true;" time: - platform: homeassistant on_time: - at: "16:00:00" then: - logger.log: It's 16:00 - if: condition: - sensor.duty_time.is_running: duty_time2 then: - sensor.duty_time.start: duty_time1 - if: condition: - sensor.duty_time.is_not_running: duty_time1 then: - sensor.duty_time.stop: duty_time2 - sensor.duty_time.reset: duty_time1 esp32_touch: setup_mode: true binary_sensor: - platform: homeassistant entity_id: binary_sensor.hello_world id: ha_hello_world_binary - platform: homeassistant entity_id: binary_sensor.hello attribute: world id: ha_hello_world_binary_attribute - platform: ble_presence mac_address: AC:37:43:77:5F:4C name: ESP32 BLE Tracker Google Home Mini - platform: ble_presence service_uuid: 11aa name: BLE Test Service 16 Presence - platform: ble_presence service_uuid: "11223344" name: BLE Test Service 32 Presence - platform: ble_presence service_uuid: 11223344-5566-7788-99aa-bbccddeeff00 name: BLE Test Service 128 Presence - platform: ble_presence ibeacon_uuid: 11223344-5566-7788-99aa-bbccddeeff00 ibeacon_major: 100 ibeacon_minor: 1 name: BLE Test iBeacon Presence - platform: esp32_touch name: ESP32 Touch Pad GPIO27 pin: GPIO27 threshold: 1000 - platform: as3935 name: Storm Alert - platform: xiaomi_mue4094rt name: MUE4094RT Motion mac_address: 7A:80:8E:19:36:BA timeout: 5s - platform: xiaomi_mjyd02yla name: MJYD02YL-A Motion mac_address: 50:EC:50:CD:32:02 bindkey: 48403ebe2d385db8d0c187f81e62cb64 idle_time: name: MJYD02YL-A Idle Time light: name: MJYD02YL-A Light Status battery_level: name: MJYD02YL-A Battery Level - platform: xiaomi_wx08zm name: WX08ZM Activation State mac_address: 74:a3:4a:b5:07:34 tablet: name: WX08ZM Tablet Resource battery_level: name: WX08ZM Battery Level - platform: xiaomi_cgpr1 name: CGPR1 Motion mac_address: "12:34:56:12:34:56" bindkey: 48403ebe2d385db8d0c187f81e62cb64 battery_level: name: CGPR1 battery Level idle_time: name: CGPR1 Idle Time illuminance: name: CGPR1 Illuminance - platform: xiaomi_rtcgq02lm id: motion_rtcgq02lm motion: name: Mi Motion Sensor 2 light: name: Mi Motion Sensor 2 Light button: name: Mi Motion Sensor 2 Button - platform: gpio id: gpio_set_retry_test pin: GPIO9 on_press: then: - lambda: |- App.scheduler.set_retry(id(gpio_set_retry_test), "set_retry_test", 100, 3, [](const uint8_t remaining) { return remaining ? RetryResult::RETRY : RetryResult::DONE; // just to reference both symbols }, 5.0f); esp32_ble_tracker: on_ble_advertise: - mac_address: - AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF - FF:EE:DD:CC:BB:AA then: # yamllint disable rule:line-length - lambda: !lambda |- ESP_LOGD("main", "The device address (%s) exists in list", x.address_str().c_str()); # yamllint enable rule:line-length - mac_address: AC:37:43:77:5F:4C then: # yamllint disable rule:line-length - lambda: !lambda |- ESP_LOGD("main", "The device address is %s", x.address_str().c_str()); # yamllint enable rule:line-length - then: # yamllint disable rule:line-length - lambda: !lambda |- ESP_LOGD("main", "The device address is %s", x.address_str().c_str()); # yamllint enable rule:line-length on_ble_service_data_advertise: - service_uuid: ABCD then: - lambda: !lambda |- ESP_LOGD("main", "Length of service data is %i", x.size()); on_ble_manufacturer_data_advertise: - manufacturer_id: ABCD then: - lambda: !lambda |- ESP_LOGD("main", "Length of manufacturer data is %i", x.size()); ble_client: - mac_address: 01:02:03:04:05:06 id: airthings01 - mac_address: 01:02:03:04:05:06 id: airthingsmini01 - mac_address: 01:02:03:04:05:06 id: radon_eye_ble_id airthings_ble: radon_eye_ble: ruuvi_ble: xiaomi_ble: mopeka_ble: bluetooth_proxy: active: true xiaomi_rtcgq02lm: - id: motion_rtcgq02lm mac_address: 01:02:03:04:05:06 bindkey: "48403ebe2d385db8d0c187f81e62cb64" status_led: pin: GPIO2 text_sensor: - platform: version name: ESPHome Version icon: mdi:icon id: version_sensor on_value: - if: condition: - api.connected: then: # yamllint disable rule:line-length - lambda: !lambda |- ESP_LOGD("main", "The state is %s=%s", x.c_str(), id(version_sensor).state.c_str()); # yamllint enable rule:line-length - script.execute: my_script - script.execute: id: my_script_with_params prefix: