
229 lines
12 KiB

#pragma once
#include <cstdint>
namespace esphome {
namespace haier {
namespace hon_protocol {
enum class VerticalSwingMode : uint8_t {
HEALTH_UP = 0x01,
MAX_UP = 0x02,
UP = 0x04,
CENTER = 0x06,
DOWN = 0x08,
AUTO = 0x0C
enum class HorizontalSwingMode : uint8_t {
CENTER = 0x00,
MAX_LEFT = 0x03,
LEFT = 0x04,
RIGHT = 0x05,
MAX_RIGHT = 0x06,
AUTO = 0x07
enum class ConditioningMode : uint8_t {
AUTO = 0x00,
COOL = 0x01,
DRY = 0x02,
HEAT = 0x04,
FAN = 0x06
enum class SpecialMode : uint8_t { NONE = 0x00, ELDERLY = 0x01, CHILDREN = 0x02, PREGNANT = 0x03 };
enum class FanMode : uint8_t { FAN_HIGH = 0x01, FAN_MID = 0x02, FAN_LOW = 0x03, FAN_AUTO = 0x05 };
struct HaierPacketControl {
// Control bytes starts here
// 10
uint8_t set_point; // Target temperature with 16°C offset (0x00 = 16°C)
// 11
uint8_t vertical_swing_mode : 4; // See enum VerticalSwingMode
uint8_t : 0;
// 12
uint8_t fan_mode : 3; // See enum FanMode
uint8_t special_mode : 2; // See enum SpecialMode
uint8_t ac_mode : 3; // See enum ConditioningMode
// 13
uint8_t : 8;
// 14
uint8_t ten_degree : 1; // 10 degree status
uint8_t display_status : 1; // If 0 disables AC's display
uint8_t half_degree : 1; // Use half degree
uint8_t intelligence_status : 1; // Intelligence status
uint8_t pmv_status : 1; // Comfort/PMV status
uint8_t use_fahrenheit : 1; // Use Fahrenheit instead of Celsius
uint8_t : 1;
uint8_t steri_clean : 1;
// 15
uint8_t ac_power : 1; // Is ac on or off
uint8_t health_mode : 1; // Health mode (negative ions) on or off
uint8_t electric_heating_status : 1; // Electric heating status
uint8_t fast_mode : 1; // Fast mode
uint8_t quiet_mode : 1; // Quiet mode
uint8_t sleep_mode : 1; // Sleep mode
uint8_t lock_remote : 1; // Disable remote
uint8_t beeper_status : 1; // If 1 disables AC's command feedback beeper (need to be set on every control command)
// 16
uint8_t target_humidity; // Target humidity (0=30% .. 3C=90%, step = 1%)
// 17
uint8_t horizontal_swing_mode : 3; // See enum HorizontalSwingMode
uint8_t : 3;
uint8_t human_sensing_status : 2; // Human sensing status
// 18
uint8_t change_filter : 1; // Filter need replacement
uint8_t : 0;
// 19
uint8_t fresh_air_status : 1; // Fresh air status
uint8_t humidification_status : 1; // Humidification status
uint8_t pm2p5_cleaning_status : 1; // PM2.5 cleaning status
uint8_t ch2o_cleaning_status : 1; // CH2O cleaning status
uint8_t self_cleaning_status : 1; // Self cleaning status
uint8_t light_status : 1; // Light status
uint8_t energy_saving_status : 1; // Energy saving status
uint8_t cleaning_time_status : 1; // Cleaning time (0 - accumulation, 1 - clear)
struct HaierPacketSensors {
// 20
uint8_t room_temperature; // 0.5°C step
// 21
uint8_t room_humidity; // 0%-100% with 1% step
// 22
uint8_t outdoor_temperature; // 1°C step, -64°C offset (0=-64°C)
// 23
uint8_t pm2p5_level : 2; // Indoor PM2.5 grade (00: Excellent, 01: good, 02: Medium, 03: Bad)
uint8_t air_quality : 2; // Air quality grade (00: Excellent, 01: good, 02: Medium, 03: Bad)
uint8_t human_sensing : 2; // Human presence result (00: N/A, 01: not detected, 02: One, 03: Multiple)
uint8_t : 1;
uint8_t ac_type : 1; // 00 - Heat and cool, 01 - Cool only)
// 24
uint8_t error_status; // See enum ErrorStatus
// 25
uint8_t operation_source : 2; // who is controlling AC (00: Other, 01: Remote control, 02: Button, 03: ESP)
uint8_t operation_mode_hk : 2; // Homekit only, operation mode (00: Cool, 01: Dry, 02: Heat, 03: Fan)
uint8_t : 3;
uint8_t err_confirmation : 1; // If 1 clear error status
// 26
uint16_t total_cleaning_time; // Cleaning cumulative time (1h step)
// 28
uint16_t indoor_pm2p5_value; // Indoor PM2.5 value (0 ug/m3 - 4095 ug/m3, 1 ug/m3 step)
// 30
uint16_t outdoor_pm2p5_value; // Outdoor PM2.5 value (0 ug/m3 - 4095 ug/m3, 1 ug/m3 step)
