mirror of https://github.com/esphome/esphome.git synced 2025-03-27 16:09:49 +01:00
2024-04-15 12:25:10 +12:00
a01nyub Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
a02yyuw Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
a4988 Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
absolute_humidity Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
ac_dimmer Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
adc Proposal: Test yaml for each component () 2024-01-18 01:13:40 -06:00
adc128s102 Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
addressable_light Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
ade7880 New component: ADE7880 voltage/current/power/energy sensor () 2024-02-20 12:24:44 +13:00
ade7953_i2c Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
ade7953_spi Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
ads1115 Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
ags10 Add AGS10 Sensor () 2024-03-11 10:19:09 +13:00
aht10 Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
airthings_wave_mini Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
airthings_wave_plus Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 1) () 2024-02-05 11:29:18 +09:00
alarm_control_panel Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
alpha3 Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
am43 Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
am2315c AM2315C Temperature + Humidity Sensor () 2024-03-11 19:33:43 +13:00
am2320 Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
analog_threshold Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
animation Fix yamllint () 2024-02-21 17:14:30 +13:00
anova Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
apds9960 Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
api Add actions for component tests A, B and C () 2024-03-19 10:00:06 +13:00
as3935_i2c Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
as3935_spi Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
as5600 Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
as7341 Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
at581x Add support for AT581x component () 2024-03-27 11:51:56 +13:00
atc_mithermometer Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
atm90e26 Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
atm90e32 Add some components to the new testing framework (A part 2) () 2024-02-07 04:05:04 +09:00
b_parasite Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
ballu Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bang_bang Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bedjet Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bh1750 Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
binary_sensor_map Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bl0939 Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bl0940 Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bl0942 Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
ble_client Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
ble_presence Add IRK support to allow tracking of devices with random MAC addresses () 2024-03-10 22:58:50 +00:00
ble_rssi Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
ble_scanner Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bme280_i2c Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bme280_spi Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bme680 Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bme680_bsec Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bmi160 Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bmp3xx Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bmp085 Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bmp280 Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bmp581 Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bp1658cj Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
bp5758d Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
button Add some components to the new testing framework (B) () 2024-02-07 04:32:40 +09:00
canbus Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
cap1188 Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
captive_portal Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
ccs811 Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
cd74hc4067 Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
climate_ir_lg Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
color Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
color_temperature Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
combination Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
coolix Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
copy Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
cs5460a Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
cse7761 Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
cse7766 Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
cst226 Touchscreen: add support for CST226 controller chip () 2024-03-11 18:35:20 +11:00
cst816 Add CST816 touchscreen driver () 2024-03-11 16:34:46 +11:00
ct_clamp Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
current_based Add some components to the new testing framework (C) () 2024-02-08 10:55:20 +13:00
cwww Allow setting htop for ledc () 2024-03-20 21:17:32 +13:00
dac7678 Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
daikin Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
daikin_arc feat: Add Daikin ARC (tested on Daikin ARC472A62) () 2024-03-28 07:56:19 +13:00
daikin_brc Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
dallas Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
daly_bms Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
datetime Add support for time entities () 2024-04-08 20:46:35 -05:00
debug Fix build failures on host platform caused by () 2024-03-09 21:08:58 -06:00
deep_sleep Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
delonghi Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
dfplayer Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
dfrobot_sen0395 Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
dht Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
dht12 Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
display Add line_at_angle method to Display component () 2024-03-18 12:51:46 +13:00
dps310 Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
ds1307 Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
dsmr Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
duty_cycle Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
