mirror of
synced 2025-03-10 13:09:20 +01:00
* Implement custom sensor platform
* Update
* Ethernet
* Lint
* Fix
* Login page
* Rename cookie secret
* Update manifest
* Update cookie check logic
* Favicon
* Fix
* Favicon manifest
* Fix
* Fix
* Fix
* Use hostname
* Message
* Temporary commit for screenshot
* Automatic board selection
* Undo temporary commit
* Update esphomeyaml-edge
* In-dashboard editing and hosting files locally
* Update esphomeyaml-edge
* Better ANSI color escaping
* Message
* Lint
* Download Efficiency
* Fix gitlab
* Fix
* Rename extra_libraries to libraries
* Add example
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
* Update README.md
* HassIO -> Hass.io
* Updates
* Add update available notice
* Update
* Fix substitutions
* Better error message
* Re-do dashboard ANSI colors
* Only include FastLED if user says so
* Autoscroll logs
* Remove old checks
* Use safer RedirectText
* Improvements
* Fix
* Use enviornment variable
* Use http://hassio/host/info
* Fix conditions
* Update platformio versions
* Revert "Use enviornment variable"
This reverts commit 7f038eb5d2
* Fix
* README update
* Temp
* Better invalid config messages
* Platformio debug
* Improve error messages
* Debug
* Remove debug
* Multi Conf
* Update
* Better paths
* Remove unused
* Fixes
* Lint
* lib_ignore
* Try fix platformio colors
* Fix dashboard scrolling
* Revert
* Lint
* Revert
602 lines
20 KiB
602 lines
20 KiB
from __future__ import print_function
from collections import OrderedDict
import importlib
import json
import logging
import re
import voluptuous as vol
from esphomeyaml import core, core_config, yaml_util
from esphomeyaml.components import substitutions
from esphomeyaml.core import CORE, EsphomeyamlError
from esphomeyaml.helpers import color, indent
from esphomeyaml.util import safe_print
# pylint: disable=unused-import, wrong-import-order
from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union # noqa
from esphomeyaml.core import ConfigType # noqa
_LOGGER = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def get_component(domain):
if domain in _COMPONENT_CACHE:
return _COMPONENT_CACHE[domain]
path = 'esphomeyaml.components.{}'.format(domain)
module = importlib.import_module(path)
except (ImportError, ValueError) as err:
_COMPONENT_CACHE[domain] = module
return module
_LOGGER.error("Unable to find component %s", domain)
return None
def get_platform(domain, platform):
return get_component("{}.{}".format(domain, platform))
def is_platform_component(component):
return hasattr(component, 'PLATFORM_SCHEMA')
def iter_components(config):
for domain, conf in config.iteritems():
if domain == CONF_ESPHOMEYAML:
yield CONF_ESPHOMEYAML, core_config, conf
component = get_component(domain)
if getattr(component, 'MULTI_CONF', False):
for conf_ in conf:
yield domain, component, conf_
yield domain, component, conf
if is_platform_component(component):
for p_config in conf:
p_name = u"{}.{}".format(domain, p_config[CONF_PLATFORM])
platform = get_component(p_name)
yield p_name, platform, p_config
ConfigPath = List[Union[basestring, int]]
def _path_begins_with_(path, other): # type: (ConfigPath, ConfigPath) -> bool
if len(path) < len(other):
return False
return path[:len(other)] == other
def _path_begins_with(path, other): # type: (ConfigPath, ConfigPath) -> bool
ret = _path_begins_with_(path, other)
# print('_path_begins_with({}, {}) -> {}'.format(path, other, ret))
return ret
class Config(OrderedDict):
def __init__(self):
super(Config, self).__init__()
self.errors = [] # type: List[Tuple[basestring, ConfigPath]]
self.domains = [] # type: List[Tuple[ConfigPath, basestring]]
def add_error(self, message, path):
# type: (basestring, ConfigPath) -> None
if not isinstance(message, unicode):
message = unicode(message)
self.errors.append((message, path))
def add_domain(self, path, name):
# type: (ConfigPath, basestring) -> None
self.domains.append((path, name))
def remove_domain(self, path, name):
self.domains.remove((path, name))
def lookup_domain(self, path):
# type: (ConfigPath) -> Optional[basestring]
best_len = 0
best_domain = None
for d_path, domain in self.domains:
if len(d_path) < best_len:
if _path_begins_with(path, d_path):
best_len = len(d_path)
best_domain = domain
return best_domain