// 32
uint16_t ch2o_value; // Formaldehyde value (0 ug/m3 - 10000 ug/m3, 1 ug/m3 step)
// 34
uint16_t voc_value; // VOC value (Volatile Organic Compounds) (0 ug/m3 - 1023 ug/m3, 1 ug/m3 step)
// 36
uint16_t co2_value; // CO2 value (0 PPM - 10000 PPM, 1 PPM step)
struct HaierStatus {
uint16_t subcommand;
HaierPacketControl control;
HaierPacketSensors sensors;
struct DeviceVersionAnswer {
char protocol_version[8];
char software_version[8];
uint8_t encryption[3];
char hardware_version[8];
uint8_t : 8;
char device_name[8];
uint8_t functions[2];
// In this section comments:
// - module is the ESP32 control module (communication module in Haier protocol document)
// - device is the conditioner control board (network appliances in Haier protocol document)
enum class FrameType : uint8_t {
CONTROL = 0x01, // Requests or sets one or multiple parameters (module <-> device, required)
STATUS = 0x02, // Contains one or multiple parameters values, usually answer to control frame (module <-> device,
// required)
INVALID = 0x03, // Communication error indication (module <-> device, required)
ALARM_STATUS = 0x04, // Alarm status report (module <-> device, interactive, required)
CONFIRM = 0x05, // Acknowledgment, usually used to confirm reception of frame if there is no special answer (module
// <-> device, required)
REPORT = 0x06, // Report frame (module <-> device, interactive, required)
STOP_FAULT_ALARM = 0x09, // Stop fault alarm frame (module -> device, interactive, required)
SYSTEM_DOWNLINK = 0x11, // System downlink frame (module -> device, optional)
DEVICE_UPLINK = 0x12, // Device uplink frame (module <- device , interactive, optional)
SYSTEM_QUERY = 0x13, // System query frame (module -> device, optional)
SYSTEM_QUERY_RESPONSE = 0x14, // System query response frame (module <- device , optional)
DEVICE_QUERY = 0x15, // Device query frame (module <- device, optional)
DEVICE_QUERY_RESPONSE = 0x16, // Device query response frame (module -> device, optional)
GROUP_COMMAND = 0x60, // Group command frame (module -> device, interactive, optional)
GET_DEVICE_VERSION = 0x61, // Requests device version (module -> device, required)
GET_DEVICE_VERSION_RESPONSE = 0x62, // Device version answer (module <- device, required_
GET_ALL_ADDRESSES = 0x67, // Requests all devices addresses (module -> device, interactive, optional)
0x68, // Answer to request of all devices addresses (module <- device , interactive, optional)
HANDSET_CHANGE_NOTIFICATION = 0x69, // Handset change notification frame (module <- device , interactive, optional)
GET_DEVICE_ID = 0x70, // Requests Device ID (module -> device, required)
GET_DEVICE_ID_RESPONSE = 0x71, // Response to device ID request (module <- device , required)
GET_ALARM_STATUS = 0x73, // Alarm status request (module -> device, required)
GET_ALARM_STATUS_RESPONSE = 0x74, // Response to alarm status request (module <- device, required)
GET_DEVICE_CONFIGURATION = 0x7C, // Requests device configuration (module -> device, interactive, required)
0x7D, // Response to device configuration request (module <- device, interactive, required)
DOWNLINK_TRANSPARENT_TRANSMISSION = 0x8C, // Downlink transparent transmission (proxy data Haier cloud -> device)
// (module -> device, interactive, optional)
UPLINK_TRANSPARENT_TRANSMISSION = 0x8D, // Uplink transparent transmission (proxy data device -> Haier cloud) (module
// <- device, interactive, optional)
START_DEVICE_UPGRADE = 0xE1, // Initiate device OTA upgrade (module -> device, OTA required)
START_DEVICE_UPGRADE_RESPONSE = 0xE2, // Response to initiate device upgrade command (module <- device, OTA required)
GET_FIRMWARE_CONTENT = 0xE5, // Requests to send firmware (module <- device, OTA required)
0xE6, // Response to send firmware request (module -> device, OTA required) (multipacket?)
