
445 lines
20 KiB

#include "atm90e32.h"
#include "atm90e32_reg.h"
#include "esphome/core/log.h"
#include <cinttypes>
namespace esphome {
namespace atm90e32 {
static const char *const TAG = "atm90e32";
void ATM90E32Component::loop() {
if (this->get_publish_interval_flag_()) {
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].voltage_sensor_ != nullptr) {
this->phase_[phase].voltage_ = this->get_phase_voltage_(phase);
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].current_sensor_ != nullptr) {
this->phase_[phase].current_ = this->get_phase_current_(phase);
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].power_sensor_ != nullptr) {
this->phase_[phase].active_power_ = this->get_phase_active_power_(phase);
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].power_factor_sensor_ != nullptr) {
this->phase_[phase].power_factor_ = this->get_phase_power_factor_(phase);
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].reactive_power_sensor_ != nullptr) {
this->phase_[phase].reactive_power_ = this->get_phase_reactive_power_(phase);
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].forward_active_energy_sensor_ != nullptr) {
this->phase_[phase].forward_active_energy_ = this->get_phase_forward_active_energy_(phase);
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].reverse_active_energy_sensor_ != nullptr) {
this->phase_[phase].reverse_active_energy_ = this->get_phase_reverse_active_energy_(phase);
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].phase_angle_sensor_ != nullptr) {
this->phase_[phase].phase_angle_ = this->get_phase_angle_(phase);
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].harmonic_active_power_sensor_ != nullptr) {
this->phase_[phase].harmonic_active_power_ = this->get_phase_harmonic_active_power_(phase);
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].peak_current_sensor_ != nullptr) {
this->phase_[phase].peak_current_ = this->get_phase_peak_current_(phase);
// After the local store in collected we can publish them trusting they are withing +-1 haardware sampling
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].voltage_sensor_ != nullptr) {
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].current_sensor_ != nullptr) {
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].power_sensor_ != nullptr) {
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].power_factor_sensor_ != nullptr) {
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].reactive_power_sensor_ != nullptr) {
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].forward_active_energy_sensor_ != nullptr) {
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].reverse_active_energy_sensor_ != nullptr) {
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].phase_angle_sensor_ != nullptr) {
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].harmonic_active_power_sensor_ != nullptr) {
for (uint8_t phase = 0; phase < 3; phase++) {
if (this->phase_[phase].peak_current_sensor_ != nullptr) {
if (this->freq_sensor_ != nullptr) {
if (this->chip_temperature_sensor_ != nullptr) {
void ATM90E32Component::update() {
if (this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_METEREN) != 1) {
void ATM90E32Component::setup() {
ESP_LOGCONFIG(TAG, "Setting up ATM90E32 Component...");
uint16_t mmode0 = 0x87; // 3P4W 50Hz
if (line_freq_ == 60) {
mmode0 |= 1 << 12; // sets 12th bit to 1, 60Hz
if (current_phases_ == 2) {
mmode0 |= 1 << 8; // sets 8th bit to 1, 3P3W
mmode0 |= 0 << 1; // sets 1st bit to 0, phase b is not counted into the all-phase sum energy/power (P/Q/S)
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_SOFTRESET, 0x789A); // Perform soft reset
delay(6); // Wait for the minimum 5ms + 1ms
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_CFGREGACCEN, 0x55AA); // enable register config access
if (this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_LASTSPIDATA) != 0x55AA) {
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "Could not initialize ATM90E32 IC, check SPI settings");
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_METEREN, 0x0001); // Enable Metering
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_SAGPEAKDETCFG, 0xFF3F); // Peak Detector time ms (15:8), Sag Period ms (7:0)
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_PLCONSTH, 0x0861); // PL Constant MSB (default) = 140625000
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_PLCONSTL, 0xC468); // PL Constant LSB (default)
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_ZXCONFIG, 0xD654); // ZX2, ZX1, ZX0 pin config
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_MMODE0, mmode0); // Mode Config (frequency set in main program)
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_MMODE1, pga_gain_); // PGA Gain Configuration for Current Channels
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_PSTARTTH, 0x1D4C); // All Active Startup Power Threshold - 0.02A/0.00032 = 7500
