import json import logging from os.path import ( dirname, isfile, join, ) import esphome.codegen as cg import esphome.config_validation as cv from esphome.const import ( CONF_BOARD, CONF_COMPONENT_ID, CONF_DEBUG, CONF_FAMILY, CONF_FRAMEWORK, CONF_ID, CONF_NAME, CONF_OPTIONS, CONF_PROJECT, CONF_SOURCE, CONF_VERSION, KEY_CORE, KEY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION, KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK, KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM, __version__, ) from esphome.core import CORE from . import gpio # noqa from .const import ( CONF_GPIO_RECOVER, CONF_LOGLEVEL, CONF_SDK_SILENT, CONF_UART_PORT, FAMILIES, FAMILY_COMPONENT, FAMILY_FRIENDLY, KEY_BOARD, KEY_COMPONENT, KEY_COMPONENT_DATA, KEY_FAMILY, KEY_LIBRETINY, LT_DEBUG_MODULES, LT_LOGLEVELS, LibreTinyComponent, LTComponent, ) _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) CODEOWNERS = ["@kuba2k2"] AUTO_LOAD = [] def _detect_variant(value): if KEY_LIBRETINY not in raise cv.Invalid("Family component didn't populate core data properly!") component: LibreTinyComponent =[KEY_LIBRETINY][KEY_COMPONENT_DATA] board = value[CONF_BOARD] # read board-default family if not specified if board not in component.boards: if CONF_FAMILY not in value: raise cv.Invalid( "This board is unknown, if you are sure you want to compile with this board selection, " f"override with option '{CONF_FAMILY}'", path=[CONF_BOARD], ) _LOGGER.warning( "This board is unknown. Make sure the chosen chip component is correct.", ) else: family = component.boards[board][KEY_FAMILY] if CONF_FAMILY in value and family != value[CONF_FAMILY]: raise cv.Invalid( f"Option '{CONF_FAMILY}' does not match selected board.", path=[CONF_FAMILY], ) value = value.copy() value[CONF_FAMILY] = family # read component name matching this family value[CONF_COMPONENT_ID] = FAMILY_COMPONENT[value[CONF_FAMILY]] # make sure the chosen component matches the family if value[CONF_COMPONENT_ID] != raise cv.Invalid( f"The chosen family doesn't belong to '{}' component. The correct component is '{value[CONF_COMPONENT_ID]}'", path=[CONF_FAMILY], ) return value def _update_core_data(config):[KEY_CORE][KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM] = config[CONF_COMPONENT_ID][KEY_CORE][KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK] = "arduino"[KEY_CORE][KEY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION] = cv.Version.parse( config[CONF_FRAMEWORK][CONF_VERSION] )[KEY_LIBRETINY][KEY_BOARD] = config[CONF_BOARD][KEY_LIBRETINY][KEY_COMPONENT] = config[CONF_COMPONENT_ID][KEY_LIBRETINY][KEY_FAMILY] = config[CONF_FAMILY] return config def get_libretiny_component(core_obj=None): return (core_obj or CORE).data[KEY_LIBRETINY][KEY_COMPONENT] def get_libretiny_family(core_obj=None): return (core_obj or CORE).data[KEY_LIBRETINY][KEY_FAMILY] def only_on_family(*, supported=None, unsupported=None): """Config validator for features only available on some LibreTiny families.""" if supported is not None and not isinstance(supported, list): supported = [supported] if unsupported is not None and not isinstance(unsupported, list): unsupported = [unsupported] def validator_(obj): family = get_libretiny_family() if supported is not None and family not in supported: raise cv.Invalid( f"This feature is only available on {', '.join(supported)}" ) if unsupported is not None and family in unsupported: raise cv.Invalid( f"This feature is not available on {', '.join(unsupported)}" ) return obj return validator_ def get_download_types(storage_json=None): types = [ { "title": "UF2 package (recommended)", "description": "For flashing via web_server OTA or with ltchiptool (UART)", "file": "firmware.uf2", "download": f"{}.uf2", }, ] build_dir = dirname(storage_json.firmware_bin_path) outputs = join(build_dir, "firmware.json") if not isfile(outputs): return types with open(outputs, encoding="utf-8") as f: outputs = json.load(f) for output in outputs: if not output["public"]: continue suffix = output["filename"].partition(".")[2] suffix = f"-{suffix}" if "." in suffix else f".{suffix}" types.append( { "title": output["title"], "description": output["description"], "file": output["filename"], "download": + suffix, } ) return types def _notify_old_style(config): if config: raise cv.Invalid( "The LibreTiny component is now split between supported chip families.\n" "Migrate your config file to include a chip-based configuration, " "instead of the 'libretiny:' block.