Running my_script_with_params param2: 100 param3: true - script.execute: id: my_script_with_params prefix: Running my_script_with_params using lambda parameters param2: !lambda return 200; param3: !lambda return true; - homeassistant.service: service: notify.html5 data: title: New Humidity data_template: message: The humidity is {{ my_variable }}%. variables: my_variable: |- return id(version_sensor).state; my_variable_str: |- return "Hello World"; - homeassistant.service: service: light.turn_on data: entity_id: light.my_light - homeassistant.tag_scanned: tag: 1234-abcd - homeassistant.tag_scanned: 1234-abcd - deep_sleep.enter: sleep_duration: 30min - deep_sleep.enter: sleep_duration: !lambda "return 30 * 60 * 1000;" - platform: template name: Template Text Sensor lambda: |- return {"Hello World"}; filters: - to_upper: - to_lower: - append: xyz - prepend: abcd - substitute: - Hello -> Goodbye - map: - red -> green - lambda: 'return {"1234"};' - platform: homeassistant entity_id: sensor.hello_world2 id: ha_hello_world2 - platform: homeassistant entity_id: sensor.hello_world3 id: ha_hello_world3 attribute: some_attribute - platform: ble_scanner name: Scanner script: - id: my_script mode: single then: - lambda: 'ESP_LOGD("main", "Hello World!");' - id: my_script_queued mode: queued max_runs: 2 then: - lambda: 'ESP_LOGD("main", "Hello World!");' - id: my_script_parallel mode: parallel max_runs: 2 then: - lambda: 'ESP_LOGD("main", "Hello World!");' - id: my_script_restart mode: restart then: - lambda: 'ESP_LOGD("main", "Hello World!");' - id: my_script_with_params parameters: prefix: string param2: int param3: bool then: - lambda: 'ESP_LOGD("main", (prefix + " Hello World!" + to_string(param2) + " " + to_string(param3)).c_str());' stepper: - platform: uln2003 id: my_stepper pin_a: GPIO23 pin_b: GPIO27 pin_c: GPIO25 pin_d: GPIO26 sleep_when_done: false step_mode: HALF_STEP max_speed: 250 steps/s # Optional: acceleration: inf deceleration: inf interval: interval: 5s startup_delay: 10s then: - logger.log: Interval Run display: - platform: st7789v model: LILYGO_T-EMBED_170X320 spi_mode: mode0 height: 320 width: 170 offset_height: 35 offset_width: 0 dc_pin: GPIO13 reset_pin: GPIO9 image: - id: binary_image file: pnglogo.png type: BINARY dither: FloydSteinberg - id: transparent_transparent_image file: pnglogo.png type: TRANSPARENT_BINARY - id: rgba_image file: pnglogo.png type: RGBA resize: 50x50 - id: rgb24_image file: pnglogo.png type: RGB24 use_transparency: yes - id: rgb565_image file: pnglogo.png type: RGB565 use_transparency: no - id: web_svg_image file: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/esphome/esphome-docs/a62d7ab193c1a464ed791670170c7d518189109b/images/logo.svg resize: 256x48 type: TRANSPARENT_BINARY - id: web_tiff_image file: https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b6/SIPI_Jelly_Beans_4.1.07.tiff type: RGB24 resize: 48x48 - id: web_redirect_image file: https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/3060199?s=48&v=4 type: RGB24 resize: 48x48 - id: mdi_alert file: mdi:alert-circle-outline resize: 50x50 - id: another_alert_icon file: mdi:alert-outline type: BINARY font: - file: "gfonts://Roboto" id: roboto size: 20 graph: - id: my_graph sensor: ha_hello_world_temperature duration: 1h width: 100 height: 100 cap1188: id: cap1188_component address: 0x29 touch_threshold: 0x20 allow_multiple_touches: true reset_pin: 14 switch: - platform: template name: Test BLE Write Action turn_on_action: - ble_client.ble_write: id: airthings01 service_uuid: F61E3BE9-2826-A81B-970A-4D4DECFABBAE characteristic_uuid: 6490FAFE-0734-732C-8705-91B653A081FC value: [0x01, 0xab, 0xff] - ble_client.ble_write: id: airthings01 service_uuid: F61E3BE9-2826-A81B-970A-4D4DECFABBAE characteristic_uuid: 6490FAFE-0734-732C-8705-91B653A081FC value: !lambda |- return {0x13, 0x37}; esp32_ble_server: id: ble manufacturer_data: [0x72, 0x4, 0x00, 0x23] text: - platform: template name: My Text id: my_text min_length: 0 max_length: 20 mode: text pattern: "[a-z]+" optimistic: true restore_value: true initial_value: "Hello World" - platform: copy name: My Text Copy id: my_text_copy source_id: my_text mode: password