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_QSTARTTH, 0x1D4C); // All Reactive Startup Power Threshold - 50%
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_SSTARTTH, 0x1D4C); // All Reactive Startup Power Threshold - 50%
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_PPHASETH, 0x02EE); // Each Phase Active Phase Threshold - 0.002A/0.00032 = 750
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_QPHASETH, 0x02EE); // Each phase Reactive Phase Threshold - 10%
// Setup voltage and current calibration offsets for PHASE A
this->phase_[PHASEA].voltage_offset_ = calibrate_voltage_offset_phase(PHASEA);
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_UOFFSETA, this->phase_[PHASEA].voltage_offset_); // A Voltage offset
this->phase_[PHASEA].current_offset_ = calibrate_current_offset_phase(PHASEA);
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_IOFFSETA, this->phase_[PHASEA].current_offset_); // A Current offset
// Setup voltage and current gain for PHASE A
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_UGAINA, this->phase_[PHASEA].voltage_gain_); // A Voltage rms gain
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_IGAINA, this->phase_[PHASEA].ct_gain_); // A line current gain
// Setup voltage and current calibration offsets for PHASE B
this->phase_[PHASEB].voltage_offset_ = calibrate_voltage_offset_phase(PHASEB);
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_UOFFSETB, this->phase_[PHASEB].voltage_offset_); // B Voltage offset
this->phase_[PHASEB].current_offset_ = calibrate_current_offset_phase(PHASEB);
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_IOFFSETB, this->phase_[PHASEB].current_offset_); // B Current offset
// Setup voltage and current gain for PHASE B
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_UGAINB, this->phase_[PHASEB].voltage_gain_); // B Voltage rms gain
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_IGAINB, this->phase_[PHASEB].ct_gain_); // B line current gain
// Setup voltage and current calibration offsets for PHASE C
this->phase_[PHASEC].voltage_offset_ = calibrate_voltage_offset_phase(PHASEC);
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_UOFFSETC, this->phase_[PHASEC].voltage_offset_); // C Voltage offset
this->phase_[PHASEC].current_offset_ = calibrate_current_offset_phase(PHASEC);
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_IOFFSETC, this->phase_[PHASEC].current_offset_); // C Current offset
// Setup voltage and current gain for PHASE C
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_UGAINC, this->phase_[PHASEC].voltage_gain_); // C Voltage rms gain
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_IGAINC, this->phase_[PHASEC].ct_gain_); // C line current gain
this->write16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_CFGREGACCEN, 0x0000); // end configuration
void ATM90E32Component::dump_config() {
LOG_PIN(" CS Pin: ", this->cs_);
if (this->is_failed()) {
ESP_LOGE(TAG, "Communication with ATM90E32 failed!");
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Voltage A", this->phase_[PHASEA].voltage_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Current A", this->phase_[PHASEA].current_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Power A", this->phase_[PHASEA].power_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Reactive Power A", this->phase_[PHASEA].reactive_power_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "PF A", this->phase_[PHASEA].power_factor_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Active Forward Energy A", this->phase_[PHASEA].forward_active_energy_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Active Reverse Energy A", this->phase_[PHASEA].reverse_active_energy_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Harmonic Power A", this->phase_[PHASEA].harmonic_active_power_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Phase Angle A", this->phase_[PHASEA].phase_angle_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Peak Current A", this->phase_[PHASEA].peak_current_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Voltage B", this->phase_[PHASEB].voltage_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Current B", this->phase_[PHASEB].current_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Power B", this->phase_[PHASEB].power_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Reactive Power B", this->phase_[PHASEB].reactive_power_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "PF B", this->phase_[PHASEB].power_factor_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Active Forward Energy B", this->phase_[PHASEB].forward_active_energy_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Active Reverse Energy B", this->phase_[PHASEB].reverse_active_energy_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Harmonic Power A", this->phase_[PHASEB].harmonic_active_power_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Phase