duty_time Add some components to the new testing framework (D) () 2024-02-21 08:40:13 +13:00
e131 Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
ee895 Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
ektf2232 Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
emc2101 Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
emmeti Emmeti infrared climate support () 2024-03-13 14:16:02 +13:00
endstop Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
ens160 Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
ens210 Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
esp32_ble Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
esp32_ble_beacon Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
esp32_ble_client Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
esp32_ble_server Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
esp32_ble_tracker Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
esp32_camera Fix esp32-camera test yaml () 2024-03-19 00:18:03 -05:00
esp32_camera_web_server Fix esp32-camera test yaml () 2024-03-19 00:18:03 -05:00
esp32_can Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
esp32_dac Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
esp32_hall Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
esp32_improv Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
esp32_rmt_led_strip Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
esp32_touch Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
esp8266_pwm Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
ethernet Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
ethernet_info Add ethernet DNS text sensor and simplify DNS display format () 2024-04-12 14:03:08 +10:00
exposure_notifications Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
external_components Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
ezo Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
ezo_pmp Add some components to the new testing framework (E) () 2024-03-19 12:52:40 +13:00
factory_reset Add some components to the new testing framework (F) () 2024-03-27 14:06:57 +13:00
fastled_clockless Add some components to the new testing framework (F) () 2024-03-27 14:06:57 +13:00
fastled_spi Add some components to the new testing framework (F) () 2024-03-27 14:06:57 +13:00
feedback Add some components to the new testing framework (F) () 2024-03-27 14:06:57 +13:00
fingerprint_grow Add some components to the new testing framework (F) () 2024-03-27 14:06:57 +13:00
font Add some components to the new testing framework (F) () 2024-03-27 14:06:57 +13:00
fs3000 Add some components to the new testing framework (F) () 2024-03-27 14:06:57 +13:00
ft5x06 Add some components to the new testing framework (F) () 2024-03-27 14:06:57 +13:00
ft63x6 Add some components to the new testing framework (F) () 2024-03-27 14:06:57 +13:00
fujitsu_general Add some components to the new testing framework (F) () 2024-03-27 14:06:57 +13:00
gcja5 Add some components to the new testing framework (G) () 2024-03-27 14:22:01 +13:00
globals Add some components to the new testing framework (G) () 2024-03-27 14:22:01 +13:00
gp8403 Add some components to the new testing framework (G) () 2024-03-27 14:22:01 +13:00
gpio Add some components to the new testing framework (G) () 2024-03-27 14:22:01 +13:00
gps Add some components to the new testing framework (G) () 2024-03-27 14:22:01 +13:00
graph Add some components to the new testing framework (G) () 2024-03-27 14:22:01 +13:00
graphical_display_menu Add some components to the new testing framework (G) () 2024-03-27 14:22:01 +13:00
gree Add some components to the new testing framework (G) () 2024-03-27 14:22:01 +13:00
grove_tb6612fng Add some components to the new testing framework (G) () 2024-03-27 14:22:01 +13:00
growatt_solar Fix spacing in new test yaml () 2024-03-27 20:15:50 +13:00
gt911 Add some components to the new testing framework (G) () 2024-03-27 14:22:01 +13:00
haier Additional sensors and binary sensors support for Haier Climate () 2024-03-05 10:54:01 +13:00
havells_solar Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
hbridge Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
hdc1080 Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
he60r Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
heatpumpir Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
hitachi_ac344 Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
hitachi_ac424 Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
hlw8012 Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
hm3301 Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
hmc5883l Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
homeassistant Update homeassistant component tests with actions () 2024-04-15 12:25:10 +12:00
honeywell_hih_i2c Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
honeywellabp Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
honeywellabp2_i2c Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
hrxl_maxsonar_wr Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
hte501 Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
http_request Add actions to http_request tests () 2024-04-15 09:38:31 +12:00
htu21d Added Htu21d model option () 2024-04-12 11:28:59 +12:00
htu31d feat: Add HTU31D Support () 2024-03-13 14:04:59 +13:00
hx711 Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
hydreon_rgxx Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
hyt271 Add some components to the new testing framework (H) () 2024-04-10 03:57:22 -05:00
ili9xxx ili9xxx: Add support for GC9A01A display () 2024-03-11 07:19:35 +00:00
jsn_sr04t Add new Component: Ultrasonic Distance Sensor JSN-SR04T () 2024-03-27 14:14:23 +13:00
kamstrup_kmp Added Kamstrup Multical 40x component () 2024-03-13 16:01:22 +13:00
key_collector Fix spacing in new test yaml () 2024-03-27 20:15:50 +13:00
kmeteriso Add some components to the new testing framework (K) () 2024-03-27 14:22:54 +13:00
kuntze Add some components to the new testing framework (K) () 2024-03-27 14:22:54 +13:00
lcd_gpio Add some components to the new testing framework (L) () 2024-03-27 20:30:13 +13:00
lcd_menu Add some components to the new testing framework (L) () 2024-03-27 20:30:13 +13:00
lcd_pcf8574 Add some components to the new testing framework (L) () 2024-03-27 20:30:13 +13:00
ld2410 Add some components to the new testing framework (L) () 2024-03-27 20:30:13 +13:00
ld2420 Add some components to the new testing framework (L) () 2024-03-27 20:30:13 +13:00
ledc Add some components to the new testing framework (L) () 2024-03-27 20:30:13 +13:00
