#ifdef USE_ESP32 #include "esp32_ble_tracker.h" #include "esphome/core/application.h" #include "esphome/core/defines.h" #include "esphome/core/hal.h" #include "esphome/core/helpers.h" #include "esphome/core/log.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef USE_OTA #include "esphome/components/ota/ota_component.h" #endif #ifdef USE_ARDUINO #include #endif // bt_trace.h #undef TAG namespace esphome { namespace esp32_ble_tracker { static const char *const TAG = "esp32_ble_tracker"; ESP32BLETracker *global_esp32_ble_tracker = nullptr; // NOLINT(cppcoreguidelines-avoid-non-const-global-variables) float ESP32BLETracker::get_setup_priority() const { return setup_priority::AFTER_BLUETOOTH; } void ESP32BLETracker::setup() { if (this->parent_->is_failed()) { this->mark_failed(); ESP_LOGE(TAG, "BLE Tracker was marked failed by ESP32BLE"); return; } ExternalRAMAllocator allocator( ExternalRAMAllocator::ALLOW_FAILURE); this->scan_result_buffer_ = allocator.allocate(ESP32BLETracker::SCAN_RESULT_BUFFER_SIZE); if (this->scan_result_buffer_ == nullptr) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Could not allocate buffer for BLE Tracker!"); this->mark_failed(); } global_esp32_ble_tracker = this; this->scan_result_lock_ = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); this->scan_end_lock_ = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); this->scanner_idle_ = true; #ifdef USE_OTA ota::global_ota_component->add_on_state_callback([this](ota::OTAState state, float progress, uint8_t error) { if (state == ota::OTA_STARTED) { this->stop_scan(); } }); #endif } void ESP32BLETracker::loop() { if (!this->parent_->is_active()) { this->ble_was_disabled_ = true; return; } else if (this->ble_was_disabled_) { this->ble_was_disabled_ = false; // If the BLE stack was disabled, we need to start the scan again. if (this->scan_continuous_) { this->start_scan(); } } int connecting = 0; int discovered = 0; int searching = 0; int disconnecting = 0; for (auto *client : this->clients_) { switch (client->state()) { case ClientState::DISCONNECTING: disconnecting++; break; case ClientState::DISCOVERED: discovered++; break; case ClientState::SEARCHING: searching++; break; case ClientState::CONNECTING: case ClientState::READY_TO_CONNECT: connecting++; break; default: break; } } bool promote_to_connecting = discovered && !searching && !connecting; if (!this->scanner_idle_) { if (this->scan_result_index_ && // if it looks like we have a scan result we will take the lock xSemaphoreTake(this->scan_result_lock_, 5L / portTICK_PERIOD_MS)) { uint32_t index = this->scan_result_index_; if (index >= ESP32BLETracker::SCAN_RESULT_BUFFER_SIZE) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Too many BLE events to process. Some devices may not show up."); } if (this->raw_advertisements_) { for (auto *listener : this->listeners_) { listener->parse_devices(this->scan_result_buffer_, this->scan_result_index_); } for (auto *client : this->clients_) { client->parse_devices(this->scan_result_buffer_, this->scan_result_index_); } } if (this->parse_advertisements_) { for (size_t i = 0; i < index; i++) { ESPBTDevice device; device.parse_scan_rst(this->scan_result_buffer_[i]); bool found = false; for (auto *listener : this->listeners_) { if (listener->parse_device(device)) found = true; } for (auto *client : this->clients_) { if (client->parse_device(device)) { found = true; if (!connecting && client->state() == ClientState::DISCOVERED) { promote_to_connecting = true; } } } if (!found && !this->scan_continuous_) { this->print_bt_device_info(device); } } } this->scan_result_index_ = 0; xSemaphoreGive(this->scan_result_lock_); } /* Avoid starting the scanner if: - we are already scanning - we are connecting to a device - we are disconnecting from a device Otherwise the scanner could fail to ever start again and our only way to recover is to reboot. https://github.com/espressif/esp-idf/issues/6688 */ if (!connecting && !disconnecting && xSemaphoreTake(this->scan_end_lock_, 0L)) { if (this->scan_continuous_) { if (!promote_to_connecting && !this->scan_start_failed_ && !this->scan_set_param_failed_) { this->start_scan_(false); } else { // We didn't start the scan, so we need to release the lock xSemaphoreGive(this->scan_end_lock_); } } else if (!this->scanner_idle_) { this->end_of_scan_(); return; } } if (this->scan_start_failed_ || this->scan_set_param_failed_) { if (this->scan_start_fail_count_ == 255) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "ESP-IDF BLE scan could not restart after 255 attempts, rebooting to restore BLE stack..."); App.reboot(); } if (xSemaphoreTake(this->scan_end_lock_, 0L)) { xSemaphoreGive(this->scan_end_lock_); } else { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Stopping scan after failure..."); this->stop_scan_(); } if (this->scan_start_failed_) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Scan start failed: %d", this->scan_start_failed_); this->scan_start_failed_ = ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } if (this->scan_set_param_failed_) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Scan set param failed: %d", this->scan_set_param_failed_); this->scan_set_param_failed_ = ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } } } // If there is a discovered client and no connecting // clients and no clients using the scanner to search for // devices, then stop scanning and promote the discovered // client to ready to connect. if (promote_to_connecting) { for (auto *client : this->clients_) { if (client->state() == ClientState::DISCOVERED) { if (xSemaphoreTake(this->scan_end_lock_, 0L)) { // Scanner is not running since we got the // lock, so we can promote the client. xSemaphoreGive(this->scan_end_lock_); // We only want to promote one client at a time. // once the scanner is fully stopped. client->set_state(ClientState::READY_TO_CONNECT); } else { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Pausing scan to make connection..."); this->stop_scan_(); } break; } } } } void ESP32BLETracker::start_scan() { if (xSemaphoreTake(this->scan_end_lock_, 0L)) { this->start_scan_(true); } else { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Scan requested when a scan is already in progress. Ignoring."); } } void ESP32BLETracker::stop_scan() { ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Stopping scan."); this->scan_continuous_ = false; this->stop_scan_(); } void ESP32BLETracker::ble_before_disabled_event_handler() { this->stop_scan_(); xSemaphoreGive(this->scan_end_lock_); } void ESP32BLETracker::stop_scan_() { this->cancel_timeout("scan"); if (this->scanner_idle_) { return; } esp_err_t err = esp_ble_gap_stop_scanning(); if (err != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_ble_gap_stop_scanning failed: %d", err); return; } } void ESP32BLETracker::start_scan_(bool first) { if (!this->parent_->is_active()) { ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Cannot start scan while ESP32BLE is disabled."); return; } // The lock must be held when calling this function. if (xSemaphoreTake(this->scan_end_lock_, 0L)) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "start_scan called without holding scan_end_lock_"); return; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Starting scan..."); if (!first) { for (auto *listener : this->listeners_) listener->on_scan_end(); } this->already_discovered_.clear(); this->scan_params_.scan_type = this->scan_active_ ? BLE_SCAN_TYPE_ACTIVE : BLE_SCAN_TYPE_PASSIVE; this->scan_params_.own_addr_type = BLE_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC; this->scan_params_.scan_filter_policy = BLE_SCAN_FILTER_ALLOW_ALL; this->scan_params_.scan_interval = this->scan_interval_; this->scan_params_.scan_window = this->scan_window_; esp_err_t err = esp_ble_gap_set_scan_params(&this->scan_params_); if (err != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_ble_gap_set_scan_params failed: %d", err); return; } err = esp_ble_gap_start_scanning(this->scan_duration_); if (err != ESP_OK) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "esp_ble_gap_start_scanning failed: %d", err); return; } this->scanner_idle_ = false; this->set_timeout("scan", this->scan_duration_ * 2000, []() { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "ESP-IDF BLE scan never terminated, rebooting to restore BLE stack..."); App.reboot(); }); } void ESP32BLETracker::end_of_scan_() { // The lock must be held when calling this function. if (xSemaphoreTake(this->scan_end_lock_, 0L)) { ESP_LOGE(TAG, "end_of_scan_ called without holding the scan_end_lock_"); return; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, "End of scan."); this->scanner_idle_ = true; this->already_discovered_.clear(); xSemaphoreGive(this->scan_end_lock_); this->cancel_timeout("scan"); for (auto *listener : this->listeners_) listener->on_scan_end(); } void ESP32BLETracker::register_client(ESPBTClient *client) { client->app_id = ++this->app_id_; this->clients_.push_back(client); this->recalculate_advertisement_parser_types(); } void ESP32BLETracker::register_listener(ESPBTDeviceListener *listener) { listener->set_parent(this); this->listeners_.push_back(listener); this->recalculate_advertisement_parser_types(); } void ESP32BLETracker::recalculate_advertisement_parser_types() { this->raw_advertisements_ = false; this->parse_advertisements_ = false; for (auto *listener : this->listeners_) { if (listener->get_advertisement_parser_type() == AdvertisementParserType::PARSED_ADVERTISEMENTS) { this->parse_advertisements_ = true; } else { this->raw_advertisements_ = true; } } for (auto *client : this->clients_) { if (client->get_advertisement_parser_type() == AdvertisementParserType::PARSED_ADVERTISEMENTS) { this->parse_advertisements_ = true; } else { this->raw_advertisements_ = true; } } } void ESP32BLETracker::gap_event_handler(esp_gap_ble_cb_event_t event, esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t *param) { switch (event) { case ESP_GAP_BLE_SCAN_RESULT_EVT: this->gap_scan_result_(param->scan_rst); break; case ESP_GAP_BLE_SCAN_PARAM_SET_COMPLETE_EVT: this->gap_scan_set_param_complete_(param->scan_param_cmpl); break; case ESP_GAP_BLE_SCAN_START_COMPLETE_EVT: this->gap_scan_start_complete_(param->scan_start_cmpl); break; case ESP_GAP_BLE_SCAN_STOP_COMPLETE_EVT: this->gap_scan_stop_complete_(param->scan_stop_cmpl); break; default: break; } for (auto *client : this->clients_) { client->gap_event_handler(event, param); } } void ESP32BLETracker::gap_scan_set_param_complete_(const esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t::ble_scan_param_cmpl_evt_param ¶m) { if (param.status == ESP_BT_STATUS_DONE) { this->scan_set_param_failed_ = ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { this->scan_set_param_failed_ = param.status; } } void ESP32BLETracker::gap_scan_start_complete_(const esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t::ble_scan_start_cmpl_evt_param ¶m) { this->scan_start_failed_ = param.status; if (param.status == ESP_BT_STATUS_SUCCESS) { this->scan_start_fail_count_ = 0; } else { this->scan_start_fail_count_++; xSemaphoreGive(this->scan_end_lock_); } } void ESP32BLETracker::gap_scan_stop_complete_(const esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t::ble_scan_stop_cmpl_evt_param ¶m) { xSemaphoreGive(this->scan_end_lock_); } void ESP32BLETracker::gap_scan_result_(const esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t::ble_scan_result_evt_param ¶m) { if (param.search_evt == ESP_GAP_SEARCH_INQ_RES_EVT) { if (xSemaphoreTake(this->scan_result_lock_, 0L)) { if (this->scan_result_index_ < ESP32BLETracker::SCAN_RESULT_BUFFER_SIZE) { this->scan_result_buffer_[this->scan_result_index_++] = param; } xSemaphoreGive(this->scan_result_lock_); } } else if (param.search_evt == ESP_GAP_SEARCH_INQ_CMPL_EVT) { xSemaphoreGive(this->scan_end_lock_); } } void ESP32BLETracker::gattc_event_handler(esp_gattc_cb_event_t event, esp_gatt_if_t gattc_if, esp_ble_gattc_cb_param_t *param) { for (auto *client : this->clients_) { client->gattc_event_handler(event, gattc_if, param); } } ESPBLEiBeacon::ESPBLEiBeacon(const uint8_t *data) { memcpy(&this->beacon_data_, data, sizeof(beacon_data_)); } optional ESPBLEiBeacon::from_manufacturer_data(const ServiceData &data) { if (!data.uuid.contains(0x4C, 0x00)) return {}; if (data.data.size() != 23) return {}; return ESPBLEiBeacon(data.data.data()); } void ESPBTDevice::parse_scan_rst(const esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t::ble_scan_result_evt_param ¶m) { this->scan_result_ = param; for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ESP_BD_ADDR_LEN; i++) this->address_[i] = param.bda[i]; this->address_type_ = param.ble_addr_type; this->rssi_ = param.rssi; this->parse_adv_(param); #ifdef ESPHOME_LOG_HAS_VERY_VERBOSE ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "Parse Result:"); const char *address_type = ""; switch (this->address_type_) { case BLE_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC: address_type = "PUBLIC"; break; case BLE_ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM: address_type = "RANDOM"; break; case BLE_ADDR_TYPE_RPA_PUBLIC: address_type = "RPA_PUBLIC"; break; case BLE_ADDR_TYPE_RPA_RANDOM: address_type = "RPA_RANDOM"; break; } ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Address: %02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X (%s)", this->address_[0], this->address_[1], this->address_[2], this->address_[3], this->address_[4], this->address_[5], address_type); ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " RSSI: %d", this->rssi_); ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Name: '%s'", this->name_.c_str()); for (auto &it : this->tx_powers_) { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " TX Power: %d", it); } if (this->appearance_.has_value()) { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Appearance: %u", *this->appearance_); } if (this->ad_flag_.has_value()) { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Ad Flag: %u", *this->ad_flag_); } for (auto &uuid : this->service_uuids_) { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Service UUID: %s", uuid.to_string().c_str()); } for (auto &data : this->manufacturer_datas_) { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Manufacturer data: %s", format_hex_pretty(data.data).c_str()); if (this->get_ibeacon().has_value()) { auto ibeacon = this->get_ibeacon().value(); ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " iBeacon data:"); ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " UUID: %s", ibeacon.get_uuid().to_string().c_str()); ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Major: %u", ibeacon.get_major()); ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Minor: %u", ibeacon.get_minor()); ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " TXPower: %d", ibeacon.get_signal_power()); } } for (auto &data : this->service_datas_) { ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Service data:"); ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " UUID: %s", data.uuid.to_string().c_str()); ESP_LOGVV(TAG, " Data: %s", format_hex_pretty(data.data).c_str()); } ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "Adv data: %s", format_hex_pretty(param.ble_adv, param.adv_data_len + param.scan_rsp_len).c_str()); #endif } void ESPBTDevice::parse_adv_(const esp_ble_gap_cb_param_t::ble_scan_result_evt_param ¶m) { size_t offset = 0; const uint8_t *payload = param.ble_adv; uint8_t len = param.adv_data_len + param.scan_rsp_len; while (offset + 2 < len) { const uint8_t field_length = payload[offset++]; // First byte is length of adv record if (field_length == 0) { continue; // Possible zero padded advertisement data } // first byte of adv record is adv record type const uint8_t record_type = payload[offset++]; const uint8_t *record = &payload[offset]; const uint8_t record_length = field_length - 1; offset += record_length; // See also Generic Access Profile Assigned Numbers: // https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/assigned-numbers/generic-access-profile/ See also ADVERTISING AND SCAN // RESPONSE DATA FORMAT: https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/bluetooth-core-specification/ (vol 3, part C, 11) // See also Core Specification Supplement: https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/bluetooth-core-specification/ // (called CSS here) switch (record_type) { case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_NAME_SHORT: case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_NAME_CMPL: { // CSS 1.2 LOCAL NAME // "The Local Name data type shall be the same as, or a shortened version of, the local name assigned to the // device." CSS 1: Optional in this context; shall not appear more than once in a block. // SHORTENED LOCAL NAME // "The Shortened Local Name data type defines a shortened version of the Local Name data type. The Shortened // Local Name data type shall not be used to advertise a name that is longer than the Local Name data type." if (record_length > this->name_.length()) { this->name_ = std::string(reinterpret_cast(record), record_length); } break; } case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_TX_PWR: { // CSS 1.5 TX POWER LEVEL // "The TX Power Level data type indicates the transmitted power level of the packet containing the data type." // CSS 1: Optional in this context (may appear more than once in a block). this->tx_powers_.push_back(*payload); break; } case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_APPEARANCE: { // CSS 1.12 APPEARANCE // "The Appearance data type defines the external appearance of the device." // See also https://www.bluetooth.com/specifications/gatt/characteristics/ // CSS 1: Optional in this context; shall not appear more than once in a block and shall not appear in both // the AD and SRD of the same extended advertising interval. this->appearance_ = *reinterpret_cast(record); break; } case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_FLAG: { // CSS 1.3 FLAGS // "The Flags data type contains one bit Boolean flags. The Flags data type shall be included when any of the // Flag bits are non-zero and the advertising packet is connectable, otherwise the Flags data type may be // omitted." // CSS 1: Optional in this context; shall not appear more than once in a block. this->ad_flag_ = *record; break; } // CSS 1.1 SERVICE UUID // The Service UUID data type is used to include a list of Service or Service Class UUIDs. // There are six data types defined for the three sizes of Service UUIDs that may be returned: // CSS 1: Optional in this context (may appear more than once in a block). case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_16SRV_CMPL: case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_16SRV_PART: { // • 16-bit Bluetooth Service UUIDs for (uint8_t i = 0; i < record_length / 2; i++) { this->service_uuids_.push_back(ESPBTUUID::from_uint16(*reinterpret_cast(record + 2 * i))); } break; } case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_32SRV_CMPL: case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_32SRV_PART: { // • 32-bit Bluetooth Service UUIDs for (uint8_t i = 0; i < record_length / 4; i++) { this->service_uuids_.push_back(ESPBTUUID::from_uint32(*reinterpret_cast(record + 4 * i))); } break; } case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_128SRV_CMPL: case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_128SRV_PART: { // • Global 128-bit Service UUIDs this->service_uuids_.push_back(ESPBTUUID::from_raw(record)); break; } case ESP_BLE_AD_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_TYPE: { // CSS 1.4 MANUFACTURER SPECIFIC DATA // "The Manufacturer Specific data type is used for