Angle A", this->phase_[PHASEB].phase_angle_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Peak Current A", this->phase_[PHASEB].peak_current_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Voltage C", this->phase_[PHASEC].voltage_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Current C", this->phase_[PHASEC].current_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Power C", this->phase_[PHASEC].power_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Reactive Power C", this->phase_[PHASEC].reactive_power_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "PF C", this->phase_[PHASEC].power_factor_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Active Forward Energy C", this->phase_[PHASEC].forward_active_energy_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Active Reverse Energy C", this->phase_[PHASEC].reverse_active_energy_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Harmonic Power A", this->phase_[PHASEC].harmonic_active_power_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Phase Angle A", this->phase_[PHASEC].phase_angle_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Peak Current A", this->phase_[PHASEC].peak_current_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Frequency", this->freq_sensor_);
LOG_SENSOR(" ", "Chip Temp", this->chip_temperature_sensor_);
float ATM90E32Component::get_setup_priority() const { return setup_priority::IO; }
// R/C registers can conly be cleared after the LastSPIData register is updated (register 78H)
// Peakdetect period: 05H. Bit 15:8 are PeakDet_period in ms. 7:0 are Sag_period
// Default is 143FH (20ms, 63ms)
uint16_t ATM90E32Component::read16_(uint16_t a_register) {
uint8_t addrh = (1 << 7) | ((a_register >> 8) & 0x03);
uint8_t addrl = (a_register & 0xFF);
uint8_t data[2];
uint16_t output;
this->read_array(data, 2);
output = (uint16_t(data[0] & 0xFF) << 8) | (data[1] & 0xFF);
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "read16_ 0x%04" PRIX16 " output 0x%04" PRIX16, a_register, output);
return output;
int ATM90E32Component::read32_(uint16_t addr_h, uint16_t addr_l) {
const uint16_t val_h = this->read16_(addr_h);
const uint16_t val_l = this->read16_(addr_l);
const int32_t val = (val_h << 16) | val_l;
"read32_ addr_h 0x%04" PRIX16 " val_h 0x%04" PRIX16 " addr_l 0x%04" PRIX16 " val_l 0x%04" PRIX16
" = %" PRId32,
addr_h, val_h, addr_l, val_l, val);
return val;
void ATM90E32Component::write16_(uint16_t a_register, uint16_t val) {
ESP_LOGVV(TAG, "write16_ 0x%04" PRIX16 " val 0x%04" PRIX16, a_register, val);
if (this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_LASTSPIDATA) != val)
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "SPI write error 0x%04X val 0x%04X", a_register, val);
float ATM90E32Component::get_local_phase_voltage_(uint8_t phase) { return this->phase_[phase].voltage_; }
float ATM90E32Component::get_local_phase_current_(uint8_t phase) { return this->phase_[phase].current_; }
float ATM90E32Component::get_local_phase_active_power_(uint8_t phase) { return this->phase_[phase].active_power_; }
float ATM90E32Component::get_local_phase_reactive_power_(uint8_t phase) { return this->phase_[phase].reactive_power_; }
float ATM90E32Component::get_local_phase_power_factor_(uint8_t phase) { return this->phase_[phase].power_factor_; }
float ATM90E32Component::get_local_phase_forward_active_energy_(uint8_t phase) {
return this->phase_[phase].forward_active_energy_;
float ATM90E32Component::get_local_phase_reverse_active_energy_(uint8_t phase) {
return this->phase_[phase].reverse_active_energy_;
float ATM90E32Component::get_local_phase_angle_(uint8_t phase) { return this->phase_[phase].phase_angle_; }
float ATM90E32Component::get_local_phase_harmonic_active_power_(uint8_t phase) {
return this->phase_[phase].harmonic_active_power_;
float ATM90E32Component::get_local_phase_peak_current_(uint8_t phase) { return this->phase_[phase].peak_current_; }
float ATM90E32Component::get_phase_voltage_(uint8_t phase) {
const uint16_t voltage = this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_URMS + phase);
if (this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_LASTSPIDATA) != voltage)
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "SPI URMS voltage register read error.");
return (float) voltage / 100;
float ATM90E32Component::get_phase_voltage_avg_(uint8_t phase) {
const uint8_t reads = 10;
uint32_t accumulation = 0;
uint16_t voltage = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < reads; i++) {
voltage = this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_URMS + phase);
if (this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_LASTSPIDATA) != voltage)
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "SPI URMS voltage register read error.");
accumulation += voltage;
voltage = accumulation / reads;
this->phase_[phase].voltage_ = (float) voltage / 100;
return this->phase_[phase].voltage_;
