import logging import os from string import ascii_letters, digits import esphome.codegen as cg import esphome.config_validation as cv from esphome.const import ( CONF_BOARD, CONF_FRAMEWORK, CONF_SOURCE, CONF_VERSION, KEY_CORE, KEY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION, KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK, KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM, ) from esphome.core import CORE, coroutine_with_priority, EsphomeError from esphome.helpers import mkdir_p, write_file import esphome.platformio_api as api from .const import KEY_BOARD, KEY_PIO_FILES, KEY_RP2040, rp2040_ns # force import gpio to register pin schema from .gpio import rp2040_pin_to_code # noqa _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CODEOWNERS = ["@jesserockz"] AUTO_LOAD = [] def set_core_data(config):[KEY_RP2040] = {}[KEY_CORE][KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM] = "rp2040"[KEY_CORE][KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK] = "arduino"[KEY_CORE][KEY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION] = cv.Version.parse( config[CONF_FRAMEWORK][CONF_VERSION] )[KEY_RP2040][KEY_BOARD] = config[CONF_BOARD][KEY_RP2040][KEY_PIO_FILES] = {} return config def _format_framework_arduino_version(ver: cv.Version) -> str: # The most recent releases have not been uploaded to platformio so grabbing them directly from # the GitHub release is one path forward for now. return f"{ver}/rp2040-{ver}.zip" # format the given arduino ( version to # a PIO earlephilhower/framework-arduinopico value # List of package versions: # return f"~1.{ver.major}{ver.minor:02d}{ver.patch:02d}.0" # NOTE: Keep this in mind when updating the recommended version: # * The new version needs to be thoroughly validated before changing the # recommended version as otherwise a bunch of devices could be bricked # * For all constants below, update platformio.ini (in this repo) # and platformio.ini/platformio-lint.ini in the esphome-docker-base repository # The default/recommended arduino framework version # - # - RECOMMENDED_ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_VERSION = cv.Version(2, 6, 4) # The platformio/raspberrypi version to use for arduino frameworks # - # - ARDUINO_PLATFORM_VERSION = cv.Version(1, 7, 0) def _arduino_check_versions(value): value = value.copy() lookups = { "dev": (cv.Version(2, 6, 4), ""), "latest": (cv.Version(2, 6, 4), None), "recommended": (RECOMMENDED_ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_VERSION, None), } if value[CONF_VERSION] in lookups: if CONF_SOURCE in value: raise cv.Invalid( "Framework version needs to be explicitly specified when custom source is used." ) version, source = lookups[value[CONF_VERSION]] else: version = cv.Version.parse(cv.version_number(value[CONF_VERSION])) source = value.get(CONF_SOURCE, None) value[CONF_VERSION] = str(version) value[CONF_SOURCE] = source or _format_framework_arduino_version(version) value[CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION] = value.get( CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION, _parse_platform_version(str(ARDUINO_PLATFORM_VERSION)) ) if version != RECOMMENDED_ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_VERSION: _LOGGER.warning( "The selected Arduino framework version is not the recommended one." ) return value def _parse_platform_version(value): try: # if platform version is a valid version constraint, prefix the default package cv.platformio_version_constraint(value) return f"platformio/raspberrypi@{value}" except cv.Invalid: return value CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION = "platform_version" ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_SCHEMA = cv.All( cv.Schema( { cv.Optional(CONF_VERSION, default="recommended"): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_SOURCE): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION): _parse_platform_version, } ), _arduino_check_versions, ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.All( cv.Schema( { cv.Required(CONF_BOARD): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_FRAMEWORK, default={}): ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_SCHEMA, } ), set_core_data, ) @coroutine_with_priority(1000) async def to_code(config): cg.add(rp2040_ns.setup_preferences()) cg.add_platformio_option("board", config[CONF_BOARD]) cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_RP2040") cg.add_define("ESPHOME_BOARD", config[CONF_BOARD]) cg.add_define("ESPHOME_VARIANT", "RP2040") conf = config[CONF_FRAMEWORK] cg.add_platformio_option("framework", "arduino") cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_ARDUINO") cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_RP2040_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO") # cg.add_build_flag("-DPICO_BOARD=pico_w") cg.add_platformio_option("platform", conf[CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION]) cg.add_platformio_option( "platform_packages", [ f"earlephilhower/framework-arduinopico@{conf[CONF_SOURCE]}", "earlephilhower/tool-pioasm-rp2040-earlephilhower", ], ) cg.add_platformio_option("board_build.core", "earlephilhower") cg.add_platformio_option("board_build.filesystem_size", "1m") ver: cv.Version =[KEY_CORE][KEY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION] cg.add_define( "USE_ARDUINO_VERSION_CODE", cg.RawExpression(f"VERSION_CODE({ver.major}, {ver.minor}, {ver.patch})"), ) def add_pio_file(component: str, key: str, data: str): try: cv.validate_id_name(key) except cv.Invalid as e: raise EsphomeError( f"[{component}] Invalid PIO key: {key}. Allowed characters: [{ascii_letters}{digits}_]\nPlease report an issue" ) from e[KEY_RP2040][KEY_PIO_FILES][key] = data def generate_pio_files() -> bool: import shutil shutil.rmtree(CORE.relative_build_path("src/pio"), ignore_errors=True) includes: list[str] = [] files =[KEY_RP2040][KEY_PIO_FILES] if not files: return False for key, data in files.items(): pio_path = CORE.relative_build_path(f"src/pio/{key}.pio") mkdir_p(os.path.dirname(pio_path)) write_file(pio_path, data)"Assembling PIO assembly code") retval = api.run_platformio_cli( "pkg", "exec", "--package", "earlephilhower/tool-pioasm-rp2040-earlephilhower", "--", "pioasm", pio_path, pio_path + ".h", ) includes.append(f"pio/{key}.pio.h") if retval != 0: raise EsphomeError("PIO assembly failed") write_file( CORE.relative_build_path("src/pio_includes.h"), "#pragma once\n" + "\n".join([f'#include "{include}"' for include in includes]), ) return True # Called by def copy_files() -> bool: return generate_pio_files()