def is_in_error_path(self, path):
for _, p in self.errors:
if _path_begins_with(p, path):
return True
return False
def get_error_for_path(self, path):
for msg, p in self.errors:
if self.nested_item_path(p) == path:
return msg
return None
def nested_item(self, path):
data = self
for item_index in path:
data = data[item_index]
except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):
return {}
return data
def nested_item_path(self, path):
data = self
part = []
for item_index in path:
data = data[item_index]
except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):
return part
return part
def iter_ids(config, path=None):
path = path or []
if isinstance(config, core.ID):
yield config, path
elif isinstance(config, core.Lambda):
for id in config.requires_ids:
yield id, path
elif isinstance(config, list):
for i, item in enumerate(config):
for result in iter_ids(item, path + [i]):
yield result
elif isinstance(config, dict):
for key, value in config.iteritems():
for result in iter_ids(value, path + [key]):
yield result
def do_id_pass(result): # type: (Config) -> None
from esphomeyaml.cpp_generator import MockObjClass
declare_ids = [] # type: List[Tuple[core.ID, ConfigPath]]
searching_ids = [] # type: List[Tuple[core.ID, ConfigPath]]
for id, path in iter_ids(result):
if id.is_declaration:
if id.id is not None and any(v[0].id == id.id for v in declare_ids):
result.add_error(u"ID {} redefined!".format(id.id), path)
declare_ids.append((id, path))
searching_ids.append((id, path))
# Resolve default ids after manual IDs
for id, _ in declare_ids:
id.resolve([v[0].id for v in declare_ids])
# Check searched IDs
for id, path in searching_ids:
if id.id is not None:
# manually declared
match = next((v[0] for v in declare_ids if v[0].id == id.id), None)
if match is None:
# No declared ID with this name
result.add_error("Couldn't find ID '{}'".format(id.id), path)
if not isinstance(match.type, MockObjClass) or not isinstance(id.type, MockObjClass):
if not match.type.inherits_from(id.type):
result.add_error("ID '{}' of type {} doesn't inherit from {}. Please double check "
"your ID is pointing to the correct value"
"".format(id.id, match.type, id.type), path)
if id.id is None and id.type is not None:
for v in declare_ids:
if v[0] is None or not isinstance(v[0].type, MockObjClass):
inherits = v[0].type.inherits_from(id.type)
if inherits:
id.id = v[0].id
result.add_error("Couldn't resolve ID for type '{}'".format(id.type), path)
def validate_config(config):
result = Config()
def _comp_error(ex, path):
# type: (vol.Invalid, List[basestring]) -> None
if isinstance(ex, vol.MultipleInvalid):
errors = ex.errors
errors = [ex]
for e in errors:
path_ = path + e.path
domain = result.lookup_domain(path_) or ''
result.add_error(_format_vol_invalid(e, config, path, domain), path_)
skip_paths = list() # type: List[ConfigPath]
# Step 1: Load everything
for domain, conf in config.iteritems():
domain = str(domain)
if domain == CONF_ESPHOMEYAML or domain.startswith(u'.'):
result.add_domain([domain], domain)
result[domain] = conf
if conf is None:
result[domain] = conf = {}
component = get_component(domain)
if component is None:
result.add_error(u"Component not found: {}".format(domain), [domain])
if not isinstance(conf, list) and getattr(component, 'MULTI_CONF', False):
result[domain] = conf = [conf]
success = True
dependencies = getattr(component, 'DEPENDENCIES', [])
for dependency in dependencies:
if dependency not in config:
result.add_error(u"Component {} requires component {}".format(domain, dependency),
success = False
if not success:
success = True
conflicts_with = getattr(component, 'CONFLICTS_WITH', [])
for conflict in conflicts_with:
if conflict not in config:
result.add_error(u"Component {} cannot be used together with component {}"
u"".format(domain, conflict), [domain])
success = False
if not success:
esp_platforms = getattr(component, 'ESP_PLATFORMS', ESP_PLATFORMS)
if CORE.esp_platform not in esp_platforms:
result.add_error(u"Component {} doesn't support {}.".format(domain, CORE.esp_platform),
if not hasattr(component, 'PLATFORM_SCHEMA'):
result.remove_domain([domain], domain)
if not isinstance(conf, list) and conf:
result[domain] = conf = [conf]
for i, p_config in enumerate(conf):
if not isinstance(p_config, dict):
