import logging import os from esphome.const import ( CONF_BOARD, CONF_BOARD_FLASH_MODE, CONF_FRAMEWORK, CONF_SOURCE, CONF_VERSION, KEY_CORE, KEY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION, KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK, KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM, PLATFORM_ESP8266, ) from esphome.core import CORE, coroutine_with_priority import esphome.config_validation as cv import esphome.codegen as cg from esphome.helpers import copy_file_if_changed from .const import ( CONF_RESTORE_FROM_FLASH, CONF_EARLY_PIN_INIT, KEY_BOARD, KEY_ESP8266, KEY_FLASH_SIZE, KEY_PIN_INITIAL_STATES, esp8266_ns, ) from .boards import BOARDS, ESP8266_LD_SCRIPTS from .gpio import PinInitialState, add_pin_initial_states_array CODEOWNERS = ["@esphome/core"] _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) AUTO_LOAD = ["preferences"] def set_core_data(config):[KEY_ESP8266] = {}[KEY_CORE][KEY_TARGET_PLATFORM] = PLATFORM_ESP8266[KEY_CORE][KEY_TARGET_FRAMEWORK] = "arduino"[KEY_CORE][KEY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION] = cv.Version.parse( config[CONF_FRAMEWORK][CONF_VERSION] )[KEY_ESP8266][KEY_BOARD] = config[CONF_BOARD][KEY_ESP8266][KEY_PIN_INITIAL_STATES] = [ PinInitialState() for _ in range(16) ] return config def get_download_types(storage_json): return [ { "title": "Standard format", "description": "For flashing ESP8266.", "file": "firmware.bin", "download": f"{}.bin", }, ] def _format_framework_arduino_version(ver: cv.Version) -> str: # format the given arduino ( version to # a PIO platformio/framework-arduinoespressif8266 value # List of package versions: if ver <= cv.Version(2, 4, 1): return f"~1.{ver.major}{ver.minor:02d}{ver.patch:02d}.0" if ver <= cv.Version(2, 6, 2): return f"~2.{ver.major}{ver.minor:02d}{ver.patch:02d}.0" return f"~3.{ver.major}{ver.minor:02d}{ver.patch:02d}.0" # NOTE: Keep this in mind when updating the recommended version: # * New framework historically have had some regressions, especially for WiFi. # The new version needs to be thoroughly validated before changing the # recommended version as otherwise a bunch of devices could be bricked # * For all constants below, update platformio.ini (in this repo) # and platformio.ini/platformio-lint.ini in the esphome-docker-base repository # The default/recommended arduino framework version # - # - RECOMMENDED_ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_VERSION = cv.Version(3, 1, 2) # The platformio/espressif8266 version to use for arduino 2 framework versions # - # - ARDUINO_2_PLATFORM_VERSION = cv.Version(2, 6, 3) # for arduino 3 framework versions ARDUINO_3_PLATFORM_VERSION = cv.Version(3, 2, 0) # for arduino 4 framework versions ARDUINO_4_PLATFORM_VERSION = cv.Version(4, 2, 1) def _arduino_check_versions(value): value = value.copy() lookups = { "dev": (cv.Version(3, 1, 2), ""), "latest": (cv.Version(3, 1, 2), None), "recommended": (RECOMMENDED_ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_VERSION, None), } if value[CONF_VERSION] in lookups: if CONF_SOURCE in value: raise cv.Invalid( "Framework version needs to be explicitly specified when custom source is used." ) version, source = lookups[value[CONF_VERSION]] else: version = cv.Version.parse(cv.version_number(value[CONF_VERSION])) source = value.get(CONF_SOURCE, None) value[CONF_VERSION] = str(version) value[CONF_SOURCE] = source or _format_framework_arduino_version(version) platform_version = value.get(CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION) if platform_version is None: if version >= cv.Version(3, 1, 0): platform_version = _parse_platform_version(str(ARDUINO_4_PLATFORM_VERSION)) elif version >= cv.Version(3, 0, 0): platform_version = _parse_platform_version(str(ARDUINO_3_PLATFORM_VERSION)) elif version >= cv.Version(2, 5, 0): platform_version = _parse_platform_version(str(ARDUINO_2_PLATFORM_VERSION)) else: platform_version = _parse_platform_version(str(cv.Version(1, 8, 0))) value[CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION] = platform_version if version != RECOMMENDED_ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_VERSION: _LOGGER.warning( "The selected