import logging import io from pathlib import Path import re import requests from esphome import core from esphome.components import font import esphome.config_validation as cv import esphome.codegen as cg from esphome.const import ( CONF_DITHER, CONF_FILE, CONF_ICON, CONF_ID, CONF_PATH, CONF_RAW_DATA_ID, CONF_RESIZE, CONF_SOURCE, CONF_TYPE, ) from esphome.core import CORE, HexInt _LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__) DOMAIN = "image" DEPENDENCIES = ["display"] MULTI_CONF = True image_ns = cg.esphome_ns.namespace("image") ImageType = image_ns.enum("ImageType") IMAGE_TYPE = { "BINARY": ImageType.IMAGE_TYPE_BINARY, "TRANSPARENT_BINARY": ImageType.IMAGE_TYPE_BINARY, "GRAYSCALE": ImageType.IMAGE_TYPE_GRAYSCALE, "RGB565": ImageType.IMAGE_TYPE_RGB565, "RGB24": ImageType.IMAGE_TYPE_RGB24, "RGBA": ImageType.IMAGE_TYPE_RGBA, } CONF_USE_TRANSPARENCY = "use_transparency" # If the MDI file cannot be downloaded within this time, abort. MDI_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT = 30 # seconds SOURCE_LOCAL = "local" SOURCE_MDI = "mdi" Image_ = image_ns.class_("Image") def _compute_local_icon_path(value) -> Path: base_dir = Path(CORE.data_dir) / DOMAIN / "mdi" return base_dir / f"{value[CONF_ICON]}.svg" def download_mdi(value): mdi_id = value[CONF_ICON] path = _compute_local_icon_path(value) if path.is_file(): return value url = f"{mdi_id}.svg" _LOGGER.debug("Downloading %s MDI image from %s", mdi_id, url) try: req = requests.get(url, timeout=MDI_DOWNLOAD_TIMEOUT) req.raise_for_status() except requests.exceptions.RequestException as e: raise cv.Invalid(f"Could not download MDI image {mdi_id} from {url}: {e}") path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True) path.write_bytes(req.content) return value def validate_cairosvg_installed(value): """Validate that cairosvg is installed""" try: import cairosvg except ImportError as err: raise cv.Invalid( "Please install the cairosvg python package to use this feature. " "(pip install cairosvg)" ) from err major, minor, _ = cairosvg.__version__.split(".") if major < "2" or major == "2" and minor < "2": raise cv.Invalid( "Please update your cairosvg installation to at least 2.2.0. " "(pip install -U cairosvg)" ) return value def validate_cross_dependencies(config): """ Validate fields whose possible values depend on other fields. For example, validate that explicitly transparent image types have "use_transparency" set to True. Also set the default value for those kind of dependent fields. """ is_mdi = CONF_FILE in config and config[CONF_FILE][CONF_SOURCE] == SOURCE_MDI if CONF_TYPE not in config: if is_mdi: config[CONF_TYPE] = "TRANSPARENT_BINARY" else: config[CONF_TYPE] = "BINARY" image_type = config[CONF_TYPE] is_transparent_type = image_type in ["TRANSPARENT_BINARY", "RGBA"] # If the use_transparency option was not specified, set the default depending on the image type if CONF_USE_TRANSPARENCY not in config: config[CONF_USE_TRANSPARENCY] = is_transparent_type if is_transparent_type and not config[CONF_USE_TRANSPARENCY]: raise cv.Invalid(f"Image type {image_type} must always be transparent.") if is_mdi and config[CONF_TYPE] not in ["BINARY", "TRANSPARENT_BINARY"]: raise cv.Invalid("MDI images must be binary images.") return config def validate_file_shorthand(value): value = cv.string_strict(value) if value.startswith("mdi:"): validate_cairosvg_installed(value) match ="mdi:([a-zA-Z0-9\-]+)", value) if match is None: raise cv.Invalid("Could not parse mdi icon name.") icon = return FILE_SCHEMA( { CONF_SOURCE: SOURCE_MDI, CONF_ICON: icon, } ) return FILE_SCHEMA( { CONF_SOURCE: SOURCE_LOCAL, CONF_PATH: value, } ) LOCAL_SCHEMA = cv.Schema( { cv.Required(CONF_PATH): cv.file_, } ) MDI_SCHEMA = cv.All( { cv.Required(CONF_ICON): cv.string, }, download_mdi, ) TYPED_FILE_SCHEMA = cv.typed_schema( { SOURCE_LOCAL: LOCAL_SCHEMA, SOURCE_MDI: MDI_SCHEMA, }, key=CONF_SOURCE, ) def _file_schema(value): if isinstance(value, str): return validate_file_shorthand(value) return TYPED_FILE_SCHEMA(value) FILE_SCHEMA = cv.Schema(_file_schema) IMAGE_SCHEMA = cv.Schema( cv.All( { cv.Required(CONF_ID): cv.declare_id(Image_), cv.Required(CONF_FILE): FILE_SCHEMA, cv.Optional(CONF_RESIZE): cv.dimensions, # Not