result.add_error(u"Platform schemas must have 'platform:' key", [domain, i])
skip_paths.append([domain, i])
p_name = p_config.get('platform')
if p_name is None:
result.add_error(u"No platform specified for {}".format(domain), [domain, i])
skip_paths.append([domain, i])
p_domain = u'{}.{}'.format(domain, p_name)
result.add_domain([domain, i], p_domain)
platform = get_platform(domain, p_name)
if platform is None:
result.add_error(u"Platform not found: '{}'".format(p_domain), [domain, i])
skip_paths.append([domain, i])
success = True
dependencies = getattr(platform, 'DEPENDENCIES', [])
for dependency in dependencies:
if dependency not in config:
result.add_error(u"Platform {} requires component {}"
u"".format(p_domain, dependency), [domain, i])
success = False
if not success:
skip_paths.append([domain, i])
success = True
conflicts_with = getattr(platform, 'CONFLICTS_WITH', [])
for conflict in conflicts_with:
if conflict not in config:
result.add_error(u"Platform {} cannot be used together with component {}"
u"".format(p_domain, conflict), [domain, i])
success = False
if not success:
skip_paths.append([domain, i])
esp_platforms = getattr(platform, 'ESP_PLATFORMS', ESP_PLATFORMS)
if CORE.esp_platform not in esp_platforms:
result.add_error(u"Platform {} doesn't support {}."
u"".format(p_domain, CORE.esp_platform), [domain, i])
skip_paths.append([domain, i])
# Step 2: Validate configuration
except vol.Invalid as ex:
_comp_error(ex, [CONF_ESPHOMEYAML])
for domain, conf in result.iteritems():
domain = str(domain)
if [domain] in skip_paths:
component = get_component(domain)
if hasattr(component, 'CONFIG_SCHEMA'):
multi_conf = getattr(component, 'MULTI_CONF', False)
if multi_conf:
for i, conf_ in enumerate(conf):
validated = component.CONFIG_SCHEMA(conf_)
result[domain][i] = validated
except vol.Invalid as ex:
_comp_error(ex, [domain, i])
validated = component.CONFIG_SCHEMA(conf)
result[domain] = validated
except vol.Invalid as ex:
_comp_error(ex, [domain])
if not hasattr(component, 'PLATFORM_SCHEMA'):
for i, p_config in enumerate(conf):
if [domain, i] in skip_paths:
p_name = p_config['platform']
platform = get_platform(domain, p_name)
if hasattr(platform, 'PLATFORM_SCHEMA'):
p_validated = platform.PLATFORM_SCHEMA(p_config)
except vol.Invalid as ex:
_comp_error(ex, [domain, i])
result[domain][i] = p_validated
return result
def _nested_getitem(data, path):
for item_index in path:
data = data[item_index]
except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):
return None
return data
def humanize_error(config, validation_error):
offending_item_summary = _nested_getitem(config, validation_error.path)
if isinstance(offending_item_summary, dict):
offending_item_summary = json.dumps(offending_item_summary)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
validation_error = unicode(validation_error)
m = re.match(r'^(.*?)\s*(?:for dictionary value )?@ data\[.*$', validation_error)
if m is not None:
validation_error = m.group(1)
validation_error = validation_error.strip()
if not validation_error.endswith(u'.'):
validation_error += u'.'
if offending_item_summary is None:
return validation_error
return u"{} Got '{}'".format(validation_error, offending_item_summary)
def _format_vol_invalid(ex, config, path, domain):
# type: (vol.Invalid, ConfigType, ConfigPath, basestring) -> unicode
message = u''
if u'extra keys not allowed' in ex.error_message:
paren = ex.path[-2]
except IndexError:
paren = domain
message += u'[{}] is an invalid option for [{}].'.format(ex.path[-1], paren)
elif u'required key not provided' in ex.error_message:
paren = ex.path[-2]
except IndexError:
paren = domain
message += u"'{}' is a required option for [{}].".format(ex.path[-1], paren)
message += humanize_error(_nested_getitem(config, path), ex)
return message
def load_config():
config = yaml_util.load_yaml(CORE.config_path)
except OSError:
raise EsphomeyamlError(u"Could not read configuration file at {}".format(CORE.config_path))
CORE.raw_config = config
config = substitutions.do_substitution_pass(config)
result = validate_config(config)
except EsphomeyamlError:
except Exception:
_LOGGER.error(u"Unexpected exception while reading configuration:")
return result
def line_info(obj, highlight=True):
"""Display line config source."""