Arduino framework version is not the recommended one. " "If there are connectivity or build issues please remove the manual version." ) return value def _parse_platform_version(value): try: # if platform version is a valid version constraint, prefix the default package cv.platformio_version_constraint(value) return f"platformio/espressif8266@{value}" except cv.Invalid: return value CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION = "platform_version" ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_SCHEMA = cv.All( cv.Schema( { cv.Optional(CONF_VERSION, default="recommended"): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_SOURCE): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION): _parse_platform_version, } ), _arduino_check_versions, ) BUILD_FLASH_MODES = ["qio", "qout", "dio", "dout"] CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.All( cv.Schema( { cv.Required(CONF_BOARD): cv.string_strict, cv.Optional(CONF_FRAMEWORK, default={}): ARDUINO_FRAMEWORK_SCHEMA, cv.Optional(CONF_RESTORE_FROM_FLASH, default=False): cv.boolean, cv.Optional(CONF_EARLY_PIN_INIT, default=True): cv.boolean, cv.Optional(CONF_BOARD_FLASH_MODE, default="dout"): cv.one_of( *BUILD_FLASH_MODES, lower=True ), } ), set_core_data, ) @coroutine_with_priority(1000) async def to_code(config): cg.add(esp8266_ns.setup_preferences()) cg.add_platformio_option("lib_ldf_mode", "off") cg.add_platformio_option("board", config[CONF_BOARD]) cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_ESP8266") cg.add_define("ESPHOME_BOARD", config[CONF_BOARD]) cg.add_define("ESPHOME_VARIANT", "ESP8266") cg.add_platformio_option("extra_scripts", [""]) conf = config[CONF_FRAMEWORK] cg.add_platformio_option("framework", "arduino") cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_ARDUINO") cg.add_build_flag("-DUSE_ESP8266_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO") cg.add_build_flag("-Wno-nonnull-compare") cg.add_platformio_option("platform", conf[CONF_PLATFORM_VERSION]) cg.add_platformio_option( "platform_packages", [f"platformio/framework-arduinoespressif8266@{conf[CONF_SOURCE]}"], ) # Default for platformio is LWIP2_LOW_MEMORY with: # - MSS=536 # - LWIP_FEATURES enabled # - this only adds some optional features like IP incoming packet reassembly and NAPT # see also: # # Instead we use LWIP2_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH_LOW_FLASH with: # - MSS=1460 # - LWIP_FEATURES disabled (because we don't need them) # Other projects like Tasmota & ESPEasy also use this cg.add_build_flag("-DPIO_FRAMEWORK_ARDUINO_LWIP2_HIGHER_BANDWIDTH_LOW_FLASH") if config[CONF_RESTORE_FROM_FLASH]: cg.add_define("USE_ESP8266_PREFERENCES_FLASH") if config[CONF_EARLY_PIN_INIT]: cg.add_define("USE_ESP8266_EARLY_PIN_INIT") # Arduino 2 has a non-standards conformant new that returns a nullptr instead of failing when # out of memory and exceptions are disabled. Since Arduino 2.6.0, this flag can be used to make # new abort instead. Use it so that OOM fails early (on allocation) instead of on dereference of # a NULL pointer (so the stacktrace makes more sense), and for consistency with Arduino 3, # which always aborts if exceptions are disabled. # For cases where nullptrs can be handled, use nothrow: `new (std::nothrow) T;` cg.add_build_flag("-DNEW_OOM_ABORT") cg.add_platformio_option("board_build.flash_mode", config[CONF_BOARD_FLASH_MODE]) ver: cv.Version =[KEY_CORE][KEY_FRAMEWORK_VERSION] cg.add_define( "USE_ARDUINO_VERSION_CODE", cg.RawExpression(f"VERSION_CODE({ver.major}, {ver.minor}, {ver.patch})"), ) if config[CONF_BOARD] in BOARDS: flash_size = BOARDS[config[CONF_BOARD]][KEY_FLASH_SIZE] ld_scripts = ESP8266_LD_SCRIPTS[flash_size] if ver <= cv.Version(2, 3, 0): # No ld script support ld_script = None if ver <= cv.Version(2, 4, 2): # Old ld script path ld_script = ld_scripts[0] else: ld_script = ld_scripts[1] if ld_script is not None: cg.add_platformio_option("board_build.ldscript", ld_script) CORE.add_job(add_pin_initial_states_array) # Called by def copy_files(): dir = os.path.dirname(__file__) post_build_file = os.path.join(dir, "") copy_file_if_changed( post_build_file, CORE.relative_build_path(""), )