CHANGE_BAUD_RATE = 0xE7, // Requests to change port baud rate (module <- device, OTA required)
CHANGE_BAUD_RATE_RESPONSE = 0xE8, // Response to change port baud rate request (module -> device, OTA required)
GET_SUBBOARD_INFO = 0xE9, // Requests subboard information (module -> device, required)
GET_SUBBOARD_INFO_RESPONSE = 0xEA, // Response to subboard information request (module <- device, required)
GET_HARDWARE_INFO = 0xEB, // Requests information about device and subboard (module -> device, required)
GET_HARDWARE_INFO_RESPONSE = 0xEC, // Response to hardware information request (module <- device, required)
GET_UPGRADE_RESULT = 0xED, // Requests result of the firmware update (module <- device, OTA required)
GET_UPGRADE_RESULT_RESPONSE = 0xEF, // Response to firmware update results request (module -> device, OTA required)
GET_NETWORK_STATUS = 0xF0, // Requests network status (module <- device, interactive, optional)
GET_NETWORK_STATUS_RESPONSE = 0xF1, // Response to network status request (module -> device, interactive, optional)
START_WIFI_CONFIGURATION = 0xF2, // Starts WiFi configuration procedure (module <- device, interactive, required)
0xF3, // Response to start WiFi configuration request (module -> device, interactive, required)
STOP_WIFI_CONFIGURATION = 0xF4, // Stop WiFi configuration procedure (module <- device, interactive, required)
0xF5, // Response to stop WiFi configuration request (module -> device, interactive, required)
REPORT_NETWORK_STATUS = 0xF7, // Reports network status (module -> device, required)
CLEAR_CONFIGURATION = 0xF8, // Request to clear module configuration (module <- device, interactive, optional)
0xFA, // Configuration for autoreport device full status (module -> device, interactive, optional)
0xFB, // Response to set big data configuration (module <- device, interactive, optional)
GET_MANAGEMENT_INFORMATION = 0xFC, // Request management information from device (module -> device, required)
0xFD, // Response to management information request (module <- device, required)
WAKE_UP = 0xFE, // Request to wake up (module <-> device, optional)
enum class SubcommandsControl : uint16_t {
GET_PARAMETERS = 0x4C01, // Request specific parameters (packet content: parameter ID1 + parameter ID2 + ...)
GET_USER_DATA = 0x4D01, // Request all user data from device (packet content: None)
GET_BIG_DATA = 0x4DFE, // Request big data information from device (packet content: None)
SET_PARAMETERS = 0x5C01, // Set parameters of the device and device return parameters (packet content: parameter ID1
// + parameter data1 + parameter ID2 + parameter data 2 + ...)
SET_SINGLE_PARAMETER = 0x5D00, // Set single parameter (0x5DXX second byte define parameter ID) and return all user
// data (packet content: ???)
SET_GROUP_PARAMETERS = 0x6001, // Set group parameters to device (0x60XX second byte define parameter is group ID,
// the only group mentioned in document is 1) and return all user data (packet
// content: all values like in status packet)
} // namespace hon_protocol
} // namespace haier
} // namespace esphome