setting default here on purpose; the default depends on the source type # (file or mdi), and will be set in the "validate_cross_dependencies" validator. cv.Optional(CONF_TYPE): cv.enum(IMAGE_TYPE, upper=True), # Not setting default here on purpose; the default depends on the image type, # and thus will be set in the "validate_cross_dependencies" validator. cv.Optional(CONF_USE_TRANSPARENCY): cv.boolean, cv.Optional(CONF_DITHER, default="NONE"): cv.one_of( "NONE", "FLOYDSTEINBERG", upper=True ), cv.GenerateID(CONF_RAW_DATA_ID): cv.declare_id(cg.uint8), }, validate_cross_dependencies, ) ) CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.All(font.validate_pillow_installed, IMAGE_SCHEMA) def load_svg_image(file: str, resize: tuple[int, int]): from PIL import Image # This import is only needed in case of SVG images; adding it # to the top would force configurations not using SVG to also have it # installed for no reason. from cairosvg import svg2png if resize: req_width, req_height = resize svg_image = svg2png( url=file, output_width=req_width, output_height=req_height, ) else: svg_image = svg2png(url=file) return async def to_code(config): from PIL import Image conf_file = config[CONF_FILE] if conf_file[CONF_SOURCE] == SOURCE_LOCAL: path = CORE.relative_config_path(conf_file[CONF_PATH]) elif conf_file[CONF_SOURCE] == SOURCE_MDI: path = _compute_local_icon_path(conf_file).as_posix() try: resize = config.get(CONF_RESIZE) if path.lower().endswith(".svg"): image = load_svg_image(path, resize) else: image = if resize: image.thumbnail(resize) except Exception as e: raise core.EsphomeError(f"Could not load image file {path}: {e}") width, height = image.size if CONF_RESIZE not in config and (width > 500 or height > 500): _LOGGER.warning( 'The image "%s" you requested is very big. Please consider' " using the resize parameter.", path, ) transparent = config[CONF_USE_TRANSPARENCY] dither = Image.NONE if config[CONF_DITHER] == "NONE" else Image.FLOYDSTEINBERG if config[CONF_TYPE] == "GRAYSCALE": image = image.convert("LA", dither=dither) pixels = list(image.getdata()) data = [0 for _ in range(height * width)] pos = 0 for g, a in pixels: if transparent: if g == 1: g = 0 if a < 0x80: g = 1 data[pos] = g pos += 1 elif config[CONF_TYPE] == "RGBA": image = image.convert("RGBA") pixels = list(image.getdata()) data = [0 for _ in range(height * width * 4)] pos = 0 for r, g, b, a in pixels: data[pos] = r pos += 1 data[pos] = g pos += 1 data[pos] = b pos += 1 data[pos] = a pos += 1 elif config[CONF_TYPE] == "RGB24": image = image.convert("RGBA") pixels = list(image.getdata()) data = [0 for _ in range(height * width * 3)] pos = 0 for r, g, b, a in pixels: if transparent: if r == 0 and g == 0 and b == 1: b = 0 if a < 0x80: r = 0 g = 0 b = 1 data[pos] = r pos += 1 data[pos] = g pos += 1 data[pos] = b pos += 1 elif config[CONF_TYPE] in ["RGB565"]: image = image.convert("RGBA") pixels = list(image.getdata()) data = [0 for _ in range(height * width * 2)] pos = 0 for r, g, b, a in pixels: R = r >> 3 G = g >> 2 B = b >> 3 rgb = (R << 11) | (G << 5) | B if transparent: if rgb == 0x0020: rgb = 0 if a < 0x80: rgb = 0x0020 data[pos] = rgb >> 8 pos += 1 data[pos] = rgb & 0xFF pos += 1 elif config[CONF_TYPE] in ["BINARY", "TRANSPARENT_BINARY"]: if transparent: alpha = image.split()[-1] has_alpha = alpha.getextrema()[0] < 0xFF _LOGGER.debug("%s Has alpha: %s", config[CONF_ID], has_alpha) image = image.convert("1", dither=dither) width8 = ((width + 7) // 8) * 8 data = [0 for _ in range(height * width8 // 8)] for y in range(height): for x in range(width): if transparent and has_alpha: a = alpha.getpixel((x, y)) if not a: continue elif image.getpixel((x, y)): continue pos = x + y * width8 data[pos // 8] |= 0x80 >> (pos % 8) else: raise core.EsphomeError( f"Image f{config[CONF_ID]} has an unsupported type: {config[CONF_TYPE]}." ) rhs = [HexInt(x) for x in data] prog_arr = cg.progmem_array(config[CONF_RAW_DATA_ID], rhs) var = cg.new_Pvariable( config[CONF_ID], prog_arr, width, height, IMAGE_TYPE[config[CONF_TYPE]] ) cg.add(var.set_transparency(transparent))