#ifdef USE_DATETIME #include #endif #include "helpers.h" #include "time.h" // NOLINT namespace esphome { bool is_leap_year(uint32_t year) { return (year % 4) == 0 && ((year % 100) != 0 || (year % 400) == 0); } uint8_t days_in_month(uint8_t month, uint16_t year) { static const uint8_t DAYS_IN_MONTH[] = {0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31}; uint8_t days = DAYS_IN_MONTH[month]; if (month == 2 && is_leap_year(year)) return 29; return days; } size_t ESPTime::strftime(char *buffer, size_t buffer_len, const char *format) { struct tm c_tm = this->to_c_tm(); return ::strftime(buffer, buffer_len, format, &c_tm); } ESPTime ESPTime::from_c_tm(struct tm *c_tm, time_t c_time) { ESPTime res{}; res.second = uint8_t(c_tm->tm_sec); res.minute = uint8_t(c_tm->tm_min); res.hour = uint8_t(c_tm->tm_hour); res.day_of_week = uint8_t(c_tm->tm_wday + 1); res.day_of_month = uint8_t(c_tm->tm_mday); res.day_of_year = uint16_t(c_tm->tm_yday + 1); res.month = uint8_t(c_tm->tm_mon + 1); res.year = uint16_t(c_tm->tm_year + 1900); res.is_dst = bool(c_tm->tm_isdst); res.timestamp = c_time; return res; } struct tm ESPTime::to_c_tm() { struct tm c_tm {}; c_tm.tm_sec = this->second; c_tm.tm_min = this->minute; c_tm.tm_hour = this->hour; c_tm.tm_mday = this->day_of_month; c_tm.tm_mon = this->month - 1; c_tm.tm_year = this->year - 1900; c_tm.tm_wday = this->day_of_week - 1; c_tm.tm_yday = this->day_of_year - 1; c_tm.tm_isdst = this->is_dst; return c_tm; } std::string ESPTime::strftime(const std::string &format) { std::string timestr; timestr.resize(format.size() * 4); struct tm c_tm = this->to_c_tm(); size_t len = ::strftime(×tr[0], timestr.size(), format.c_str(), &c_tm); while (len == 0) { if (timestr.size() >= 128) { // strftime has failed for reasons unrelated to the size of the buffer // so return a formatting error return "ERROR"; } timestr.resize(timestr.size() * 2); len = ::strftime(×tr[0], timestr.size(), format.c_str(), &c_tm); } timestr.resize(len); return timestr; } #ifdef USE_DATETIME bool ESPTime::strptime(const std::string &time_to_parse, ESPTime &esp_time) { // clang-format off std::regex dt_regex(R"(^ ( (\d{4})-(\d{1,2})-(\d{1,2}) (?:\s(?=.+)) )? ( (\d{1,2}):(\d{2}) (?::(\d{2}))? )? $)"); // clang-format on std::smatch match; if (std::regex_match(time_to_parse, match, dt_regex) == 0) return false; if (match[1].matched) { // Has date parts esp_time.year = parse_number(match[2].str()).value_or(0); esp_time.month = parse_number(match[3].str()).value_or(0); esp_time.day_of_month = parse_number(match[4].str()).value_or(0); } if (match[5].matched) { // Has time parts esp_time.hour = parse_number(match[6].str()).value_or(0); esp_time.minute = parse_number(match[7].str()).value_or(0); if (match[8].matched) { esp_time.second = parse_number(match[8].str()).value_or(0); } else { esp_time.second = 0; } } return true; } #endif void ESPTime::increment_second() { this->timestamp++; if (!increment_time_value(this->second, 0, 60)) return; // second roll-over, increment minute if (!increment_time_value(this->minute, 0, 60)) return; // minute roll-over, increment hour if (!increment_time_value(this->hour, 0, 24)) return; // hour roll-over, increment day increment_time_value(this->day_of_week, 1, 8); if (increment_time_value(this->day_of_month, 1, days_in_month(this->month, this->year) + 1)) { // day of month roll-over, increment month increment_time_value(this->month, 1, 13); } uint16_t days_in_year = (this->year % 4 == 0) ? 366 : 365; if (increment_time_value(this->day_of_year, 1, days_in_year + 1)) { // day of year roll-over, increment year this->year++; } } void ESPTime::increment_day() { this->timestamp += 86400; // increment day increment_time_value(this->day_of_week, 1, 8); if (increment_time_value(this->day_of_month, 1, days_in_month(this->month, this->year) + 1)) { // day of month roll-over, increment month increment_time_value(this->month, 1, 13); } uint16_t days_in_year = (this->year % 4 == 0) ? 366 : 365; if (increment_time_value(this->day_of_year, 1, days_in_year + 1)) { // day of year roll-over, increment year this->year++; } } void ESPTime::recalc_timestamp_utc(bool use_day_of_year) { time_t res = 0; if (!this->fields_in_range()) { this->timestamp = -1; return; } for (int i = 1970; i < this->year; i++) res += is_leap_year(i) ? 366 : 365; if (use_day_of_year) { res += this->day_of_year - 1; } else { for (int i = 1; i < this->month; i++) res += days_in_month(i, this->year); res += this->day_of_month - 1; } res *= 24; res += this->hour; res *= 60; res += this->minute; res *= 60; res += this->second; this->timestamp = res; } int32_t ESPTime::timezone_offset() { int32_t offset = 0; time_t now = ::time(nullptr); auto local = ESPTime::from_epoch_local(now); auto utc = ESPTime::from_epoch_utc(now); bool negative = utc.hour > local.hour && local.day_of_year <= utc.day_of_year; if (utc.minute > local.minute) { local.minute += 60; local.hour -= 1; } offset += (local.minute - utc.minute) * 60; if (negative) { offset -= (utc.hour - local.hour) * 3600; } else { if (utc.hour > local.hour) { local.hour += 24; } offset += (local.hour - utc.hour) * 3600; } return offset; } bool ESPTime::operator<(ESPTime other) { return this->timestamp < other.timestamp; } bool ESPTime::operator<=(ESPTime other) { return this->timestamp <= other.timestamp; } bool ESPTime::operator==(ESPTime other) { return this->timestamp == other.timestamp; } bool ESPTime::operator>=(ESPTime other) { return this->timestamp >= other.timestamp; } bool ESPTime::operator>(ESPTime other) { return this->timestamp > other.timestamp; } template bool increment_time_value(T ¤t, uint16_t begin, uint16_t end) { current++; if (current >= end) { current = begin; return true; } return false; } } // namespace esphome