#include "st7567_i2c.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" namespace esphome { namespace st7567_i2c { static const char *const TAG = "st7567_i2c"; void I2CST7567::setup() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting up I2C ST7567 display..."); this->init_reset_(); auto err = this->write(nullptr, 0); if (err != i2c::ERROR_OK) { this->error_code_ = COMMUNICATION_FAILED; this->mark_failed(); return; } ST7567::setup(); } void I2CST7567::dump_config() { LOG_DISPLAY("", "I2CST7567", this); LOG_I2C_DEVICE(this); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Model: %s", this->model_str_()); LOG_PIN(" Reset Pin: ", this->reset_pin_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Mirror X: %s", YESNO(this->mirror_x_)); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Mirror Y: %s", YESNO(this->mirror_y_)); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Invert Colors: %s", YESNO(this->invert_colors_)); LOG_UPDATE_INTERVAL(this); if (this->error_code_ == COMMUNICATION_FAILED) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Communication with I2C ST7567 failed!"); } } void I2CST7567::command(uint8_t value) { this->write_byte(0x00, value); } void HOT I2CST7567::write_display_data() { // ST7567A has built-in RAM with 132x65 bit capacity which stores the display data. // but only first 128 pixels from each line are shown on screen // if screen got flipped horizontally then it shows last 128 pixels, // so we need to write x coordinate starting from column 4, not column 0 this->command(esphome::st7567_base::ST7567_SET_START_LINE + this->start_line_); for (uint8_t y = 0; y < (uint8_t) this->get_height_internal() / 8; y++) { this->command(esphome::st7567_base::ST7567_PAGE_ADDR + y); // Set Page this->command(esphome::st7567_base::ST7567_COL_ADDR_H); // Set MSB Column address this->command(esphome::st7567_base::ST7567_COL_ADDR_L + this->get_offset_x_()); // Set LSB Column address static const size_t BLOCK_SIZE = 64; for (uint8_t x = 0; x < (uint8_t) this->get_width_internal(); x += BLOCK_SIZE) { this->write_register(esphome::st7567_base::ST7567_SET_START_LINE, &buffer_[y * this->get_width_internal() + x], this->get_width_internal() - x > BLOCK_SIZE ? BLOCK_SIZE : this->get_width_internal() - x, true); } } } } // namespace st7567_i2c } // namespace esphome