esphomeyaml: name: cabinet platform: ESP32 board: nodemcu-32s logger: level: verbose wifi: ssid: '[SSID]' password: '[PASSWORD]' manual_ip: static_ip: gateway: subnet: ota: mqtt: broker: username: cabinet password: '[PASSWORD]' # This is the default discovery: true power_supply: - id: 'atx' pin: number: 13 inverted: true i2c: sda: 14 scl: 27 frequency: 400000 pca9685: - id: 'pca9685' frequency: 500 output: - platform: pca9685 pca9685_id: 'pca9685' id: 'cabinet1_red' channel: 14 power_supply: 'atx' - platform: pca9685 pca9685_id: 'pca9685' id: 'cabinet1_green' channel: 15 power_supply: 'atx' - platform: pca9685 pca9685_id: 'pca9685' id: 'cabinet1_blue' channel: 13 power_supply: 'atx' - platform: pca9685 pca9685_id: 'pca9685' id: 'cabinet2_red' channel: 11 power_supply: 'atx' - platform: pca9685 pca9685_id: 'pca9685' id: 'cabinet2_green' channel: 12 power_supply: 'atx' - platform: pca9685 pca9685_id: 'pca9685' id: 'cabinet2_blue' channel: 10 power_supply: 'atx' - platform: pca9685 pca9685_id: 'pca9685' id: 'room_red' channel: 8 power_supply: 'atx' - platform: pca9685 pca9685_id: 'pca9685' id: 'room_green' channel: 9 power_supply: 'atx' - platform: pca9685 pca9685_id: 'pca9685' id: 'room_blue' channel: 7 power_supply: 'atx' light: - platform: rgb name: 'Cabinet Light 1' red: 'cabinet1_red' green: 'cabinet1_green' blue: 'cabinet1_blue' - platform: rgb name: 'Cabinet Light 2' red: 'cabinet2_red' green: 'cabinet2_green' blue: 'cabinet2_blue' - platform: rgb name: 'Room Light' red: 'room_red' green: 'room_green' blue: 'room_blue' sensor: - platform: dht pin: 23 temperature: name: 'Cabinet Temperature' humidity: name: 'Cabinet Humidity' model: DHT22 binary_sensor: - platform: gpio pin: 25 name: 'Cabinet Motion' device_class: motion # Simple binary sensor that uses last will and birth messages to show # node state - platform: status name: "Cabinet Status" switch: # Simple switch that restarts the ESP32 - platform: restart name: "Cabinet Restart"