light Add some components to the new testing framework (L) () 2024-03-27 20:30:13 +13:00
lightwaverf Disable truthy yamllint rule () 2024-03-28 10:20:51 +13:00
lilygo_t5_47 Add some components to the new testing framework (L) () 2024-03-27 20:30:13 +13:00
lock Add some components to the new testing framework (L) () 2024-03-27 20:30:13 +13:00
logger Add some components to the new testing framework (L) () 2024-03-27 20:30:13 +13:00
ltr390 Add some components to the new testing framework (L) () 2024-03-27 20:30:13 +13:00
micro_wake_word Add micro_wake_word component () 2024-02-13 09:38:50 +13:00
mopeka_std_check Fix yamllint () 2024-02-21 17:14:30 +13:00
neopixelbus Add some components to the new testing framework (N) () 2024-03-27 14:24:32 +13:00
network Add some components to the new testing framework (N) () 2024-03-27 14:24:32 +13:00
nextion Add some components to the new testing framework (N) () 2024-03-27 14:24:32 +13:00
noblex Add some components to the new testing framework (N) () 2024-03-27 14:24:32 +13:00
ntc Add some components to the new testing framework (N) () 2024-03-27 14:24:32 +13:00
qmc5883l Add temperature for QMC5883L () 2024-04-03 15:57:05 +13:00
qmp6988 Add some components to the new testing framework (Q) () 2024-03-27 14:25:02 +13:00
qr_code Add get_size method to QR Code header () 2024-03-28 12:56:26 +13:00
qspi_amoled Add driver for quad SPI AMOLED displays () 2024-03-13 12:14:57 +13:00
qwiic_pir Add some components to the new testing framework (Q) () 2024-03-27 14:25:02 +13:00
remote_receiver Add all missing remote_receiver on_... tests () 2024-04-12 09:35:12 +00:00
remote_transmitter Add dooya remote transmitter test () 2024-04-10 19:25:35 +12:00
rpi_dpi_rgb Drivers for RGB 16 bit parallel displays () 2024-03-12 11:55:23 +13:00
seeed_mr24hpc1 Add Seeed Studio mmWave Kit MR24HPC1 () 2024-03-12 16:33:40 +13:00
spi SPI: Revert clk_pin to standard output pin schema () 2024-03-14 15:42:54 +13:00
st7701s Drivers for RGB 16 bit parallel displays () 2024-03-12 11:55:23 +13:00
sun_gtil2 Add sun_gtil2 component (for SUN-1000G2 / SUN-2000G2 grid tie inverters) () 2024-03-21 16:23:30 +13:00
template Add support for time entities () 2024-04-08 20:46:35 -05:00
tlc5947 Rework tlc5947 to remove AUTO_LOAD () 2024-04-09 15:51:54 +12:00
tlc5971 Implemented support for the TLC5971 as an output component () 2024-04-10 08:03:18 +12:00
tt21100 Touchscreen component and driver fixes () 2024-02-28 02:42:11 +00:00
uart Add some components to the new testing framework (U) () 2024-03-27 14:26:50 +13:00
ufire_ec Add some components to the new testing framework (U) () 2024-03-27 14:26:50 +13:00
ufire_ise Add some components to the new testing framework (U) () 2024-03-27 14:26:50 +13:00
uln2003 Add some components to the new testing framework (U) () 2024-03-27 14:26:50 +13:00
ultrasonic Add some components to the new testing framework (U) () 2024-03-27 14:26:50 +13:00
uponor_smatrix Add Uponor Smatrix component () 2024-02-22 16:03:14 +13:00
uptime Add some components to the new testing framework (U) () 2024-03-27 14:26:50 +13:00
vbus Add some components to the new testing framework (V) () 2024-03-19 10:42:03 +13:00
veml3235 Add some components to the new testing framework (V) () 2024-03-19 10:42:03 +13:00
veml7700 VEML7700 and VEML6030 light sensors () 2024-03-11 21:51:01 -05:00
version Add some components to the new testing framework (V) () 2024-03-19 10:42:03 +13:00
vl53l0x Add some components to the new testing framework (V) () 2024-03-19 10:42:03 +13:00
voice_assistant Add some components to the new testing framework (V) () 2024-03-19 10:42:03 +13:00
wake_on_lan Add some components to the new testing framework (W) () 2024-03-27 20:15:59 +13:00
waveshare_epaper Add some components to the new testing framework (W) () 2024-03-27 20:15:59 +13:00
web_server Add some components to the new testing framework (W) () 2024-03-27 20:15:59 +13:00
whirlpool Add some components to the new testing framework (W) () 2024-03-27 20:15:59 +13:00
whynter Add some components to the new testing framework (W) () 2024-03-27 20:15:59 +13:00
wiegand Add some components to the new testing framework (W) () 2024-03-27 20:15:59 +13:00
wifi Add some components to the new testing framework (W) () 2024-03-27 20:15:59 +13:00
wifi_info Add some components to the new testing framework (W) () 2024-03-27 20:15:59 +13:00
wifi_signal Add some components to the new testing framework (W) () 2024-03-27 20:15:59 +13:00
wireguard Add some components to the new testing framework (W) () 2024-03-27 20:15:59 +13:00
wl_134 Add some components to the new testing framework (W) () 2024-03-27 20:15:59 +13:00
wled Add some components to the new testing framework (W) () 2024-03-27 20:15:59 +13:00
x9c Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xgzp68xx Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_ble Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_cgd1 Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_cgdk2 Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_cgg1 Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_cgpr1 Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_gcls002 Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_hhccjcy01 Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_hhccpot002 Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_jqjcy01ym Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_lywsd02 Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_lywsd03mmc Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_lywsdcgq Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_mhoc303 Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_mhoc401 Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_miscale Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_miscale copy Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_mjyd02yla Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_mue4094rt Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_rtcgq02lm Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xiaomi_wx08zm Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xl9535 Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
xpt2046 SPI: Make some validation failures give more useful messages. () 2024-03-21 16:25:11 +13:00
yashima Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
zhlt01 Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
zio_ultrasonic Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00
zyaura Add some components to the new testing framework (X,Y,Z) () 2024-03-19 12:49:00 +13:00