manufacturer specific data. The first two data octets shall // contain a company identifier from Assigned Numbers. The interpretation of any other octets within the data // shall be defined by the manufacturer specified by the company identifier." // CSS 1: Optional in this context (may appear more than once in a block). if (record_length < 2) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Record length too small for ESP_BLE_AD_MANUFACTURER_SPECIFIC_TYPE"); break; } ServiceData data{}; data.uuid = ESPBTUUID::from_uint16(*reinterpret_cast(record)); data.data.assign(record + 2UL, record + record_length); this->manufacturer_datas_.push_back(data); break; } // CSS 1.11 SERVICE DATA // "The Service Data data type consists of a service UUID with the data associated with that service." // CSS 1: Optional in this context (may appear more than once in a block). case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_SERVICE_DATA: { // «Service Data - 16 bit UUID» // Size: 2 or more octets // The first 2 octets contain the 16 bit Service UUID fol- lowed by additional service data if (record_length < 2) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Record length too small for ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_SERVICE_DATA"); break; } ServiceData data{}; data.uuid = ESPBTUUID::from_uint16(*reinterpret_cast(record)); data.data.assign(record + 2UL, record + record_length); this->service_datas_.push_back(data); break; } case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_32SERVICE_DATA: { // «Service Data - 32 bit UUID» // Size: 4 or more octets // The first 4 octets contain the 32 bit Service UUID fol- lowed by additional service data if (record_length < 4) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Record length too small for ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_32SERVICE_DATA"); break; } ServiceData data{}; data.uuid = ESPBTUUID::from_uint32(*reinterpret_cast(record)); data.data.assign(record + 4UL, record + record_length); this->service_datas_.push_back(data); break; } case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_128SERVICE_DATA: { // «Service Data - 128 bit UUID» // Size: 16 or more octets // The first 16 octets contain the 128 bit Service UUID followed by additional service data if (record_length < 16) { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Record length too small for ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_128SERVICE_DATA"); break; } ServiceData data{}; data.uuid = ESPBTUUID::from_raw(record); data.data.assign(record + 16UL, record + record_length); this->service_datas_.push_back(data); break; } case ESP_BLE_AD_TYPE_INT_RANGE: // Avoid logging this as it's very verbose break; default: { ESP_LOGV(TAG, "Unhandled type: advType: 0x%02x", record_type); break; } } } } std::string ESPBTDevice::address_str() const { char mac[24]; snprintf(mac, sizeof(mac), "%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X", this->address_[0], this->address_[1], this->address_[2], this->address_[3], this->address_[4], this->address_[5]); return mac; } uint64_t ESPBTDevice::address_uint64() const { return esp32_ble::ble_addr_to_uint64(this->address_); } void ESP32BLETracker::dump_config() { ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "BLE Tracker:"); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Scan Duration: %" PRIu32 " s", this->scan_duration_); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Scan Interval: %.1f ms", this->scan_interval_ * 0.625f); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Scan Window: %.1f ms", this->scan_window_ * 0.625f); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Scan Type: %s", this->scan_active_ ? "ACTIVE" : "PASSIVE"); ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, " Continuous Scanning: %s", this->scan_continuous_ ? "True" : "False"); } void ESP32BLETracker::print_bt_device_info(const ESPBTDevice &device) { const uint64_t address = device.address_uint64(); for (auto &disc : this->already_discovered_) { if (disc == address) return; } this->already_discovered_.push_back(address); ESP_LOGD(TAG, "Found device %s RSSI=%d", device.address_str().c_str(), device.get_rssi()); const char *address_type_s; switch (device.get_address_type()) { case BLE_ADDR_TYPE_PUBLIC: address_type_s = "PUBLIC"; break; case BLE_ADDR_TYPE_RANDOM: address_type_s = "RANDOM"; break; case BLE_ADDR_TYPE_RPA_PUBLIC: address_type_s = "RPA_PUBLIC"; break; case BLE_ADDR_TYPE_RPA_RANDOM: address_type_s = "RPA_RANDOM"; break; default: address_type_s = "UNKNOWN"; break; } ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Address Type: %s", address_type_s); if (!device.get_name().empty()) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, " Name: '%s'", device.get_name().c_str()); } for (auto &tx_power : device.get_tx_powers()) { ESP_LOGD(TAG, " TX Power: %d", tx_power); } } } // namespace esp32_ble_tracker } // namespace esphome #endif