float ATM90E32Component::get_phase_current_avg_(uint8_t phase) {
const uint8_t reads = 10;
uint32_t accumulation = 0;
uint16_t current = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < reads; i++) {
current = this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_IRMS + phase);
if (this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_LASTSPIDATA) != current)
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "SPI IRMS current register read error.");
accumulation += current;
current = accumulation / reads;
this->phase_[phase].current_ = (float) current / 1000;
return this->phase_[phase].current_;
float ATM90E32Component::get_phase_current_(uint8_t phase) {
const uint16_t current = this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_IRMS + phase);
if (this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_LASTSPIDATA) != current)
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "SPI IRMS current register read error.");
return (float) current / 1000;
float ATM90E32Component::get_phase_active_power_(uint8_t phase) {
const int val = this->read32_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_PMEAN + phase, ATM90E32_REGISTER_PMEANLSB + phase);
return val * 0.00032f;
float ATM90E32Component::get_phase_reactive_power_(uint8_t phase) {
const int val = this->read32_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_QMEAN + phase, ATM90E32_REGISTER_QMEANLSB + phase);
return val * 0.00032f;
float ATM90E32Component::get_phase_power_factor_(uint8_t phase) {
const int16_t powerfactor = this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_PFMEAN + phase);
if (this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_LASTSPIDATA) != powerfactor)
ESP_LOGW(TAG, "SPI power factor read error.");
return (float) powerfactor / 1000;
float ATM90E32Component::get_phase_forward_active_energy_(uint8_t phase) {
const uint16_t val = this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_APENERGY + phase);
if ((UINT32_MAX - this->phase_[phase].cumulative_forward_active_energy_) > val) {
this->phase_[phase].cumulative_forward_active_energy_ += val;
} else {
this->phase_[phase].cumulative_forward_active_energy_ = val;
return ((float) this->phase_[phase].cumulative_forward_active_energy_ * 10 / 3200);
float ATM90E32Component::get_phase_reverse_active_energy_(uint8_t phase) {
const uint16_t val = this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_ANENERGY);
if (UINT32_MAX - this->phase_[phase].cumulative_reverse_active_energy_ > val) {
this->phase_[phase].cumulative_reverse_active_energy_ += val;
} else {
this->phase_[phase].cumulative_reverse_active_energy_ = val;
return ((float) this->phase_[phase].cumulative_reverse_active_energy_ * 10 / 3200);
float ATM90E32Component::get_phase_harmonic_active_power_(uint8_t phase) {
int val = this->read32_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_PMEANH + phase, ATM90E32_REGISTER_PMEANHLSB + phase);
return val * 0.00032f;
float ATM90E32Component::get_phase_angle_(uint8_t phase) {
uint16_t val = this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_PANGLE + phase) / 10.0;
return (float) (val > 180) ? val - 360.0 : val;
float ATM90E32Component::get_phase_peak_current_(uint8_t phase) {
int16_t val = (float) this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_IPEAK + phase);
if (!this->peak_current_signed_)
val = abs(val);
// phase register * phase current gain value / 1000 * 2^13
return (float) (val * this->phase_[phase].ct_gain_ / 8192000.0);
float ATM90E32Component::get_frequency_() {
const uint16_t freq = this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_FREQ);
return (float) freq / 100;
float ATM90E32Component::get_chip_temperature_() {
const uint16_t ctemp = this->read16_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_TEMP);
return (float) ctemp;
uint16_t ATM90E32Component::calibrate_voltage_offset_phase(uint8_t phase) {
const uint8_t num_reads = 5;
uint64_t total_value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_reads; ++i) {
const uint32_t measurement_value = read32_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_URMS + phase, ATM90E32_REGISTER_URMSLSB + phase);
total_value += measurement_value;
const uint32_t average_value = total_value / num_reads;
const uint32_t shifted_value = average_value >> 7;
const uint32_t voltage_offset = ~shifted_value + 1;
return voltage_offset & 0xFFFF; // Take the lower 16 bits
uint16_t ATM90E32Component::calibrate_current_offset_phase(uint8_t phase) {
const uint8_t num_reads = 5;
uint64_t total_value = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < num_reads; ++i) {
const uint32_t measurement_value = read32_(ATM90E32_REGISTER_IRMS + phase, ATM90E32_REGISTER_IRMSLSB + phase);
total_value += measurement_value;
const uint32_t average_value = total_value / num_reads;
const uint32_t current_offset = ~average_value + 1;
return current_offset & 0xFFFF; // Take the lower 16 bits
} // namespace atm90e32
} // namespace esphome