if not highlight:
return None
if hasattr(obj, '__config_file__'):
return color('cyan', "[source {}:{}]"
.format(obj.__config_file__, obj.__line__ or '?'))
return None
def _print_on_next_line(obj):
if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple, dict)):
return True
if isinstance(obj, str):
return len(obj) > 80
if isinstance(obj, core.Lambda):
return len(obj.value) > 80
return False
def dump_dict(config, path, at_root=True):
# type: (Config, ConfigPath, bool) -> Tuple[unicode, bool]
conf = config.nested_item(path)
ret = u''
multiline = False
if at_root:
error = config.get_error_for_path(path)
if error is not None:
ret += u'\n' + color('bold_red', error) + u'\n'
if isinstance(conf, (list, tuple)):
multiline = True
if not conf:
ret += u'[]'
multiline = False
for i in range(len(conf)):
path_ = path + [i]
error = config.get_error_for_path(path_)
if error is not None:
ret += u'\n' + color('bold_red', error) + u'\n'
sep = u'- '
if config.is_in_error_path(path_):
sep = color('red', sep)
msg, _ = dump_dict(config, path_, at_root=False)
msg = indent(msg)
inf = line_info(config.nested_item(path_), highlight=config.is_in_error_path(path_))
if inf is not None:
msg = inf + u'\n' + msg
elif msg:
msg = msg[2:]
ret += sep + msg + u'\n'
elif isinstance(conf, dict):
multiline = True
if not conf:
ret += u'{}'
multiline = False
for k in conf.iterkeys():
path_ = path + [k]
error = config.get_error_for_path(path_)
if error is not None:
ret += u'\n' + color('bold_red', error) + u'\n'
st = u'{}: '.format(k)
if config.is_in_error_path(path_):
st = color('red', st)
msg, m = dump_dict(config, path_, at_root=False)
inf = line_info(config.nested_item(path_), highlight=config.is_in_error_path(path_))
if m:
msg = u'\n' + indent(msg)
if inf is not None:
if m:
msg = u' ' + inf + msg
msg = msg + u' ' + inf
ret += st + msg + u'\n'
elif isinstance(conf, str):
if not conf:
conf += u"''"
if len(conf) > 80:
conf = u'|-\n' + indent(conf)
error = config.get_error_for_path(path)
col = 'bold_red' if error else 'white'
ret += color(col, unicode(conf))
elif isinstance(conf, core.Lambda):
conf = u'!lambda |-\n' + indent(unicode(conf.value))
error = config.get_error_for_path(path)
col = 'bold_red' if error else 'white'
ret += color(col, conf)
elif conf is None:
error = config.get_error_for_path(path)
col = 'bold_red' if error else 'white'
ret += color(col, unicode(conf))
multiline = u'\n' in ret
return ret, multiline
def strip_default_ids(config):
if isinstance(config, list):
to_remove = []
for i, x in enumerate(config):
x = config[i] = strip_default_ids(x)
if isinstance(x, core.ID) and not x.is_manual:
for x in to_remove:
elif isinstance(config, dict):
to_remove = []
for k, v in config.iteritems():
v = config[k] = strip_default_ids(v)
if isinstance(v, core.ID) and not v.is_manual:
for k in to_remove:
return config
def read_config(verbose):
_LOGGER.info("Reading configuration...")
res = load_config()
except EsphomeyamlError as err:
_LOGGER.error(u"Error while reading config: %s", err)
return None
if res.errors:
if not verbose:
res = strip_default_ids(res)
safe_print(color('bold_red', u"Failed config"))
for path, domain in res.domains:
if not res.is_in_error_path(path):
safe_print(color('bold_red', u'{}:'.format(domain)) + u' ' +
(line_info(res.nested_item(path)) or u''))
safe_print(indent(dump_dict(res, path)[0]))
return None
return OrderedDict(res)