\n" "For example 'bk72xx:' or 'rtl87xx:'." ) return config # NOTE: Keep this in mind when updating the recommended version: # * For all constants below, update platformio.ini (in this repo) ARDUINO_VERSIONS = { "dev": (cv.Version(0, 0, 0), ""), "latest": (cv.Version(0, 0, 0), None), "recommended": (cv.Version(1, 5, 1), None), } def _check_framework_version(value): value = value.copy() if value[CONF_VERSION] in ARDUINO_VERSIONS: if CONF_SOURCE in value: raise cv.Invalid( "Framework version needs to be explicitly specified when custom source is used." ) version, source = ARDUINO_VERSIONS[value[CONF_VERSION]] else: version = cv.Version.parse(cv.version_number(value[CONF_VERSION])) source = value.get(CONF_SOURCE, None) value[CONF_VERSION] = str(version) value[CONF_SOURCE] = source return value def _check_debug_order(value): debug = value[CONF_DEBUG] if "NONE" in debug and "NONE" in debug[1:]: raise cv.Invalid( "'none' has to be specified before other modules, and only once", path=[CONF_DEBUG], ) return value FRAMEWORK_SCHEMA = cv.All( cv.Schema( { cv.Optional(CONF_VERSION, default="recommended"): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_SOURCE): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_LOGLEVEL, default="warn"): ( cv.one_of(*LT_LOGLEVELS, upper=True) ), cv.Optional(CONF_DEBUG, default=[]): cv.ensure_list( cv.one_of("NONE", *LT_DEBUG_MODULES, upper=True) ), cv.Optional(CONF_SDK_SILENT, default="all"): ( cv.one_of("all", "auto", "none", lower=True) ), cv.Optional(CONF_UART_PORT): cv.one_of(0, 1, 2, int=True), cv.Optional(CONF_GPIO_RECOVER, default=True): cv.boolean, cv.Optional(CONF_OPTIONS, default={}): { cv.string_strict: cv.string, }, } ), _check_framework_version, _check_debug_order, ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.All(_notify_old_style) BASE_SCHEMA = cv.Schema( { cv.GenerateID(): cv.declare_id(LTComponent), cv.Required(CONF_BOARD): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_FAMILY): cv.one_of(*FAMILIES, upper=True), cv.Optional(CONF_FRAMEWORK, default={}): FRAMEWORK_SCHEMA, }, ) BASE_SCHEMA.add_extra(_detect_variant) BASE_SCHEMA.add_extra(_update_core_data) # pylint: disable=use-dict-literal async def component_to_code(config): var = cg.new_Pvariable(config[CONF_ID]) # setup board config cg.add_platformio_option("board", config[CONF_BOARD]) cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_LIBRETINY") cg.add_build_flag(f"-DUSE_{config[CONF_COMPONENT_ID].upper()}") cg.add_build_flag(f"-DUSE_LIBRETINY_VARIANT_{config[CONF_FAMILY]}") cg.add_define("ESPHOME_BOARD", config[CONF_BOARD]) cg.add_define("ESPHOME_VARIANT", FAMILY_FRIENDLY[config[CONF_FAMILY]]) # force using arduino framework cg.add_platformio_option("framework", "arduino") cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_ARDUINO") # disable library compatibility checks cg.add_platformio_option("lib_ldf_mode", "off") # include in every file cg.add_platformio_option("build_src_flags", "-include Arduino.h") # dummy version code cg.add_define("USE_ARDUINO_VERSION_CODE", cg.RawExpression("VERSION_CODE(0, 0, 0)")) # decrease web server stack size (16k words -> 4k words) cg.add_build_flag("-DCONFIG_ASYNC_TCP_STACK_SIZE=4096") # build framework version # if platform version is a valid version constraint, prefix the default package framework = config[CONF_FRAMEWORK] cv.platformio_version_constraint(framework[CONF_VERSION]) if str(framework[CONF_VERSION]) != "0.0.0": cg.add_platformio_option("platform", f"libretiny @ {framework[CONF_VERSION]}") elif framework[CONF_SOURCE]: cg.add_platformio_option("platform", framework[CONF_SOURCE]) else: cg.add_platformio_option("platform", "libretiny") # apply LibreTiny options from framework: block # setup LT logger to work nicely with ESPHome logger lt_options = dict( LT_LOGLEVEL="LT_LEVEL_" + framework[CONF_LOGLEVEL], LT_LOGGER_CALLER=0, LT_LOGGER_TASK=0, LT_LOGGER_COLOR=1, LT_USE_TIME=1, ) # enable/disable per-module debugging for module in framework[CONF_DEBUG]: if module == "NONE": # disable all modules for module in LT_DEBUG_MODULES: lt_options[f"LT_DEBUG_{module}"] = 0 else: # enable one module lt_options[f"LT_DEBUG_{module}"] = 1 # set SDK silencing mode if framework[CONF_SDK_SILENT] == "all": lt_options["LT_UART_SILENT_ENABLED"] = 1 lt_options["LT_UART_SILENT_ALL"] = 1 elif framework[CONF_SDK_SILENT] == "auto": lt_options["LT_UART_SILENT_ENABLED"] = 1 lt_options["LT_UART_SILENT_ALL"] = 0 else: lt_options["LT_UART_SILENT_ENABLED"] = 0 lt_options["LT_UART_SILENT_ALL"] = 0 # set default UART port if (uart_port := framework.get(CONF_UART_PORT, None)) is not None: lt_options["LT_UART_DEFAULT_PORT"] = uart_port # add custom options lt_options.update(framework[CONF_OPTIONS]) # apply ESPHome options from framework: block cg.add_define("LT_GPIO_RECOVER", int(framework[CONF_GPIO_RECOVER])) # build PlatformIO compiler flags for name, value in sorted(lt_options.items()): cg.add_build_flag(f"-D{name}={value}") # custom output firmware name and version if CONF_PROJECT in config: cg.add_platformio_option( "custom_fw_name", "esphome." + config[CONF_PROJECT][CONF_NAME] ) cg.add_platformio_option( "custom_fw_version", config[CONF_PROJECT][CONF_VERSION] ) else: cg.add_platformio_option("custom_fw_name", "esphome") cg.add_platformio_option("custom_fw_version", __version__) await cg.register_component(var, config)