
185 lines
6.3 KiB

import logging
import esphome.config_validation as cv
from esphome import core
from esphome.yaml_util import ESPHomeDataBase, make_data_base
from esphome.config_helpers import merge_config
CODEOWNERS = ["@esphome/core"]
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def validate_substitution_key(value):
value = cv.string(value)
if not value:
raise cv.Invalid("Substitution key must not be empty")
if value[0] == "$":
value = value[1:]
if value[0].isdigit():
raise cv.Invalid("First character in substitutions cannot be a digit.")
for char in value:
raise cv.Invalid(
f"Substitution must only consist of upper/lowercase characters, the underscore and numbers. The character '{char}' cannot be used"
return value
CONFIG_SCHEMA = cv.Schema(
validate_substitution_key: cv.Any(None, str, int, float, dict, list),
async def to_code(config):
def _find_tokens(value):
Finds substitutable tokens in the form of:
"a variable $a and a variable $abc"
and turns them into pairs of:
('a', (11, 2)), ('abc', (16, 4))
where the first number represents the characters
skipped from the last token to the start of the new one
and the last number the length of the token
(including $ or ${})
if "$" not in value:
last_end = 0
for match in cv.VARIABLE_PROG.finditer(value):
name =
start, end = match.span(0)
if name.startswith("{") and name.endswith("}"):
name = name[1:-1]
yield name, (start - last_end, end - start)
last_end = end
def _expand_substitutions(substitutions, value, path, ignore_missing, is_key=False):
substituted = ""
start_from = 0
for name, (ignored_chars, length) in _find_tokens(value):
if name not in substitutions:
if not ignore_missing and "password" not in path:
"Found '%s' (see %s) which looks like a substitution, but '%s' was "
"not declared",
"->".join(str(x) for x in path),
substituted += value[start_from : start_from + ignored_chars + length]
start_from += ignored_chars + length
sub = substitutions[name]
if isinstance(sub, str):
substituted += value[start_from : start_from + ignored_chars] + sub
start_from += ignored_chars + length
if is_key:
raise cv.Invalid(
"Key substitution is only allowed for string types, "
f"however {name!r} (used in {'->'.join(str(x) for x in path)}) "
f"is of type {type(sub)}"
if length != len(value):
raise cv.Invalid(
"String interpolation is only allowed for substitutions with "
f"string types, however {name!r} (used in {'->'.join(str(x) for x in path)}) "
f"is of type {type(sub)}"
return sub
substituted += value[start_from:]
# value can also already be a lambda with esp_range info, and only
# a plain string is sent in value
if isinstance(value, ESPHomeDataBase):
# even though string can get larger or smaller, the range should point
# to original document marks
return make_data_base(substituted, value)
return substituted
def _substitute_item(substitutions, item, path, ignore_missing, is_key=False):
if isinstance(item, list):
for i, it in enumerate(item):
sub = _substitute_item(substitutions, it, path + [i], ignore_missing)
if sub is not None:
item[i] = sub
elif isinstance(item, dict):
replace_keys = []
for k, v in item.items():
# if we're not in the substitutions section, substitute keys
if path or k != CONF_SUBSTITUTIONS:
sub = _substitute_item(
substitutions, k, path + [k], ignore_missing, is_key=True
if sub is not None:
replace_keys.append((k, sub))
sub = _substitute_item(substitutions, v, path + [k], ignore_missing)
if sub is not None:
item[k] = sub
for old, new in replace_keys:
item[new] = merge_config(item.get(old), item.get(new))
del item[old]
elif isinstance(item, str):
sub = _expand_substitutions(substitutions, item, path, ignore_missing, is_key)
if sub != item:
return sub
elif isinstance(item, core.Lambda):
sub = _expand_substitutions(
substitutions, item.value, path, ignore_missing, is_key
if sub != item:
item.value = sub
return None
def do_substitution_pass(config, command_line_substitutions, ignore_missing=False):
if CONF_SUBSTITUTIONS not in config and not command_line_substitutions:
substitutions = config.get(CONF_SUBSTITUTIONS)
if substitutions is None:
substitutions = command_line_substitutions
elif command_line_substitutions:
substitutions = {**substitutions, **command_line_substitutions}
with cv.prepend_path("substitutions"):
if not isinstance(substitutions, dict):
raise cv.Invalid(
f"Substitutions must be a key to value mapping, got {type(substitutions)}"
replace_keys = []
for key, value in substitutions.items():
with cv.prepend_path(key):
sub = validate_substitution_key(key)
if sub != key:
replace_keys.append((key, sub))
substitutions[key] = value
for old, new in replace_keys:
substitutions[new] = substitutions[old]
del substitutions[old]
config[CONF_SUBSTITUTIONS] = substitutions
# Move substitutions to the first place to replace substitutions in them correctly
config.move_to_end(CONF_SUBSTITUTIONS, False)
_substitute_item(substitutions, config, [], ignore_missing)